fixed it (:
Looks like you fixed the team to be even better than when I last saw it!
I don't really see any big weaknesses in the team as of now so I will just offer a simple suggestion.
For Metagross, try replacing Zen Headbutt with Ice Punch. It will definetly help out since Zen Headbutt doesn't really hit anything for super-effective damage. Ice Punch helps by knocking out the annoying dragons that fly around the OU tier. It can also hit Gliscor for a good amount of damage since Metagross is easily walled by Gliscor's amazing physical defense but a x4 super-effective move will definetly screw Gliscor up.
lol thanks :P
and I've gotten that alot too but by getting rid of Zen Headbutt i leave myself vulnerable to Conk and Ape. Ice Punch still isn't gonna do THAT much to Gliscor. Besides,he's best left to Starmie. He can change the weather to screw The rare Sand Veiler and nail him with 100% accurate Blizzards. I'll still consider it though
I kind of understand you but Conk and Ape are left helpless to the rest of the team. Conk can be easily destroyed with a well placed Destiny Bond by Gengar. If you run Max HP and Max Def on Volcarona, Conk is left helpless since most Conk carry Payback instead of Stone Edge and you can set up all over Conk's face while taking low damage from Payback.
For Ape, if I remember correctly, Starmie outspeeds Ape and can OHKO easily. Starmie also resists both Fire and Fighting and with your HP EVs, U-Turn should not KO.