Ok by that logic I am not skilled.
If only Amoonguss, was bulkier...

Ok by that logic I am not skilled.
252 Atk Choice Band Adaptability Cinderace V-create vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Fur Coat Amoonguss: 492-580 (113.8 - 134.2%) -- guaranteed OHKOOk by that logic I am not skilled.
If only Amoonguss, was bulkier...
| aerobee | ANinjaDude | Clas | NoobSpammer | Lysion | rightclicker | The Hisui Region | Result (Y-N-A) |
Basculegion-F | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | 7-0-0 BAN |
Regenerator + FurScales | BAN | ABS | DNB | DNB | DNB | ABS | DNB | 1-4-2 DNB |
How could you mention Zekrom without E Speed?Some PokeBH sets:
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Fur Coat / Ice Scales
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Victory Dance
- Beak Blast
- Precipice Blades
- Spikes / Burning Bulwark / Baneful Bunker / Taunt
Self-Improofs with FC or Scales + Protection. VD loses its worst weakness on Gliscor thanks to Hyper Cutter preventing Strength Sap users from necessarily hardwalling sweeper sets, so counterplay outside of attacking with damaging enough attacks is left to reactive counterplay (Topsy-Turvy, Haze, Clear Smog, phazing) and the combination of Salt Cure + attacks. Beak Blast is interesting as being negative priority means 2HKOing opposing Strength Sap users at +6 suffices provided they cannot break through (as you can Beak Blast --> outspeed with Precipice Blades to KO rather than PP stall opposing Sap or get a predict right). Spikes is generally super useful and mitigates one of VD sets' weak points in generally not contributing to the game state aside from the threat of setting up and sweeping. Be sure to fit protection instead if Scales though, since you'll be taking 25 from Beak Blast instead of ~13. I haven't tried Taunt but I'm sure that's also an option if FC, since you disable potential counterplay that the other 4th move options don't. This is clearly the most problematic Gliscor set imo and if this set were popular I'd probably be on the fence on whether Gliscor's banworthy or not.
Altaria-Mega @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Boomburst
- Nuzzle / Stone Axe
- Rapid Spin
- U-turn
Best Spinner in the format imo, since it's the most worthwhile defensive -ate mon to run and knowing you get reliable Spins off means you're not giving up much by running a non-Boots item on most mons. Boomburst almost OHKOes Zamazenta and deals ~40 to neutral Arceus formes, meaning you're not passive at all. Nuzzle lets you annoy Imposter (if Imp Transforms into Toxapex it's healed by Limber, though) and most non-Toxapex stuff, while Stone Axe is efficient hazard setting. The Basculegions are banned now but Altaria can still check Sniper Greninja/some TH Arceus and force opposing Kyogre/Reshiram/SF Greninja/most Fairy-weaks out. Poor bulk means neutral and even some resisted hits can be annoyances though.
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Facade
- Spikes
Now for the second best Spinner. The self-Improofing is a bit sketchy but Aerilate Gliscor's really good at coming into passive hazard setters and safely removing or Spiking in front of them. Aerilate Facade also hits way harder than one would expect, 2HKOing neutral nature Ho-Oh and dealing ~40 to neutral Arceus formes. What tends to happen in practice is coming in to remove hazards in the early game, get Spikes up against whatever passive mons allow you in, and SD when an opportunity to break arises, which is pretty quick when the opponent doesn't have a mon that comfortably 1v1s +2 Gliscor. Use on bulkier teams that'd like to not be consigned to Boots spam, preferably with a backup wincon like TH Arceus.
Lucario-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Gigaton Hammer
- Close Combat / Collision Course
- Bullet Punch / Knock Off / Trick / Mach Punch / Bolt Strike / Electro Drift
Very tough mon to answer without FC AShield Toxapex, with Sunsteel 2HKOing everything upwards of neutral nature Ting-Lu and Fighting STAB generally nailing the rest. Sunsteel's going to be the button you're mashing but Gigaton applies additional pressure by hitting non-FC foes way harder and CC discourage Imposter from coming in. The 4th slot is flexible – I ran Bullet Punch which has randomly let me pick down opposing Imposter before, but you could probably run a bunch of other stuff if you wanted to. Clearly the closest Lucario set to being problematic imo and I'd imagine something like this is what got Kartana banned in base BH? Just Luc is stronger here, slightly faster, and has a better secondary STAB.
Ho-Oh @ Leftovers / Clear Amulet / Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spirit Shackle
- Victory Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Strength Sap
More potent than in base BH since Pressure affects the VD-Sap dynamic in your favor. If the opponent can't force you out you can boost to +6 pretty easily and hit stuff with coked up Flare Blitz. I prefer Leftovers since Clear Amulet isn't a necessity anymore thanks to Pressure but Amulet is still nice against FCs bulky enough to eat one +6 hit. Life Orb can score 2HKOs against FC Toxapex at +6 and OHKO FC Arceus formes after Stealth Rock. You can run similar sets on Yveltal/Kingambit (Sapblocks thanks to Defiant)/Gliscor and probably Dialga/Zekrom/anything that can realistically do so in base BH, though Ho-Oh is definitely the most splashable user. Closest Ho-Oh set to being broken imo.
More niche/matchup-fishy sets:
Zekrom @ Wide Lens / Life Orb
Ability: Galvanize / Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Population Bomb / Bolt Strike
- Glaive Rush
- Strength Sap
You kinda hope you don't run into Helmet/Ting/Steelix/Altaria but otherwise this is fairly solid. -ate PopBomb/Adapt Bolt Strike OHKO Arceus at +1 and Glaive Rush potentially 2HKOes Eviolite Imposter w/ Galvanize and deals 82% min with Adapt. Easily Improofed by Steelix and can be pivoted around by Altaria.
Sableye-Mega @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Knock Off
- Nuzzle
- Defog / Burning Bulwark / Mortal Spin / Baneful Bunker / whatever
- Teleport
Magic Bounce + Regen is good for passive Spikes setters, not much to say. Sableye underspeeding basically everything and blocking Strength Sap are also really useful.
Hydrapple / Ferrothorn @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magic Guard / Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy / Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Mortal Spin
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off / Matcha Gotcha / Stone Axe / Clear Smog / Dragon Tail / Circle Throw / Nuzzle / whatever
- U-turn
Good into Kyogre and opposing Regenerator guys since you don't care about Mortal Spin and are relatively slow. Dual Spin because you'd generally be slotting these on Rain (as I did pre-Basc bans) to remove hazards for teammates especially concerned with staying at full (Water Spout stuff but also everything in general). Hydrapple can't get Knocked so it's especially resilient against opposing RegenVests, while Ferrothorn can chip via Iron Barbs and scout opposing Fire/Fighting coverage if necessary so they both have usable Abilities aside from Regen. If not on Rain, you're mostly using these to complement Toxapex as Apple/Ferro and Pex have great type synergy and Ho-Oh being Stone Axe-weak can be annoying.
Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Bullet Seed
- Spikes
- Icicle Spear / Triple Axel / Burning Bulwark / Baneful Bunker
Pair this with Gliscor if you want 2 Poison Heal mons that badly. With FC you can comfortably come in on Regens not named Dialga/Ho-Oh and you soft-check Sniper Greninja so you have situational defensive utility as well. Ice coverage is mainly for Gliscor but it's also not strictly necessary. Pair with reliable hazard control and setup Gliscor (1st set in this post) for optimal results.
Weezing-Galar @ Black Sludge / Covert Cloak
Ability: Regenerator / Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Salt Cure
- Knock Off / Mortal Spin / Ruination
- Defog / Strength Sap / Ruination / Mortal Spin / Leech Seed / Stone Axe
- Shore Up
Neutralizing Gas is weird in that currently the first time one sends a native NGas user out only Neutralizing Gas is active, with all other Abilities being suppressed regardless of Ability Shield (even for the opposing Pokemon). However, in subsequent times the NGas user is switched in only the non-Neutralizing Gas Abilities (Levitate/Misty Surge/the custom Ability in this case) are active, and the opposing Pokemon's Abilities are unaffected.
This makes Weezing-G an excellent stallbreaker but pretty horrible at everything else. Salt Cure's necessary since it's the most effective way to harass walls that can't force Weezing out (basically all of them bar TH Arceus formes and RegenVest Dialga), and I strongly recommend Shore Up since some passive teams just fold if they can't take advantage of reliance on Strength Sap. The other moves listed aid Weezing in its main role: Knock removes Cloak to more effectively mash Salt Cure, Mortal Spin/Leech Seed incur additional passive damage, and Ruination helps to deplete opposing recovery PP. You can also run Strength Sap for additional (situationally superior) recovery or hazard removal/setting in case Weezing alone isn't enough for the matchup at hand. Levitate + Regenerator with Weezing-G's typing is actually not bad so even if you do have to switch out Weezing can potentially tangibly impact the game state; alternatively Fur Coat seems fine but most special mons (and many physical attackers) pretty easily force you out. I wouldn't mind if NGas were fully banned rather than merely restricted because sets like this are simply cancer to deal with.
Medicham-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Psychic Fangs
- Wicked Blow / Knock Off / Bolt Strike / Flower Trick
- Gigaton Hammer / Extreme Speed / Mach Punch / Bolt Strike / Flower Trick / Glacial Lance
Seems like everyone forgot this mon exists LOL, I haven't tried Medicham recently but there's no way it's not good if not outright broken. CC 2HKOes non-AShield Toxapex and Ho-Oh, and deals 84% minimum to neutral Arceus. Psychic Fangs is mostly for Toxapex, but it also 2HKOes basically anything CC doesn't OHKO. The other two moves are flexible: Wicked Blow OHKOes Ghostceus, Knock Off hits the same targets (albeit less hard) while removing items, Bolt Strike OHKOes Dondozo and slightly chipped Slowbro, Flower Trick never misses in exchange for Bolt Strike's sheer power, Gigaton Hammer OHKOes Fairyceus and hits neutral targets almost as hard as CC, and Glacial Lance OHKOes Gliscor and Salamence. As for priority options, Extreme Speed generally 2HKOes chipped foes so you can sometimes guarantee value off of a revenge kill, while Mach Punch OHKOes slightly chipped Lucario. 100 Speed isn't fast, especially with Medicham's crappy bulk, but it's not as bad as in base BH because Speed tiers are generally lower.
Ursaluna @ Flame Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe OR 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant / Brave Nature
IVs: 31 Spe OR 0 Spe
- Facade
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Axe
- Strength Sap
Somewhat outclassed by Gliscor but you can probably pair the two together just fine, since Gliscor favors Spikes anyway and can provide hazard removal/run sweeper sets as needed. The one time I tried running this I got smashed by TR Rampardos so you can run min Speed for that if you want.
Other (mostly untested) sets: Modest Specs BOR Flutter/Banded or Growth Chlorophyll Reshiram in Sun, Banded Kingdra in Rain, Stench Lopunny, Scales Clodsire, FurScales Tornadus-T, Banded Steelworker Perrserker, FC Manectric, Flame Body/Static Gliscor, Specs Mold Breaker Salamence, Banded Mold Breaker/Sniper/Technician Chien-Pao
Misc. meta thoughts:
- Toxapex is the most splashable mon in the meta, closely followed by Gliscor. Besides Imposter/TH Arceus formes, everything else is an appreciable distance behind. The former should be on most non-HO since its insane bulk with FurScales more than justifies its shortcomings
- Ice Scales Toxapex/Ho-Oh invalidate the majority of special breakers seen in base BH
- Support/hybrid Gliscor punishes passive walls really harshly but imo those sets are nowhere near banworthy since it's not unreasonably difficult to reduce entry points via strong neutral/reasonably strong Water/Ice-type moves. VD sets are potentially unhealthy enough to warrant discussion though
- Audino is WAY worse here than in base BH: Lucario is actually good, Gliscor strongly punishes its passivity, and with generally lower Speed tiers Arceus formes and FurScales Regenerator walls are very strong competition
- Likewise, non-Imp blobs kinda suck because Scales Regens and Gliscor exist
- Wandering Spirit is far worse than in base BH because custom Wandering Spirit always steals the custom Ability, which is often not Regenerator due to the relative abundance of native-Regen pivoters. Native WS (on Yamask-Galar and Runerigus) steals a random opposing Ability so that isn't reliable either
- Salamence/non-Sand Tyranitar are kinda overrated
- Assuming Regen + FurScales and/or Toxapex/Ho-Oh don't leave anytime soon, I think we've reached a more or less decent metagame state. The only mons I'd consider hitting right now are Lucario, Gliscor, and some overly strong TR mons (Rampardos? Ampharos? Perrserker?), though I wouldn't count some ridiculously hard hitters with middling Speed (Medicham/Porygon-Z/Charizard Y) out either.
Can you use Photon Geyser on Mega Medicham? I don't know how prevalent screens are, or if you want Mold Breaker on Close Combat regardless.Some PokeBH sets:
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Fur Coat / Ice Scales
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Careful Nature
- Victory Dance
- Beak Blast
- Precipice Blades
- Spikes / Burning Bulwark / Baneful Bunker / Taunt
Self-Improofs with FC or Scales + Protection. VD loses its worst weakness on Gliscor thanks to Hyper Cutter preventing Strength Sap users from necessarily hardwalling sweeper sets, so counterplay outside of attacking with damaging enough attacks is left to reactive counterplay (Topsy-Turvy, Haze, Clear Smog, phazing) and the combination of Salt Cure + attacks. Beak Blast is interesting as being negative priority means 2HKOing opposing Strength Sap users at +6 suffices provided they cannot break through (as you can Beak Blast --> outspeed with Precipice Blades to KO rather than PP stall opposing Sap or get a predict right). Spikes is generally super useful and mitigates one of VD sets' weak points in generally not contributing to the game state aside from the threat of setting up and sweeping. Be sure to fit protection instead if Scales though, since you'll be taking 25 from Beak Blast instead of ~13. I haven't tried Taunt but I'm sure that's also an option if FC, since you disable potential counterplay that the other 4th move options don't. This is clearly the most problematic Gliscor set imo and if this set were popular I'd probably be on the fence on whether Gliscor's banworthy or not.
Altaria-Mega @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Relaxed / Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Boomburst
- Nuzzle / Stone Axe
- Rapid Spin
- U-turn
Best Spinner in the format imo, since it's the most worthwhile defensive -ate mon to run and knowing you get reliable Spins off means you're not giving up much by running a non-Boots item on most mons. Boomburst almost OHKOes Zamazenta and deals ~40 to neutral Arceus formes, meaning you're not passive at all. Nuzzle lets you annoy Imposter (if Imp Transforms into Toxapex it's healed by Limber, though) and most non-Toxapex stuff, while Stone Axe is efficient hazard setting. The Basculegions are banned now but Altaria can still check Sniper Greninja/some TH Arceus and force opposing Kyogre/Reshiram/SF Greninja/most Fairy-weaks out. Poor bulk means neutral and even some resisted hits can be annoyances though.
Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Aerilate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Facade
- Spikes
Now for the second best Spinner. The self-Improofing is a bit sketchy but Aerilate Gliscor's really good at coming into passive hazard setters and safely removing or Spiking in front of them. Aerilate Facade also hits way harder than one would expect, 2HKOing neutral nature Ho-Oh and dealing ~40 to neutral Arceus formes. What tends to happen in practice is coming in to remove hazards in the early game, get Spikes up against whatever passive mons allow you in, and SD when an opportunity to break arises, which is pretty quick when the opponent doesn't have a mon that comfortably 1v1s +2 Gliscor. Use on bulkier teams that'd like to not be consigned to Boots spam, preferably with a backup wincon like TH Arceus.
Lucario-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Gigaton Hammer
- Close Combat / Collision Course
- Bullet Punch / Knock Off / Trick / Mach Punch / Bolt Strike / Electro Drift
Very tough mon to answer without FC AShield Toxapex, with Sunsteel 2HKOing everything upwards of neutral nature Ting-Lu and Fighting STAB generally nailing the rest. Sunsteel's going to be the button you're mashing but Gigaton applies additional pressure by hitting non-FC foes way harder and CC discourage Imposter from coming in. The 4th slot is flexible – I ran Bullet Punch which has randomly let me pick down opposing Imposter before, but you could probably run a bunch of other stuff if you wanted to. Clearly the closest Lucario set to being problematic imo and I'd imagine something like this is what got Kartana banned in base BH? Just Luc is stronger here, slightly faster, and has a better secondary STAB.
Ho-Oh @ Leftovers / Clear Amulet / Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Spirit Shackle
- Victory Dance
- Flare Blitz
- Strength Sap
More potent than in base BH since Pressure affects the VD-Sap dynamic in your favor. If the opponent can't force you out you can boost to +6 pretty easily and hit stuff with coked up Flare Blitz. I prefer Leftovers since Clear Amulet isn't a necessity anymore thanks to Pressure but Amulet is still nice against FCs bulky enough to eat one +6 hit. Life Orb can score 2HKOs against FC Toxapex at +6 and OHKO FC Arceus formes after Stealth Rock. You can run similar sets on Yveltal/Kingambit (Sapblocks thanks to Defiant)/Gliscor and probably Dialga/Zekrom/anything that can realistically do so in base BH, though Ho-Oh is definitely the most splashable user. Closest Ho-Oh set to being broken imo.
More niche/matchup-fishy sets:
Zekrom @ Wide Lens / Life Orb
Ability: Galvanize / Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Population Bomb / Bolt Strike
- Glaive Rush
- Strength Sap
You kinda hope you don't run into Helmet/Ting/Steelix/Altaria but otherwise this is fairly solid. -ate PopBomb/Adapt Bolt Strike OHKO Arceus at +1 and Glaive Rush potentially 2HKOes Eviolite Imposter w/ Galvanize and deals 82% min with Adapt. Easily Improofed by Steelix and can be pivoted around by Altaria.
Sableye-Mega @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Knock Off
- Nuzzle
- Defog / Burning Bulwark / Mortal Spin / Baneful Bunker / whatever
- Teleport
Magic Bounce + Regen is good for passive Spikes setters, not much to say. Sableye underspeeding basically everything and blocking Strength Sap are also really useful.
Hydrapple / Ferrothorn @ Assault Vest
Ability: Magic Guard / Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy / Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Mortal Spin
- Rapid Spin
- Knock Off / Matcha Gotcha / Stone Axe / Clear Smog / Dragon Tail / Circle Throw / Nuzzle / whatever
- U-turn
Good into Kyogre and opposing Regenerator guys since you don't care about Mortal Spin and are relatively slow. Dual Spin because you'd generally be slotting these on Rain (as I did pre-Basc bans) to remove hazards for teammates especially concerned with staying at full (Water Spout stuff but also everything in general). Hydrapple can't get Knocked so it's especially resilient against opposing RegenVests, while Ferrothorn can chip via Iron Barbs and scout opposing Fire/Fighting coverage if necessary so they both have usable Abilities aside from Regen. If not on Rain, you're mostly using these to complement Toxapex as Apple/Ferro and Pex have great type synergy and Ho-Oh being Stone Axe-weak can be annoying.
Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Bullet Seed
- Spikes
- Icicle Spear / Triple Axel / Burning Bulwark / Baneful Bunker
Pair this with Gliscor if you want 2 Poison Heal mons that badly. With FC you can comfortably come in on Regens not named Dialga/Ho-Oh and you soft-check Sniper Greninja so you have situational defensive utility as well. Ice coverage is mainly for Gliscor but it's also not strictly necessary. Pair with reliable hazard control and setup Gliscor (1st set in this post) for optimal results.
Weezing-Galar @ Black Sludge / Covert Cloak
Ability: Regenerator / Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Impish Nature
- Salt Cure
- Knock Off / Mortal Spin / Ruination
- Defog / Strength Sap / Ruination / Mortal Spin / Leech Seed / Stone Axe
- Shore Up
Neutralizing Gas is weird in that currently the first time one sends a native NGas user out only Neutralizing Gas is active, with all other Abilities being suppressed regardless of Ability Shield (even for the opposing Pokemon). However, in subsequent times the NGas user is switched in only the non-Neutralizing Gas Abilities (Levitate/Misty Surge/the custom Ability in this case) are active, and the opposing Pokemon's Abilities are unaffected.
e: I forgot just slotting Neutralizing Gas in over a custom Ability allows Neutralizing Gas to remain active on subsequent switch-ins. Ban this ASAP
This makes Weezing-G an excellent stallbreaker but pretty horrible at everything else. Salt Cure's necessary since it's the most effective way to harass walls that can't force Weezing out (basically all of them bar TH Arceus formes and RegenVest Dialga), and I strongly recommend Shore Up since some passive teams just fold if they can't take advantage of reliance on Strength Sap. The other moves listed aid Weezing in its main role: Knock removes Cloak to more effectively mash Salt Cure, Mortal Spin/Leech Seed incur additional passive damage, and Ruination helps to deplete opposing recovery PP. You can also run Strength Sap for additional (situationally superior) recovery or hazard removal/setting in case Weezing alone isn't enough for the matchup at hand. Levitate + Regenerator with Weezing-G's typing is actually not bad so even if you do have to switch out Weezing can potentially tangibly impact the game state; alternatively Fur Coat seems fine but most special mons (and many physical attackers) pretty easily force you out. I wouldn't mind if NGas were fully banned rather than merely restricted because sets like this are simply cancer to deal with.
Medicham-Mega @ Choice Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Psychic Fangs
- Wicked Blow / Knock Off / Bolt Strike / Flower Trick
- Gigaton Hammer / Extreme Speed / Mach Punch / Bolt Strike / Flower Trick / Glacial Lance
Seems like everyone forgot this mon exists LOL, I haven't tried Medicham recently but there's no way it's not good if not outright broken. CC 2HKOes non-AShield Toxapex and Ho-Oh, and deals 84% minimum to neutral Arceus. Psychic Fangs is mostly for Toxapex, but it also 2HKOes basically anything CC doesn't OHKO. The other two moves are flexible: Wicked Blow OHKOes Ghostceus, Knock Off hits the same targets (albeit less hard) while removing items, Bolt Strike OHKOes Dondozo and slightly chipped Slowbro, Flower Trick never misses in exchange for Bolt Strike's sheer power, Gigaton Hammer OHKOes Fairyceus and hits neutral targets almost as hard as CC, and Glacial Lance OHKOes Gliscor and Salamence. As for priority options, Extreme Speed generally 2HKOes chipped foes so you can sometimes guarantee value off of a revenge kill, while Mach Punch OHKOes slightly chipped Lucario. 100 Speed isn't fast, especially with Medicham's crappy bulk, but it's not as bad as in base BH because Speed tiers are generally lower.
Ursaluna @ Flame Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe OR 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Adamant / Brave Nature
IVs: 31 Spe OR 0 Spe
- Facade
- Precipice Blades
- Stone Axe
- Strength Sap
Somewhat outclassed by Gliscor but you can probably pair the two together just fine, since Gliscor favors Spikes anyway and can provide hazard removal/run sweeper sets as needed. The one time I tried running this I got smashed by TR Rampardos so you can run min Speed for that if you want.
Other (mostly untested) sets: Modest Specs BOR Flutter/Banded or Growth Chlorophyll Reshiram in Sun, Banded Kingdra in Rain, Stench Lopunny, Scales Clodsire, FurScales Tornadus-T, Banded Steelworker Perrserker, FC Manectric, Flame Body/Static Gliscor, Specs Mold Breaker Salamence, Banded Mold Breaker/Sniper/Technician Chien-Pao
Misc. meta thoughts:
- Toxapex is the most splashable mon in the meta, closely followed by Gliscor. Besides Imposter/TH Arceus formes, everything else is an appreciable distance behind. The former should be on most non-HO since its insane bulk with FurScales more than justifies its shortcomings
- Ice Scales Toxapex/Ho-Oh invalidate the majority of special breakers seen in base BH
- Support/hybrid Gliscor punishes passive walls really harshly but imo those sets are nowhere near banworthy since it's not unreasonably difficult to reduce entry points via strong neutral/reasonably strong Water/Ice-type moves. VD sets are potentially unhealthy enough to warrant discussion though
- Audino is WAY worse here than in base BH: Lucario is actually good, Gliscor strongly punishes its passivity, and with generally lower Speed tiers Arceus formes and FurScales Regenerator walls are very strong competition
- Likewise, non-Imp blobs kinda suck because Scales Regens and Gliscor exist
- Wandering Spirit is far worse than in base BH because custom Wandering Spirit always steals the custom Ability, which is often not Regenerator due to the relative abundance of native-Regen pivoters. Native WS (on Yamask-Galar and Runerigus) steals a random opposing Ability so that isn't reliable either
- Salamence/non-Sand Tyranitar are kinda overrated
- Assuming Regen + FurScales and/or Toxapex/Ho-Oh don't leave anytime soon, I think we've reached a more or less decent metagame state. The only mons I'd consider hitting right now are Lucario, Gliscor, and some overly strong TR mons (Rampardos? Ampharos? Perrserker?), though I wouldn't count some ridiculously hard hitters with middling Speed (Medicham/Porygon-Z/Charizard Y) out either.
Photon Geyser is bannedCan you use Photon Geyser on Mega Medicham? I don't know how prevalent screens are, or if you want Mold Breaker on Close Combat regardless.
| aerobee | ANinjaDude | Clas | NoobSpammer | Lysion | rightclicker | The Hisui Region | Result (Y-N-A) |
Porygon-Z | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | BAN | ABS | BAN | 6-0-1 BAN |
Neutralizing Gas | BAN | ABS | DNB | BAN | ABS | BAN | DNB | 3-2-2 BAN |
Ok, so the Swalot set is funny, though I'd just like to add that Ability Shield is a very common item in this meta. It thus prevents Swalot from Skill Swapping, and now its kinda useless. It's a good sap blocker or sap revenger rather, but just use MBounce. Swalot also might be better as a setup sweeper.Posting this PokeBH team I made like an hour ago:
To prove I am a strong trainer and not just a guy who cheesed his way to round 7 in CCC, I had to use the fully evolved form of my favourite. Band with Adaptability and Libero, along with strong coverage moves, hit very hard. I already made a post with lots of calcs.
I decided to use ZardY to turn Cinderace's V-creates nuclear. Magic Guard is basically the only usable ability on this guy unless you want it to be the nuke, and Life Orb is a nice drawbackless 30% boost to its attacks. I chose Torch Song as my fire STAB as it doesn't have 8 PP and helps it 1v1 lots of stuff. Knock Off is mainly for removing Heavy-Duty Boots and Assault Vests and is just a good move in general. Spikes can punish opposing momentum and has good synergy with Knock Off, and Strength Sap is Strength Sap.
I don't think anyone has ever selected this thing in the teambuilder for anything, and I don't know why I added this to the team, but it's funny.
One of the best sweepers in the tier. I went with Swords Dance over Victory Dance to OHKO Imposter if you're a gamer and win the speed tie, and so if you're not a gamer Cinderace can outspeed Imposter. Protective Pads is for all those stupid Rocky Helmets and Burning Banthismovepleasewarks, and Strength Sap is Strength Sap.
The improof for the 3 offensive mons above. Thunder Cage and Draco Plate Judgement let it improof itself, and Hydro Steam is so I have a water move I can click if sun is up. Strength Sap is Strength Sap.
Is pex. Acts as another improof for ZardY. I changed Mortal Spin to Rapid Spin after the first battle I'm putting below.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9pokebilities-2271616084-13g7dko43msf70x79tpxo2cqfjp2dkwpw Vs aerobee. In this battle Zard had Weather Ball, but I change it because I realised it's mid. I completely forgot about Merciless on Toxapex, so that's why I gave it Rapid Spin.
https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9pokebilities-2271639951-c31nsghjj25eqt93jyo4snsz6imsqpopw?p2 Vs ANinjaDude. Cinderace didn't even do anything in this battle, and Swalot actually put in work.
OMG TEMPAs nothing stands out as immediately banworthy but multiple conscientious elements are legal in PokeBH, the metagame is having its first community survey, which is linked below:
The deadline to fill out this survey is Sunday, January 12th at 11:59pm GMT-5.
I also can confirm these are real, yesterday I got 6-0d by a lead SD iVal with my other Cinderace teamHave you ever sat down and thought, "Gee, I wish my Simple pokemon didn't have to worry about improofing," or "I wish I had some extra speed control on this team?" Well you're in luck, because Today I'll be breaking down exactly how to solve both of those issues with two simple words.
Why use Booster Energy? It, when combined with Protosynthesis or Quark Drive, allows your pokemon to both beat their own Imposter with the correct EVing, and also give you some emergency speed control for their sweeper at +1, or maybe even 2. Now, you may be wondering, what Booster Energy pokemon are there that you could possibly use in such a high-powered meta like PokeBH? Well, dear citizen reading this post on www.smogon.com/forums/threads/om-mashup-megathread.3711916, I'm glad you asked this, for I have compiled a list of pokemon that can use this, and even created sets and EVed them to beat their own Imposter, for your viewing and usage enjoyment.Booster Energy
First off, we have Flutter Mane, a pokemon whose high Special Attack and Speed comboes with its threatening STAB combo of Ghost/Fairy to create a lethal offensive pokemon, and now, it can't even be stopped by Imposter. The combination of Astral Barrage and Moonblast 2HKOs almost the entire tier, with Pain Split making it incredibly hard for pink blobs like:Audino-Mega, Chansey, or Blissey to stop you. The provided spread always OHKOs Eviolite Imposter from full after a Nasty Plot with Astral Barrage, Moongeist Beam can't quite OHKO Imposter, so I would advise against its use.
Next, we have the Big Gouger, who I think might be getting slept on a little because of Reshiram. Reshiram might be the better sun pick, but this Gouging Fire set is incredibly dangerous after just a single Swords Dance. Glaive Rush is a great STAB, and while normally the Fire STAB of choice is V-Create, Simple and Booster Energy both anti-synergize with it, so instead I've opted for Pyro Ball. Sunsteel Strike threatens any Fairies or FC pokemon that would try to slow you down, and because of your natural Fire typing, you're even able to spam contact moves like Sunsteel Strike or Glaive Rush without being scared of Bulwark.
Boulder has a rather unique set of traits that I think makes it a good user of Simple+Booster Energy. It's very fast, it has SE STAB on Toxapex and Ho-Oh, and it has STAB that punishes Bulwark usage heavily. You could theoretically swap out Headlong Rush for Precipice Blades to counter Bulwark Steels if you feel lucky, or Gigaton Hammer to allow you to run a lot more EVs in Defense(instead of having to use 0 EV/19 IV Hasty, you could use 96 EV/31 IV Jolly), but then Imposters could switch out on the Gigaton, sack a different pokemon to it, and kill you with Gigaton in return, so I woudn't personally recommend it. I wouldn't recommend using Sunsteel Strike over Headlong Rush either, as it cannot quite OHKO Imposter.
Bundle sports probably the most unique spread I've made for any of these pokemon, but it hits a few critical benchmarks. Modest 212 Special Attack is stronger than Timid 252 on Iron Bundle, while also still allowing for Booster Energy to boost Speed. This increased Special Attack also allows you to run more Special Defense EVs (176 vs 124) while still always OHKOing Imposter with Electro Drift. Freeze-Dry and Ice Beam are both very solid Ice STABs for Bundle, and Steam Eruption is a good secondary STAB.
Not too much to say about this one, it's a fast Booster mon weak to Electro Drift, so Improofing is pretty easy, don't know if I'd use it vs any of the Scales mons in the meta, but I think it has a chance to be able to do some interesting things.
Another fairly simple set, STAB Flower Trick hits like a truck, Attack Order makes Improofing simple, Triple Arrows slam Steels. You could very easily swap out Flower Trick for a Psychic STAB like Psychic Fangs or Psyblade if you need to hit Toxapex.
This is the first of two pokemon that I've cooked two different sets for, but unlike the one coming up, both of the two sets are fairly similar. Malignant Chain+Fire STAB(can be Torch Song, Armor Cannon, Blue Flare, etc)+Improofing Move+NPlot. The difference comes primarily in the EVs necessary for the two different Improofing Moves(Psystrike and Earth Power). The other main difference is that Psystrike is slightly better into blobs like Blissey/Chansey, and Earth Power is better into Mega Tyranitar, so just pick whichever suits your team best.
Another good user of Simple+Booster Energy, Iron Treads has STAB SE on itself for easy Improofing, and also has STAB Sunsteel Strike, making it a super threatening pokemon, especially as the pokemon you'd ordinarily use for checking Ground/Steel moves in PokeBH, Ho-Oh, gets eviscerated by +4 Mighty Cleave.
The second pokemon that I've cooked up two sets for, and probably the most flexible pokemon on this list, Iron Valiant is in a very unique position, where as long as it runs Fairy STAB for self-proofing, it can really use whatever two coverage moves it wants. Glacial Lance for Gliscor, Electro Drift for Ho-Oh/Toxapex, Precipice Blades for Mega Steelix, you get the idea. It can easily pick apart just about any team with the right coverage moves. Very scary pokemon, don't sleep on this.
A pokemon that I'm not as sure about, Raging Bolt feels like just worse Miraidon/Ampharos-Mega, but it might be able to leverage its 409 speed tier after Booster and Simple Nasty Plot to do something. Fairly basic moveset, could probably be experimented with more.
Another Dragon, this time a bit faster and stronger than Gouging, but a lot worse into Fairies, Roaring Moon can threaten to seriously mess with most teams with Glaive Rush/Knock Off/Sunsteel Strike, and can also switch out Knock Off for Wicked Blow if you want to sacrifice utility for raw damage output. Another scary pokemon, does feel a little awkward to set up at the moment, and hates Bulwark 50/50s, but definitely keep an eye on this mon.
A pokemon I haven't experimented with much, inspired by Slothy0wl's usage of it on a rain team a couple weeks back, Sandy Shocks is a fairly simple pokemon for my purposes. Fast, STAB Electro Drift, SE STAB on itself for easy Improofing, and then a flex slot to do whatever it wants with. Could do with some tinkering, and feels a little frail, but isn't a bad pokemon by any means.
Your welcome.I also can confirm these are real, yesterday I got 6-0d by a lead SD iVal with my other Cinderace team
| aerobee | ANinjaDude | Clas | NoobSpammer | Lysion | rightclicker | The Hisui Region | Result (Y-N-A) |
Regen + FurScales | BAN | BAN | BAN | DNB | BAN | ABS | BAN | 6-1-0 BAN |
Lucario-Mega | BAN | ABS | DNB | DNB | BAN | BAN | BAN | 4-2-1 BAN |
Zekrom | BAN | BAN | BAN | ABS | BAN | BAN | BAN | 6-0-1 BAN |
Burning Bulwark | BAN | BAN | BAN | DNB | BAN | BAN | DNB | 5-2-0 BAN |
Victory Dance | BAN | ABS | DNB | DNB | DNB | DNB | ABS | 1-4-2 DNB |
Restrict Stench | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | 7-0-0 RESTRICT |