NU Discussion Thread (Mark II)

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Hell, I still use Raichu in OU. His abillity to surprise Swampert with GKnot and Encore any SR users is awesome. I honestly cannot believe he is NU, but its usage.

Yeah you've right. Raichu is not right in NU Tier imo, but I think it wouldn't be so good enough on OU. I would probably use it in UU. So for an UU Pokemon is has good stats:

The problem in OU is, that it has many counters, all the Pokemon wo use Earthquake (Salamence, Hippowdon...) and so it could not often boost with Nasty Plot. But I think that it have a chance on UU, with good prediction this could be realy nice.
I actually thought Raichu was terrible for UU. Too much priority, and he isn't really killing anything in one shot. Although...

Raichu rocks NU tier imo.
Raikaria, does your NU team of Charizard and Floatzel include Raichu?
In truth, NU's been too dead for me to test out Charizard, so, in truth, my Charizard stuff is Theorymon, mainly.

I've been too busy, in the few games I've played, testing Crawdaunt, Kingler, and Porygon2, who I have a soft spot for. Not to mention, more testing of Raichu (Floatzel + Sash NP Raichu = easy set-up). Throw in CAP, and I've had my hands filled as it is.

Because I know everyone and their brother will be using Charizard or Magmortar.

However, I think I did make a team that included Charizard and Raichu, as well as Floatzel. Never got to test it, as my C drive crashed, and I lost all my files.

When I can, I'll re-make my Charizard team, and actually test it out... hopefully.
Sweet!!! Definitely looking forward to that.

I mean, personally those 3 pokemon are among my favorites. And to be able to ACTUALLY use them makes me happy.

Doesn't E Buzz have a wider movepool AND is faster (damn I hate that thing)

Ampharos DOES have 20 higher base special attack, and is far more bulky. Other than that, Electabuzz is more useful. I like Ampharos as well, since it is much like CB Swampert in the sense of bulk AND power.
Hey, if you guys see me talking in the chat on CaP, ask me for NU Battles. I'm always up for them, but I usually do CaP so I can actually have some matches.
I wonder why no one is using Arbok. Now that he has Switcheroo, he can go with a good choice set and trick his item away.
I've been using him with the standard Gunk Shot, Earthquake and Crunch (there is still Aqua Tail, Seed Bomb and the fangs to use). And Intimidate is helpful aswell. In NU he can take a beating and deal some huge damage in return.

Another snake I want to try, is Seviper. He has some good attacking stats (100/100), and combined with his good movepool and HGSS addition of Switcheroo, he can work like Arbok but with a Scarf or also on the special side. I can imagine going special, and tricking his item to stop Regice from messing with him.
I've actually been able to try out Swords Dance Charizard, and so far, found that Gastrodon does check Charizard, even at +2. However, it should be noted I was using Jolly Nature. (Didn't want to risk positive Base 90's and things like that, as well as force a speed tie against other Base 100's, such as Dodrio)

However, Gastrodon cannot switch in, because it fails to OHKO Charizard, and is outsped, and 3HKO'ed. (I'm quite sure it's a 2HKO with Adamant Nature, because 2 Earthquakes left Gastrodon with about 10%, and it had Lefties)

Also note, I was using Leftovers with Charizard, not Life Orb. Charizard would have died from Life Orb Recoil though, after the Surf.

In other words, Adamant Nature, and Leftovers allows SD Charizard to beat Gastrodon, provided you pack Earthquake. Quagsire's in the same boat.
Mixviper is good. Arbok is not. Seviper has Flamethrower. Steels are phisically focused, so Seviper has an easier time with Steels.

He's right. The only thing Arbok can do is trick a choice band, which, IMO, almost all of the steels would love. Bastiodon wouldn't, and BP Mawile wouldn't. That's about it.
He's right. The only thing Arbok can do is trick a choice band, which, IMO, almost all of the steels would love. Bastiodon wouldn't, and BP Mawile wouldn't. That's about it.

Well... NU lacks good, bulky steel types. What we have from steel types ? Mawile with 50/85 Defence ? Metang ? Wormadam-S (which won't enjoy CB boosted Eartquake) ? And Bastiodon + Probopass are 4x Earth weak, which makes earth attack much better choice against them then fire. So I don't think that Arbok misses that special-typed fire attack in NU tier as Arbok may go through most steel walls (and many non-steel ones) with just using physical attack. Anyway, steel types in NU risks alot on switching directly on Arbok, if you predict correctly.

But I agree that steel-types in most cases would enjoy CB from Arbok. I don't think that Arbok is outclassed, as it is much bulkier (especially with Intimidiate) and 65 speed vs 80 speed makes a really big difference. It just has worse attack (85 speed vs 100 attack). If you looks for physical attacker (or physicall tank), especially with Choice Band - go with Arbok. If you need wall-breaker go with Seviper.
Was just about to ask why people still use Gastrodon now that Quagsire gets it.

Gastrodon's Base Stats:
HP: 111
Attack: 83
Defence: 68
Sp.Attack: 92
Sp.Def: 82
Speed: 39

Ratings from X-Act's Calculator:
Physical Sweepiness: 84
Physical Tankiness: 112
Special Sweepiness: 90
Special Tankiness: 131

Average Tankiness: 121.5 (Done by me)
Overall Rating: 200

Quagsire's Base Stats:

HP: 95
Attack: 85
Defence: 85
Sp.Attack: 65
Sp.Def: 65
Speed: 35

Ratings from X-Act's calcuator:
Physical Sweepiness: 83
Physical Tankiness: 123
Special Sweepiness: 70
Special Tankiness: 99

Average Tankiness: 111 (Done by me)
Overall Rateing: 154

Gastrodon's a better defensive pokemon still. And it can dish it out better as well. There is still no reason to use Quagsire, except Water Absorb. But then, think about the fact that the number of viable Water types in NU is 4 (Golduck, Quagsire, Floatzel and Gastrodon), and Water Absorb dosen't seem as appealing all of a sudden. Quagsire may have marginally better attack, but Gastrodon's mixed set is far more effective than Quagsire's physical set.

While X-Act's calculator is generally not massivly useful in comparing pokemon, in the case of two very similar pokemon, Gastrodon and Quagsire, it is exceptionally useful.

Personally, you will almost never see one of my NU teams without the Sea Slug. It's like glue. Holds teams together so well.

Credit to X-Act for the calculator.
Gorebyss, Poliwrath, Politoad, Sharpedo, Bibarel, Slowking, Relicanth, Phione, Kingler, Crawdaunt, Mantine... all disagree with your statement Raikaria. Water Absorb is a life saver sometimes, and it can help Quagsire come in on choice water attacks and start setting up. Gastrodon is better in most other circumstances though.

I'm having a bit of a problem with Charizard sometimes, the dragon dance set is the only one giving me problems, the boost along with 'Zard's already high attack and speed is quite hard to work around.

I'm thinking about bringing back my CB Floatzel that I used for a while, but an +ve Nature CB Aqua jet only manages 76.8% - 90.9% on a 0/0 Charizard. Could use Sharpedo, though I don't feel comfortable using an Adamant CBer with it's much lower speed.
Gorebyss, Poliwrath, Politoad, Sharpedo, Bibarel, Slowking, Relicanth, Phione, Kingler, Crawdaunt, Mantine... all disagree with your statement Raikaria. Water Absorb is a life saver sometimes, and it can help Quagsire come in on choice water attacks and start setting up. Gastrodon is better in most other circumstances though.

I'm having a bit of a problem with Charizard sometimes, the dragon dance set is the only one giving me problems, the boost along with 'Zard's already high attack and speed is quite hard to work around.

I'm thinking about bringing back my CB Floatzel that I used for a while, but an +ve Nature CB Aqua jet only manages 76.8% - 90.9% on a 0/0 Charizard. Could use Sharpedo, though I don't feel comfortable using an Adamant CBer with it's much lower speed.

Gorebyss: Only useful on Baton Pass and Rain Teams
Poliwrath: Uses Fighting Attacks more often than Waterfall. Subpunch. Would do so on both, so the point is moot.
Politoad: Never seen one in NU. Not really viable.
Sharpedo: Got me there
Bibarel: Not seen one again, despite hearing it's viable. Both fear Super Fang and Return though.
Slowking: Gastrodon's better sp.def makes it take Psychics better
Relicanth: Spams Head Smash most of the time, so Water Absorb wouldn't grant any use
Phione: Not viable
Kingler: Seemingly not Viable (Never seen one)
Crawdaunt: See Kingler
Mantine: Again, not seen one, dosen't seem any use compared to the other NU waters.

Key word I used was 'Viable', and also those who actually use Water moves aften enough. (Not stated, but quite obvious)

As for the Choice part... how many of these use a Choice Item? Relicanth maybe... and Floatzel... again, maybe. Choiced Waters just don't happen.
Gorebyss: Only useful on Baton Pass and Rain Teams
Poliwrath: Uses Fighting Attacks more often than Waterfall. Subpunch. Would do so on both, so the point is moot.
Politoad: Never seen one in NU. Not really viable.
Sharpedo: Got me there
Bibarel: Not seen one again, despite hearing it's viable. Both fear Super Fang and Return though.
Slowking: Gastrodon's better sp.def makes it take Psychics better
Relicanth: Spams Head Smash most of the time, so Water Absorb wouldn't grant any use
Phione: Not viable
Kingler: Seemingly not Viable (Never seen one)
Crawdaunt: See Kingler
Mantine: Again, not seen one, dosen't seem any use compared to the other NU waters.

Key word I used was 'Viable', and also those who actually use Water moves aften enough. (Not stated, but quite obvious)

As for the Choice part... how many of these use a Choice Item? Relicanth maybe... and Floatzel... again, maybe. Choiced Waters just don't happen.

Gorebyss: I've run a Damp Rock/ Rain dancer before on a balanced team and it worked suprising well. It's got a brilliant special attack, though a set up sweeper that has to set up every 8 turns isn't the best idea. I does shut down Sand/Hail teams once Hippo/Snover are down.
Poliwrath: I've seen quite a few people run Waterfall on Poliwrath in the past, even Sub-Punchers. Then again I've not seen it in a while...
Politoad: I miss-typed this one. I thought I'd deleted it :S
Bibarel: Is most definitely viable. It makes a respectable lead, and there's no better baton pass reciever in NU. Even a single Swords Dance and Rock Polish pass from GLigar can help it sweep entire teams.
Slowking: Nasty plot, Trick Room, High Special Attack, Defense and HP. Reliable recovery, has access to nice attacking moves(Fire Blast, Grass knot, Ice Beam, Surf, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast). If theres one viable water type I mentioned, it's Slowking
Relicanth: It might spam Head Smash more often than not, but it's second option is also more often than not to Waterfall.
Phione: I'm not sure about this one... Never used it myself. Called it a gimmick and got shouted down. Tried it out and was a little underwhelmed, however it's ability IS quite nice.
Kingler: I've fought a fair couple. Never used it myself, but it seemed to work well for my opponents(and managed a sweep of most of my team).
Crawdaunt: Used it before and after Dragon Dance. It is very good, but it's lack of special bulk and starting speed lets it down. Works good as a wall breaker on a Trick Room team.
Mantine: Great Special wall. This thing is a monster to try and take out if you don't have a Stabed Electric attack.

I also forgot Cloyster in my original list.
Hmm...I love NU pokemon i have used Licklicky in Ou and it does great his speed is bad but other than that it is a very good pokemon.

Lately i been experimenting with Seadra..Yes a Seadra Lol.He has solid speed and very usable special attack. My Seadra can also take some hits from the physical side and get alot of Ohko or 2hkos.

Swalot is something extremely underated. He has more balanced than Muk so he can take hits alittle more better even though Muk has better attack, swalot has liquid ooze which is great for vileplumes etc. Pain Spilt and Curse are nice options also

Here is my Custom Seadra set

Seadra@ Choice Specs
4 HP/252 Special Attack/252 speed
1.Surf(Obvious Stab nets alot of Kos or weakened poekmon or choice pokemon locked into a neautral attack etc.)
2.Ice Beam(Good For Bulky Grass types like Vileplume or Megaiunm.)
3.Dragon Pulse(For coverage since only steel types resist Dragon Pulse.)
4.Hidden Power Flying "68"(For Super effective Damage On all those annyoing bugs like buttfree,beedrill etc)

His stats reach exactly 252 Hp, 317 special attack and about 267 speed. With specs i estimate his SA to be at 410 or so and his speed is solid and outspeds the pokemon he needs to kill in NU
Zard's "spectacular" attacking stat is Special.

IMO it should have gotten Tail Glow.

Actually, it would have made more sence if, say, Ampharos got tail glow?

But "Tail Glow" wasn't translated correctly (although not to the degree of Sucker Punch), so it's not going to be given. Besides, Tail Glow Charizard would defeat Venusaur and Blastoise in terms of effectiveness! That cannot happen! All of the starters must be equal! (nevermind the fact that Feraligatr, Swampert, and Infernape greatly outclass the others from their generation.) (Same reason why Charizard didn't get CC. Come on, if an emo bird can get dirty, why can't a fucking dragon come to kick ass?)

Even then, Charizard uses what, 3 moves? Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Air Slash... and what. Hidden Power? Dragon Pulse? Overheat? FB?
After playing NU ladder about a dozen times on C.A.P I came to the conclusion that regice is a bit rigged. It can take some serious punishment without going down. The rest-sleep talk charge beam-ice beam set is genious. I run calm + 252 HP/defense. There is probably a better spread out there but I am too lazy to find out.

It doesn't seem too good on paper but it gets a good 2-3 KOs per match. STAB ice beam is decent, does about 35%+ to the average non resist switch in. The key to success with it was using rest a lot. Fighting moves are easy to see usually... and the only NU fighters are hitmonchan and poliwrath. Regice absorbs status, kills stuff after a boost or two, and is really underestimated. The type is bad but... it still is really good.

I see some serious changes have gone on since I played it last, like there is no Raikou, spiritomb or Regirock allowed... Were they ever? I was allowed to use the last 2 in C.A.P.!

At first I was amazed at how many strong pokemon and ledgendaries were allowed, but moltres is gone too. (the staller gave me trouble without my rester REGIROCK) Seems that has been since fixed. I will be there if an NU ladder is opened. Sadly, I imagined an NU with things like lumineon, masquerain and whiscash being more viable. Maybe it is time for Never ever used. (maybe not) Glad NU is getting some attention!
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