Monkey's Sprite Request Center


Done with Zapdos recolor, will start others.


Finished Metagross/Flygon. I wish I added more Flygon to it, but most of its features didn't work well with Metagross.

Finished Metagross/Flygon. I wish I added more Flygon to it, but most of its features didn't work well with Metagross.

Wow, I like it alot. Didn't expect it to be done so fast. Mind if I use it as my avatar?
Its Monkey @_@

I used to do this, never really got good though.

Gardevoir/Venasaur please, I know the sprites dont really work together, but you can pull it off >.O

Finished Tyranitar/Nidoking.

It's Lucky. =O I'll get start your request now, and don't worry about them not going together. Ludicolo and Togekiss didn't really go together but it turned out to be one of my favorites.
How about something a little saner from me.... Dialgia/Aggron(base) fusion?

Lolz at the Diglett/Lugia fusion... that had to be a joke.

Also, is the background supposed to be white, or did I do something wrong when I tried to save it as my avatar?

Made me lol.

OH! That one is 104 pixels wide, so it automatically resized it for you when you made it your avatar and lost the transparency. I'll give you another one that's 100x100. Should I cut off a tiny bit of the wings or resize it and lose a little bit of quality?
That Porygon-Z/Azelf is sweet, I'm gonna use it as my avatar.

One more request, could you make the colors Porygon-Z's shiny scheme?

OH! That one is 104 pixels wide, so it automatically resized it for you when you made it your avatar and lost the transparency. I'll give you another one that's 100x100. Should I cut off a tiny bit of the wings or resize it and lose a little bit of quality?

If a little bit of lost quality doesn't look that much worse, that will be fine. As long as it doesn't look too bad.
Can I request a fusion of Regice and Latios, preferably with Regice as the base and features of Latios with Regice's color scheme? Thanks a lot, you've done some great work here!