Project OM Mashup Megathread

I've finally stopped procrastinating long enough to post a ban that we agreed on 3 days ago

Last Respects has been quickbanned from Tier Shift AAA!

Should have been banned the whole time. Council voted to quickban on the 10th and then...we just kinda didn't post anything (that's on me!)

Tours have been run without it for a while and it clearly doesn't fit in with the metagame. Hope to see y'all in tours soon! Kyurem-White webs (probably needs some tweaks, a little Noivern sensitive!) Double Bears + Paraspam. Love Sniper Urshifu, think Ursaring is hilarious, and Regice is just so fun.

EDIT: I forgot the codes like a fool

/tour new [Gen 9] Anything Goes,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Tier Shift AAA
/tour rules Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking,-Last Respects
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7
/challenge [Gen 9] Anything Goes @@@ Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking, -Last Respects
I've finally stopped procrastinating long enough to post a ban that we agreed on 3 days ago

Last Respects has been quickbanned from Tier Shift AAA!

Should have been banned the whole time. Council voted to quickban on the 10th and then...we just kinda didn't post anything (that's on me!)

Tours have been run without it for a while and it clearly doesn't fit in with the metagame. Hope to see y'all in tours soon! Kyurem-White webs (probably needs some tweaks, a little Noivern sensitive!) Double Bears + Paraspam. Love Sniper Urshifu, think Ursaring is hilarious, and Regice is just so fun.

EDIT: I forgot the codes like a fool

/tour new [Gen 9] Anything Goes,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Tier Shift AAA
/tour rules Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking,-Last Respects
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7
/challenge [Gen 9] Anything Goes @@@ Standard OMs,Tier Shift Mod,!Obtainable Abilities,Sleep Moves Clause,Ability Clause = 1,Terastal Clause,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce, -Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Triage,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard,-Kings Rock,-Baton Pass,-Revival Blessing,-Arceus-*,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Deoxys-Attack,-Eternatus,-Ho-Oh,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Koraidon,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Pikachu,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Slaking, -Last Respects
we banned stuff like stakeout but we forgot last respects LOL everyone thought it was banned already
LC Mix and Mega Mashups
Proof Haru is crazy
Thanks to
Ipika and adpg.alt for helping a barely sane person with this
:ss/Staryu:What is National Dex LC Mix and Mega?:ss/Staryu:
Nat Dex LC Mix and Mega is a mashup of National Dex, Little Cup, and Mix and Mega. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, and are obtainable at level 5 in-game. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions.

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned:
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :corsola-galar: Corsola-Galar
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :meditite: Meditite
  • :rufflet:Rufflet
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:

  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :archen: Archen
  • :buizel: Buizel
  • :buneary: Buneary
  • :carvanha: Carvanha
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :mienfoo: Mienfoo
  • :pawniard: Pawniard
  • :ponyta: Ponyta
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
  • Eevium Z
Baton Pass

/challenge [Gen 9] Mix and Mega @@@ Little Cup, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Stantler, -Corsola, -Lucarionite, -Eevium Z, *Aipom, *Dratini, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Murkrow, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, *Elekid, *Ponyta-Base, *Pawniard, *Carvanha, *Buizel, *Scyther, *Mienfoo, *Archen, *Buneary, !!Minsourcegen=1, +past, +Kangaskhanite, +Red Orb

:sv/Gligar:What is LC Stab and Mega?:sv/Gligar:
LC Stab and Mega is a mashup of Little Cup, Stabmons, and Mix and Mega. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, and are obtainable at level 5 in-game. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions and gain access to any moves of their typing, in a Little Cup format.

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned:
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :meditite: Meditite
  • :rufflet:Rufflet
  • :scyther:Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :pawniard: Pawniard
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
  • Eevium Z
  • Acupressure
  • Astral Barrage
  • Belly Drum
  • Extreme Speed
  • Fillet Away
  • Gigaton Hammer
  • Last Respects
  • No Retreat
  • Population Bomb
  • Revival Blessing
  • Shed Tail
  • Shell Smash
  • Shift Gear
  • Spore
  • Surging Strikes
  • Tail Glow
  • V-Create
  • Victory Dance
  • Wicked Blow
Baton Pass
Sticky Web

/challenge [Gen 9] Mix and Mega @@@ !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Red Orb, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, *Gastly, *Girafarig, -Meditite, *Pawniard, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gligar, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, Little Cup, STABmons Move Legality, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Boomburst, *Dark Void, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Gigaton Hammer, *Hypnosis, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Sing, *Sleep Powder, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *Tail Glow, *V-Create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
/tour new [Gen 9] Mix and Mega, elim,,, [Gen 9] Little Cup STAB and Mega /tour rules !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Red Orb, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, *Gastly, *Girafarig, -Meditite, *Pawniard, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gligar, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, Little Cup, STABmons Move Legality, *Acupressure, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Boomburst, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Gigaton Hammer, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *Tail Glow, *V-Create, *Victory Dance, *Wicked Blow
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7

:sv/meowth-alola:What is LC Mix and Mega UU?:sv/meowth-alola:
LC Mix and Mega is a mashup of Little Cup and Mix and Mega. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, are obtainable at level 5 in-game, and ranked B or lower on the LC MnM Viability Rankings. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions.

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned:
  • Ubers:
    • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
    • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
    • :duraludon: Duraludon
    • :meditite: Meditite
    • :rufflet:Rufflet
    • :scyther: Scyther
    • :sneasel: Sneasel
    • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
    • :stantler: Stantler
  • OU by Viability:
    • :arrokuda:Arrokuda
    • :chinchou:Chinchou
    • :diglett:Diglett
    • :foongus:Foongus
    • :gligar:Gligar
    • :mankey:Mankey
    • :mienfoo:Mienfoo
    • :qwilfish-hisui:Qwilfish-Hisui
    • :sandshrew-alola:Sandshrew-Alola
    • :shellder:Shellder
    • :stunky:Stunky
    • :vullaby:Vullaby
    • :wattrel:Wattrel
    • :wingull:Wingull
  • UUBL:
    • None yet.
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :buizel: Buizel
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :pawniard: Pawniard
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Kangaskhanite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
Baton Pass
Sticky Web

/challenge [Gen 9] Mix and Mega @@@ Little Cup, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, +Red Orb, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Buizel, *Cutiefly, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Mienfoo, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Pawniard, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, -Sandshrew-Alola, -Chinchou, -Stunky, -Arrokuda, -Gligar, -Mienfoo, -Vullaby, -Wattrel, -Diglett-Base, -Foongus, -Larvesta, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Mankey, -Shellder, -Wingull
/tour new [Gen 9] Mix and Mega,Elimination,,, [Gen 9] LC MnM UU/tour rules Little Cup, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, *Aipom, *Blitzle, *Buizel, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Glimmet, *Pawniard, *Voltorb-Hisui, -Arrokuda, -Basculin, -Chinchou, -Cutiefly, -Diglett-Alola, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Foongus, -Gligar, -Growlithe-Hisui, -Larvesta, -Lucarionite, -Mankey, -Meditite -Mienfoo, -Misdreavus, -Murkrow, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Sandshrew-Alola, -Scyther, -Shellder, -Sneasel, -Stantler, -Sticky Web, -Stunky, -Voltorb-Base, -Vullaby, -Wattrel, -Wingull, +Arena Trap, +Red Orb, +Rusted Sword, +Shadow Tag
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7
  • :gastly: Gastly

:Nohface:What is CAP LC Mix and Mega?:Nohface:
CAP LC Mix and Mega A is a mashup of CAP, Little Cup, and Mix and Mega. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, and are obtainable at level 5 in-game, including qualifying Create-A-Pokemon creations. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions. Unlike CAP LC Mix and Mega UU Kinda, this format is based on the base LC Mix and Mega format, while CAP LC Mix and Mega UU Kinda is based on LC Mix and Mega UU.

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned:
  • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
  • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
  • :duraludon: Duraludon
  • :meditite: Meditite
  • :rufflet: Rufflet
  • :scyther: Scyther
  • :sneasel: Sneasel
  • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
  • :stantler: Stantler
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:

  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :buizel: Buizel
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :gligar: Gligar
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :mienfoo: Mienfoo
  • :ponyta: Ponyta
  • :qwilfish-hisui: Qwilfish-Hisui
  • :solotl: Solotl
  • :syclar: Syclar
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
  • Vile Vial
Baton Pass

/challenge gen9mixandmega @@@ Little Cup, CAP, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Crucibellite, +Red Orb, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, *Aipom, *Buizel, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Gligar, *Girafarig, *Mienfoo, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Solotl, *Syclar, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, -Vile Vial

:Dorsoil:What is CAP LC Mix and Mega UU Kinda?:dorsoil:
CAP LC Mix and Mega B is a mashup of CAP, Little Cup, and Mix and Mega. In this metagame, players may only use Pokémon that have not yet evolved, are capable of evolution, and are obtainable at level 5 in-game, including qualifying Create-A-Pokémon creations. These Pokémon can use Mega Stones to gain the stats and abilities of those mega evolutions. Unlike CAP LC Mix and Mega A, this format is based on the LC Mix and Mega UU format, while CAP LC Mix and Mega A is based on the base LC Mix and Mega format. This technically isn't a UU because it's not the UU of CAP LC mnm, it's just a format based on LC mnm UU.

Ruleset and Banlist:
Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokedex number on a team.
OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
Sleep Clause: If a player has already put a Pokemon on his/her opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, another one can't be put to sleep.
Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
Mega Stone Clause: A limit of one of each Mega Stone may be used.
Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokemon from Terastallizing.
These Pokemon are banned:
    • Ubers:
      • :basculin: Basculin-White-Striped
      • :dunsparce: Dunsparce
      • :duraludon: Duraludon
      • :meditite: Meditite
      • :pawniard:Pawniard
      • :rufflet:Rufflet
      • :scyther: Scyther
      • :sneasel: Sneasel
      • :sneasel-hisui: Sneasel-Hisui
      • :stantler: Stantler
    • OU by Viability:
      • :arrokuda:Arrokuda
      • :chinchou:Chinchou
      • :diglett:Diglett
      • :foongus:Foongus
      • :gligar:Gligar
      • :mankey:Mankey
      • :mienfoo:Mienfoo
      • :qwilfish-hisui:Qwilfish-Hisui
      • :sandshrew-alola:Sandshrew-Alola
      • :shellder:Shellder
      • :stunky:Stunky
      • :vullaby:Vullaby
      • :wattrel:Wattrel
      • :wingull:Wingull
    • UUBL:
      • :cawdet: Cawdet
These Pokemon cannot Mega Evolve even when holding a mega stone:
  • :aipom: Aipom
  • :buizel: Buizel
  • :dratini: Dratini
  • :elekid: Elekid
  • :gastly: Gastly
  • :girafarig: Girafarig
  • :misdreavus: Misdreavus
  • :pawniard: Pawniard
  • :solotl: Solotl
  • :syclar: Syclar:
  • :voltorb-hisui: Voltorb-Hisui
  • :yanma: Yanma
  • Beedrillite
  • Blazikenite
  • Gengarite
  • Kangaskhanite
  • Lucarionite
  • Mawilite
  • Medichamite
  • Pidgeotite
  • Vile Vial
Baton Pass
Sticky Web

/challenge [Gen 9] Mix and Mega @@@ Little Cup, CAP, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Crucibellite, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, -Basculin, -Cawdet, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Meditite, -Rufflet, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Stantler, -Lucarionite, +Red Orb, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Buizel, *Cutiefly, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Mienfoo, *Misdreavus, *Murkrow, *Pawniard, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Yanma, -Sandshrew-Alola, -Chinchou, -Stunky, -Arrokuda, -Gligar, -Mienfoo, -Vullaby, -Wattrel, -Diglett-Base, -Foongus, -Larvesta, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Mankey, -Shellder, -Wingull, -Vile Vial
/tour new [Gen 9] Mix and Mega,Elimination,,, [Gen 9] CAP LC MnM B/tour rules Little Cup, CAP, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, +Arena Trap, +Crucibellite, +Red Orb, +Rusted Sword, +Arena Trap, +Shadow Tag, *Aipom, *Blitzle, *Buizel, *Dratini, *Elekid, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Glimmet, *Pawniard, *Solotl, *Syclar, *Voltorb-Hisui, -Arrokuda, -Basculin, -Cawdet, -Chinchou, -Cutiefly, -Diglett-Alola, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Foongus, -Gligar, -Grookey, -Growlithe-Hisui, -Larvesta, -Lucarionite, -Mankey, -Meditite, -Mienfoo, -Misdreavus, -Monohm, -Mudbray, -Murkrow, -Nohface, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Sandshrew-Alola, -Scyther, -Shellder, -Sneasel, -Stantler, -Stunky, -Voltorb-Base, -Vullaby, -Wingull, -Sticky Web, -Vile Vial
  • N/A
Last edited:
Hi everyone, I've got some news for OMMs.

Some sad news, CringeMeta has chosen to step down from their position as Room Owner. We would like to thank them for all their contributions to OMMs and the community.

Some good news, I'd like to congratulate Clas our newest Mashups Leader and Room Owner!
An extremely passionate & knowledgeable member of the community. I'm excited to see the things they do to grow this wonderful community.
:sv/kilowattrel: Tier Shift PokeAAAbilities :sm/lanturn:
What is TSPokeAAAbilities? It's the combination of Tier Shift Mod, Almost Any Ability, and Pokebilities. In this format, all mons get all their abilities at once (Pokebilities), as well as an additional ability (AAA). Tier Shift Mod is also active so mons in lower tiers get stat buffs. Pokémon below OU get their stats, excluding HP, boosted. UU/RUBL get +15, RU/NUBL get +20, NU/PUBL get +25, and PU or lower get +30.

:dustox: Best Gal - May you play Gen 4 Randbats in peace ~~

  • Standard OMs
  • Tier Shift Mod
  • Terastal Clause
  • Obtainable Abilities
  • AAA Restricted Abilities

:Arceus: Arceus
:Basculin: Basculin
:Basculegion: Basculegion
:Braviary-Hisui: Hisuian Braviary
:Calyrex-Shadow: Shadow Rider Calyrex
:Conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:Deoxys-Attack: Deoxys-Attack
:Eternatus: Eternatus
:Excadrill: Excadrill
:Ho-oh: Ho-oh
:Hoopa-Unbound: Hoopa Unbound
:Koraidon: Koraidon
:Kyogre: Kyogre
:Lugia: Lugia
:Miraidon: Miraidon
:Necrozma-Dusk-Mane: Dusk Mane Necrozma
:Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z
:Rayquaza: Rayquaza
:Smeargle: Smeargle
:ursaring: Ursaring
:Yanmega: Yanmega
:Zoroark-Hisui: Hisuian Zoroark

Arena Trap
Shadow Tag

Regenerator + Wimp Out
Regenerator + Emergency Exit
Regenerator > 2
Drizzle + Swift Swim
Primordial Sea + Swift Swim
Drought + Chlorophyll
Desolate Land + Chlorophyll
Electric Surge + Surge Surfer
Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer
Hadron Engine + Quark Drive
Electric Surge + Quark Drive
Drought + Protosynthesis
Fur Coat
Good as Gold
Gorilla Tactics
Huge Power
Ice Scales
Innards Out
Magic Bounce
Magnet Pull
Neutralizing Gas
Orichalcum Pulse
Parental Bond
Poison Heal
Pure Power
Speed Boost
Toxic Debris
Water Bubble
Wonder Guard

King's Rock
Heat Rock
Razor Fang
Baton Pass
Last Respects
Revival Blessing
Shed Tail

:Kilowattrel: Kilowattrel
:medicham: Medicham
:Hitmonlee: Unburden
:Gumshoos: Gumshoos (why is this here you ask? zac c gets 2hkoed by this)

:hitmonlee: :minior: :lilligant: :salamence: :bruxish: :scream tail:
Quark Drive Hitmonlee+TLens Lilligant by The Kalos Fox

/challenge [Gen 9] Pokebilities @@@+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Calyrex-Ice,+Chien-Pao,+Chi-yu,+Deoxys-Base,+Dialga,+Dialga-Origin,+Espathra,+Flutter Mane,+Giratina,+Giratina-Origin,+Iron Bundle,+Groudon,+Kyurem-*,+Landorus-Base,+Lunala,+Magearna,+Mewtwo,+Necrozma-Dawn-Wings,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Palafin,+Palkia,+Palkia-Origin,+Regieleki,+Reshiram,+Shaymin-Sky,+Sneasler,+Solgaleo,+Spectrier,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,-Ursaring,+Urshifu,+Zacian,+Zacian-Crowned,+Zamazenta,+Zamazenta-Crowned,+Zekrom,-Basculin,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Yanmega,-Zoroark-Hisui,-Revival Blessing,-Regenerator + Wimp Out,-Regenerator + Emergency Exit,-Regenerator > 2,-Drizzle + Swift Swim,-Primordial Sea + Swift Swim,-Drought + Chlorophyll,-Desolate Land + Chlorophyll,-Electric Surge + Surge Surfer,-Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer,-Hadron Engine + Quark Drive,-Electric Surge + Quark Drive,-Drought + Protosynthesis,*Comatose,*Contrary,*Fur Coat,*Good as Gold,*Gorilla Tactics,*Huge Power,*Ice Scales,*Illusion,*Imposter,*Innards Out,*Magic Bounce,-Magnet Pull,-Heat Rock,*Neutralizing Gas,*Orichalcum Pulse,*Parental Bond,*Poison Heal,*Pure Power,*Simple,*Speed Boost,*Stakeout,*Toxic Debris,*Triage,*Unburden,*Water Bubble,*Wonder Guard,!Obtainable Abilities,Terastal Clause,AAA Restricted Abilities,Tier Shift Mod
/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, elim,,, [Gen 9] Tier Shift PokeAAA
/tour rules +Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Calyrex-Ice,+Chien-Pao,+Chi-yu,+Deoxys-Base,+Dialga,+Dialga-Origin,+Espathra,+Flutter Mane,+Giratina,+Giratina-Origin,+Iron Bundle,+Groudon,+Kyurem-*,+Landorus-Base,+Lunala,+Magearna,+Mewtwo,+Necrozma-Dawn-Wings,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Palafin,+Palkia,+Palkia-Origin,+Regieleki,+Reshiram,+Shaymin-Sky,+Sneasler,+Solgaleo,+Spectrier,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,-Ursaring,+Urshifu,+Zacian,+Zacian-Crowned,+Zamazenta,+Zamazenta-Crowned,+Zekrom,-Basculin,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Yanmega,-Zoroark-Hisui,-Revival Blessing,-Regenerator + Wimp Out,-Regenerator + Emergency Exit,-Regenerator > 2,-Drizzle + Swift Swim,-Primordial Sea + Swift Swim,-Drought + Chlorophyll,-Desolate Land + Chlorophyll,-Electric Surge + Surge Surfer,-Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer,-Hadron Engine + Quark Drive,-Electric Surge + Quark Drive,-Drought + Protosynthesis,*Comatose,*Contrary,*Fur Coat,*Good as Gold,*Gorilla Tactics,*Huge Power,*Ice Scales,*Illusion,*Imposter,*Innards Out,*Magic Bounce,-Magnet Pull,-Heat Rock,*Neutralizing Gas,*Orichalcum Pulse,*Parental Bond,*Poison Heal,*Pure Power,*Simple,*Speed Boost,*Stakeout,*Toxic Debris,*Triage,*Unburden,*Water Bubble,*Wonder Guard,!Obtainable Abilities,Terastal Clause,AAA Restricted Abilities,Tier Shift Mod
/wall This is Tier Shift, Pokebilities and Almost Any Ability
/wall Hub:
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7

Edit 1: I would also like to note some mons, for example Zacian-Crowned :zacian-crowned: are ability locked, meaning putting an extra ability on it will not work.
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Tier Shift PokeAAAbilities Update
Calyrex Ice Rider :calyrex-ice: and Urshifu :urshifu: are unbanned from tspokeaaa!
After a unanimous vote, the council has agreed to unban Calyrex-Ice Rider and Urshifu. We don't see Calyrex-Ice as too big of a problem, and Urshifu is normally not banned from TSAAA.

The codes will be updated shortly. Codes are updated.
:pip::totodiLUL: ^~^
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Tier Shift PokeAAAbilities Update
Ursaring :ursaring: is now banned from TsPokeAAAbilities! It can run Toxic Boost as an extra ability, along with Guts Toxic Orb making a 2.25 multiplier. This also allows it to spam Facade, a now 140 base power STAB normal type move with no drawback. It gets a free Scarf too, with Quick Feet, and Tier Shift giving it a base 85 speed. Max speed Ursaring reaches 442, enough to outspeed even Zacian Crowned :zacian-crowned:.
Codes are updated.
Random Little Cup Mashups Compilation
(I´m gonna update this everytime I make a new one) (Less of a Hub and more a Code Dump)

This is the combination of National Dex LC and STABmons, meaning that every Little Cup Pokemon can get almost every move

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] National Dex Little Cup STABmons
/tour rules STABmons Move Legality, Terastal Clause, -Light Clay, -Assist, *Acupressure, -Shell Smash, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Bolt Beak, *Celebrate, *Conversion, *Electrify, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Fishious Rend, *Forests Curse, *Geomancy, *Gigaton Hammer, *Happy Hour, *Hold Hands, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Purify, *Quiver Dance, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shift Gear, *Sketch, *Sleep Powder, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *Tail Glow, *Thousand Waves, *Trick-or-Treat *V-Create, *Victory Dance
/tour autostart 9
/tour autodq 7
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] National Dex LC @@@ STABmons Move Legality, Terastal Clause, -Light Clay, -Assist, *Acupressure, -Shell Smash, *Astral Barrage, *Belly Drum, *Bolt Beak, *Celebrate, *Conversion, *Electrify, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Fishious Rend, *Forests Curse, *Geomancy, *Gigaton Hammer, *Happy Hour, *Hold Hands, *Last Respects, *No Retreat, *Population Bomb, *Purify, *Quiver Dance, *Revival Blessing, *Shed Tail, *Shift Gear, *Sketch, *Sleep Powder, *Spore, *Surging Strikes, *Tail Glow, *Thousand Waves, *Trick-or-Treat *V-Create, *Victory Dance

This is the combination of National Dex LC and Almost Any Ability, meaning that all LC Pokemon can get Almost Any Ability. This format doesn´t count the original abilities of their Pokemon as of them, meaning that if it´s banned, not even Pokemon that get it originally can use it.

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] National Dex Little Cup AAA
/tour rules !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Arena Trap, -Chlorophyll, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Neutralizing Gas, -Protosynthesis, -Pure Power, -Quark Drive, -Sand Rush, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Skill Link, -Slush Rush, -Speed Boost, -Stakeout, -Surge Surfer, -Swift Swim, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, +Flittle, +Meditite, +Snivy, +Swirlix, +Vulpix-Alola
/tour autodq 9
/tour autostart 7
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] National Dex LC @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Arena Trap, -Chlorophyll, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Neutralizing Gas, -Protosynthesis, -Pure Power, -Quark Drive, -Sand Rush, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Skill Link, -Slush Rush, -Speed Boost, -Stakeout, -Surge Surfer, -Swift Swim, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, +Flittle, +Meditite, +Porygon, +Snivy, +Swirlix, +Vulpix-Alola

This is the combination of Trademarked, Pokebilities and Little Cup. Meaning that a Pokemon can use all of his abilities at the same time + a Trademark and is set on a LC enviroment. Check the Tradeabilities Hub for more information on how the format works: :Cinccino: :Minccino: Tradeabilities Hub :Sentret: :Furret:

/tour new [Gen 9] Trademarked, elim,,, [Gen 9] Tradeabilities LC
/tour rules [Gen 9] Pokebilities, !Sleep Moves Clause, [Gen 9] LC, *Agility, *Aurora Veil, *Burning Bulwark, *Endure, *Glare, *Hypnosis, *Sing, *Sleep Powder, *Spore, *Sunny Day, *Tailwind, *Toxic, *Yawn, -Rain Dance + Arrokuda, -Rain Dance + Buizel, -Rain Dance + Chewtle, -Rain Dance + Feebas, -Rain Dance + Finneon, -Rain Dance + Horsea, -Rain Dance + Lotad, -Rain Dance + Poliwag, -Rain Dance + Psyduck, -Rain Dance + Surskit, -Recycle + Eject Button, -Recycle + Eject Pack, -Recycle + Red Card, -Sandstorm + Drilbur, -Sandstorm + Sandshrew, -Snowscape + Sandshrew-Alola, -Snowscape + Cubchoo, -Foongus + Mareanie + Mienfoo + Slowpoke + Solosis, -Damp Rock, -Icy Rock, -Smooth Rock, -Buizel, -Shellder, +Arena Trap, +Magnet Pull, +Shadow Tag
/tour autodq 7
/tour autostart 9
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] Trademarked @@@ [Gen 9] Pokebilities, !Sleep Moves Clause, [Gen 9] LC, *Agility, *Aurora Veil, *Burning Bulwark, *Endure, *Glare, *Hypnosis, *Sing, *Sleep Powder, *Spore, *Sunny Day, *Tailwind, *Toxic, *Yawn, -Rain Dance + Arrokuda, -Rain Dance + Buizel, -Rain Dance + Chewtle, -Rain Dance + Feebas, -Rain Dance + Finneon, -Rain Dance + Horsea, -Rain Dance + Lotad, -Rain Dance + Poliwag, -Rain Dance + Psyduck, -Rain Dance + Surskit, -Recycle + Eject Button, -Recycle + Eject Pack, -Recycle + Red Card, -Sandstorm + Drilbur, -Sandstorm + Sandshrew, -Snowscape + Sandshrew-Alola, -Snowscape + Cubchoo, -Foongus + Mareanie + Mienfoo + Slowpoke + Solosis, -Damp Rock, -Icy Rock, -Smooth Rock, -Buizel, -Shellder, +Arena Trap, +Magnet Pull, +Shadow Tag

This is National Dex LC Camomons with Almost Any Move

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] LCamove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Abra, -Anchor Shot, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Dragon Energy, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Lumina Crash, -Me First, -No Retreat, -Octolock, -Population Bomb, -Power Trip, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Stored Power, -Spirit Shackle, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Waves, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, -Arena Trap, -Contrary, -Magnet Pull, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Unburden, +Cutiefly, +Drifloon, +Flittle, +Porygon, +Swirlix, +Woobat, +Zigzagoon-Base
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 9
/wall This is National Dex Little Cup Camomons with Almost Any Move
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] National Dex LC @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Abra, -Anchor Shot, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Dragon Energy, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Lumina Crash, -Me First, -No Retreat, -Octolock, -Population Bomb, -Power Trip, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Stored Power, -Spirit Shackle, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Waves, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, -Arena Trap, -Contrary, -Magnet Pull, -Shadow Tag, -Unburden, +Cutiefly, +Drifloon, +Flittle, +Porygon, +Swirlix, +Zigzagoon-Base
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AAA Ubers Survey Results!


Average Score: 3.64285714

Magnet Pull got the second lowest score of this survey. Trapping is inherently uncompetitive and problematic so it's not unexpected that it got such a low score.


Average Score: 1.92857143

By far the lowest score of the survey! Last Respects appears to be unhealthy to most of the playerbase with its cheese potential.


Average Score: 5.14285714

With a pretty average score, Unburden seems to be viewed as neither particularly healthy nor unhealthy.


Average Score: 5.571428571

Pretty diverse spread of responses we got. Average points towards Poison Heal being more healthy than unhealthy, but not by much.


Average Score: 4.642857143

Good as Gold leans towards the unhealthier end. With a limited amount of removal in the tier, its no surprise that the ability that shuts off Defog will be more commonly viewed as unhealthy than healthy.


Average Score: 6.285714286

Magic Bounce on the other hand leans more towards the healthier end. With the amount of factors that dissuade hazard removal, not letting them get up in the first place appears to be the best solution.

Other concerns: Deoxys-Attack (2) - Deo-A is the mixed attacker atm, with its ability to "ignore" FurScales by hitting on the opposite end of the spectrum. While it wasn't mention that many times, the council will be watching it closely.
Stakeout (1) - Not much reason to see this being freed since it makes threats even harder to switch into, especially since almost anything can use this.
Regigigas (1) - Similar to Slaking, Regigigas has monstrous stats and amazing synergy with STAB Facade + Poison Heal. Without any form of setup, however, it doesn't appear to have as much of an effect as Slaking did. We will be keeping our eyes on it, however.
Spikes (1) - The lack of good hazard control does have the potential of making entry hazards potentially broken. However, the council would prefer to look at the abilities pushing entry hazards over the edge than the moves themselves.
Substitute (1) -

We then had a vote~

meow ^_^catLordBoxKineticGloryDeepFriedMagikarpResult

Magnet Pull has been banned from AAA Ubers; Last Respects remains free!

:magnezone: Yeah. Trapping is dumb.

:basculegion: :houndstone: Last Respects on the other end.... With more meta developments undergoing, natural answers to Last Respects has started popping out (Regigigas, Arceus-N) while the users tend to not hit hard enough to make them overbearing. We still will be keeping a close eye on Last Respects, however.

You may have noticed that we've added Glory and DeepFriedMagikarp to the council! They've been excellent discussion sparkers and are active builders and players, so give them a warm welcome to the council!
Following the Next Voting Slate on the Tradeabilities Tier:

Council MembersPoison GasDisable
maestro de hydreigonBANBAN

:Pecharunt: Poison Gas and :Sableye: Disable are now restricted!

Poison Gas becomed a poor man Toxic. Even if the poisoning effect is not that powerful as the one from Toxic, is still extremely hard to fight back because when paired with Soak from Pokemon like Alomomola it basically has no counterplay more than try to not get poisoned your valuable Pokemon, something extremely hard. Additionally, Pecharunt can also spread confusion thanks to Poison Pupeeteer making it even more threatening.

Disable disrupt the forms to play against most structures effectively. Unlike in standard Trademarked, the extra abilities allows for even less counterplay to this, like Priority Encore from Sableye, or just an extremely fast one from something like Scream Tail in Sun, this along the fact that the Choice Items are a must need for trying to break and make progress makes this even more difficult.

We're still trying to progress with the rules fixing, and with the voting on the last things on the watchlist so we can progress with the Sample Teams and the Viability Rankings. Welcoming The OMM Leader Clas to the Council after the Yoru97 (better known as H4ruto) renunciation, the tier has hope to progress more quickly since now, thanks to Yoru for his brief but useful contribution to the tier. The code is gonna be updated as soon as possible. See ya around!
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(Like the LC one, but with CAP instead)

Also called Nat Dex Poke CAPvergence or just NDPCAP, is the Mashup of National Dex Pokebilities and Convergence Legality, adding CAP to the mix. Check the base :Basculin-Blue-Striped: NDPC Hub :Basculin: too

You get all the mon base abilities + 1 ability of Convergence and all the moves/abilities are shared between mons with same exact type. Mega Pokemon can share his Ability and Moves with Pokemon with his same type combo, but can only recieve moves and abilities (that are still gonna be overwritted upon mega-evolving) from Pokemon with the same typing as his base form. Some abilities are restricted to only base users, a few are banned, some combinations on the same Pokemon are banned, and banned moves can't be used even by base users.

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] National Dex CAPvergence Pokebilities
/tour rules !Obtainable, Standard Natdex, Convergence Legality, !Obtainable Abilities, !Obtainable Misc, Ability Clause = 2, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, -ND Uber, -ND AG, +CAP, -Alakazam-Mega, -Alomomola, -Blacephalon, -Chuggalong, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Darmanitan-Galar, -Dondozo, -Dracovish, -Excadrill, -Genesect, -Gigalith, -Gouging Fire, -Greninja, -Inteleon, -Kangaskhan-Mega, -Marshadow, -Melmetal, -Metagross-Mega, -Naganadel, -Necrozma-Ultra, -Obstagoon, -Pajantom, -Pheromosa, -Pincurchin, -Porygon2, -Porygon-Z, -Raging Bolt, -Sceptile, -Smeargle, -Tapu Lele, -Xerneas, -Yveltal, -Comatose, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Drought + Protosynthesis, -Power Construct, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, -Simple, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Triage, *Contrary, *Good as Gold, *Guts, *Fur Coat, *Huge Power, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Persistent, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Speed Boost, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, -Belly Drum, -Extreme Speed, -Geomancy, -Rage Fist, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Victory Dance, -Damp Rock, -Heat Rock, -Icy Rock, -Smooth Rock, -Electrify, -Population Bomb, -Quiver Dance, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator > 2, !!Min Source Gen = 1, +Annihilape, +Baxcalibur, +Blastoise-Mega, +Blaziken-Mega, +Braviary-Hisui, +Dragapult, +Gholdengo, +Kingambit,+Lucario-Mega, +Palafin, +Roaring Moon, +Urshifu-Base, +Zygarde, +Crucibellite, +Vile Vial
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 7
/wall This is National Dex CAP, with Pokebilities and Convergence
/wall further explanation: ****
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] Pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable, Standard Natdex, Convergence Legality, !Obtainable Abilities, !Obtainable Misc, Ability Clause = 2, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, -ND Uber, -ND AG, +CAP, -Alakazam-Mega, -Alomomola, -Blacephalon, -Chuggalong, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Darmanitan-Galar, -Dondozo, -Dracovish, -Excadrill, -Genesect, -Gigalith, -Gouging Fire, -Greninja, -Inteleon, -Kangaskhan-Mega, -Marshadow, -Melmetal, -Metagross-Mega, -Naganadel, -Necrozma-Ultra, -Obstagoon, -Pajantom, -Pheromosa, -Pincurchin, -Porygon2, -Porygon-Z, -Raging Bolt, -Sceptile, -Smeargle, -Tapu Lele, -Xerneas, -Yveltal, -Comatose, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Drought + Protosynthesis, -Power Construct, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, -Simple, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Triage, *Contrary, *Good as Gold, *Guts, *Fur Coat, *Huge Power, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Persistent, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Speed Boost, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, -Belly Drum, -Extreme Speed, -Geomancy, -Rage Fist, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Victory Dance, -Damp Rock, -Heat Rock, -Icy Rock, -Smooth Rock, -Electrify, -Population Bomb, -Quiver Dance, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Arrows, -Transform, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator > 2, !!Min Source Gen = 1, +Annihilape, +Baxcalibur, +Blastoise-Mega, +Blaziken-Mega, +Braviary-Hisui, +Dragapult, +Gholdengo, +Kingambit,+Lucario-Mega, +Palafin, +Roaring Moon, +Urshifu-Base, +Zygarde, +Crucibellite, +Vile Vial

This is the combination of Pokebilities and Almost Any Ability, adding the CAP Pokemon in there. Check the :Lokix: Hub :Corviknight: of the base format in there

In here you get all your base abilities + an AAA added ability. Some abilities are restricted to only Pokemon with it as base, a few are banned.

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Pokebilities CAAAP
/tour rules !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, +CAP, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Toxic Debris, *Triage, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Arcanine-Hisui, -Azumarill, -Basculin, -Blaziken, -Cawmodore, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Dondozo, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Enamorus-Base, -Gholdengo, -Gouging Fire, -Hawlucha, -Hemogoblin, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Kleavor, -Kyurem, -Meowscarada, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Serperior, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Yanmega, -Zapdos-Galar, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin
/tour autostart 10
/tour autodq 7
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] Pokebilities @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, +CAP, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, *Neutralizing Gas, *Orichalcum Pulse, *Parental Bond, *Poison Heal, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Toxic Debris, *Triage, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, -Arcanine-Hisui, -Azumarill, -Basculin, -Blaziken, -Cawmodore, -Clefable, -Darkrai, -Dondozo, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Enamorus-Base, -Gholdengo, -Gouging Fire, -Hawlucha, -Hemogoblin, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Valiant, -Kingambit, -Kleavor, -Kyurem, -Meowscarada, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Serperior, -Ursaluna, -Urshifu, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Walking Wake, -Yanmega, -Zapdos-Galar, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Regenerator > 1, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Electric Surge + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Surge Surfer, -Hadron Engine + Quark Drive, -Electric Surge + Quark Drive, -Drought + Protosynthesis, +Regieleki, +Palafin

This is the Mashup of Little Cup, Pokebilities and Almost Any Ability, throwing the CAP mons on it. Functioning of Pokebilities and AAA together is explained on the Pokebilities CAAAP Section. Check the:Fletchling: LC Mashups Hub :Growlithe-Hisui: for more details

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokebilities, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] LCAP PokeAAAbilities
/tour rules Little Cup, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, +CAP, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Neutralizing Gas, *Parental Bond, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, *Orichalcum Pulse, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Aipom, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Gastly, -Girafarig, -Gligar, -Murkrow, -Misdreavus, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Scraggy, -Stantler, -Yanma, -Meditite, -Cutiefly, -Snivy, -Mienfoo, -Shellder, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, *Triage, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Regenerator > 2, *Magnet Pull, *Sand Veil, *Snow Cloak, *Arena Trap, -Sand Stream + Sand Veil, -Snow Warning + Snow Cloak, *Shadow Tag
/tour autodq 7
/tour autostart 9
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] Pokebilities @@@ Little Cup, !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 1, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, AAA Restricted Abilities, +CAP, *Comatose, *Contrary, *Fur Coat, *Good as Gold, *Gorilla Tactics, *Huge Power, *Ice Scales, *Illusion, *Imposter, *Innards Out, *Magic Bounce, *Neutralizing Gas, *Parental Bond, *Pure Power, *Simple, *Speed Boost, *Stakeout, *Unburden, *Water Bubble, *Wonder Guard, *Orichalcum Pulse, -Comatose, -Revival Blessing, -Regenerator + Wimp Out, -Regenerator + Emergency Exit, -Drizzle + Swift Swim, -Primordial Sea + Swift Swim, -Drought + Chlorophyll, -Desolate Land + Chlorophyll, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Aipom, -Sneasel, -Scyther, -Dunsparce, -Duraludon, -Gastly, -Girafarig, -Gligar, -Murkrow, -Misdreavus, -Qwilfish-Hisui, -Rufflet, -Scraggy, -Stantler, -Yanma, -Meditite, -Cutiefly, -Snivy, -Mienfoo, -Shellder, -Sand Stream + Sand Rush, *Triage, -Snow Warning + Slush Rush, -Regenerator > 2, *Magnet Pull, *Sand Veil, *Snow Cloak, *Arena Trap, -Sand Stream + Sand Veil, -Snow Warning + Snow Cloak, *Shadow Tag

Based on the creative Mashup created by Klawp, this is Godly Gift but the NFE Pokemon are the Gods, and the LC Mons are the follower, check the :Dipplin: Original Hub :Qwilfish-Hisui: for more details

/tour new [Gen 9] CAP, elim,,, [Gen 9] Godly Goobers CAP
/tour rules Standard OMs, !Sleep Moves Clause, Not Fully Evolved, Stadium Sleep Clause, Godly Gift Mod, Adjust Level = 5, *CAP NFE, *NFE, *Cawdet, *Dipplin, *Gligar, *Gurdurr, *Magneton, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Vulpix, -Scattervein, -Magnet Pull, -Population Bomb, -Sticky Web
/tour autodq 7
/tour autostart 9
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] CAP @@@ Standard OMs, !Sleep Moves Clause, Not Fully Evolved, Stadium Sleep Clause, Godly Gift Mod, Adjust Level = 5, *CAP NFE, *NFE, *Cawdet, *Dipplin, *Gligar, *Gurdurr, *Magneton, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Vulpix, -Scattervein, -Magnet Pull, -Population Bomb, -Sticky Web

This is National Dex LC Camomons with Almost Any Move, and CAP LC mons are in here too

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex LC, elim,,, [Gen 9] LCAPamove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, +CAP, -Abra, -Anchor Shot, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Dragon Energy, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Lumina Crash, -Me First, -No Retreat, -Octolock, -Population Bomb, -Power Trip, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Stored Power, -Spirit Shackle, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Waves, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, -Arena Trap, -Contrary, -Magnet Pull, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Unburden, +Cutiefly, +Drifloon, +Flittle, +Porygon, +Swirlix, +Woobat, +Zigzagoon-Base
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 9
/wall This is National Dex Little Cup Camomons with Almost Any Move
/tour autoconfirmedonly on

/challenge [Gen 9] National Dex LC @@@ !Obtainable Moves, Camomons Mod, CFZ Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, -Abra, -Anchor Shot, -Belly Drum, -Bolt Beak, -Boomburst, -Ceaseless Edge, -Celebrate, -Chatter, -Conversion, -Dire Claw, -Double Iron Bash, -Dragon Energy, -Eruption, -Extreme Speed, -Electrify, -Fillet Away, -Fishious Rend, -Forests Curse, -Geomancy, -Happy Hour, -Hold Hands, -Jet Punch, -Lumina Crash, -Me First, -No Retreat, -Octolock, -Population Bomb, -Power Trip, -Purify, -Quiver Dance, -Rage Fist, -Revival Blessing, -Shell Smash, -Shift Gear, -Sketch, -Stored Power, -Spirit Shackle, -Surging Strikes, -Tail Glow, -Thousand Waves, -Transform, -Trick-or-Treat, -Triple Arrows, -V-Create, -Victory Dance, +Blazing Torque, +Combat Torque, +Light of Ruin, +Magical Torque, +Noxious Torque, +Wicked Torque, -Arena Trap, -Contrary, -Magnet Pull, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Unburden, +Cutiefly, +Drifloon, +Flittle, +Porygon, +Swirlix, +Woobat, +Zigzagoon-Base
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:Gouging Fire:Camove Chaos Update:Calyrex-Shadow:

I’m happy to present another Camove update. It’s very exciting to see the increase in Camove’s playerbase and popularity. The council has been hard at work developing the new VR, and in the meantime I’m announcing the new changes:

Clangorous SoulBanBanBanBanBanBanBanBanBan
Omniboost Z-movesUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnban
Burning Bulwark + Baneful BunkerBanDNBDNBBanDNBDNBDNBDNBDNB

Clangorous Soul :Kommo-O: is banned and Omniboost Z-moves :Victini: are unbanned!

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Camove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Terastal Clause,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Sketch,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Comfey,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Kartana,-Komala,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Regieleki,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark,-Magnet Pull,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Houndstone,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
!rfaq camove
/wall This is **National Dex Camomons** with **almost any move!**
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:Gouging Fire:Camove Chaos Update:Calyrex-Shadow:

I’m happy to present another Camove update. It’s very exciting to see the increase in Camove’s playerbase and popularity. The council has been hard at work developing the new VR, and in the meantime I’m announcing the new changes:

Clangorous SoulBanBanDNBBanBanBanBanBanBan
Omniboost Z-movesUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnbanUnban
Burning Bulwark + Baneful BunkerBanDNBDNBBanDNBDNBDNBDNBDNB

Clangorous Soul :Kommo-O: is banned and Omniboost Z-moves :Porygon-Z: are unbanned!

/tour new [Gen 9] National Dex,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Camove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Terastal Clause,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Sketch,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Comfey,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Kartana,-Komala,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Regieleki,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark,-Magnet Pull,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Houndstone,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
!rfaq camove
/wall This is **National Dex Camomons** with **almost any move!**

:Arbok: a misunderstood hero
:Sandshrew-alola: LC Mix and Mega Update :Sandshrew-Alola:
Ban Webs, Unban CutieflyYesNoYesYesAbstain3-1-1
Quick announcement, Cutiefly is getting unbanned, albeit restricted, while Webs is getting banned. Other than that, VR has been getting updated and likely will continue being tweaked throughout TPP. Idk what else to put here help
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LC Mix and Mega Announcement
I am stepping down from LC MnM council. This was something I've told to councils but i haven't told the proper reason why. Admittedly, I've been far too behind in terms of meta knowledge and experience compared to other, and this can be shown by me having multiple abstain votes during tiering updates. I got burnout from PS stuff and took a break from it this July, then IRL stuff hit me on August, which cuts my time on PS. I was initially thinking of entirely stepping down on OMM, but part of me still wanted to stick around for long.

In other news, zastra will join the council in my place, and I believe him and the rest of the council will lead this tier to a better direction.
Ladies and Gentleman!
I am very happy to announce this camove update

Burning Bulwark :Gouging Fire: and Baneful Bunker :Toxapex: have been banned! You can now click contact moves (almost) worry free!
Hello OMMs, I have taken some time and have not been as active recently, hopefully that will change in the future. But for now, I have been chipping away my limited time at a Camove Setpedia. More like a help call instead of a post, but I'd like some help on this. Setpedia :darmanitan:

There are definitely some notable sets missing, but alas that is why Im asking for help. I won't be that active, so have fun!

some sets missing would be like valiant or apple
Pokemoves Chaos Hub Page
Less of a Hub Page, more of a code dump, cuz I don't have time to make a good one LOL.

So this is Camove Chaos + Pokemoves (yes this is Nat Dex too :darmanitan:), and there are quite a few changes. Pokemoves will automatically go to the last slot, but just in case for whatever reason you have only 2 moves, Pokemoves types are semi-recognized. They will show as "???" type, though that won't happen often. All the bans are the regular Camove bans+Pokemoves limit which is 125 base power. Also Pokemoves are NOT boosted by Sheer Force.

:boldore: aidan amoongus (me)
:monferno: adpg.alt
:xerneas: Fynx Der Fuchs

/challenge [Gen 9] Pokemoves @@@!Obtainable Moves,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Terastal Clause,+past,!minsourcegen,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Electro Shot,-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Sketch,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Comfey,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Kartana,-Komala,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Regieleki,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark,-Magnet Pull,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Houndstone,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base,!! Allowed Pokemoves = 4,!! Unique Pokemoves = 4

/tour new [Gen 9] Pokemoves,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Pokemove Chaos
/tour rules !Obtainable Moves,Camomons Mod,CFZ Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Terastal Clause,+past,!minsourcegen,-Belly Drum,-Bolt Beak,-Boomburst,-Ceaseless Edge,-Chatter,-Clangorous Soul,-Dire Claw,-Double Iron Bash,-Dragon Energy,-Eruption,-Extreme Speed,-Electrify,-Electro Shot-Final Gambit,-Fillet Away,-Fishious Rend,-Geomancy,-Jet Punch,-Lumina Crash,-No Retreat,-Octolock,-Population Bomb,-Power Trip,-Quiver Dance,-Rage Fist,-Revival Blessing,-Salt Cure,-Shell Smash,-Shift Gear,-Sketch,-Stored Power,-Surging Strikes,-Tail Glow,-Take Heart,-Thousand Arrows,-Transform,-Triple Arrows,-V-Create,-Victory Dance,-Water Spout,-Wicked Blow,-Aerodactyl-Mega,-Beedrill-Mega,-Comfey,-Dondozo,-Enamorus,-Kartana,-Komala,-Mawile-Mega,-Medicham-Mega,-Porygon-Z,-Regieleki,-Sceptile-Mega,-Serperior,-Tapu Koko,-Ting Lu,-Ursaluna-Base,-Xurkitree,-Zamazenta,-Zoroark,-Magnet Pull,-Regenerator > 2,-Smooth Rock,-Heat Rock,-Damp Rock,+Blazing Torque,+Combat Torque,+Light of Ruin,+Magical Torque,+Noxious Torque,+Wicked Torque,+Annihilape,+Baxcalibur,+Blastoise-Mega,+Darkrai,+Deoxys-Speed,+Dracovish,+Dragapult,+Espathra,+Gholdengo,+Houndstone,+Iron Bundle,+Kingambit,+Magearna,+Naganadel,+Ogerpon-Hearthflame,+Roaring Moon,+Shaymin-Sky,+Terapagos,+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon,+Urshifu,+Walking Wake,+Zygarde-Base,!! Allowed Pokemoves = 4,!! Unique Pokemoves = 4
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is **National Dex Camomons** with **almost any move** and **Pokemoves!** Note that if your Pokemove is in one of the first two moveslots, Camomons will make your Pokemon a **??? type**! This type is neutral to every single type defensively!
/wall If you don't want to build a team, the regular Camove Chaos samples work as well!
!rfaq camove

Thanks to Clas for telling me how to make this Nat Dex
adpg.alt for giving me the code when I couldn't access discord
and BandedBodyPress for telling me to add ,Elimination to the code

Edit 1: Added Electro Shot Ban, and thanks

Well, have fun!
:darmanitan: :rhydon: :heatran: :politoed:
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Godly Goobers Voting Slate 2!!!
its been a while...
RhydonDNBDNBDNBDNBDNBStays Legal (0-5-0)
PrimeapeBANDNBBANDNBAbstainStays Legal (2-2-1)
MeowthBANBANBANBANBANRestricted (5-0-0)
SkrelpBANBANDNBBANBANRestricted (4-1-0)
Weather RocksDNBAbstainBANAbstainAbstainStays Legal (1-1-3)
Swift SwimDNBAbstainDNBDNBDNBStays Legal (0-4-1)

The next (and final until further notice) set of NFE Ubers to be tested are Magneton and Porygon2!

/tour new [Gen 9] NFE,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Godly Goobers
/tour rules Godly Gift Mod, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, !Terastal Clause, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Chansey, -Duraludon, -Electabuzz, -Haunter, -Magmar, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Sneasel-Hisui, -Bisharp, -Ursaring, -Tandemaus, -Light Ball, -Huge Power, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Arctibax, *Bayleef, *Braixen, *Brionne, *Carkol, *Charjabug, *Charmeleon, *Clefairy, *Combusken, *Corvisquire, *Cosmoem, *Crocalor, *Croconaw, *Cutiefly, *Dartrix, *Dewott, *Diglett-Base, *Dolliv, *Dragonair, *Drakloak, *Drizzile, *Dunsparce, *Duosion, *Dusclops, *Eelektrik, *Flaaffy, *Fletchinder, *Flittle, *Floette, *Floragato, *Fraxure, *Frogadier, *Gabite, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Gloom, *Gothorita, *Graveler, *Graveler-Alola, *Grotle, *Grovyle, *Hakamo-o, *Hattrem, *Ivysaur, *Jigglypuff, *Kirlia, *Krokorok, *Kubfu, *Lampent, *Lombre, *Luxio, *Marill, *Marshtomp, *Meditite, *Meowth-Base, *Metang, *Misdreavus, *Monferno, *Morgrem, *Munchlax, *Murkrow, *Naclstack, *Nuzleaf, *Pawmo, *Pignite, *Pikachu, *Piloswine, *Poliwhirl, *Porygon, *Prinplup, *Pupitar, *Quaxwell, *Quilava, *Quilladin, *Raboot, *Rufflet, *Scraggy, *Seadra, *Servine, *Shelgon, *Skiploom, *Skrelp, *Sliggoo, *Sliggoo-Hisui, *Snivy, *Spewpa, *Stantler, *Staravia, *Steenee, *Swadloon, *Tinkatuff, *Thwackey, *Torracat, *Trumbeak, *Vibrava, *Vigoroth, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Vulpix-Alola, *Wartortle, *Weepinbell, *Yanma, *Zweilous, *Dipplin, *Gurdurr, *Magneton, *Porygon2, *Primeape, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Rhydon, *Vulpix, Limit One Restricted, adjustlevel=5
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is **Godly Gift** but the gods are **NFE** and their followers are **LC!** Hub:

/challenge [Gen 9] NFE @@@Godly Gift Mod, !Sleep Moves Clause, Sleep Clause Mod, !Terastal Clause, -Basculin-White-Striped, -Chansey, -Duraludon, -Electabuzz, -Haunter, -Magmar, -Scyther, -Sneasel, -Sneasel-Hisui, -Bisharp, -Ursaring, -Tandemaus, -Light Ball, -Huge Power, -Sticky Web, *Aipom, *Arctibax, *Bayleef, *Braixen, *Brionne, *Carkol, *Charjabug, *Charmeleon, *Clefairy, *Combusken, *Corvisquire, *Cosmoem, *Crocalor, *Croconaw, *Cutiefly, *Dartrix, *Dewott, *Diglett-Base, *Dolliv, *Dragonair, *Drakloak, *Drizzile, *Dunsparce, *Duosion, *Dusclops, *Eelektrik, *Flaaffy, *Fletchinder, *Flittle, *Floette, *Floragato, *Fraxure, *Frogadier, *Gabite, *Gastly, *Girafarig, *Gligar, *Gloom, *Gothorita, *Graveler, *Graveler-Alola, *Grotle, *Grovyle, *Hakamo-o, *Hattrem, *Ivysaur, *Jigglypuff, *Kirlia, *Krokorok, *Kubfu, *Lampent, *Lombre, *Luxio, *Marill, *Marshtomp, *Meditite, *Meowth-Base, *Metang, *Misdreavus, *Monferno, *Morgrem, *Munchlax, *Murkrow, *Naclstack, *Nuzleaf, *Pawmo, *Pignite, *Pikachu, *Piloswine, *Poliwhirl, *Porygon, *Prinplup, *Pupitar, *Quaxwell, *Quilava, *Quilladin, *Raboot, *Rufflet, *Scraggy, *Seadra, *Servine, *Shelgon, *Skiploom, *Skrelp, *Sliggoo, *Sliggoo-Hisui, *Snivy, *Spewpa, *Stantler, *Staravia, *Steenee, *Swadloon, *Tinkatuff, *Thwackey, *Torracat, *Trumbeak, *Vibrava, *Vigoroth, *Voltorb-Hisui, *Vulpix-Alola, *Wartortle, *Weepinbell, *Yanma, *Zweilous, *Dipplin, *Gurdurr, *Magneton, *Porygon2, *Primeape, *Qwilfish-Hisui, *Rhydon, *Vulpix, Limit One Restricted, adjustlevel=5
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Revelationmons BH
Been cooking up some metas, well heres Rev BH. Have fun!

:boldore: aidan amoongus

/challenge [user],gen9balancedhackmons@@@-Boomburst,-Moongeist Beam,-Sunsteel Strike,Revelationmons Mod

/tour new [Gen 9] Balanced Hackmons,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Revelationmons BH
/tour rules -Boomburst,-Moongeist Beam,-Sunsteel Strike,Revelationmons Mod
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is Balanced Hackmons with Revelationmons Mod


Standard BH bans and a few others:
:Dudunsparce: Boomburst
:Lunala: Moongeist Beam
:Solgaleo: Sunsteel Strike

Without Moongeist/Sunsteel, Furscales becomes hard to deal with, hence why they are on the watchlist.
:Furfrou: Fur Coat
:Frosmoth: Ice Scales
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Revelationmons BH
Been cooking up some metas, well heres Rev BH. Have fun!

:boldore: aidan amoongus

/challenge [user],gen9balancedhackmons@@@-Moongeist Beam,-Sunsteel Strike,-Photon Geyser,Revelationmons Mod

/tour new [Gen 9] Balanced Hackmons,Elimination,,,[Gen 9] Revelationmons BH
/tour rules -Boomburst,-Moongeist Beam,-Sunsteel Strike,-Photon Geyser,Revelationmons Mod
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 4
/wall This is Balanced Hackmons with Revelationmons Mod


Standard BH bans and a few others:
:Dudunsparce: Boomburst
:Lunala: Moongeist Beam
:Solgaleo: Sunsteel Strike
:Necrozma-Ultra: Photon Geyser

Without Moongeist/Sunsteel/Photon, Furscales becomes hard to deal with, hence why they are on the watchlist.
:Furfrou: Fur Coat
:Frosmoth: Ice Scales
Bh already bans photon so no need for to specify it, and the chall code is still missing boomburst, otherwise seems cool