Monkey's Sprite Request Center

I'd like to see a Alakazam and Swampert fusion. I don't kno what the should be and all that.. maybe you can suprise me. Haha. I wonder how it'll turn out?

Hariyama/Dewgong. The coloring is a bit weird... but that's all I had to work with from Dewgong.
A combination of Aerodactyl and Dragonair would be much appreciated; Dragonair has always had cool sprites and Aerodatyl seems to have a pretty awesome base to put the Dragon on to. Preferably, if you could keep the head and color scheme of Dragonair on the Aerodactyl base. Much thanks in advance, regardless of whether or not you're able to give these two pokemon justice.
I'll request an Toxicroak/Electrode (preferrably Electrode base)

EDIT:Having noticed toxicroak already asked for, how about Electrode/Slowbro
Tyranitar and Gengar, please. I don't really have any specifications; do it the way you think will look nicest.
Holy Crap, that Gardesaur looks sick!

I'll put it in my avatar as soon as I can, which could be weeks >.>
Mind making a Haunter combined with a Regigigas.

Also, if you have the time, a Metagross combined with a Rampardos with the wings of a Masquerain.

I dont have any other specifications other than those, so whatever looks nice to you would be good.
Hmm... I have two requests, so you can take your time. First is a Rampardos/Blissey Fusion. Second is a mence/alakazam fusion. If you could make them both avvy size thatwould be great.
Perhaps... What the dreaded Gyaravire combo looks like as one.

Gyarados base, with Vire details, maybs more vire if it looks good.
Wow, after the last two I'm very impressed. I'd like to request Scizor+Kabutops. I'd like for you to mix the colors(some parts red, some brown) and their features as well. Thanks!
Latios base fusion with Shiny Lugia and colors, or Lugia base if you feel that would be better, but Shiny Lugia colors.
Can you please make me an avatar that has driftloon like in my current one but make each driftloon different color? Thanks in advance!
I feel bad about this because there are so many requests that I haven't done, but I don't think I'll be doing these anymore. I dunno... I just can't get into it and I can't think of ideas anymore. Sorry to anyone who didn't get their request finished.