5 perfect iv hustle timid nidoran + hippopotas 5 perfect ivs impish with whirlwind & slack off + a 48bp item for a perfect HP ICE electrike?
Err, I'll do porygon for staryu then
Interested in Electrike, CMT!
Are you interested in the following pokemon?
Ralts: 31/31/31/xx/31/31, adamant/jolly, /w shadowsneak, confuse ray
Slowpoke: 31/xx/31/31/31/0, bold, HA
Axew: 31/31/31/xx/31/31, adamant
I'd be interested in a male Phantump.
CMT for the rash ditto?(really want it for breeding purposes)
Okay, I maybe need a half an hour then I could add you and we can trade.ok i'll get one ready
Sorry nothing I can see
I can do slowpoke for phantump
Sure, let you know when I have themI'm interested in feebas and shellos
Would you like a trick room porygon or a regular one?
Hello there,
I'm really interested in one of your Tentacools, would you be willing to trade one for a 5IV flawless adamant mold breaker Axew?
sorry no thanks
CMT interested in a few of your pokes :)
What about a 5 IV flawless, modest and torrent Piplup?
It would be easier if you listed what you had so I can pick :)
Sure, but the list won't be very long seeing as you already got a ton of different mons ^^. Piplup I have right now, but I could also breed a 5 IV Jolly Sneasel with Pursuit and Icicle Crash as egg moves. Anything else I could breed you pretty much have.
I would only be interested in the Puplup if it had hydro pump as an egg move.
CMT for a beldum or staryu , or both
how about a beldum for murkrow and a normal vulpix (5 ivs no hp ice)I can do staryu for murkrow and vulpix?
how about a beldum for murkrow and a normal vulpix (5 ivs no hp ice)
Well... it doesn't, but that's a level up move for him iirc.
I'm interested in a naive chimchar. I have 5 iv timid misdreavus with 3 egg moves if interested