I will take the beldum. But I will have to breed the shellder. (I'm assuming bunnelby, huge power adamant).I'll trade either rotom or beldum for a Shellder (adamant) and a Bunnelby
I will take the beldum. But I will have to breed the shellder. (I'm assuming bunnelby, huge power adamant).I'll trade either rotom or beldum for a Shellder (adamant) and a Bunnelby
I have 5 IV modest clauncher, kangaskan(adamant), larvesta timid, modest deino, tyrunt jolly w/ elemental fangs, and inkay if you are interested in any of those >.<Hi, sorry I've got both those. I'm also generally after 5iv pokes
I will take the beldum. But I will have to breed the shellder. (I'm assuming bunnelby, huge power adamant).
I have 5 IV modest clauncher, kangaskan(adamant), larvesta timid, modest deino, tyrunt jolly w/ elemental fangs, and inkay if you are interested in any of those >.<
CMT for the Rotom and Ditto?
CMT for the 4-IV Ditto.
Sorry guys i typed the ditto out wrong. It's only 3iv.
Can't see anything for the rotom sorry
Yeah they are and do u prefer male or female?Would you do a larvesta timid and a deino modest for the beldum? (I assume they are 5iv'ed)
Yeah they are and do u prefer male or female?
Oh ok, I will pm you when I'm ready (:ok just pm me when you are ready. You thats the correct bunnelby
have your pokes readyfemale please
I've added you. My FC is belowhave your pokes ready
Cmt for kabuto/spritzee/snover
can you get timid for the rotom?
I have some 5 IV Intimidate Mawile(Adamant, might be able to get Careful fairly easily) and am very interested in getting my hands on a Timid Eevee, interested?
See my thread for Solosis, Charmander and Poliwag.
Ok deal. Give me some time to work on some of these. You are in same time zone as me though ;).how about pumkaboo, klefki and sableye?
Ok deal. Give me some time to work on some of these. You are in same time zone as me though ;).
would you be interested in a 5IV female bagon with dragon dance and dragon rush for a 5IV timid rotom?I only have a 4iv timid rotom at the moment so it would take quite a while to get a 5iv one.
Adamant mawile sounds good. I have a timid eevee in stock, pm when you are available