Project OM Mashup Megathread

I'm also here to share a PokeBH team I made, and some of my thoughts on the meta.

:sv/cinderace: :sv/palkia-origin: :sv/altaria-mega: :sv/lucario-mega: :sv/ampharos-mega: :sv/chansey: i know lucario just got banned but this team was made before that happened

When ANinjaDude said that Cinderace's whole niche over Meowscarada was being able to use V-create without activating Libero (or something like that), I decided to build around MGLO Cinderace. V-create is basically a must-have move (technically Flare Blitz could work, but the 50% extra power is overall better), Volt Tackle was mainly to hit Ho-oh and Toxapex, Glacial Lance is a good coverage move that hits stuff like Gliscor, and Wave Crash is mostly a filler move that I didn't use very much.
I used FC Palkia as Cinderace's improof on this team too, and this time I used a Take Heart set. I chose Scald over Steam Eruption because I didn't want both of my attacks to have 8 PP in a meta where Pressure is very common. Lustrous Globe is mainly so Palkia can absorb Knock Off and Trick while still getting a damage boost.
Mega Altaria is one of the best spinners in the format, and its typing lets it improof Palkia and Ampharos. Nuzzle might not be the best choice on this team because it cripples Mega Lucario and Cinderace, which are the team's only ways of dealing with opposing Altaria, but like I've said many times, I'm not the best builder. I don't really need to explain the other moves on Altaria because aerobee already has.
Mega Lucario is one of the best wallbreakers in the format, with 145 base attack and Adaptability boosted Sunsteel Strikes and Gigaton Hammers. Close Combat is another good STAB move, and Trick is to cripple defensive Pokemon and it helped with Thankgodthismovegotbanneding Bulwarks. Fur Coat Palkia can also improof it.

I wasn't sure what else to add to this team, so I added the pink giraffe. I can't be bothered to explain the set because rightclicker already did.

I wasn't sure what else to add to this team (again), so I just slapped on imp. Originally it was Eviolite, but after The Hisui Region beat me with Take Heart Ghostceus I realised my team didn't really have any answers to it, so I changed to Spooky Plate.

Now for my thoughts on the new bans and the meta:
Regen+FurScales was kinda dumb, and I was the other person who said to limit Regenerator to 1 or 2 if it didn't get banned
Mega Lucario didn't seem too broken for me because I saw Ho-oh and/or Toxapex in a lot of battles, but since RegenFurScales I wasn't too sure on whether it should've been banned or not
I didn't see Zekrom very much so I'm not too sure about that ban either
Burning Bulwark was by far the most banworthy thing, now that it's gone you don't need to constantly scout for it
Stench was also kinda dumb

I think the most banworthy thing in the meta right now is Simple, Booster Energy, or Iron Valiant, but I haven't seen it in enough games to know for sure
:Greedent:ULTRA MIX HUB:Wiglett:
I have no idea how we went so long without a hub this gen but here it is​

What is Ultra Mix?
Ultra Mix is a mashup between Almost Any Ability, Alphabet Cup, Camomons, Mix and Mega, Tier Shift, and Scalemons. You may be thinking to yourself, "Wow Mr.TTLT thats a lot of OMs how am I ever going to build for such a complex format?" Well luckily for you the OMs damage calculator allows you to combine Mix and Mega, Tier Shift, and Scalemons, showing a pokemon's pre- and post-Mega Evolution stats. Here is an extremely simplified version of how the Pokemon work in this format. Lets take :greedent: and break it down.
Normally Greedent is a pretty horrid Pokemon in almost all formats, but in Ultra Mix is where it can finally shine.


Just looking at Greedent's scaled stats you can kind of already see why its good in Ultra Mix, as with Tier Shift it gets some respectable bulk with 120/164/135 stats and being anything but passive with 164 attack. Plus, with the letters S and G, Greedent has access to many support and damaging moves such as Stone Axe, Sacred Fire, Gigaton Hammer, Shore Up, Swords Dance, Spikes, and more. However, Greedent's stats are not the only thing getting scaled here as the Mega Stone buffs it gets are also scaled by the same boost Greedent gets. For example, if you gave Greedent Latiosite, instead of getting the normal +100 bst with 40/20/30/10 additions, Latiosite's stats would instead multiply by the scaling Greedent received (which is what Greedents stats are scaled by) giving Greedent +56 Attack, 28 Defense 42 Special Attack, and 14 Special Defense, for a total of +140 stats. This means lower BST Pokemon benefit more from Mega Stone boosts. I'll make another post showing more of how this scaling affects Pokemon in this format.

:mimikyu: Haha gamer'd (Tier Leader)
:Arbok: Clas
:Charizard-Mega-Y: The Dragon Master
:Solgaleo: The Hisui Region
:Pikachu-Belle: TheIronPikachu
Rules and Bans:
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Evasion Items Clause: Evasion items are banned
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
Sleep Moves Clause: Sleep-inducing moves are banned
Terastal Clause: You cannot Terastallize
Camomons Mod: Pokémon have their types set to match their first two moves.
Scalemons Mod: Every Pokemon's stats, barring HP, are scaled to come as close to a BST of 600 as possible
Tier Shift Mod: Pokémon get stat buffs depending on their tier, excluding HP.
1 Ability Clause: Limit 1 of each ability
:dugtrio:Arena Trap
:komala: Comatose
:serperior: Contrary
:Furfrou: Fur Coat
:darmanitan-galar:Gorilla Tactics
:Azumarill: Huge Power
:Frosmoth:Ice Scales
:pyukumuku:Innards Out
:Scovillain: Moody
:Weezing:Neutralizing Gas
:Kangaskhan-Mega:Parental Bond
:medicham: Pure Power
:Gothitelle: Shadow Tag
:bibarel: Simple
:blaziken: Speed Boost
:Araquanid:Water Bubble
:Shedinja:Wonder Guard
:sneasler:Dire Claw
:Lucario:Extreme Speed
:Houndstone:Last Respects
:Pawmi:Revival Blessing
:Garganacl:Salt Cure
:Cyclizar:Shed Tail
:polteageist:Shell Smash
:Magearna:Shift Gear
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:Surging Strikes
:Zygarde:Thousand Arrows

Sample Teams:
:Greedent:ULTRA MIX HUB:Wiglett:
I have no idea how we went so long without a hub this gen but here it is​

What is Ultra Mix?
Ultra Mix is a mashup between Almost Any Ability, Alphabet Cup, Camomons, Mix and Mega, Tier Shift, and Scalemons. You may be thinking to yourself, "Wow Mr.TTLT thats a lot of OMs how am I ever going to build for such a complex format?" Well luckily for you the OMs damage calculator allows you to combine Mix and Mega, Tier Shift, and Scalemons, showing a pokemon's pre- and post-Mega Evolution stats. Here is an extremely simplified version of how the Pokemon work in this format. Lets take :greedent: and break it down.
Normally Greedent is a pretty horrid Pokemon in almost all formats, but in Ultra Mix is where it can finally shine.


Just looking at Greedent's scaled stats you can kind of already see why its good in Ultra Mix, as with Tier Shift it gets some respectable bulk with 120/164/135 stats and being anything but passive with 164 attack. Plus, with the letters S and G, Greedent has access to many support and damaging moves such as Stone Axe, Sacred Fire, Gigaton Hammer, Shore Up, Swords Dance, Spikes, and more. However, Greedent's stats are not the only thing getting scaled here as the Mega Stone buffs it gets are also scaled by the same boost Greedent gets. For example, if you gave Greedent Latiosite, instead of getting the normal +100 bst with 40/20/30/10 additions, Latiosite's stats would instead multiply by the scaling Greedent received (which is what Greedents stats are scaled by) giving Greedent +56 Attack, 28 Defense 42 Special Attack, and 14 Special Defense, for a total of +140 stats. This means lower BST Pokemon benefit more from Mega Stone boosts. I'll make another post showing more of how this scaling affects Pokemon in this format.

:mimikyu: Haha gamer'd (Tier Leader)
:Arbok: Clas
:Charizard-Mega-Y: The Dragon Master
:Solgaleo: The Hisui Region
:Pikachu-Belle: TheIronPikachu
Rules and Bans:
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Evasion Items Clause: Evasion items are banned
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
Sleep Moves Clause: Sleep-inducing moves are banned
Terastal Clause: You cannot Terastallize
Camomons Mod: Pokémon have their types set to match their first two moves.
Scalemons Mod: Every Pokemon's stats, barring HP, are scaled to come as close to a BST of 600 as possible
Tier Shift Mod: Pokémon get stat buffs depending on their tier, excluding HP.
1 Ability Clause: Limit 1 of each ability
:dugtrio:Arena Trap
:komala: Comatose
:serperior: Contrary
:Furfrou: Fur Coat
:darmanitan-galar:Gorilla Tactics
:Azumarill: Huge Power
:Frosmoth:Ice Scales
:pyukumuku:Innards Out
:Scovillain: Moody
:Weezing:Neutralizing Gas
:Kangaskhan-Mega:Parental Bond
:medicham: Pure Power
:Gothitelle: Shadow Tag
:bibarel: Simple
:blaziken: Speed Boost
:Araquanid:Water Bubble
:Shedinja:Wonder Guard
:sneasler:Dire Claw
:Lucario:Extreme Speed
:Houndstone:Last Respects
:Pawmi:Revival Blessing
:Garganacl:Salt Cure
:Cyclizar:Shed Tail
:polteageist:Shell Smash
:Magearna:Shift Gear
:Urshifu-Rapid-Strike:Surging Strikes
:Zygarde:Thousand Arrows

Sample Teams:
How did TIP sneak onto the council
Camove Chaos Cup - Conclusion, Thoughts, and Statistics

Everyone's here.
Won't you have some camove too?

hi. my name is lily, or the hisui region, and i have had the pleasure of following the amazing meta of camove chaos since its very first game. the creation of this tier is my greatest success as an om mashup player and as a pokemon showdown user entirely. almost unrecognizable from its beginning in 2022, camove has risen to prominence as one of the most popular omms consistently throughout all of generation 9. its stature today in the community is very different from back when i struggled even to get it set as an omm roomtour. it is now commonplace to see it played in a variety of relatively followed omm and other meta related tours. i owe much of this to my former camove council of dluxe/linkcode, thetrueltaker (formerly haha gamer'd), dasocks, cautiousabandon, clas, gamer but swag, and my successor banded body press. without them, none of this would be possible. with the conclusion of the camove chaos cup (congrats to winner clas and runner up dluxe, both amazingly talented players), the council has decided that it is once again time for more tiering changes.

these tiering changes will preceded by a tiering survey, where the community will have the ability to vote on several detailed aspects of the meta and provide their own thoughts and insights on the tier.

Tiering Survey
Deadline: Jan 31 7:00 PM GMT+0
now, for my personal thoughts. i am incredibly honored to have been able to host the first all-camove forum tournament, and it certainly has shed some light on the tier. many people, including myself, have begun to realize that the tier is definitely, to say the least, reliant on matchup. with the seemingly infinite selection of moves that can be used on every pokemon, and the limited amount of moveslots and typings that can be ran on one team, building viable camove teams is very restrictive and some can automatically lose due to an unfortunate moveset on an opponent's sweeper. ironically, in a meta where anything can run anything, variety and freedom is lacked when building good sets. the most consistent mons in the tier are blissey, regirock, coalossal, and to an extent the few viable regenerators. if you want to consistently beat all of the super strong overbearing mons like mabosstiff, magnezone, ursaluna bloodmoon, any mixed fairy, and even lopunny, you need to dedicate a lot of teamslots to bulky mons that are less offense oriented. this was previously the case with stuff like zardy and darm, but a lot of new tech is just getting discovered (which is a good thing) and is causing the same problems. i haven't touched on substitute yet, but it's probably the most overlooked problem right now. kyurem was banned because of its ridiculous substitute aqua step bulk up heal order set, allowing it to bypass both spectral thief and topsy turvy, and basically forcing the unviable haze onto every team. we banned kyurem, and now usage is rising for sub/cm/moonblast/recovery archaludon. archaludon, while its stats arent as crazy as kyurem's, has stamina which allows it to boost its defense and set up calm minds behind substitutes. substitute granting immunity to sthief and topsy is pivotal as these are by far the most common setup countermeasures. it also invalidates wisp, dragon tail/circle throw, mortal spin, clear smog, and probably any other countermeasure you can think of that isn't just clicking band infiltrator dragapult gigaton hammer. the counterplay is extremely limited and sub/normal type is extremely splashable to btfo 90% of teams. i would say the best route is to ban mabosstiff, magnet pull, and substitute. i urge you, reader, to please fill out the tiering survey if you have played any camove and leave your thoughts on the meta, as it would greatly help save the meta, and you'd be helping the council more than you know. if you want to win games in the tp seasonal, use magnezone, mabosstiff, sub articuno or archaludon, ursaluna bloodmoon, or mega scizor. not all at once tho. click the above mons sprites for some mostly viable sets and thank you for reading. below i will post the usage stats for the camove tour and thank you everyone for playing and supporting the meta.

>> usage stats doc <<
notable points
- cresselia was used the most, being used in 84 games, slowking-galar was #2 with 71 games, and alakazam was #3 with 56 games
- shoutout to scizor for almost beating zam with 55 games
- cresselia was also the most used pokemon in four separate rounds
- archaludon is the most used pokemon to have a winrate of over 60, with 68.18% out of 22 games
- banette won 17 out of 21 games, roughly 81%
- blacephalon won 9 out of 11 games, a winrate of 81.82%, giving it the best winrate in the top 50
- 147 unique pokemon were used, which is almost one fourth of all fully evolved pokemon
- mabosstiff and blastoise were both used in 7 games and both lost 7 games, hatterene was used in 5 and lost 5

thanks for your time!
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now, for my personal thoughts. i am incredibly honored to have been able to host the first all-camove forum tournament, and it certainly has shed some light on the tier. many people, including myself, have begun to realize that the tier is definitely, to say the least, reliant on matchup. with the seemingly infinite selection of moves that can be used on every pokemon, and the limited amount of moveslots and typings that can be ran on one team, building viable camove teams is very restrictive and some can automatically lose due to an unfortunate moveset on an opponent's sweeper. ironically, in a meta where anything can run anything, variety and freedom is lacked when building good sets. the most consistent mons in the tier are blissey, regirock, coalossal, and to an extent the few viable regenerators. if you want to consistently beat all of the super strong overbearing mons like mabosstiff, magnezone, ursaluna bloodmoon, any mixed fairy, and even lopunny, you need to dedicate a lot of teamslots to bulky mons that are less offense oriented. this was previously the case with stuff like zardy and darm, but a lot of new tech is just getting discovered (which is a good thing) and is causing the same problems. i haven't touched on substitute yet, but it's probably the most overlooked problem right now. kyurem was banned because of its ridiculous substitute aqua step bulk up heal order set, allowing it to bypass both spectral thief and topsy turvy, and basically forcing the unviable haze onto every team. we banned kyurem, and now usage is rising for sub/cm/moonblast/recovery archaludon. archaludon, while its stats arent as crazy as kyurem's, has stamina which allows it to boost its defense and set up calm minds behind substitutes. substitute granting immunity to sthief and topsy is pivotal as these are by far the most common setup countermeasures. it also invalidates wisp, dragon tail/circle throw, mortal spin, clear smog, and probably any other countermeasure you can think of that isn't just clicking band infiltrator dragapult gigaton hammer. the counterplay is extremely limited and sub/normal type is extremely splashable to btfo 90% of teams. i would say the best route is to ban mabosstiff, magnet pull, and substitute. i urge you, reader, to please fill out the tiering survey if you have played any camove and leave your thoughts on the meta, as it would greatly help save the meta, and you'd be helping the council more than you know. if you want to win games in the tp seasonal, use magnezone, mabosstiff, sub articuno or archaludon, ursaluna bloodmoon, or mega scizor. not all at once tho. click the above mons sprites for some mostly viable sets and thank you for reading. below i will post the usage stats for the camove tour and thank you everyone for playing and supporting the meta.
Near completely agree with this, though I also want to add that the offensive power level is also simply too high relative to defense to maximize building variety and skill expression when playing – the majority of interactions involving a PhysDef mon coming in to check a SD foe result in 50-50s between Strength Sap and attacking (often via Foul Play or Spectral Thief) that can't be meaningfully mitigated if the opponent lives one attack. Much of this is just the nature of the metagame – +2 attacks should always be able to 2HKO common walls – but at the same time this facet of gameplay is uninteractive. On the special side, you either run Blissey and take 40-70 at +2 or a Regenerator pivot (overrated btw), take a good bit more, and pivot to something else – even worse since there's no special Strength Sap equivalent, so if Blissey either has to run Spectral and/or Topsy/Parting Shot to both have generally good typing or pivot to a faster/priority teammate to force the opponent out. Generally lowering the offensive power level so less bulky mons with more convenient Abilities (Sturdy is actually pretty decent but Regenerator/Flash Fire/Lightning Rod/Levitate are obviously more worthwhile) is the best way to go about it imo. My tiering takes have not changed significantly from at the time I wrote this post, except with maybe greater clarification on which game elements I'd potentially want gone. I'll add more to this post if I realize I forgot anything.
  • Ban Astral Barrage, the practical use case is for mons to bust through conventional answers with OHKOes/2HKOes even after Topsy with STAB
  • Ban Rising Voltage, I think ETerrain is frankly broken and only held back by lack of consistency
  • Maybe ban Gigaton Hammer, hits inordinately hard on some things but I personally like how defensive mons can exert pressure using this move
  • Ban Stakeout (Mabosstiff works to an extent but walls are slow enough that Gumshoos isn't unusably bad), incentivizes building HO/stall over balance because the latter has the hardest time with near-unwallable Banded mons
  • Alakazam has minimal defensive counterplay and increases matchup variance because it can basically tech for anything without losing too much effectiveness. Not broken but is unhealthy enough to warrant a ban imo
  • I think Scrappy is conceptually healthy but Bloodmoon is not – unreasonably hard to wall without faster Cresselia and most would-be answers lose to one of Psystrike or Substitute. Oblivion Wing on this is also cancer
  • Mega Scizor sports too good a combination of bulk and power – walls struggle to out-offense via Spectral and faster foes have to worry about strong priority. Not conventionally broken imo but does overly restrict team structures to ones that can realistically attempt to handle it (ex. Regirock over Alomomola so you survive at +2). If base Scizor turns out to be too powerful we can also look at Dragon Darts
  • Specs Raging Bolt in Sun 2HKOes neutral Blissey with Blue Flare/Armor Cannon
  • Banded Roaring Moon is also kinda crazy but to a lesser degree imo
  • Zard X is basically unwallable unless you severely restrict your defensive typings to accommodate for it (Regirock/PhysDef Coalossal get 2HKOed by Electro Drift, leaving basically Electric/Poison Cresselia, Rhydon/Rhyperior, and random Water/Grounds, all of which can be feasibly teched for)
  • Mixed Mega Diancie is very hard to defensively handle without very good matchup (Magma Storm/Headlong/Spikes or Stone Axe/Sap is what I've been running but you can definitely vary the set)
  • Mega Gardevoir is pretty annoying to handle but I think it's manageable
  • Consider banning Oblivion Wing, users can run away with games inordinately easily due to the passivity of special walls
  • Unban Heal Order imo, nowadays a lot of offensive mons just win against so-called checks by wearing them down. (Un)fortunately, depending on how you see it, in a meta where any mon can choose their typing and coverage there inherently won't be a great balance between consistency/skill expression and fast pacing but from a tiering standpoint only the former really matters. Also Coalossal (which greatly improves consistency due to having no weaknesses with Bug/Steel) becomes better
  • If none of the above happen, consider freeing Giratina (Type: Null is about as bulky with Eviolite and almost no one's running that) or select Arceus formes (assuming Multitype locks you to your respective type)
As for cheese/generally unhealthy interactions:
  • Magnet Pull is like the most obviously unhealthy game element out there when MagPull users can choose whatever attacks they want
  • Ban Substitute. If you build competently Sub users aren't difficult to deal with but the range team structures that do happen to deal with it are quite a bit less than would be the case in a post-Sub meta
  • Shaymin-Sky can go, even without Normal-type for Spectral you can bs through checks enough to sweep (my favorite is Discharge/Mountain Gale/Coil/Sub but even if Substitute were to go it'd likely remain potent)
  • Ban Slaking, Skill Swap sets are matchup fishes but are also potent enough in general to be justifiable in general. Regigigas is in the same boat but I find it somewhat less effective in general
  • Ban Unburden, I don't think people use Sceptile very much anymore but it's an unhealthy game element regardless
  • I think Pursuit is generally healthy but it warrants discussion – restricting non-PhysDef defensive mons' typings to being non-Dark-weak is fine, but some stronger Pursuit users can also threaten neutral foes and with Knock Off and an additional STAB that's where things start to become questionable
  • Normalize is not a problem in the slightest but if you want to hit all cheese I guess that can go too
  • Ban Stone Axe maybe? Leaning slightly in favor since hazards seem a bit too easy to reliably set right now I don't really mind if it stays
  • Could honestly consider banning Z-moves, to truly be safe you have to consider otherwise suboptimal plays to account for a potentially significantly stronger opposing attack when offensive threats can already barely be contained
  • Can't justify a ban but I hate Torch Song
  • Ban Boots? (contingent on Heal Order unban)
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Near completely agree with this, though I also want to add that the offensive power level is also simply too high relative to defense to maximize building variety and skill expression when playing – the majority of interactions involving a PhysDef mon coming in to check a SD foe result in 50-50s between Strength Sap and attacking (often via Foul Play or Spectral Thief) that can't be meaningfully mitigated if the opponent lives one attack. Much of this is just the nature of the metagame – +2 attacks should always be able to 2HKO common walls – but at the same time this facet of gameplay is uninteractive. On the special side, you either run Blissey and take 40-70 at +2 or a Regenerator pivot (overrated btw), take a good bit more, and pivot to something else – even worse since there's no special Strength Sap equivalent, so if Blissey either has to run Spectral and/or Topsy/Parting Shot to both have generally good typing or pivot to a faster/priority teammate to force the opponent out. Generally lowering the offensive power level so less bulky mons with more convenient Abilities (Sturdy is actually pretty decent but Regenerator/Flash Fire/Lightning Rod/Levitate are obviously more worthwhile) is the best way to go about it imo. My tiering takes have not changed significantly from at the time I wrote this post, except with maybe greater clarification on which game elements I'd potentially want gone. I'll add more to this post if I realize I forgot anything.
  • Ban Astral Barrage, the practical use case is for mons to bust through conventional answers with OHKOes/2HKOes even after Topsy with STAB
  • Ban Rising Voltage, I think ETerrain is frankly broken and only held back by lack of consistency
  • Maybe ban Gigaton Hammer, hits inordinately hard on some things but I personally like how defensive mons can exert pressure using this move
  • Ban Stakeout (Mabosstiff works to an extent but walls are slow enough that Gumshoos isn't unusably bad), incentivizes building HO/stall over balance because the latter has the hardest time with near-unwallable Banded mons
  • Alakazam has minimal defensive counterplay and increases matchup variance because it can basically tech for anything without losing too much effectiveness. Not broken but is unhealthy enough to warrant a ban imo
  • I think Scrappy is conceptually healthy but Bloodmoon is not – unreasonably hard to wall without faster Cresselia and most would-be answers lose to one of Psystrike or Substitute. Oblivion Wing on this is also cancer
  • Mega Scizor sports too good a combination of bulk and power – walls struggle to out-offense via Spectral and faster foes have to worry about strong priority. Not conventionally broken imo but does overly restrict team structures to ones that can realistically attempt to handle it (ex. Regirock over Alomomola so you survive at +2). If base Scizor turns out to be too powerful we can also look at Dragon Darts
  • Specs Raging Bolt in Sun 2HKOes neutral Blissey with Blue Flare/Armor Cannon
  • Banded Roaring Moon is also kinda crazy but to a lesser degree imo
  • Zard X is basically unwallable unless you severely restrict your defensive typings to accommodate for it (Regirock/PhysDef Coalossal get 2HKOed by Electro Drift, leaving basically Electric/Poison Cresselia, Rhydon/Rhyperior, and random Water/Grounds, all of which can be feasibly teched for)
  • Mixed Mega Diancie is very hard to defensively handle without very good matchup (Magma Storm/Headlong/Spikes or Stone Axe/Sap is what I've been running but you can definitely vary the set)
  • Mega Gardevoir is pretty annoying to handle but I think it's manageable
  • Consider banning Oblivion Wing, users can run away with games inordinately easily due to the passivity of special walls
  • Unban Heal Order imo, nowadays a lot of offensive mons just win against so-called checks by wearing them down. (Un)fortunately, depending on how you see it, in a meta where any mon can choose their typing and coverage there inherently won't be a great balance between consistency/skill expression and fast pacing but from a tiering standpoint only the former really matters. Also Coalossal (which greatly improves consistency due to having no weaknesses with Bug/Steel) becomes better
  • If none of the above happen, consider freeing Giratina (Type: Null is about as bulky with Eviolite and almost no one's running that) or select Arceus formes (assuming Multitype locks you to your respective type)
As for cheese/generally unhealthy interactions:
  • Magnet Pull is like the most obviously unhealthy game element out there when MagPull users can choose whatever attacks they want
  • Ban Substitute. If you build competently Sub users aren't difficult to deal with but the range team structures that do happen to deal with it are quite a bit less than would be the case in a post-Sub meta
  • Shaymin-Sky can go, even without Normal-type for Spectral you can bs through checks enough to sweep (my favorite is Discharge/Mountain Gale/Coil/Sub but even if Substitute were to go it'd likely remain potent)
  • Ban Slaking, Skill Swap sets are matchup fishes but are also potent enough in general to be justifiable in general. Regigigas is in the same boat but I find it somewhat less effective in general
  • Ban Unburden, I don't think people use Sceptile very much anymore but it's an unhealthy game element regardless
  • I think Pursuit is generally healthy but it warrants discussion – restricting non-PhysDef defensive mons' typings to being non-Dark-weak is fine, but some stronger Pursuit users can also threaten neutral foes and with Knock Off and an additional STAB that's where things start to become questionable
  • Normalize is not a problem in the slightest but if you want to hit all cheese I guess that can go too
  • Ban Stone Axe maybe? Leaning slightly in favor since hazards seem a bit too easy to reliably set right now I don't really mind if it stays
  • Could honestly consider banning Z-moves, to truly be safe you have to consider otherwise suboptimal plays to account for a potentially significantly stronger opposing attack when offensive threats can already barely be contained
  • Can't justify a ban but I hate Torch Song
  • Ban Boots? (contingent on Heal Order unban)
Sounds like what a stall lover would say ngl

Regenerator + Emergency Exit/Wimp Out and Reshiram are banned from PokeBH! Unburden is now restricted!
The Hisui Region
Result (Y-N-A)
Regen + Wimp Out clones​
7-0-0 BAN​
4-0-3 BAN​
Restrict Unburden​
4-1-2 YES​

Mostly a policy thing – while one would have had to run Pokemon at low enough levels that they are basically irrelevant in battle, it was technically possible to regain the same raw HP from Regenerator that would be lost from switching into Stealth Rock + 3 Spikes, allowing for a truly endless battle.

Reshiram was unreasonably hard to wall without Ability Shield, especially considering one couldn't reliably make out on preview if it were physical (V-create) or special (usually NP/Torch Song setup). Additionally, Speed Boost and Unburden sets could discourage Imposter from hard switching in, giving it a degree of autonomy against teams relying on Imposter against it (and true defensive options were severely restricted).

Unburden users here were significantly more powerful than they are in base BH, as users included decently strong Mold Breaker users (Ogerpon-H, Reshiram) and there were a wider range of Imposter-proofed sets (for example, with Fire STAB Ceruledge). While not necessarily consistent and mostly consigned to HO archetypes, non-native Unburden was considered unhealthy enough to warrant a ban.
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:Smeargle:Smeargle with its insane movepool and scaling allows it to basically run any stone and typing in the game making it hard to have consistent counterplay for if you don't know what its running. It also abuses the broken moves in the format that are allowed due to uncommon letters.

:Lilligant-Hisui:Victory Dance is basically just the V-create enabler allowing the V mons to become bulkier faster and stronger.

:Houndstone:Last Respects has been banned since it was a move that could cheese games vs weakened phys walls and is just a dumb move in general.
pokebh sets but they arent fun or good and are actually just fucking garbage and delusional and you get the point

Swampert-Mega @ Covert Cloak / Splash Plate
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Surging Strikes
- Precipice Blades
- Jungle Healing

big speed + big power or something. awful into dondozo which is fine bc that guy sucks but the real killer is being awful into desoland hooh. at least you can use that as an improof

Heatran @ Ability Shield / Covert Cloak
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Salt Cure
- Shore Up
- Teleport
- Topsy-Turvy / Nuzzle

actually checks a bunch of stuff (glisc, hooh, darmg, etc) but because of reliance on resistances/immunities instead of raw stats you can be bruteforced through easily by things you do not resist

Haxorus @ Choice Band
Ability: Sword of Ruin / Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Glaive Rush
- Gigaton Hammer / Dragon Darts
- V-create
- Bolt Strike / Gigaton Hammer

tiny kyub :3 you deal pretty big damage but slow and 0 bulk

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Dance
- Spirit Shackle
- Earthquake
- Strength Sap

youre like setup gliscor but with better initial bulk so you can check some stuff better. also you have more atk i guess. thats literally it

PTEROWL HAZUKU (Pinsir-Mega) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- V-create
- U-turn
- Stone Axe / Spikes

big mence but instead of having to improof it you just bop imposter with your fly stab and call it a day
(you still have to improof it but shut up let me make this guy look not as bad as he is)

Venusaur-Mega @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Healing Wish
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Haze

sole psyc weakness probably gives this guy a niche but im too lazy to actually build so i just made him prank screens for now
pokebh sets but they arent fun or good and are actually just fucking garbage and delusional and you get the point

Swampert-Mega @ Covert Cloak / Splash Plate
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Surging Strikes
- Precipice Blades
- Jungle Healing

big speed + big power or something. awful into dondozo which is fine bc that guy sucks but the real killer is being awful into desoland hooh. at least you can use that as an improof

Heatran @ Ability Shield / Covert Cloak
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Salt Cure
- Shore Up
- Teleport
- Topsy-Turvy / Nuzzle

actually checks a bunch of stuff (glisc, hooh, darmg, etc) but because of reliance on resistances/immunities instead of raw stats you can be bruteforced through easily by things you do not resist

Haxorus @ Choice Band
Ability: Sword of Ruin / Dragon's Maw
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Glaive Rush
- Gigaton Hammer / Dragon Darts
- V-create
- Bolt Strike / Gigaton Hammer

tiny kyub :3 you deal pretty big damage but slow and 0 bulk

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Dance
- Spirit Shackle
- Earthquake
- Strength Sap

youre like setup gliscor but with better initial bulk so you can check some stuff better. also you have more atk i guess. thats literally it

PTEROWL HAZUKU (Pinsir-Mega) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- V-create
- U-turn
- Stone Axe / Spikes

big mence but instead of having to improof it you just bop imposter with your fly stab and call it a day
(you still have to improof it but shut up let me make this guy look not as bad as he is)

Venusaur-Mega @ Light Clay
Ability: Prankster
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Healing Wish
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Haze

sole psyc weakness probably gives this guy a niche but im too lazy to actually build so i just made him prank screens for now
my tiny kyub :heart: also lando can probably go simple too. there is also a saying called "run regenvest heatran and not run into any ground moves because you are just that skilled"
A few PokeBH sets:

Stuff I have tested
Cinderace @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Glacial Lance
- Volt Tackle
- Wave Crash/Wood Hammer/Knock Off/U-turn/Gigaton Hammer/Sunsteel Strike/Headlong Rush/whatever

I already made a team around it and I have explained it, but I love the Scorbunny line so I'm posting it again. But the only calcs I did for it were with Adaptability + Band, so here are a few calcs for LO:

252 Atk Life Orb Cinderace V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Steelix-Mega: 273-322 (77.1 - 90.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Blaze Cinderace V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Steelix-Mega: 408-484 (115.2 - 136.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Cinderace V-create vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Medicham-Mega: 309-367 (95.3 - 113.2%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Glacial Lance vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Altaria-Mega: 351-413 (99.1 - 116.6%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Glacial Lance vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hydrapple: 640-754 (153.8 - 181.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Glacial Lance vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Fur Coat Gliscor: 317-380 (89.5 - 107.3%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Volt Tackle vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 252-299 (82.8 - 98.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Volt Tackle vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Ho-Oh: 398-471 (95.6 - 113.2%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Libero Cinderace Volt Tackle vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 307-367 (60.9 - 72.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Adamant could work too ig

Hawlucha @ Psychic Seed/Misty Seed
Ability: Simple
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Dragon Ascent
- Close Combat
- Filler (I used Knock Off for :ability_shield:)

Another one of my favourite Pokémon I found a use for. While it has less attack than :mothim: this freaking moth, ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware, being able to selfproof (164 Defense EVs let it OHKO Eviolite Imposter at +4) and outspeed pretty much everything, and being immune to paralysis makes it a pretty good Simple sweeper. Just pair it with a Psychic Surge or Misty Surge mon to activate Unburden (Grassy/Electric Seed are not recommended because the Defense boost means you can't OHKO Imp without clicking one of your Defense-lowering moves). Bonus points if it's a Tapu Lele or Tapu Fini, as you get a Gen 7 OU-ish core.

Untested but funny sets
Aegislash @ Leftovers/Covert Cloak
Ability: Steely Spirit
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spikes
- Strength Sap
- Teleport
- Gigaton Hammer

Does regular Aegislash things (i'm not 100% sure what it does in regular bh since i don't play regular bh but i'm pretty sure it's used on hazardstack), except it trades a defensive ability for being able to nuke something if it wants to. You will probably be switching out after clicking the random move that TheTrueLtaker hates because no King's Shield. This probably sucks but maybe it could catch some Audino off guard.

Primarina @ Choice Specs
Ability: Primordial Sea
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Psychic Noise
- Moonblast/Fleur Cannon
- Electro Drift

Yet another case of me trying to make one of my favourite Pokémon work. Primordial Sea and Liquid Voice (and Torrent if at low hp) make Boomburst hit hard (probably, i'm too lazy to calc), Psychic Noice can be spammed vs walls to deal decent damage while denying recovery, Moonblast and Fleur Cannon are other strong STAB moves, and Electro Drift always 2HKOs Toxapex.

Haha gamer'd is our newest project leader! For those who aren't as familiar with the OM Mashups room, TheTrueLTaker AKA Haha gamer'd has been around in our community for multiple years now, helping in multiple formats, either as leader or council on these metas, alongside being an incredible member of both the overall community and as a staff member. We expect big things to come from them in the future.

On an unrelated note, expect a big survey regarding the future of OMMs in the near future. There are big plans in the works that cannot be discussed yet, but this has been coming for many months now and we are nearing the final stages of it.
:sv/goodra-hisui:AAAlphabet Cup Hub:sv/volcanion:

splodge (Leader)

:fennekin:The Kalos Fox
:mareep:Abyssal Human

What is AAAlphabet Cup?
AAAlphabet Cup is a mashup between Almost Any Ability and Alphabet Cup! Pokémon have access to almost any ability, and can learn almost any move that starts with the same letter as them or one of their pre-evolutions, on top of the moves they already learn.

How do I play?

AAAlphabet Cup can be played on the main PS server with the following codes. Tours are primarily set in the OM Mashups room.
/challenge [Gen 9] Anything Goes @@@Species Clause,OHKO Clause,Evasion Clause,Sleep Moves Clause,Terastal Clause,Ability Clause = 1,!Obtainable Abilities,Alphabet Cup Move Legality,-Annihilape,-Arceus,-Baxcalibur,-Calyrex-Ice,-Calyrex-Shadow,-Ceruledge,-Darkrai,-Deoxys-Attack,-Deoxys-Base,-Dialga,-Dragapult,-Dragonite,-Enamorus-Base,-Eternatus,-Flutter Mane,-Giratina,-Gouging Fire,-Groudon,-Hoopa-Unbound,-Iron Bundle,-Iron Valiant,-Keldeo,-Kingambit,-Koraidon,-Kyogre,-Kyurem,-Lugia,-Lunala,-Magearna,-Mamoswine,-Mewtwo,-Miraidon,-Necrozma-Dawn-Wings,-Necrozma-Dusk-Mane,-Noivern,-Palkia,-Raging Bolt,-Rayquaza,-Regigigas,-Reshiram,-Shaymin-Sky,-Slaking,-Sneasler,-Solgaleo,-Spectrier,-Urshifu,-Volcarona,-Walking Wake,-Weavile,-Zacian,-Zekrom,-Acupressure,-Baton Pass,-Last Respects,-Shed Tail,-Damp Rock,-Heat Rock,-King's Rock,-Razor Fang,*Belly Drum,*Boomburst,*Ceaseless Edge,*Clangorous Soul,*Dire Claw,*Electro Shot,*Extreme Speed,*Fillet Away,*Glacial Lance,*Lumina Crash,*Rage Fist,*Revival Blessing,*Salt Cure,*Shell Smash,*Shift Gear,*Surging Strikes,*Tail Glow,*Triple Arrows,-Arena Trap,-Comatose,-Contrary,-Fur Coat,-Good as Gold,-Gorilla Tactics,-Huge Power,-Ice Scales,-Illusion,-Imposter,-Innards Out,-Magic Bounce,-Magnet Pull,-Moody,-Neutralizing Gas,-Orichalcum Pulse,-Parental Bond,-Poison Heal,-Pure Power,-Shadow Tag,-Simple,-Speed Boost,-Stakeout,-Toxic Debris,-Triage,-Unburden,-Water Bubble,-Wonder Guard
/tour new [Gen 9] Anything Goes, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] AAAlphabet Cup
/tour rules Species Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, Ability Clause = 1, !Obtainable Abilities, Alphabet Cup Move Legality, -Annihilape, -Arceus, -Baxcalibur, -Calyrex-Ice, -Calyrex-Shadow, -Ceruledge, -Darkrai, -Deoxys-Attack, -Deoxys-base, -Dialga, -Dragapult, -Dragonite, -Enamorus-base, -Eternatus, -Flutter Mane, -Giratina, -Gouging Fire, -Groudon, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Bundle, -Iron Valiant, -Keldeo, -Kingambit, -Koraidon, -Kyogre, -Kyurem, -Lugia, -Lunala, -Magearna, -Mamoswine, -Mewtwo, -Miraidon, -Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, -Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, -Noivern, -Palkia, -Raging Bolt, -Rayquaza, -Regigigas, -Reshiram, -Shaymin-Sky, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Solgaleo, -Spectrier, -Urshifu, -Volcarona, -Walking Wake, -Weavile, -Zacian, -Zekrom, -Acupressure, -Baton Pass, -Last Respects, -Shed Tail, -Damp Rock, -Heat Rock, -King's Rock, -Razor Fang, *Belly Drum, *Boomburst, *Ceaseless Edge, *Clangorous Soul, *Dire Claw, *Electro Shot, *Extreme Speed, *Fillet Away, *Glacial Lance, *Lumina Crash, *Rage Fist, *Revival Blessing, *Salt Cure, *Shell Smash, *Shift Gear, *Surging Strikes, *Tail Glow, *Triple Arrows, -Arena Trap, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Good as Gold, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, -Moody, -Neutralizing Gas, -Orichalcum Pulse, -Parental Bond, -Poison Heal, -Pure Power, -Shadow Tag, -Simple, -Speed Boost, -Stakeout, -Toxic Debris,-Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard
/tour autostart 8
/tour autodq 4

Tiering History (DD/MM/YYYY)


  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
  • OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
  • Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
  • Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing.
  • Alphabet Cup Move Legality: Allows Pokémon to use any move that they or a previous evolution share the first letter with.
  • Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability.
:dialga:Dialga (Both)
:flutter mane:Flutter Mane
:giratina:Giratina (Both)
:gouging fire:Gouging Fire
:iron bundle:Iron Bundle
:iron valiant:Iron Valiant
:kyurem:Kyurem (All)
:palkia:Palkia (Both)
:raging bolt:Raging Bolt
:urshifu:Urshifu (Both)
:walking wake:Walking Wake
:zacian:Zacian (Both)
:damp rock:Damp Rock
:heat rock: Heat Rock
:kings rock:King's Rock
:razor fang:Razor Fang
:eevee:Baton Pass
:houndstone:Last Respects
:cyclizar:Shed Tail
:dugtrio:Arena Trap
:furfrou:Fur Coat
:gholdengo:Good as Gold
:darmanitan-galar:Gorilla Tactics
:azumarill:Huge Power
:frosmoth:Ice Scales
:pyukumuku:Innards Out
:espeon:Magic Bounce
:magnezone:Magnet Pull
:weezing:Neutralising Gas
:koraidon:Orichalcum Pulse
:kangaskhan-mega:Parental Bond
:gliscor:Poison Heal
:medicham:Pure Power
:gothitelle:Shadow Tag
:blaziken:Speed Boost
:glimmora:Toxic Debris
:araquanid:Water Bubble
:shedinja:Wonder Guard
Only Pokémon which naturally learn these moves are allowed to use them.
:snorlax:Belly Drum
:samurott-hisui:Ceaseless Edge
:kommo-o:Clangorous Soul
:archaludon:Electro Shot
:dragonite:Extreme Speed
:veluza:Fillet Away
:calyrex-ice:Glacial Lance
:espathra:Lumina Crash
:annihilape:Rage Fist
:pawmot:Revival Blessing
:garganacl:Salt Cure
:polteageist:Shell Smash
:klinklang:Shift Gear
:urshifu-rapid-strike:Surging Strikes
:manaphy:Tail Glow
:decidueye-hisui:Triple Arrows

:miraidon:Hadron Engine
:lokix:Tinted Lens
:regidrago:Dragon Energy
:raging bolt:Rising Voltage
:light clay:Light Clay

None yet!
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I'ma share the writeup of that singular camove team that I've spammed a couple of times. I will note that I made this like a month ago so I don't remember all the teambuilding details.


So when I decided to create a team, I wanted to use an adaptability breaker. Unfortunately, most of them were already banned, so basc was basically the best one left. Its set is extremely simple yet deadly in many matchups: come in on something it threatens, nuke a mon or two, and switch out to do it again. Headlong Rush and Glacial Lance give it deadly ground/ice STABs to hit a lot of mons super effective and u-turn allows it to gain momentum when forcing mons out. Final moveslot is customizable, I have Bolt Strike but I don't think I've ever clicked it so far. Basc, in my experience, can put in a lot of work at every point in the game. It can exert a lot of offensive pressure right of the bat if you feel so inclined, it forces mons out and breaks through stuff in the midgame, and it can be absolutely brutal once its checks have been worn down or KO'd.

:hydrapple: :slowking-galar:
Grouping these two together as they serve similar roles. After I decided on basc as a breaker, there was one obvious thing I needed and that was a way to bring it in. And, from my questionable bh experience, one of the most free ways to bring stuff in is regenerator pivots, especially a physdef/spDef core. Glowking was an obvious choice on the special side, and I chose hydrapple for the physical one. Fun fact: originally this was going to be a webs team with banded basc. Evidently it's not anymore, but you can still see the traces of that in this core; namely, hydrapple's ghost/steel typing and HDB over av on glowking. As I wanted ghost/steel, I chose Spectral Thief on hydrapple as a free anti-setup click (and it's not like I had better options on defensive av) and ended up with metal burst. Metal Burst is genuinely useful to flip losing matchups and claim a mon, or otherwise pressure stuff. After that, pivoting and hazard control are obvious choices. As for glowking, Parting Shot and Mortal Spin are fairly obvious choices, and the other two slots are customizable. I have Stone Axe and knock, I've barely clicked them, do what you may with those slots.

After scrolling through the VR a bit, I didn't especially like physical walls like coalossal. So I did probably the only reasonable thing and screwed them (and later levitaters) over using mold breaker. And what better mold breaker is there than gyarados? Gyarados is a standard enough set, setting up to sweep with Pyro Ball and Magical Torque. Eq hits said levitaters like cresc and latias that I had issues with. It also has decent utility pre-mega with intimidate, letting it come in a bit easier on physical attackers. Speed outspeeds base 110 at +1, max atk, dump in spD. Pretty standard set overall.

There's an issue. A pretty damn glaring one. Half my team is weak to ground. I am in desperate need of a flying type. Scrolled through the VR, and I settled on ursa-b. I like ursa here for multiple reasons, primarily its longevity and fighting being a decent STAB option. For its set, I decided to lean fully into bulky setup sweeper, with max defense and calm mind to improve its special defense. As I've used it so far, ursa doesn't tend to sweep entire teams. Instead, it serves as an offensively-oriented physical wall that can pressure and take out a mon or two. I might just be using it wrong, but it's also quite good at this role. Ursa overall serves as another defensive option that's much less passive than the regenerators.

This is the final mon and... I'ma just be honest, I completely forgot why I chose it. Best I can offer is I wanted a better matchup into waters and grounds and this is where that got me. I don't even remember why I chose electric/grass. Tbh any set with chloroblast and mind blown somewhere on it will work for this team. As for its actual usage, it's pretty much the same thing as before. Set up, break, either die or sweep. I could really summarize this entire team like that, except for basc who's just "hit the funny button". Same deal as the rest of the team, it can sweep, it can soften stuff up for another sweeper, or it can pressure stuff. Main difference is that it has much better immediate offensive presence and it has zero defensive presence.

Overall Playstyle

With this team, the goal is generally to apply as much offensive pressure at any given moment as possible while still keeping everything healthy. Gyarados really wants to stay out if possible and zam doesn't like taking hits, tho it's better at coming in as its speed makes it easier to outspeed and kill rather than taking a hit. So a lot of the time, the best move will be shuffling around the regens, basc, and ursa to try and get into a strong position to sweep. Oftentimes, if a mon is non-essential to a matchup, it's worth it to sac or weaken it in order to break a wall that annoys more useful mons. Overall, this team works best with safer clicks and more methodical gameplay.

Replays (I don't have a lot unfortunately)
I'ma share the writeup of that singular camove team that I've spammed a couple of times. I will note that I made this like a month ago so I don't remember all the teambuilding details.


So when I decided to create a team, I wanted to use an adaptability breaker. Unfortunately, most of them were already banned, so basc was basically the best one left. Its set is extremely simple yet deadly in many matchups: come in on something it threatens, nuke a mon or two, and switch out to do it again. Headlong Rush and Glacial Lance give it deadly ground/ice STABs to hit a lot of mons super effective and u-turn allows it to gain momentum when forcing mons out. Final moveslot is customizable, I have Bolt Strike but I don't think I've ever clicked it so far. Basc, in my experience, can put in a lot of work at every point in the game. It can exert a lot of offensive pressure right of the bat if you feel so inclined, it forces mons out and breaks through stuff in the midgame, and it can be absolutely brutal once its checks have been worn down or KO'd.

:hydrapple: :slowking-galar:
Grouping these two together as they serve similar roles. After I decided on basc as a breaker, there was one obvious thing I needed and that was a way to bring it in. And, from my questionable bh experience, one of the most free ways to bring stuff in is regenerator pivots, especially a physdef/spDef core. Glowking was an obvious choice on the special side, and I chose hydrapple for the physical one. Fun fact: originally this was going to be a webs team with banded basc. Evidently it's not anymore, but you can still see the traces of that in this core; namely, hydrapple's ghost/steel typing and HDB over av on glowking. As I wanted ghost/steel, I chose Spectral Thief on hydrapple as a free anti-setup click (and it's not like I had better options on defensive av) and ended up with metal burst. Metal Burst is genuinely useful to flip losing matchups and claim a mon, or otherwise pressure stuff. After that, pivoting and hazard control are obvious choices. As for glowking, Parting Shot and Mortal Spin are fairly obvious choices, and the other two slots are customizable. I have Stone Axe and knock, I've barely clicked them, do what you may with those slots.

After scrolling through the VR a bit, I didn't especially like physical walls like coalossal. So I did probably the only reasonable thing and screwed them (and later levitaters) over using mold breaker. And what better mold breaker is there than gyarados? Gyarados is a standard enough set, setting up to sweep with Pyro Ball and Magical Torque. Eq hits said levitaters like cresc and latias that I had issues with. It also has decent utility pre-mega with intimidate, letting it come in a bit easier on physical attackers. Speed outspeeds base 110 at +1, max atk, dump in spD. Pretty standard set overall.

There's an issue. A pretty damn glaring one. Half my team is weak to ground. I am in desperate need of a flying type. Scrolled through the VR, and I settled on ursa-b. I like ursa here for multiple reasons, primarily its longevity and fighting being a decent STAB option. For its set, I decided to lean fully into bulky setup sweeper, with max defense and calm mind to improve its special defense. As I've used it so far, ursa doesn't tend to sweep entire teams. Instead, it serves as an offensively-oriented physical wall that can pressure and take out a mon or two. I might just be using it wrong, but it's also quite good at this role. Ursa overall serves as another defensive option that's much less passive than the regenerators.

This is the final mon and... I'ma just be honest, I completely forgot why I chose it. Best I can offer is I wanted a better matchup into waters and grounds and this is where that got me. I don't even remember why I chose electric/grass. Tbh any set with chloroblast and mind blown somewhere on it will work for this team. As for its actual usage, it's pretty much the same thing as before. Set up, break, either die or sweep. I could really summarize this entire team like that, except for basc who's just "hit the funny button". Same deal as the rest of the team, it can sweep, it can soften stuff up for another sweeper, or it can pressure stuff. Main difference is that it has much better immediate offensive presence and it has zero defensive presence.

Overall Playstyle

With this team, the goal is generally to apply as much offensive pressure at any given moment as possible while still keeping everything healthy. Gyarados really wants to stay out if possible and zam doesn't like taking hits, tho it's better at coming in as its speed makes it easier to outspeed and kill rather than taking a hit. So a lot of the time, the best move will be shuffling around the regens, basc, and ursa to try and get into a strong position to sweep. Oftentimes, if a mon is non-essential to a matchup, it's worth it to sac or weaken it in order to break a wall that annoys more useful mons. Overall, this team works best with safer clicks and more methodical gameplay.

Replays (I don't have a lot unfortunately)
oh yeah uhh make that slowking av with knock/fiery mortal spin/shell side arm uturn and sthief/torch song/staxe. staxe probably because you have no hazards otherwise. trick on basc over bolt strike, max speed jolly gyara to outspeed zera and pult. pyro ball headlong tidy up bolt strike/plasma fists is my preferred set but at least use headlong over eq. hydrapple should be boots or lefties with physdef and it should have parting shot/teleport and doom desire over metal burst because metal burst is usually worse. usually. drop mortal on hydrapple for rapid spin (if so id put astral barrage) because tidy up ground gyara + mspin glowking should be fine as this team is pretty offensive and has zam. you could also make hydrapple steel flying for a ground immunity if u dont care too much about elec. change ursa to nplot and life orb. secret sword owing np psystrike. 252 spe 252 spa, modest to guarantee kill on glowking with psystrike and timid to outspeed non fast cress. zam type is unconventional but if it works it works. team is kind of weak to webs too but its pretty solid overall.
oh yeah uhh make that slowking av with knock/fiery mortal spin/shell side arm uturn and sthief/torch song/staxe. staxe probably because you have no hazards otherwise. trick on basc over bolt strike, max speed jolly gyara to outspeed zera and pult. pyro ball headlong tidy up bolt strike/plasma fists is my preferred set but at least use headlong over eq. hydrapple should be boots or lefties with physdef and it should have parting shot/teleport and doom desire over metal burst because metal burst is usually worse. usually. drop mortal on hydrapple for rapid spin (if so id put astral barrage) because tidy up ground gyara + mspin glowking should be fine as this team is pretty offensive and has zam. you could also make hydrapple steel flying for a ground immunity if u dont care too much about elec. change ursa to nplot and life orb. secret sword owing np psystrike. 252 spe 252 spa, modest to guarantee kill on glowking with psystrike and timid to outspeed non fast cress. zam type is unconventional but if it works it works. team is kind of weak to webs too but its pretty solid overall.
Basc sure, personal preference and I've honestly never clicked bolt strike. Hydrapple and glowking tbh I like the way they are rn. Av glowking I'll consider, tho I do like having parting shot, but hydrapple is fine the way it is I think. I've gotten a strange amount of utility out of metal burst and av makes tanking special hits to use metal burst much easier. Gyara changes I'm pretty sure are just objectively better, dunno how I forgot about tidy up. And again, ursa's become more of an offensive physical wall on my team, so that's probably staying.
Bansadpg.altNoobSpammerThe Kalos Foxsplodge
Ban Heat RockYesYesYesYes
Free PecharuntYesNoYesYes
Restrict Regen to 2YesYesYesNo

Heat Rock has been banned, Pecharunt has been freed, and Regen has been restricted to 2!
:charizard: Recently, sun has shown itself as a bit problematic. The council has decided to ban Heat Rock, and further action on Sun will be taken if necessary.

:pecharunt: This mon recently fell to UU and thereby got buffs and was also annoying with bulky Toxic + Confusion. It was really good at chipping things and being bulky, but now has rosen back to OU and lost its stat buffs.

:slowking-galar: Regen has always seen itself as an annoying ability to face, and here with bulky mons that can also run Regen, it can be quite annoying.

I will update codes later when I have time.
Camove Survey Results + Other News!
Overall tier dynamics:
Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1 to 10, how enjoyable do you find the tier?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Average: 7.89/10
This is an overall good score that shows that the meta is overall enjoyable for the majority of the playerbase.

Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1 to 10, how competitive do you find the tier?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Average: 6.89/10
This is a significant drop from the enjoyability average, meaning that the playerbase feels that the tier is less consistent than it is enjoyable.

Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1 to 10, how dominant do you think stall archetypes are?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1 to 10, how dominant do you think balance archetypes are?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Forms response chart. Question title: On a scale of 1 to 10, how dominant do you think offense archetypes are?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Averages: 6.33 / 7.78 / 5.89
This means that the playerbase finds balance to be the most viable archetype, with stall being slightly stronger than offense. This has also been seen to be very accurate ingame, as many times it will be balance teams that come out on top thanks to the tier's attacking potential mixed with good setup control.

Forms response chart. Question title: In your opinion, what is the most viable archetype(s) in the tier?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

The playerbase seems to mostly agree that balance is overall the superior archetype, for the same reasons as listed above, though it is still of note that some view stall as best.

Banworthy subjects:
Forms response chart. Question title: Is Substitute banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

This is an extremely high percentage, and we have voted on this multiple times already. No surprises here, since Substitute allows a Pokemon to be immune to both Spectral Thief and Topsy-Turvy in just one moveslot, although this does make the user inflexible.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Ursaluna-Bloodmoon banworthy?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

This is surprisingly low, as Ursaluna-BM is a notable stallbreaker that can deconstruct teams in mere turns if given the chance. We will watch this for the time being, but there should be no action expected.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Mabosstiff/Stakeout banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

The community seems to be split on Mabosstiff and Stakeout, so we shall continue to monitor them.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Alakazam banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

Another metagame titan, Alakazam has had incredible success in the Camove Chaos Cup and TPWS. However, the playerbase seems content in where it stands currently, so we shall monitor it for the time being and let it go soon.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Mega Scizor banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

The community seems to be split on Mega Scizor, so we shall continue to monitor it.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Shaymin-Sky banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

The playerbase seems to think Shaymin-Sky is banworthy, which is expected thanks to Serene Grace and Icicle Crash + Zing Zap having high takeover potential.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Gigaton Hammer banworthy?. Number of responses: 8 responses.

The playerbase seems to find Gigaton hammer balanced, but we shall still continue to monitor it due to its sheer potential.

Forms response chart. Question title: Is Astral Barrage banworthy?. Number of responses: 9 responses.

The playerbase seems overall content on Astral Barrage, but I didn't see the survey results until today after council was already pinged, oops.
  • Heal Order was mentioned twice for unban. We are still watching how the tier grows as a result of its decently recent ban, and may consider a vote in the future. However, since stall has taken a major blow since its ban there is less of an incentive to free it as of now.
  • Assist, Magnet Pull, Regirock, and the high power level of the format were all mentioned once. The power level point was one made by a certain stall conglomerate, but Magnet Pull and Assist are both reasonable points and have been mentioned before within the council as well while Regirock is a Pokemon with a lot of attention already on it. Assist is mostly banned because we forgot it was but SHUSH.

With the survey concluded, I can now announce some more things. Number one,

Astral Barrage, Rising Voltage, and Substitute are now banned!
aerobeeAkira 153BandedBodyPressClasElgyemSoulHaha gamer'dLinkCodeThe Dragon MasterResults
Astral BarrageBanAbstainBanBanBanBanAbstainDNB5-1-2 Ban
Rising VoltageBanBanBanBanAbstainBanBanBan7-0-1 Ban
Shaymin-SkyBanBanDNBAbstainDNBDNBBanDNB3-4-1 DNB
SubstituteAbstainDNBAbstainBanAbstainBanDNBBan3-2-3 Ban
Astral Barrage is a fundamentally stupid move, having no drawback and a ridiculous 120BP that can be used on special attackers like Alakazam and mixed attackers like Dragapult alike. It is notable that Dark- and Normal-types are significantly more common than in standard play, but nevertheless the synergy the move has with almost the entire movedex is more than enough to push it over the edge.

Rising Voltage has hilarious output. Seriously. Try switching Blissey into Choice Specs or Life Orb Quark Drive Iron Moth and see what happens. There are also Speed-boosting RV users, so yeah. Obviously this is broken so goodbye RV, we will not miss you.

Substitute, on paper, is fine, as all it does is absorb damage from most attacks and block certain status moves. However, this is exactly the issue when paired with Calm Mind or Bulk Up. As Substitute grants a Normal typing and blocks Topsy-Turvy, users of the move like Articuno, Archaludon, and the forever banned Kyurem warped the tier without comparison, forcing specific counterplay in Haze and status-based phasing moves just to force them out. This obviously wasn't healthy and Substitute had no extra niche while Taunt exists as a much healthier alternative with much more reasonable counterplay, so out it goes.

While the potential for Shaymin to win games is high, a lot has to go right for it to succeed. This also doesn't mention its weakness to hazards and poor initial output, which really restrict where it fits and how much it can realistically do without luck. We'll still watch it, though, in case it starts snowballing out of control.

For the second piece of news, we are hosting a Camove CCAT in partnership with the Other Metas room on the 8th of March! This will be a really fun event that will allow for a lot of potential development alongside the introduction of many new faces to the tier.

And for the final piece of news, expect new samples within the next two days. While the bans are major, they do not shake up the tier in a major enough way to result in a redo of samples.
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:sv/scorbunny:AAAlphabet Cup Hub:sv/scorbunny:
since this meta is relatively new this will be decorated with scorbunny instead of viable mons

splodge (Leader)
For now it's just me because like I said, this meta is relatively new

What is AAAlphabet Cup?
AAAlphabet Cup is a mashup between Almost Any Ability and Alphabet Cup! Pokémon have access to almost any ability, and can learn almost any move that starts with the same letter as them or one of their pre-evolutions, on top of the moves they already learn.

How do I play?

AAAlphabet Cup can be played on the main PS server with the following codes. Tours are primarily set in the OM Mashups room.
/challenge [user],gen9almostanyability@@@-kingambit,-mamoswine,-zamazenta,-acupressure, -damp rock, - heat rock, *belly drum, *ceaseless edge, *clangorous soul, *dire claw, *extreme speed, *fillet away, *glacial lance, *lumina crash, *rage fist, *revival blessing, *salt cure, *shell smash, *shift gear, *surging strikes, *tail glow, Alphabet Cup Move Legality
/tour new [Gen 9] Almost Any Ability, Elimination,,,[Gen 9] AAAlphabet Cup
/tour rules -kingambit,-mamoswine,-zamazenta,-acupressure, -damp rock, - heat rock, *belly drum, *ceaseless edge, *clangorous soul, *dire claw, *extreme speed, *fillet away, *glacial lance, *lumina crash, *rage fist, *revival blessing, *salt cure, *shell smash, *shift gear, *surging strikes, *tail glow, Alphabet Cup Move Legality
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 3

Tiering History
04/02/2025Tier initialised
10/02/2025Hub created, Ceruledge banned in AAA and thus banned here


  • Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
  • OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
  • Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
  • Sleep Moves Clause: Bans all moves that induce sleep, such as Hypnosis.
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • Terastal Clause: Prevents Pokémon from Terastallizing.
  • Alphabet Cup Move Legality: Allows Pokémon to use any move that they or a previous evolution share the first letter with.
  • Ability Clause: Two Pokemon on the same team may not share an ability.
:dialga:Dialga (Both)
:flutter mane:Flutter Mane
:giratina:Giratina (Both)
:gouging fire:Gouging Fire
:iron bundle:Iron Bundle
:iron valiant:Iron Valiant
:kyurem:Kyurem (All)
:palkia:Palkia (Both)
:raging bolt:Raging Bolt
:urshifu:Urshifu (Both)
:walking wake:Walking Wake
:zacian:Zacian (Both)
:zamazenta:Zamazenta (Both)
:damp rock:Damp Rock
:heat rock: Heat Rock
:kings rock:King's Rock
:razor fang:Razor Fang
:eevee:Baton Pass
:houndstone:Last Respects
:cyclizar:Shed Tail
:dugtrio:Arena Trap
:furfrou:Fur Coat
:gholdengo:Good as Gold
:darmanitan-galar:Gorilla Tactics
:azumarill:Huge Power
:frosmoth:Ice Scales
:pyukumuku:Innards Out
:espeon:Magic Bounce
:magnezone:Magnet Pull
:weezing:Neutralising Gas
:koraidon:Orichalcum Pulse
:kangaskhan-mega:Parental Bond
:gliscor:Poison Heal
:medicham:Pure Power
:gothitelle:Shadow Tag
:blaziken:Speed Boost
:glimmora:Toxic Debris
:araquanid:Water Bubble
:shedinja:Wonder Guard
Only Pokémon which naturally learn these moves are allowed to use them.
:snorlax:Belly Drum
:samurott-hisui:Ceaseless Edge
:kommo-o:Clangorous Soul
:dragonite:Extreme Speed
:veluza:Fillet Away
:calyrex-ice:Glacial Lance
:espathra:Lumina Crash
:annihilape:Rage Fist
:pawmot:Revival Blessing
:garganacl:Salt Cure
:polteageist:Shell Smash
:klinklang:Shift Gear
:urshifu-rapid-strike:Surging Strikes
:manaphy:Tail Glow

Watchlist: (since this meta is new everything here will very likely get banned/restricted soon. There could also be some stuff I completely forgot about.)
:miraidon:Hadron Engine
:regidrago:Dragon Energy
:archaludon:Electro Shot
:raging bolt:Rising Voltage

None yet!

TL;DR: Boomburst + Aerilate/Pixilate is too strong on mons like :primarina:, :salamence: and :braviary-hisui:, they're stronger than :noivern:, which is a banned pokemon, so i see no reason not to ban these too.
With the meta still new, it's expected that some busted sets remain undiscovered. But I'm still surprised that this massive nuke somehow slipped through unrestricted:


The most spammable move, typically balanced by being normal type and its distribution being limited. In regular AAA, it's rarely an issue - only :Noivern: is banned for it (iirc). In ABC, the only good mon that gets STAB on it is Prima.

But in AAABC, Boomburst is widespread, AND many Pokémon can abuse it with -ate abilities, boosting its power by 20% and changing its type. If STAB is added, it effectively reaches 252 base power. Normally in AAA, boomburst’s only legal abuser is :Scream_Tail: (65 SpA), yet it still hits hard. In AAABC, however, we have:

  • :Primarina: (126 Base SpA, Pixilate) – Insane power with Specs + Modest, especially under Trick Room. (still hits hard out of it with a scarf)
  • :Braviary-Hisui: (112 Base SpA, Aerilate) – Has Esper Wing for boosting speed. Otherwise unremarkable.
  • :Salamence: (110 Base SpA, Aerilate) – Effectively three Noiverns in a trench coat with 100 Speed and 110 SpA, arguably outclassing the banned Noivern. (maybe not, maybe i'm spitting nonsense)

Damage Calcs:

  • 252+ SpA Specs Pixilate Primarina Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Blissey36.1 - 42.5% (guaranteed 3HKO). That's a max max blissey ffs.
  • 252+ SpA Specs Pixilate Primarina Boomburst vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD AV Hisuian Goodra44 - 52% (13.3% chance to 2HKO, 68% w/ SR). Hoodra doesn’t even OHKO back with Gigaton Hammer.
:Primarina: has the most deranged calcs, but other boomburst spammers are most likely broken too. :Salamence:, in particular, while its speed isn't particularly impressive, it doesn’t need Scarf or Trick Room to outspeed the (below) average mon.

if this isn't convincing unban noivern that'd be funny lol
:pmd/munchlax: BW PU AAA TD Hub :pmd/shuckle:


:slowbro-galar: IExistYouDont (Tier Leader)
:genesect: waffle04
:delibird: Delibird Heart
:centiskorch-gmax: Aquilo
:chien-pao: Ghoulish Champ

BWPUAAATD is an OM mash-up between Almost Any Ability & Twisted Dimensions. The tier uses PU by usage pokemon in gen 5 & has a custom banlist to accommodate the changes from the base format.

How do I play?
We have a challenge code that works on Pokemon Showdown.
/challenge gen5pu @@@ twisteddimensionmod, DryPass Clause, !Obtainable Abilities, !Obtainable Misc, Ability Clause = 2, -Arena Trap, -Contrary, -Huge Power, -Illusion, -Imposter, -No Guard, -Pure Power, -Simple, -Speed Boost, -Wonder Guard, +Drought, +Sand Stream, -Curse, -Slaking, -Regigigas, -Iron Ball, -Power Lens, -Power Anklet, -Macho Brace, -Power Bracer, -Power Belt, -Power Weight, -Deep Sea Tooth, -Marowak, +Snow Warning, +Drizzle, -Solosis, -Duosion, -Baton Pass, -Shadow Tag, -Light Clay, +PUBL, !Baton Pass Clause

  • Sleep Moves Clause - Players cannot use moves that inflict or otherwise lead to inflicting sleep on foes, such as Sleep Powder or Yawn.
  • Species Clause - A player cannot have two of the same species of Pokémon on their team, based on the National Pokédex Number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffing on their team.
  • Evasion Clause - Players cannot use Double Team or Minimize in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • OHKO Clause - Players cannot use Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, or Fissure in any of their Pokémon's movesets.
  • Timer Clause - If a player exhausts the timer, they lose.
  • Endless Battle Clause - Players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
  • Moody Clause - Moody is banned.
  • Baton Pass Stat Trap Clause - No baton passer may have a way to boost stats or trap pokemon.
  • Ability Clause = 2 - A player may not have three pokemon with the same ability
:solosis: Solosis
:duosion: Duosion
:Marowak: Marowak
:Slaking: Slaking
:Regigigas: Regigigas
Arena Trap
Huge Power
No Guard
Pure Power
Speed Boost
Wonder Guard
Shadow Tag
Iron Ball
Power Items
Macho Brace
Deep Sea Tooth
Light Clay
:Combusken: Combusken
:Gothorita: Gothorita
:Linoone: Linoone
:Riolu: Riolu
:Rotom-Frost: Rotom-Frost
:Simipour: Simipour
:Swanna: Swanna
:Throh: Throh
:vigoroth: Vigorth
Sand Stream
Snow Warning

:Beheeyem: Beheeyem
:shedinja: Shedinja
Magic Bounce
Poison Heal

VR has not been updated to reflect the unbanning of the rest of PUBL


**S+** - Shuckle
**S** - Trapinch, Munchlax
**S-** - Cubone, Lileep, Beheeyem
**A+** - Magcargo, Boldore, Pineco, Throh, Sunflora
**A** - Timburr, Tentacool, Pawniard, Elgyem, Litwick, Octillery, Torterra, Yamask
**A-** - Slowpoke, Rampardos, Audino, Slugma, Zweilous
**B+** - Koffing, Lairon, Articuno, Geodude, Kecleon
**B** - Hippopotas, Corphish, Ursaring, Squirtle, Bronzor, Banette
**B-** - Muk, Graveler, Shelgon, Munna, Aron, Makuhita, Natu, Shelmet
**C+** - Lombre, Duskull, Wormadam-Trash, Carracosta
**C** - Omanyte, Dragonair, Klang, Wormadam-Sandy, Foonguss, Flareon
**C-** - Kabuto, Cacnea, Tirtouga, Marill
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