Project National Dex OU Teambuilding Competition - Cycle 47.5: Hiatus

Very late but congratulations to Ineros for winning this slate! Onto the next one...

Cycle 45: Meowscarada

Generally being a not too used but good pick in the metagame, Meowscarada functions as a solid offensive pivot with Protean to help out with its coverage (technically STAB) moves in Triple Axel and U-turn; it also has utility moves like Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Trick, and Foul Play to help it be an annoyance to the opposing team. Can you build the best team with it though? Because...that's what the project is about lol. :P

Cycle 45 ends this Friday!

Gargancl Meowscarada Fat
Meowscarada is a fantastic support pokemon. Its access to Toxic Spikes lets it support the main wincon, Gargancl. Flower Trick + Triple Axel hit a lot of mons for super effective or neutral damage, while U-Turn lets it leave situations where it doesn’t do well. M-Ttar does what it always does, with knock helping spread toxic spikes status, while also providing a SpDf boost to non-tera Garg. Corviknight provides hazard control, as well as being a slow pivot to being Gargancl or Meowscarada in safely. Alomomola provides longevity to both M-Ttar and Meowscarada, while also being a second slow pivot for Gargancl(as well as extra healing). Finally, Gliscor provides a Ground Immunity, as well as being a Knock Absorber for Gargancl. It helps vs Stall MU slightly, and the team appreciates the extra Knock Off support to weaken opposing teams with Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes. The double Knock Off from M-Ttar and Gliscor also allows Meowscarada to run a non-dark move.


:meowscarada: Spikes go brrrr, flower trick is dope, turn is a pivot and koff can remove boots to enable spikes more

:tapu lele: Specs Lele + Spikes breaks a lot of cores by itself

:Rotom-Wash: Pivot to get lele in, wisp support is nice as well

:zamazenta: Boots zama is speed control here, also breaks a lot of teams with its high atk and coverage

:Slowking-Galar: Slow pivot, also gives us our zama check as well as a lele check in that mu with tera steel

:Landorus-Therian: Another slow pivot, also our hazard removal.

Overall this is basically just try to set spikes, and pivot strong breakers in to well... break ig
Very late but congratulations to Ineros for winning this slate! Onto the next one...

Cycle 45: Meowscarada

Generally being a not too used but good pick in the metagame, Meowscarada functions as a solid offensive pivot with Protean to help out with its coverage (technically STAB) moves in Triple Axel and U-turn; it also has utility moves like Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Trick, and Foul Play to help it be an annoyance to the opposing team. Can you build the best team with it though? Because...that's what the project is about lol. :P

Cycle 45 ends this Friday!
Behold!!! The Pivot Master 2500!!! (It was the PM 3000 but Ineros said I needed a wincon so…)

Meowscarada: The star of show, a fast mon capable of spreading those beautiful spikes and pivoting on anything thanks to protective pads.

Landorus: Needed rocks and its a good defensive mon, it also pivots.

Glowking: Your standard zama/lele/ival answer, prefer fs over sludge for that extra pressure, also, it pivots.

Corv: been really liking corv recently, it helps with the lele MU and provides a defog, it also pivots

Urshifu: Strong boy who does nice damage to everything except a few mons, also a pivot.

Volcarona: The one reason this isnt the PM 3000. Provides a nice wincon and a much needed special attacker.

This team is designed around the Meowscarada and Zapdos core so that it can be a balanced offender through out the entire match breaking down walls and set up sweepers alike. Meowscarada had the ghost Tera Type in order to lead into things such as great Tusk, Gliscor, Urshifu, Lando-T, and most rock setters early game shutting them down entirely. Heatran, Zapdos, and Gliscor are all on the team to handle hard hitting pokemon such as zamazenta and Urshifu or Lele and Iron Valiant through out the game with Gliscor dropping spikes for defog and toxic for a sense of pivot in the team. Zapdos can handle the fighting types and swap into Lando-T or opposing rain Zapdos and force them out or even kill. I then decided to go with Mega Diancie to cover as a strong special attacker and to handle dark types and flying types alike with full coverage and put Urshifu on as the final pokemon for water coverage and speed control to clean up whatever is left of a team.

If nobody's gonna put a lead Meowsc HO I have to I guess. This one takes almost a SashSpam approach (Multiscale, sturdy, sash) because of how well Meowsc goobs hazards. MMaw is an unconventional choice on HO, but it really helps this team with an otherwise very rough matchup into bulk. Overall this team is really good into offence as it reliably 2-for-1s with the "sash" mons and still has breaking power into bulk.
everyone plays boot meow so I wanted to play it band

team roles :
:Meowscarada: breaker of the team it does a good job against defensive teams when pokemon like Corviknight are weakened
:Slowking-Galar: special wall of the team it allows meow to come more easily on the ground with its pivot move
:Great Tusk: it's the spinner and the physical wall of the team. he can also sweep in late game with bulk up
:heatran: hazard setter and other special wall for the team
:Rotom-Wash: pivot + wall pokemon like urshifu
:Tornadus-Therian: 2nd win condition of the team and fast pivo

how the team work :
the goal of the team is to pivot around meow to do as much damage as possible and clean with tusk/torna. the rest of the team is there to protect/pivot. it is important to keep tusk because without the boots meow becomes weak quite quickly to hazards.

team weaknesses :
- breaker like mawile/medicham can be hard to beat
- grass type like Kartana/ogerpon need terra rotom/tera tusk
- zard y need good anticipation between heatran and slowking
- darkrai need good anticipation
- hazard stack teams

the team :

(sorry for my bad English)

thanks for reading
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Team A

Gargancl Meowscarada Fat
Meowscarada is a fantastic support pokemon. Its access to Toxic Spikes lets it support the main wincon, Gargancl. Flower Trick + Triple Axel hit a lot of mons for super effective or neutral damage, while U-Turn lets it leave situations where it doesn’t do well. M-Ttar does what it always does, with knock helping spread toxic spikes status, while also providing a SpDf boost to non-tera Garg. Corviknight provides hazard control, as well as being a slow pivot to being Gargancl or Meowscarada in safely. Alomomola provides longevity to both M-Ttar and Meowscarada, while also being a second slow pivot for Gargancl(as well as extra healing). Finally, Gliscor provides a Ground Immunity, as well as being a Knock Absorber for Gargancl. It helps vs Stall MU slightly, and the team appreciates the extra Knock Off support to weaken opposing teams with Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes. The double Knock Off from M-Ttar and Gliscor also allows Meowscarada to run a non-dark move.

Team B


:meowscarada: Spikes go brrrr, flower trick is dope, turn is a pivot and koff can remove boots to enable spikes more

:tapu lele: Specs Lele + Spikes breaks a lot of cores by itself

:Rotom-Wash: Pivot to get lele in, wisp support is nice as well

:zamazenta: Boots zama is speed control here, also breaks a lot of teams with its high atk and coverage

:Slowking-Galar: Slow pivot, also gives us our zama check as well as a lele check in that mu with tera steel

:Landorus-Therian: Another slow pivot, also our hazard removal.

Overall this is basically just try to set spikes, and pivot strong breakers in to well... break ig

Team C

Team D

Team E
Behold!!! The Pivot Master 2500!!! (It was the PM 3000 but Ineros said I needed a wincon so…)

Meowscarada: The star of show, a fast mon capable of spreading those beautiful spikes and pivoting on anything thanks to protective pads.

Landorus: Needed rocks and its a good defensive mon, it also pivots.

Glowking: Your standard zama/lele/ival answer, prefer fs over sludge for that extra pressure, also, it pivots.

Corv: been really liking corv recently, it helps with the lele MU and provides a defog, it also pivots

Urshifu: Strong boy who does nice damage to everything except a few mons, also a pivot.

Volcarona: The one reason this isnt the PM 3000. Provides a nice wincon and a much needed special attacker.

Team F

This team is designed around the Meowscarada and Zapdos core so that it can be a balanced offender through out the entire match breaking down walls and set up sweepers alike. Meowscarada had the ghost Tera Type in order to lead into things such as great Tusk, Gliscor, Urshifu, Lando-T, and most rock setters early game shutting them down entirely. Heatran, Zapdos, and Gliscor are all on the team to handle hard hitting pokemon such as zamazenta and Urshifu or Lele and Iron Valiant through out the game with Gliscor dropping spikes for defog and toxic for a sense of pivot in the team. Zapdos can handle the fighting types and swap into Lando-T or opposing rain Zapdos and force them out or even kill. I then decided to go with Mega Diancie to cover as a strong special attacker and to handle dark types and flying types alike with full coverage and put Urshifu on as the final pokemon for water coverage and speed control to clean up whatever is left of a team.

Team G

If nobody's gonna put a lead Meowsc HO I have to I guess. This one takes almost a SashSpam approach (Multiscale, sturdy, sash) because of how well Meowsc goobs hazards. MMaw is an unconventional choice on HO, but it really helps this team with an otherwise very rough matchup into bulk. Overall this team is really good into offence as it reliably 2-for-1s with the "sash" mons and still has breaking power into bulk.

Team H
everyone plays boot meow so I wanted to play it band

team roles :
:Meowscarada: breaker of the team it does a good job against defensive teams when pokemon like Corviknight are weakened
:Slowking-Galar: special wall of the team it allows meow to come more easily on the ground with its pivot move
:Great Tusk: it's the spinner and the physical wall of the team. he can also sweep in late game with bulk up
:heatran: hazard setter and other special wall for the team
:Rotom-Wash: pivot + wall pokemon like urshifu
:Tornadus-Therian: 2nd win condition of the team and fast pivo

how the team work :
the goal of the team is to pivot around meow to do as much damage as possible and clean with tusk/torna. the rest of the team is there to protect/pivot. it is important to keep tusk because without the boots meow becomes weak quite quickly to hazards.

team weaknesses :
- breaker like mawile/medicham can be hard to beat
- grass type like Kartana/ogerpon need terra rotom/tera tusk
- zard y need good anticipation between heatran and slowking
- darkrai need good anticipation
- hazard stack teams

the team :

(sorry for my bad English)

thanks for reading

Voting ends on May 29th!
It's been almost a month man...apologies about that. On a better note, congratulations to ARTYMASION for winning Cycle 45! Check out his team here.

Cycle 46: Iron Moth
iron moth.gif

Iron Moth's claim to fame is with its speed Quark Drive boost and using Fiery Dance to snowball with another strong STAB in Sludge Wave, along with coverage such as Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, and Tera Blast Ground. Other sets with Morning Sun can utilize Iron Moth's decent defensive utility into Pokemon like Iron Valiant and Mega Scizor. But how can you make Iron Moth shine? Build a team to see what you can do!

Submissions end June 24th!