Official NBA 2011-12 Season Thread

You're not watching much Spurs, do you? They're the godfathers of floppers.

They do too, but Manu is the star of their show. For the Clippers it's more of an all around team effort. I can't hate the Spurs though because I went to school with and played basketball with Patty Mills, but under normal circumstances I would haha.
8-0 in play for me fuck yeahhhh

Lakers, Grizzlies 75% each to win now, so basically a critical hit chance that at least one does not win, ~56% that both do.

(8)Philadelphia 76ers versus (4) Boston Celtics

Bulls, **** you for sucking without Rose.

Anyway, this series should be another grind-it-out type of series. Even without Rose, Philadelphia only managed to average around 80 points against Chicago. Boston managed to keep Atlanta around the same range. Expect most of these games to have some ugly offense. Both teams have shown some of the best defensive efficiency in both regular season and playoffs.

Philadelphia has steadily shown promise against Boston the last few years in the regular season. Is it a sign that Boston has lost its Atlantic Division title? I'm not so sure yet.

I also heavily take Boston's injuries in consideration. Pierce has an ailing knee, Allen's ankle has fossils in it, and I heard Garnett is playing under a hip flexor? I also remember Bradley wearing a strange sleeve a few days ago... is his shoulder messed up?

If Boston is too injured and tired, Philadelphia will run away with this thing with their transition style. Looking at some rough numbers, Boston is actually worse at defending transition points in comparison to Chicago. Add in the fact that they're worse rebounders, and it makes it harder to think about. Will they be able to successfully control the tempo?

On the frontline I think is where Boston is vulnerable to this team. Spencer has shown great outside range, Elton Brand is way bigger than Bass (but not more physical), and Iguodala is a mini-LeBron James. Pierce already has trouble with extremely athletic small forwards. Add in the fact that his knee is questionable, and I feel like this match-up may actually be in favor of Philadelphia. That's not even looking at Thaddeus Young who is a known killer of many teams.

The backcourt is what I feel can tip this easily into Boston's favor. Rondo is obviously leagues ahead of Holiday and Williams as far as point-guard production goes. Allen didn't do too bad last series. He struggled from three at times but in the paint, he was about average. Philadelphia's backcourt are among the worst jumpshooters in the playoffs. If they aren't running, they're usually done.

It's really, really hard to decide who wins this... taking Boston's injuries in account, I feel like as long as they have one frontline guy play "big" (I'm counting on KG for this), they should do okay. Pierce likely won't be as successful in this series as he was in the last, so Rondo, KG, and Allen may have to take the offensive load. Do I trust them to? I suppose. Rondo and KG did so well last series that I think they have enough to win another together. That, and Philadelphia really struggled with a Rose-less Chicago. That's not promising for your offense, bro.

Keep Philadephia in the halfcourt (which Boston beautifully did against Atlanta), and they're sunk.

Boston in six.

Edit: Oh god Celtics you're killin' me

Ladies and gentlemen...the Brandon Bass show!!!

Garnett+Allen 3/4 + 5/8? Quick, get the 0-10 guys more shots, if they do not get going we will never win the game!1111
oh forgot to make predictions for this round

Celtics > 76ers in 5
Heat > Pacers in 5

Nuggets > Lakers
Grizzlies > Clippers
Round 2
Grizzlies > Spurs in 6
Thunder > Nuggets 5

ya goin' all out fanboy...worked in the nfl postseason let's c if it works in this one lol.
oh forgot to make predictions for this round

Celtics > 76ers in 5
Heat > Pacers in 5

Nuggets > Lakers
Grizzlies > Clippers
Round 2
Grizzlies > Spurs
Thunder > Nuggets

ya goin' all out fanboy...worked in the nfl postseason let's c if it works in this one lol.

Thirding ShakeItUp's predictions for the most part, he lists pretty much every team I want to win over the ones I dislike. Though I'll take Thunder > Lakers if the Lakers bail themselves out somehow, and Clippers > Grizzlies, and from there over Spurs. Otherwise, Grizzlies > Spurs still, as I really hate the Spurs.
It's because KG knows this is his last real shot at bringing home a title with this core. Also Rondo has more playoff triple doubles than Lebrick James...
sup haters? Celtics steal one with Pierce and Allen invisible.

Rondo triple-double as if giving a big personal middle finger to CaptKirby, then he laughed off the "teams too old!?!" question after the game. What a great team player, he never plays bad two games in a row.
What did he do?

After Sager asked what MWP expects when he goes to OKC, he brushed it off and he gave a shoutout to his hood for like 15 straight seconds and talked like a gangster when Sager was like "Queens (or wherever it was) isn't in OKC though" etc. Much funnier in video because of the way he says things and the insane look in his eye lol.