Mario Kart Wii

Coconut Mall kicks ass. It has your Miis on posters, at the sides and driving cars. I spotted Michael Jackson, Terminator and Hitler.

I actually prefer the new courses.
Anyone mind telling me the uses of automatic and manual modes, and the differences of karts and bikes? I like to plan ahead in games.
Sorry for the wall of text but if youre interested here my thoughts after alot of playing VV

Right so after like 7 hours of mario kart today and yesterday I can safely it is pretty fucking awesome!

It looks amazing, the controls are generally good, though I found the wii wheel fucking awful, not quite responsive enough making sharp turns difficult, but powersliding seems to be overcompensating for this by being ridiculously sharp, which is a bad thing because you essentially cannot powerslide with the wii wheel. Within ten minutes I'd moved on to the classic controller/GC controller and it was all great. So as far as actual tracks go, assuming there aren't any secret ones I'm missing, I'm really loving all the new ones.
My favourite track is probably Koopa Vale (or something like that x_x) which is slightly reminiscent of rapids, with logs as the track boundaries and fast moving water giving you boosts in certain areas. Generally I just love to look at the lovely green and blue colours though, they really are stunning. Kart-wise, balanced is definitely the way to go. I usually opt for the small standard bike driven by koopa or baby mario because they're good all around and have pretty okay acceleration (sp?), which you need when you're being bombed by shells as much as you are.
Wi-fi is the best Ive played on Wii. Honestly, it's so quick to get a bunch of people and I've yet to have ANY lag whatsoever even in matches with 3 japanese people, a canadian (?), and various EU countries etc. The ranking system is interesting, I'm sure it'll keep me playing more than anything once I've unlocked everything. Basically, rather like in wii sports, when you do well in a race, you gain points (I'd say the average is about 50 depending on how high your score was before) and when you don't do well you lose them. My current score is something like 5520, and I think it would be interesting if we posted our scores in this thread because I don't know how good that is here (although it is better than most people in games I join!).
Unlocking stuff is fun, and is pretty standard fare really, completing the various ccs (it is of note that using the wheel even 50cc is hard) and doing them to star standards. So far I've only managed to get a few characters, a handful of karts and bikes, and the cups that are hidden at the start, meaning there is alot of stuff to unlock that will last you a good while.

So yep, get this game; seriously, though a classic controller or GC controller is pretty helpful.

Oh and to the above poster I found the only use at all for automatic is with the wii wheel because manual powersliding is stupid for the reasons above, I used manual for the rest, feels like you're doing more and it's the corners where you really beat noobs at wifi and cpus. Also writing that remembered me andother pretty important thing about powersliding: you no longer need to wiggle left and right, just hold the slide, so no more snakers, and it really does work, trust me.
I don't agree about the Wheel at all, I have been playing with the Wheel most of the times and while it took some time to adjust to it, it is more fun than the Classic Controller, haven't tried the Nunchuck yet.

I agree about the drifting though, characters with a high drift stat are almost unplayable since they turn way to fucking much; I usually use heavy weight charactres with a high acceleration car as opposed to DS and Double Dash where I mostly used the light weight characters.
I don't agree about the Wheel at all, I have been playing with the Wheel most of the times and while it took some time to adjust to it, it is more fun than the Classic Controller, haven't tried the Nunchuck yet.

I agree about the drifting though, characters with a high drift stat are almost unplayable since they turn way to fucking much; I usually use heavy weight charactres with a high acceleration car as opposed to DS and Double Dash where I mostly used the light weight characters.
I don't like the wii wheel. It's also very annoying to keep it in the right position and stunts don't work.

I use or lightweight chars with normal balaced bike, or heavy one with wario's bike.
The wheel is excellent and I was very skeptical of it at first. It becomes really natural.
Wanna do a race this evening? Let's see if the wheel is "natural". I mean, it's OK, but it's impossible to win mirror with it. I can't play MKW 'till the evening (T_T, I know), so IF you want to race I will have to wait.
How awesome lol, Mario Kart Wii is first released in Europe and then in the states 8)
fuck you people with brawl!
Same thing happened with Double Dash.
I'd rather have Brawl first. :(

For anyone interested, my FC is: 3780 9167 9088
As far as I know, the add has to be mutual so anyone adding me will have to send me theirs.
I have a question, are karts assigned to specific characters or can anyone use anything? Also is the powersliding machanic actually good and non exploitable in this game?
Characters are either small, middle or heavyweight and each class has a certain amount of karts, it's not that many but not that little either so :/

Also powersliding is essential to winning and isn't exploitable like snaking was in the DS version
It's performed in the usual way right? Also do tricks play a significant part in the gameplay?
Power slides are.. well getting the boost takes a long time, so just do a wheelie and cancels it in long corners. And doing stunts is 50% of getting boosts.
Can wheelie's be performed on motorcycles only? Damn I'm really getting hyped up about this, even more so then SSBB. Also could you list all the wifi functions?
Can wheelie's be performed on motorcycles only? Damn I'm really getting hyped up about this, even more so then SSBB. Also could you list all the wifi functions?
Only bikes can wheelie, but some kart don't even need to, like the aero glider.

Time trials
against frriend
probably something else cuz I'm not on my wii atm
Thanks a bunch, which would you say is the best type of kart? After checking out all the characters and whatnot, I think I'll choose Rosalina, Mario, and Luigi as my mains. Game looks great from the videos I see on youtube, are there any flaws that you can think of?
Thanks a bunch, which would you say is the best type of kart? After checking out all the characters and whatnot, I think I'll choose Rosalina, Mario, and Luigi as my mains. Game looks great from the videos I see on youtube, are there any flaws that you can think of?
Not really. The best kart: light: blue falcon
medium: dunno
Heavy: think aero glider, but it kinda has sucky handling
Bikes: light: magikruiser
medium: never use medium
heavy: torpedo or bowsers one

Btw, never use karts >.> use bikes
I finished some grand prix. I rather go with motors but cars are also nice (if the have a good acceleration and off-road).

I like the fact 50cc is only for cars and 100cc is only for motors.