Big [Multifaction] Radical Mafia: One Piece (Won by Radicals, Zorbees, Gmax, and Mekkah)

Exithe (2 players voted) - ElectricityCat, ZiloXX
SirFish (7 players voted) - UncleSam, Galactikitty, Dak, Mekkah, NightEmerald, Saberslasher11, Exithe
ImaginaryNeon (1 player voted) - M2H
ElectricityCat - (3 players voted) - Neon, SirFish, Jalmont

Not voted - nobody
SirFish (7 players voted) - UncleSam, Galactikitty, Dak, Mekkah, NightEmerald, Saberslasher11, Exithe
ImaginaryNeon (1 player voted) - M2H
ElectricityCat - (4 players voted) - Neon, SirFish, Jalmont, ZiloXX
ZiloxXX - (1 player voted) - ElectricityCat

Not voted - nobody
Vote Total

SirFish (7 players voted) - UncleSam, Galactikitty, Dak, Mekkah, NightEmerald, Saberslasher11, Exithe
ImaginaryNeon (1 player voted) - M2H
ElectricityCat - (4 players voted) - Neon, SirFish, Jalmont, ZiloXX
ZiloxXX - (1 player voted) - ElectricityCat

Not voted - nobody

Dear SirFish,

You are Nico Robin, a key character in the One Piece series by Eiichiro Oda, serving as the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates. She possesses the Hana Hana no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to sprout replicas of her body parts on any surface, making her a formidable fighter and invaluable to her crew.

Robin hails from Ohara, an island known for its scholars. As a child prodigy in archaeology, she was ostracized by her peers and deeply connected to the island's pursuit of forbidden knowledge about the Void Century, a lost historical period. The World Government, fearing the knowledge held by the Ohara scholars, annihilated the island in a devastating event known as the Buster Call. Robin was the sole survivor, branded a criminal with a bounty at 8 years old.

After years of hiding and working with various unsavory groups, Robin eventually joins the Straw Hat Pirates, finding a true sense of belonging and purpose. She is dedicated to uncovering the true history of the world, especially the secrets of the Poneglyphs, ancient stones inscribed with knowledge from the Void Century.

Robin's intelligence, resourcefulness, and calm demeanor make her a vital asset to the crew. Her journey from a hunted fugitive to a cherished crewmate highlights themes of redemption, the search for truth, and the importance of trust and friendship.

Nightly: You may [OBSERVE] a player. Acting as a full role cop, you will receive a copy of their role PM.

One Shot: You can [EXECUTE] a player that you have previously copped. After Time Skip, you must cop them again and cannot execute previously copped targets.

You are a RADICAL. This means you can only win with all Radicals or only members of the Strawhat Crew. You will not be able to joint win with Strawhat Friends and Government like the non-radical members of your crew.

With that vote we have our 3rd winner, congratulations Mekkah!

Dear Mekkah,

You are "BIG NEWS" morgans, and not only are the headlines of the world economy news paper yours, you also headline the underworld as one of its emperors.

During the night, you may INVESTIGATE [target], learning their full role and storing it for your second ability.

During the night, you may PUBLISH [target you've investigated previously]. Their role PM will then be included with the next day's announcement.

You may do both (or one) of these every night.

You win if, from each faction, one player you previously published is lynched. The lynch on them may be on any day after you publish them for it to count, but it must be a lynch. Once you win, you depart from the game and it goes on without you.

Next night has begun, deadline in 24 hours at 6:00:00 PM GMT -4




Dear Exithe,

You are Kizaru, a major antagonist in One Piece the legendary anime and manga series created by Oda.

Kizaru, whose real name is Borsalino, serves as one of the three Admirals in the Marines. Known for his laid-back and carefree personality, Kizaru is also one of the most powerful figures in the series. He possesses the Pika Pika no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows him to create, control, and transform into light, granting him extraordinary speed and powerful light-based attacks.

Kizaru first makes a significant appearance during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. He is dispatched to quell the disturbances caused by the Eleven Supernovas and to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. Kizaru effortlessly overwhelms several Supernovas, demonstrating his immense strength and the devastating capabilities of his light powers. His ability to move at the speed of light and use powerful techniques like Yasakani no Magatama, a barrage of light bullets, highlights his formidable combat skills.

During the Summit War at Marineford, Kizaru plays a crucial role in the battle against the Whitebeard Pirates and their allies. He fights fiercely against the likes of Marco the Phoenix and Whitebeard himself. Kizaru's actions in the war underline his loyalty to the Marines and his unwavering commitment to carrying out justice, albeit with a seemingly indifferent and nonchalant attitude.

Using your light speed, you can redirect an action. Simply submit [REDIRECT USER A TO USER B]. This only works on single target abilities.

One Shot
During the day you may flash a light on a player, revealing their role PM publicly. To submit, use [FLASHLIGHT ON USER A].

You are a CORE member of the World Government, you can win with the World Government or joint win with either the Evil Pirates or the Straw Hats, once the Straw Hat Friends have been eliminated. In order to joint win with the Evil Pirates or the Straw Hats, their radicals must be eliminated.

Dear Dak,

You are Coby a notable character in Oda's legendary anime and manga series “One Piece”. Coby undergoes one of the most significant transformations in the series. He is first introduced as a timid and submissive cabin boy. Coby's life changes dramatically when he meets Monkey D. Luffy, who inspires him to pursue his dream of becoming a Marine to uphold justice.

After parting ways with Luffy, Coby joins the Marines and undergoes rigorous training under the mentorship of Vice Admiral Garp. This training, alongside his inherent determination, helps Coby evolve from a frail, fearful boy into a competent and courageous Marine officer. Coby's character is defined by his strong sense of justice and his unwavering commitment to his ideals.

He forms a close friendship with Helmeppo, another reformed character, and together they strive to become exemplary Marines. Coby's moral integrity often places him in challenging situations, especially when faced with the corruption within the World Government and the darker sides of the Marine organization. Throughout "One Piece," Coby's growth from a helpless cabin boy to a respected Marine officer highlights themes of personal development and the pursuit of justice.

During your rigorous marine training, you’ve learned how to cure the status effect: Burn. You can submit [CURE BURNS ON USER A] up to 4x before the Time Skip.

One Shot
You can use your Haki to [EMPOWER] an ability or factional kill, this ability can no longer be disrupted but may be protected against.

You are a CORE member of the World Government, you can win with the World Government or joint win with either the Evil Pirates or the Straw Hats, once the Straw Hat Friends have been eliminated. In order to joint win with the Evil Pirates or the Straw Hats, their radicals must be eliminated.

Dear ImaginaryNeon,

You are Usopp, a central character in the anime and manga series One Piece, created by Eiichiro Oda. Known for his tall tales and remarkable marksmanship, Usopp serves as the sharpshooter of the Straw Hat Pirates. Born in Syrup Village, he is the son of Yasopp, a pirate and member of the Red-Haired Pirates, which inspired Usopp's dreams of becoming a brave warrior of the sea.

Initially introduced as a notorious liar who fabricates grand stories to entertain and boost his self-esteem, Usopp's character evolves significantly throughout the series. His technical ingenuity is evident through his use of a slingshot, his primary weapon, and his creation of various innovative projectiles, including the "Pop Greens," which are plant-based ammunition that can grow into powerful plants.

Usopp's journey with the Straw Hat Pirates begins when he meets Luffy and joins the crew, contributing his sniper skills and inventiveness. His bravery often wavers, but he consistently overcomes his fears to protect his friends. One of Usopp's defining moments is his transformation into "Sogeking," a masked alter ego, during the Enies Lobby arc, symbolizing his struggle with self-confidence and his desire to be courageous.

Throughout the series, Usopp grows from a comical, insecure young man into a reliable and resourceful member of the crew, embodying the themes of growth and self-acceptance that are central to One Piece.
One Shot: “SNIPER-KING SHOOT DOWN THAT FLAG” - You can [HIDE any flip, night kill or day kill, this must be submitted before the following phase.

Nightly: You’re able to use [DISABLE] on [USER A], disrupting them of any non-killing or status inflicting actions. As Disable requires Usopp to set up one of his many sneaky traps, the disruption works on the following night (not on the night used).

Passive: As a master of sneak attacks, you cannot be seen by Trackers, Watchers, or equivalent roles. Making you a prime candidate to be the faction leader.

You carry out and submit the kill for the Straw Hats. You can designate another user to carry out the kill in your place, should you choose. If this user is not a member of your faction, the kill will fail.

Time skip
If Usopp succesffuly votes on 5 players, this will count as a timeskip trigger.
