Movepool changes

+4 252+ Atk Life Orb Bibarel Last Resort vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 208-246 (62.2 - 73.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Don't mind me and my SD + Last Resort Bibarel.
As far as I can tell, Marill and Azumarill both lose access to Belly Drum/Aqua Jet via egg moves. This is potentially very bad :|
Well it will be fine for the smogon metas as long as we can transfer them up.
Looks like a lot of Pokemon got Work Up via TM01. Do you think many mons can put it to good use?

Also, Dodrio is awesome! Can't wait to use it!
As far as I can tell, Marill and Azumarill both lose access to Belly Drum/Aqua Jet via egg moves. This is potentially very bad :|
Can't find the link but I think they still have em
There are at least two movepool listings going around (if not many more). I am confident on the source I have which has them both removed.
Well it will be fine for the smogon metas as long as we can transfer them up.

- Tackle
- Water Gun
2 Tail Whip
5 Water Sport
Egg Belly Drum
Egg Perish Song
Egg Supersonic
Egg Aqua Jet

OK: So quoting everyone who posted about it.

[1:25 PM] Nex: yeah kaph said his list had that mistake for mons with diff egg moves for their baby formes like the incense mons
[1:25 PM] TheMantyke: there we go
[1:26 PM] TheMantyke: Problem resolved.
[1:26 PM] TheMantyke: I'll make a comment about that in the datamine thread.
[1:26 PM] DHR: Definitely
[1:26 PM] DHR: Make it big letters too

Apparently there are differences because of how mons with Incense babies show their egg move listings. At the moment: Be careful how we interpret egg movepools in regard to Incenses. There might be other errors. My bad for interpreting the data incorrectly.
I think I saw somewhere that Samurott gains Smart Strike now. I don't remember which of the threads the link was in tho, and I'm kinda busy right now. I'll check that when I come back later but I'm almost sure it gets it
I think I saw somewhere that Samurott gains Smart Strike now. I don't remember which of the threads the link was in tho, and I'm kinda busy right now. I'll check that when I come back later but I'm almost sure it gets it

It does, and so do Seaking, Dewgong, Lapras, Cloyster, Togekiss (Hustle time!), Rapidash, Nidoking, Rhydon/Rhyperior, Ariados, Aggron, Excadrill, Escavalier, Bouffalant, and Thundurus.
Few others that I saw:

Victreebel line now learns Poison Jab
Bibarel line now learns Crunch
Heatmor now learns Flare Blitz and Overheat

Yessssss Victreebel can SD now, and actually have dual STAB.

But let's not forget the most important thing. Every Mon that got Leech Life at an early Level (Zubat, Paras, Spinarak, Nincada, Kricketune, Joltik, Larvesta, and Noibat) now gets the great, the mighty, the AWE INSPIRING....

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Bibarel has gotten a lot out of this gen. SD and Aqua Jet were great, and Normal/Water is good neutral coverage. Crunch allows it to deal with type combos like Ghost/Grass a lot better. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I'm hoping the 3 new Ghost type signature moves get distributed to the other Ghosts in the future, tho that's a bit unlikely given Shadow Bone's and Spirit Shackle's specificity and Spectral Thief being a Mythical exclusive, but who knows. I'm sad that it seems like those are the only new Ghosts moves however.
I'm hoping the 3 new Ghost type signature moves get distributed to the other Ghosts in the future, tho that's a bit unlikely given Shadow Bone's and Spirit Shackle's specificity and Spectral Thief being a Mythical exclusive, but who knows. I'm sad that it seems like those are the only new Ghosts moves however.
Also Moongeist Beam, but that just proves your point, am I right?
Also Moongeist Beam, but that just proves your point, am I right?
Oh, yeah. Forgot all about it since we've had it since forever. If I'm reaching for the heavens here I could see something like Mismagius getting that in the future. But taken into consideration the recent events of the world, it's safe to say I have just about 0 hope for anything right now!
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Are there any other errors on the original list? I liked the format of the original list better because it had stats, abilities, etc along with the moves.
Holy crap, Simple Bibarel with Swords Dance and STAB Aqua Jet.

As you can tell from my username, I am very happy about this.

A beaver getting this kind of buff is just in time with the American election to Make Canada Great Again.

Should be the name of the set.

If some future Seventh generation contributor is reading this...

Well... THIS
252 SpA Choice Specs Swellow Boomburst vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 237-280 (69.5 - 82.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Guts Swellow Facade (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 256-303 (75 - 88.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Factoring in the SpAtk boost, Specs Boomburst now hits nearly as hard as Guts Facade.
252 SpA Choice Specs Swellow Boomburst vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 237-280 (69.5 - 82.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Guts Swellow Facade (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mew: 256-303 (75 - 88.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Factoring in the SpAtk boost, Specs Boomburst now hits nearly as hard as Guts Facade.

And it also doesn't require you to be Poisoned/burned which saps your health, you don't need to rely on recoil Brave Bird for secondary STAB because it gets Hurricane now, AND Scrappy is a perfect ability to go with Boomburst because it's really spammable. Oh, Swellow also gets Heat Wave so Steels that try to switch in to a Boomburst also get wrecked. Swellow for OU!