Movepool changes

I know about that one file but it lists all new movesets. I'm particularly interested in movesets that have changed since ORAS.
The OP is the thing you are looking for

I'm currently going through (very slowly and meticulously) and compiling a list of level-up/egg move additions. I'll eventually go back and do TMs. This list is relying on my knowledge of Pokémon movepools that, while extensive, is not perfect. I've done Kanto so far. I'm excluding Alolan forms because those are a whole different thing. I'm also listing moves that PKMN previously only learned via tutor in past gen. I'll update periodically.

Butterfree - Air Slash
Wigglytuff - Stockpile
Clefable - Spotlight
Mankey - Power Trip
Primeape - Stomping Tantrum
Growlithe - Burn Up
Dodrio - Jump Kick & Swords Dance

Marowak - Stomping Tantrum
Starmie - Spotlight
Gyarados - Hurricane
Snorlax - High Horsepower
Zapdos - Magnetic Flux
Moltres - Burn Up
Mewtwo - Laser Focus

Typhlosion - Burn Up
Furret - Coil
Noctowl - Moonblast
Leadian - Air Slash
Ariados - Swords Dance & Toxic Thread

Pichu - Electric Terrain
Bellossom - Quiver Dance
Sudowoodo - Head Smash & Tearful Look

Dunsparce - Air Slash & Dragon Rush
Sneasel - Throat Chop
Corsola - Liquidation
Delibird - Drill Peck
Mantine - Roost
Suicune - Sheer Cold

Swellow - Hurricane
Surskit - Lunge
Carvanha - Psychic Fangs
Wailord - Noble Roar
Grumpig - Belch
Spinda - Spotlight
Flygon - Dragon Dance
Seviper - Swords Dance

Whiscash - Belch
Lunatone - Power Gem
Solrock - Flare Blitz

Bibarel - Swords Dance & Aqua Jet
Wormadam - Quiver Dance & Bug Buzz

Mothim - Lunge
Ambipom - Dual Chop
Skuntank - Sucker Punch

Lucario - Laser Focus
Probopass - Magnetic Flux
Froslass - Will-O-Wisp

Watchog - Nasty Plot
Lillipup - Psychic Fangs
Simisage - Frenzy Plant
Simisear - Blast Burn
Simipour - Hydro Cannon
Musharna - Psychic Terrain
Throh - Mat Block
Basculin - Head Smash
Krookodile - Power Trip
Tirtouga - Liquidation

Emolga - Speed Swap
Alomomola - Play Nice
Klinklang - Gear Up
Beheeyem - Psychic Terrain
Golurk - High Horsepower & Stomping Tantrum
Heatmor - Fire Lash

Litleo - Flare Blitz
Pancham - Power Trip
Pangoro - Bullet Punch
Diancie - Power Gem
I'm feeling really bullish on BSS bulky Arcanine. Burn Up is an AMAZING move for Arcanine since it allows it to eject its sometimes bothersome mono-fire type and the annoying ground/rock weaknesses that come with it. Arcanine doesn't suffer too much from the lack of fire STAB, in part because Burn Up is still a high BP special move that unlike Flare Blitz, has no recoil, and unlike Overheat, doesn't cripple his offensive presence after one use.

Even without burn up, it matches up fairly well against both Pheromosa and Kartana who will be prime threats in singles. If it has removed its fire type, physical Garchomp actually can't do anything to it. The burn nerf does hurt its viability against some threats like M-Mence and M-Kanga though.

With offenses similar to Deoxys-N, I wouldn't be surprised if it was banned before pokebank is updated.
I know this isn;t a move pool change, but I saw Mystical fire got a Buff to 75 power, which I think makes it a very solid option on both Delphox and Mismagius. I know I'll be using it :D
I was really hoping Lilligant would gain something useful (give it Dazzling Gleam at least, goddamn), especially since now Bellossom is stealing her thunder while having actual coverage moves to speak of.
I just noticed that Dunsparce gets Body Slam via level up now. Previously the move was only obtainable on it via move tutor in Fire Red, Leaf Green, Emerald, and XD.

So now it's compatible with any Egg moves it gained from Gen IV onwards and the Alola-born symbol whenever Bank gets updated.

Not that it's any good mind you, It just happens to be my favorite Pokemon from some reason.
I was really hoping Lilligant would gain something useful (give it Dazzling Gleam at least, goddamn), especially since now Bellossom is stealing her thunder while having actual coverage moves to speak of.
Lilligant's niche is Own Tempo + Quiver Dance + Petal Dance. Bellossom won't steal it's thunder, they will both work in diferent ways
Lilligant's niche is Own Tempo + Quiver Dance + Petal Dance. Bellossom won't steal it's thunder, they will both work in diferent ways

Yeah for one, Bellossom actually has coverage, while not amazing, access to Sludge Bomb and Moonblast is miles better than just a Hidden Power option. Unfortunately it's still super slow even at +1 so I'd be surprised if it made it out of NU considering Lilligant also resides there and has the niche of being much faster without a boost
Yeah for one, Bellossom actually has coverage, while not amazing, access to Sludge Bomb and Moonblast is miles better than just a Hidden Power option. Unfortunately it's still super slow even at +1 so I'd be surprised if it made it out of NU considering Lilligant also resides there and has the niche of being much faster without a boost

I was going to say that it has Chlorophyll, but Lilligant also has it too. However, you're almost always going to run Lilligant with Own Tempo. Bellossom has better bulk though and better coverage, with the trade off of lower speed.
Again, unfortunately, it is not complete, as it does not list for example Zubat who has a new learnset order-wise.
Unfortunately, that's the closest thing we have

We have all the data info of 6th gen, and all the data info of 7th gen, but catching the differences is manual
I just noticed something curious about the movepool changes, although it's mostly related to the new TM list.

Yanma and Yanmega gained access to TM28, Leech Life... but still get it as an Egg Move. This is despite Gen V removing several Egg Moves that became redundant when TMs stopped being single-use.

There may be other oversights like these.
Froslass might be one of the premiere Icy Wind users for VGC '17 and now with Wil O Wisp, it has the ability to decrease the enemy's ATK and Speed. Other notable VGC moves it learns are Safe Guard, Taunt, and Destiny Bond (now nerfed). Froslass is def on my lookout for VGC viable Pokemone now especially with Wil O Wisp.
VGC '17:

Clefable/Starmie getting Spotlight gives some interesting combos to Counter + Mirror Coat. I assume Spotlight will have increased priority like Follow Me does.

Off the top of my head, Chansey, Hariyama, Goodra, Snorlax make for good Counter-ers and Milotic for Mirror Coat.

Goodra makes for a good Spotlight partner with Sap Sipper. Gooey sounds appealing but if Counter picks up the OHKO then immunities would be better suited.

Starmie + Goodra make a good partnership so that Starmie can Surf no problem if it needs to attack ... and if you're running Surf over Scald for some reason. Or Spotlight Goodra so that Goodra can take the incoming Grass/Electric attack aimed at Starmie, eat it up (literally with Sap Sipper) and then retaliate back. Goodra with Sap Sipper could also make for a good meta-call to check Tapu Bulu and Kartana.

Hariyama has a nice big HP stat to dish out juicy Counters. And he has Fake Out making him a good Doubles partner. Hariyama might be better suited with Clefable's Spotlight for any Steel/Poison moves that won't OHKO Hariyama.

Clefable having both Follow Me and Spotlight also makes for some annoying mind games but that might be a waste of a moveslot to have them both.
Just wanted to post my disappointment for Aurorus not getting Aurora Veil nor Power Gem, and Wigglytuff still not getting Boomburst (and instead getting moves it'll never use).
Happy af about Bellossom, Mantine and Froslass.