Mixed Dragonite is a force, but this set has the potential to be even scarier.
Fearless Dragonite
Item: White Herb
Nature: Rash
Ability: Inner Focus
Draco Meteor
Thunderbolt/ Earthquake
EVs: 58 Attack/ 252 Special Attack/ 200 Speed
Strategy: This particular set focuses on the use of Draco Meteor or Superpower with White Herb. Dragonite forces switches like no other pokemon, so the idea is to use Draco Meteor on the switch (Superpower if you know the opponent has a steel that they will switch in). Stab Draco Meteor hits everything extremely hard, but this set goes for a two turn attack. Whereas a normal Dragonite would use Draco Meteor and gain the power of Life Orb, if a steel switched in on it, the Dragonite is setup fodder due to the 2 stage drop in Special Attack. White Herb helps out by losing the Life Orb boost, but in return, needing almost no prediction and no stat drop or recoil. The EVs outspeed Crocune, defensive Zapdos, and bulky Gyarados.
Enough talk, here are the
calculations against some common defensive counters:
Draco Meteor v. Skarmory (Spiker): 41.9% - 49.4%
Draco Meteor v. Suicune (Crocune): 46% - 54.2%
Draco Meteor v. Zapdos (Physically Defensive): 59.8% - 70.5%
Draco Meteor v. Swampert (MixPert Lead): 56.7% - 66.8%
Draco Meteor v. Gyarados (Bulky Dragon Dance): 56.8% - 66.8%
These calculations do not look like much, I know. But when you factor in that Dragonite outspeeds all of these threats and can guarantee the 2HKO with either Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, or a second Draco Meteor with no recoil from Life Orb and no stat drop, this Dragonite hits harder and survives longer than the standard MixNite. In Suicune's case, Thunderbolt does not quite 2HKO, but Surf does negligible damage.
Damage Calculations against common offensive threats switching in:
Draco Meteor v. Scizor (Choice Band): 36.7% - 43.1%
Draco Meteor v. Starmie (Life Orb): 91.2% - 108% (OHKO with Stealth Rock)
Draco Meteor v. Flygon (Choice Scarf): 100%
Scizor is the only thing that will put a dent in this Dragonite, as Bullet Punch does 52.3% - 61.6%. Keep in mind that while you can stay in to kill Scizor with Flamethrower, if Stealth Rock is on your side of the field then you will be at less than a quarter of your health.
Team Options: Stealth Rock is very important, as it allows you to finish off Zapdos without using Draco Meteor again and nets the KO on incoming Starmie. A Rapid Spinner is always useful when evey time Dragonite switches in, he loses 25% of his total health. If you do not want to weaken Dragonite in the fight against Scizor, you could use a trapper such as Magnezone. Magnezone can also help out against particularly bulky Bronzong.
Please keep in mind that this Dragonite is not merely for a one-time use, even without Life Orb he hits quite hard. Changes are welcome :D