CHECK. CHECK CHECK CHECK. There's a difference between a check and a counter. A check may only be able to switch into a portion of the move set or make whatever switch out after a ko, a COUNTER can switch in with relative impunity. I find it funny how he mentions people being unable to identify a check, names one and you still don't realize it as a check. That's the most frustrating thing about this retest, people that don't understand basic concepts crying that Craw is broken.+0 252+ Atk Life Orb Crawdaunt Superpower vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon: 385-455 (99.2 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
That's assuming Hydreigon is puttng points into health and not speed. Chesnaught might not be viable w/o Crawdaunt but atleast he can take the standard +2 attacks making Crawdaunt give up some coverage.
which is why i said offensive checks and not things you can switch in on daunt safely (unless its banded and locked into aqua jet or maybe knock off)
>literally a 5hko
i can't take you seriously that isn't shit obviously you should be packing something that has defensive synergy with viriz. if you're telling me a 5hko is going to be doing damage to it while it switches in even after taking a hit then you obviously dont know what you're talking about because virizion has no reason to be fearing this lol
no offense People but just because BBL X counters BL Y doesnt make it less Broken. Using that logic We migth as well start bringing back Some ubers fbecause uber x counters uber yI think there is a downside to the current evaluating system. A current example is propably (maybe) deaming Thundurus-T beacuse the current checks\counters in the metagame aren't enough to properly deal with it, but if other units from the BL list were added, let's say even if just one or two key threats, this current tested threat (Thundurus-T is just an example) might become balanced. I believe this example might exists when specific BL units that will be tested sepearatly to be judged broken but if tested in together, they will counter-balance each other and although become key units in the metagame, will
With This logic We could Being
no offense People but just because BBL X counters BL Y doesnt make it less Broken. Using that logic We migth as well start bringing back Some ubers fbecause uber x counters uber y
But there is a possibility that by dropping a bunch of BL's down to the tier, an immediate power creep will emerge and alot less Pokemon will be deemed broken. It's probably not the case right now in XY UU but in general, I don't think this approach is utterly wrong.With This logic We could Being
no offense People but just because BBL X counters BL Y doesnt make it less Broken. Using that logic We migth as well start bringing back Some ubers fbecause uber x counters uber y
252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Virizion: 187-221 (57.7 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Aqua Jet vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Virizion: 78-92 (24 - 28.3%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery
68.2 + 24 = 92.2
Virizion needs to have at least 92.2% of its HP left to effectively check crawdaunt. Otherwise it has a chance of being shut down without getting an attack up. If it switches into ANY of crawdaunts moves that are not superpower or aqua jet. It's a goner. I know that is a lot of min-max even the minimum damage is still 81.7% which is still outragous, especially with repeated switchins making Aerial ace more of a viable move choice if crawdaunt wants to save himself a turn of LO damage on the expected switch in. Yes its a check but oh gosh its so flimsy.
A single spike turns this check into death fodder and it can only switch in to crawdaunt once unless its full pdef spamming synthesis, but how viable is that?
With This logic We could Being
no offense People but just because BBL X counters BL Y doesnt make it less Broken. Using that logic We migth as well start bringing back Some ubers fbecause uber x counters uber y
>literally a 5hko
i can't take you seriously that isn't shit obviously you should be packing something that has defensive synergy with viriz. if you're telling me a 5hko is going to be doing damage to it while it switches in even after taking a hit then you obviously dont know what you're talking about because virizion has no reason to be fearing this lol
What I'm saying is, if you have Craw in on Suicune/Blastoise/Bulky Water, are you really going to stay in and try to set up and risk eating at least two Scalds and hoping not to get burned? You need to be at +2 to have a chance to ohko Cune, while it's doing about 25% back with Scald.every bulky water and gligar and random weak (or resisted) choice scarf moves keeping in mind they can potentially revenge if Aqua Jet doesn't KO
yeah if you're relying on scald to beat crawdaunt then you're losing about 70% of the time. i don't care about the scald hype too much it only burns 30% of the time ("only"). crawdaunt is winning a clear majority of the time
but honestly SD isn't even that good compared to CB sets which are almost or even better at breaking walls because it's doing insane things like 2hkoing vappy
and FYI to put it in comparison its like saying you don't want to use focus blast on a 45% SNorlax with your queen because ou are afraid it might miss and ko you with EQ. thats not sensible now is it?
No switch-in is safe when there is a Crawdaunt on the Opponent's side of the field.but that argument can be used for any check, lol ?_?
you should be bringing these checks in while they're at a risk-free range (IN OTHER FUCKING WORDS A SAFE SWITCH IN AS I HAVE BEEN STATING THIS ENTIRE TIME). and .
252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon: 156-185 (48 - 56.9%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKOSo ive been playing a lot lately with Crawdaunt and I have to say it is indeed really good, great offensive typing, resisting sucker punch, great ability and great boosting moves in sd and dd. I have to say that the swords dance set is the best set as this can just destroy teams mid game/late game only at +2, also the cb set is amazing as well, but requires more prediction to be played well.
But when it all comes to an end Crawdaunt can be really hard to set up, and its walled by one off the most common offensive pokemon in the game Hydreigon. Also the reason why it struggles to set up is because its to frail and to slow, which basically means it can only set up on stuff that cant touch it. While it does hit hard and has nice priority, and boosting moves, I really dont find it broken and I feel it really doesnt limit teambuilding at all as it can be easely checked offensively, so in my opinion Crawdaunt should be voted UU because it has flaws thats big enough to hold it back atm.
Edit: Also Godsend most Crawdaunt should run lum berry to safely set up on scalds, get a free knock off on stuff like Mew that tries to wow it.
So ive been playing a lot lately with Crawdaunt and I have to say it is indeed really good, great offensive typing, resisting sucker punch, great ability and great boosting moves in sd and dd. I have to say that the swords dance set is the best set as this can just destroy teams mid game/late game only at +2, also the cb set is amazing as well, but requires more prediction to be played well.
But when it all comes to an end Crawdaunt can be really hard to set up, and its walled by one off the most common offensive pokemon in the game Hydreigon. Also the reason why it struggles to set up is because its to frail and to slow, which basically means it can only set up on stuff that cant touch it. While it does hit hard and has nice priority, and boosting moves, I really dont find it broken and I feel it really doesnt limit teambuilding at all as it can be easely checked offensively, so in my opinion Crawdaunt should be voted UU because it has flaws thats big enough to hold it back atm.
Edit: Also Godsend most Crawdaunt should run lum berry to safely set up on scalds, get a free knock off on stuff like Mew that tries to wow it.
tbh how good is Virizion actually outside of beating crab? I'm actually pretty genuinely interested because pre-crab there was like literally zero discussion on him and suddenly when crab comes in Virizion starts popping up out of nowhere. I'm not saying that Virizion is a bad Pokemon by any means, but it just seems really interesting because i have literally never faced one before ._____.
Well, at the moment from what I can see a lot of the people who are saying that its broken are using a lot of calcs and theory and the people who tend to say that it isn't broken is in practice.
At the moment what I really want to see is replays, replays for how broken it is or why it should stay in UU.
Surprisingly I haven't seen many Crawdaunts so far, and when I have they haven't been too overly threatening, just as threatening as say Nidoking is to me.
We can theory all we want, but I'd like evidence of how it works so well in practice, as I have heard a few saying that it struggles to setup when a lot of people include their calcs after it has setup at least one SD or DD.
So lets cut the crap and get some solid evidence of the game itself, please.
There are Pokemon that terrorize the lower tiers but are terrible in the upper tiers, best examples of this are Hawlucha and Zygarde. They're not "terrible" by all what it means, they're just a lot worse than how they were/are in UU. Crawdaunt is still scary as fuck in OU, but there are also many other wallbreakers that have more speed, bulk, and even power, and are just as scary if not more.I totally agree. If Crawdaunt is really as broken as people claim then why is it so underused in the first place?
Why don't people use it in OU? Is it because anything 'Daunt can do, Azumarill does better?
I totally agree. If Crawdaunt is really as broken as people claim then why is it so underused in the first place?
Why don't people use it in OU? Is it because anything 'Daunt can do, Azumarill does better?