As I said above, we decided to do a quick VR update before NDPL, after the Kingambit ban, and for Summer Seasonal. We've added some new UR Pokemon into the fray, so I'll explain them below:

Moltres has been picking up in usage due to its OU rise this month; and for good reason. It's a good check to Pokemon like Heatran, Mega Charizard Y, and Iron Valiant while also being able to burn fish against or force out the likes of Great Tusk, Kartana, and Mega Lopunny; all of which are huge to have checked on any team. It also provides good utility in U-turn and Defog as a plus, so there's that.

Mandibuzz has been a common question mark in the community on whether its good or not. However, due to it being able to check one of the best Pokemon in the metagame, Dragapult, having a lot of utility under its belt, and its common success in tours have made it worthy of a raise onto the VR.

Alolan Muk sounds wonky as first, but don't be fooled. It's good defensive profile allows it to check and trap tyrants like Volcarona, Tapu Lele, Choice Specs Dragapult, and mess with Gholdengo; albeit being beaten in the long-term.

Suicune saw a lot of ladder usage during July due to a
certain someone spamming it during NDLT, and it has been ranking for it being a somewhat consistent win-con. Tera also allows it to become even better in some matchup its hates just like it would do to any Tera wincon, so yeah. #SuicuneToTheTop
Now, onto the rises and drops!
e: also s/o to Lameflame for voting in Jho’s spot since he is busy rn
New Additions:
Moltres: B-
Mandibuzz: C
Muk-Alola: C
Suicune: C
Dragapult: S- -> S
Gholdengo: S- -> S
Iron Valiant: A+ -> S-
Garganacl: A -> A+
Gliscor: A- -> A
Toxapex: A- -> A
Kartana: B+ -> A-
Samurott-Hisui: B+ -> A-
Urshifu-Rapid-Strike: B+ -> A-
Baxcalibur: B -> A-
Skarmory: B -> B+
Tyranitar-Mega: B -> B+
Weavile: B -> B+
Cinderace: B- -> B
Cresselia: B- -> B
Slowking-Galar: B- -> B
Victini: B- -> B
Latias-Mega: C -> B-
Latios-Mega: C -> B-
Tornadus-Therian: A+ -> A
Zamazenta: A -> A-
Enamorus: A- -> B+
Rotom-Wash: A- -> B+
Dragonite: B+ -> B
Lilligant-Hisui: B+ -> B-
Basculegion-F: B -> B-
Buzzwole: B -> B-
Iron Moth: B -> B-
Rillaboom: B -> B-
Slowbro: B -> B-
Corviknight: B- -> C
Floatzel: B- -> C
Glimmora: B- -> C
Tangrowth: B- -> C
Enamorus-Therian: C -> UR
Iron Jugulis: C -> UR
Voting Document
Note: C+/C- = C, D = UR