Big [Multifaction] Radical Mafia: One Piece (Won by Radicals, Zorbees, Gmax, and Mekkah)

Vote Totals

Dak (1 person voted) - Dak
ElectricityCat (7 players voted) - SirFish, Sablerslasher, ZiloXX, M2H, Jalmont, Celever, AngryPidgeon
AngryPidgeon (6 players voted ) - NightEmerald, Galactikitty, ElectricityCat, Exithe, UncleSam, ImaginaryNeon
DBD (1 person voted) - Dead by Daylight

Didn't vote - Mekkah

AngryPidgeon has been voted out... It appears some of your votes are worth more than others.

Dear AngryPidgeon,

You are Silvers Rayleigh. Silvers Rayleigh, also known as the "Dark King," is a legendary figure in the "One Piece" series, renowned as the former first mate of the Roger Pirates, the crew led by the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Before the time-skip, Rayleigh is introduced during the Sabaody Archipelago arc, where his formidable reputation and profound influence are revealed. Rayleigh is a key ally to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Rayleigh is first seen living a relatively quiet life as a coating mechanic on Sabaody Archipelago, where he helps pirate ships prepare for their journey to Fish-Man Island by coating them for underwater travel. Despite his semi-retirement, Rayleigh's past and capabilities are anything but ordinary. He possesses immense strength, mastery of Haki, and vast knowledge of the world's secrets, including the Void Century and the One Piece itself.

When Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates arrive at Sabaody Archipelago, Rayleigh becomes a crucial ally. He rescues Luffy and his friends from Admiral Kizaru's assault, showcasing his unparalleled combat skills and Haki proficiency. Rayleigh's involvement highlights his deep connection to the legacy of Roger and his vested interest in the next generation of pirates, particularly Luffy, whom he sees as the potential to carry Roger's will forward.

Rayleigh's character, marked by wisdom, strength, and a sense of duty, significantly impacts Luffy's journey. He later becomes Luffy's mentor, training him during the two-year time-skip, which sets the stage for Luffy's future growth and adventures.

You use your incredible mastery of Haki to Busdrive two players, swapping their positions. Simply submit, [BUSDRIVE USER A and USER B]

One Shot
You can create a self-thunderdome with a +3 advantage. I mean you got yourself captured because you felt like it, so why not? A thunderdome makes the vote a 1v1 between you and someone else. If used during the day it must be submit in the first 12 hours.

Timeskip Criteria
Busdriving a Status Inflicting Action or Kill into an unintended target counts as a Timeskip Criteria.

You are a RADICAL, which means you can only win with the Straw Hat Friends or with all Radicals, achieving RADICALTOPIA.



Dear SirFish,

You are Nico Robin, a key character in the One Piece series by Eiichiro Oda, serving as the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates. She possesses the Hana Hana no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows her to sprout replicas of her body parts on any surface, making her a formidable fighter and invaluable to her crew.

Robin hails from Ohara, an island known for its scholars. As a child prodigy in archaeology, she was ostracized by her peers and deeply connected to the island's pursuit of forbidden knowledge about the Void Century, a lost historical period. The World Government, fearing the knowledge held by the Ohara scholars, annihilated the island in a devastating event known as the Buster Call. Robin was the sole survivor, branded a criminal with a bounty at 8 years old.

After years of hiding and working with various unsavory groups, Robin eventually joins the Straw Hat Pirates, finding a true sense of belonging and purpose. She is dedicated to uncovering the true history of the world, especially the secrets of the Poneglyphs, ancient stones inscribed with knowledge from the Void Century.

Robin's intelligence, resourcefulness, and calm demeanor make her a vital asset to the crew. Her journey from a hunted fugitive to a cherished crewmate highlights themes of redemption, the search for truth, and the importance of trust and friendship.

Nightly: You may [OBSERVE] a player. Acting as a full role cop, you will receive a copy of their role PM.

One Shot: You can [EXECUTE] a player that you have previously copped. After Time Skip, you must cop them again and cannot execute previously copped targets.

You are a RADICAL. This means you can only win with all Radicals or only members of the Strawhat Crew. You will not be able to joint win with Strawhat Friends and Government like the non-radical members of your crew.



Dear Celever,

You are Crocodile. Sir Crocodile, also known as Crocodile, is a notable antagonist in the "One Piece" series, particularly in the Alabasta arc. He is the former president of the criminal organization Baroque Works and a former Warlord of the Sea. Crocodile is known for his ruthless and cunning nature, as well as his mastery of the Logia-type Sand-Sand Fruit, which grants him the ability to control sand.

Crocodile's primary ambition is to overthrow the kingdom of Alabasta and seize control of its valuable resources. To achieve this goal, he orchestrates a complex conspiracy, manipulating various factions and inciting a rebellion within the kingdom.

Throughout the Alabasta arc, Crocodile proves to be a formidable adversary for Monkey D. Luffy and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates. He demonstrates his mastery of his Devil Fruit powers, as well as his strategic intellect, posing significant challenges for the Straw Hats as they strive to thwart his plans and save Alabasta from destruction.

You can use your Sand-Sand Fruit to create an impenetrable wall protecting a user from a direct killing action. To submit, use [BODYGUARD on USER A].

One Shot
You assign one of your baroque works cronies to permanently track a player. You will see who they visit at night. To submit, use [SEND TRACKER on USER A].

Passive - Post Time Skip
At time skip, you gain the ability to RADICAL CHECK. You can use [RADICAL CHECK on USER A] to learn if they are a radical. In addition, you are aware that each faction has a designated radical checker. However, should they die — this ability is not passed on to another radical of their tribe.

You are a RADICAL, which means you can only win with the Evil Pirates or with all Radicals, achieving RADICALTOPIA.


Dear Dead by Daylight,

You are Sabo. Sabo is a pivotal character in the "One Piece" series, serving as the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army and the adopted brother of Monkey D. Luffy and Portgas D. Ace. As a child, Sabo was born into a noble family but despised the corrupt and oppressive life of the nobility. He ran away and formed a close bond with Luffy and Ace, sharing a dream of freedom and becoming pirates together. Sabo is a key ally to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Sabo's tragic backstory involves an attempted escape from his noble life, which led to a presumed fatal encounter with a World Noble's ship. Thought to be dead by his brothers, Sabo was actually rescued by Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army. Suffering from amnesia, Sabo eventually regained his memories upon learning of a key friend’s death at the Marineford War, a revelation that deeply impacted him.

After years of training with Luffy, and Ace, and then under Dragon in the Revolution Army, you have learned how to spy on your enemies. At night you can use [ROLE COP] on [USER A] to receive a full copy of their role PM.

One Shot
You are a 1x Motivator, you can Motivate yourself or another member of your crew to do 2 actions in one night.

As a true friend and nakama to Ace, if he dies you gain his nightly ability

You are a CORE member of the Straw Hat Friends you can win with the Straw Hat Friends or joint win with either the Straw Hats or the Evil Pirates, once the World Government has been eliminated. In order to joint win with the Straw Hats or the Evil Pirates, their radicals must be eliminated.

Exithe (6 votes) - M2H, ElectricityCat, ImaginaryNeon, SirFish, ZiloXX, NightEmerald
SirFish (3 votes) - UncleSam, Galactikitty, Dak

Not voted: Mekkah, Jalmont, Exithe, Saberslasher11