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HydreRonaGross Core

Team HydreRonaGross!

Closer Look:

Hydregion@Choice Scarf
252 Speed 252 Sp attack 4 HP

Fire Blast
Draco Meteor
U turn
Focus Blast


Volcarona@Life Orb/Lum Berry
Flame Body
252 Sp Attack 252 HP 4 Speed

Fiery dance
Quiver Dance
Bug Buzz
Hp Rock/Ground

HP Rock is for Gyra, Mence, D-Nite e.t.c and Fire Types, Ground is for Terrikon and Heatran. LO is for power, while LB is for status


Metagross@Life Orb/Occa Berry
Clear Body
252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP

Meteor Mash
Ice Punch

Ice Punch is for Ground Types


252 HP/ 144 Def/ 112 Sp.Atk
31 SP attack IVs

Stealth Rock
Earth Power
Rapid Spin

Just Use SR, for entry Hazards. Psychic is a 2nd STAB, and The EVs are for a bulkier Claydol


Gengar@Focus Sash
252 Speed 252 Sp Attack 4 Sp defense

Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond
Hidden Power Fire
Thunder Bolt

This set is fine


Electivire@Expert Belt
Motor Drive
40 Atk / 252 SpA / 216 Spe

~ Wild Charge/T-Bolt
~ Hidden Power Ice/Grass
~ Cross Chop
~ Flamethrower

This Set Hits Ferro, Gliscor, and other physical walls harder. T-Bolt/Wild Charge is your preference, tho i like Wild Charge Better. HP Grass is for Swampert, if you feel like that is a promblem for you.

there you go, hope u enjoyed
Finnaly some real rates! The whole point of that Hydreigon set was to FAKE a scarf,but your suggestion is noted. Unfortunatley I can no longer teach Metagross Ice Punch,it has already been transferred. Same thing with Claydol and SR,but I'm working on replacing him later. I'm going to change Gengar to Timid. I've never liked Electivires mixed sets,but thanks.

Electivire is only on this team because of his superior coverage and because Gallade was so damn bad. If I bring Starmie back then I can actually use his ability.
Ugh I know how you feel, now that theres no real move tutors in black and white I feel so cut off and you have to breed each mon to perfection before transferring and even then folks might give you rates that will force you to make entirely new monsters! But I think your gross is fine the way he is, and electivire can now get hp ice which should cover your butt for your ice need.
Yeah,and btw Claydol was a last ditch effort to bring in a half decent spinner. As soon as I get a better Starmie I will replace him
Dark, run 64 HP / 252 SpA / 208 Spe(is it 208?). You can survive Conkeldurr's unboosted Mach Punch that way. And, I know this team is built around Hydriegon, but did you ever consider Latios? Because it is faster. And just because of that, Hydreigon got A LITTLE bit outclassed. Well, actually, it's pretty much outclassed unless you wanna say Pursuit weakness gone and the movepool. 98 base Speed. You will argue it's not slow, but in actual fact, it's slow. And yeah. Though I won't try and change your opinion about it. Just somethings to consider about.

I feel that your team is too offensive and doesn't have any real defensive backbone at all. If that's the point, fine. But Starmie as a Rapid Spinner. You might want to consider Tentacruel. It can TSpikes, and that will put extreme pressure to your opponent immediately if they didn't prepare for it. But that adds to a Ground type weakness so...but it's not as if Starmie can take any strong Earthquakes anyway.
Electivire doesn't seem like he should be on this team. You have no electric weaknesses, and 3 resists/immunities(including him). You could add Starmie back in for an offensive spinner, as this is a more offensive team. You could even add an Excadrill as one, but it's a little reliant on the opponent setting up the weather. If you don't want to switch out Claydol as your spinner, how about trying Conkeldurr, Scrafty, Terrakion, Salamence, Darmanitan or Lucario?

Just a little sidenote "STAB CCbat and Leaf Blade to slam Jellicent trying to stall and Rotom-W trying to spinblock" Rotom-A can't spinblock anymore.

You say in the RMT that Claydol counters Excadrill - however, the majority of Exca's use X-Scissor (and air balloon, to avoid an Earth Power). I'd also remove Sunny Day off him, as every weather inducer can come in and hit him with a Super Effective move. Maybe you can add Stealth Rock over it, as it puts pokemon such as Volcarona at bay when switching in. And what's up with the EVs, and the Ground/Ice gem as items?

For Gengar, you should have Hasty/Naive/Timid, since with a Mild nature, you allow Base 97+ speed pokemon to outspeed you. I would personally take out Focus Sash, since Stealth Rock or Sandstorm render it useless.

Electivire is on the team as a physical attacker with great coverage (not really for it's ability) that doesn't give me a huge weakness I can't cover as the list you suggested do. The Ground Weakness is covered by 3 levitators. I realized later about Rotoms new typing,I'll edit that out.

Claydol stops mainly Banded Excadrill and no,not all Excadrill carry X-Scissor and any SD sets that do carry it are stopped by Gengar. Ice Beam pops Air Balloon and the point of Sunny Day is for Claydol to come in AFTER SAID INDUCER IS KOED, and change the weather and Boom,I win (since 90% of weather teams don't use the moves and rely soley on their weather inducer). The EVs gives it barely enough power to OHKO Salamence and I wasn't sure about the item. I'm looking to maybe change the spread to 252 HP 252 SP attack 4 defense,or just bring back Starmie.

I'm changing Gengar to Timid and the Sash is really just a filler item and allows it to stop Set up sweepers,both SS and SR are tooken away by Claydol
Dark, run 64 HP / 252 SpA / 208 Spe(is it 208?). You can survive Conkeldurr's unboosted Mach Punch that way. And, I know this team is built around Hydriegon, but did you ever consider Latios? Because it is faster. And just because of that, Hydreigon got A LITTLE bit outclassed. Well, actually, it's pretty much outclassed unless you wanna say Pursuit weakness gone and the movepool. 98 base Speed. You will argue it's not slow, but in actual fact, it's slow. And yeah. Though I won't try and change your opinion about it. Just somethings to consider about.

I feel that your team is too offensive and doesn't have any real defensive backbone at all. If that's the point, fine. But Starmie as a Rapid Spinner. You might want to consider Tentacruel. It can TSpikes, and that will put extreme pressure to your opponent immediately if they didn't prepare for it. But that adds to a Ground type weakness so...but it's not as if Starmie can take any strong Earthquakes anyway.

Latios' Typing is a turn off and doesn't fit well for the rest of the team (3 psychics?!)

This team is indeed Hyper Offense and doesn't need that much "defensive backbone" to succeed. As long as I can avoid Entry Hazards and scare the opponent into switching I ussually end games 4-0 or so. I already tried Tentacruel,he can't do shit in today's metagame *cough Excadrill cough Rotom cough Latios cough* Claydol works fine for me but Starmie is still at the back of my head.
I do realize that,but i can still setup on any fire type not called Darmanitan,and Hydregion resists Fire.

To anyone else that thinks I need more defense let me point out a few objectives I want this team to meet and why it is built the way it is

If there is one,take out the weather inducer. This is why I have Specs in Hydreigon and not Scarf. Most people will assume I have a Scarf anyway and will ussualy be surprised when I KO their precious weather lead,if I don't the only option I have is to lure it out.

This is where Claydol comes in,once it uses Sunny Day I can switch back into an appropriate pokemon and wait till the opponent decided they want they're weather back,Boom,KO. Switch Claydol back in,Sunny Day,Rapid Spin. The game is essentially over.

If it isn't a weather team my team relys on smart switching,taking out common threats, and predicting and quickly setting up either Metagross or Volcarona and attempt a sweep. One of the most common and annoying status,Paralysis,is tooken care of by Electivire most times and that Motor Drive Boost is essentialy all he needs to make a few heads roll.

Gengar is only there to bring down sweepers that would run through my team if I don't use Destiny Bond to put an end to them. Claydol spins hazards away of course.
I do realize that,but i can still setup on any fire type not called Darmanitan,and Hydregion resists Fire.

To anyone else that thinks I need more defense let me point out a few objectives I want this team to meet and why it is built the way it is

If there is one,take out the weather inducer. This is why I have Specs in Hydreigon and not Scarf. Most people will assume I have a Scarf anyway and will ussualy be surprised when I KO their precious weather lead,if I don't the only option I have is to lure it out.

This is where Claydol comes in,once it uses Sunny Day I can switch back into an appropriate pokemon and wait till the opponent decided they want they're weather back,Boom,KO. Switch Claydol back in,Sunny Day,Rapid Spin. The game is essentially over.

If it isn't a weather team my team relys on smart switching,taking out common threats, and predicting and quickly setting up either Metagross or Volcarona and attempt a sweep. One of the most common and annoying status,Paralysis,is tooken care of by Electivire most times and that Motor Drive Boost is essentialy all he needs to make a few heads roll.

Gengar is only there to bring down sweepers that would run through my team if I don't use Destiny Bond to put an end to them. Claydol spins hazards away of course.
Ever heard of victini? Arcanine? Infernape?
I don't assume anything until I see for sure btw.
Ever heard of victini? Arcanine? Infernape?
I don't assume anything until I see for sure btw.

All of which DIE via Destiny Bond? Anything I'm not in a position to set up on gets Bonded,simple. I might even say this team revolves around Destiny Bonding major threats
All of which DIE via Destiny Bond? Anything I'm not in a position to set up on gets Bonded,simple. I might even say this team revolves around Destiny Bonding major threats
If rona is in you'll have to fodder out something to get gengar in.
You want to Sacrafice a poke just to sacrafice gengar? Funny.

It wins battles. It's a compromise. But the reward is ussually priceless. Sometimes I don't even lose Gengar because they sometimes will try and Taunt me so I just use an appropriate move and KO them (this is why sash is useful) of course,that's when Entry Hazards and harmful weather are not in play. Which is actually the case more often than you think.
Better to sacrifice gengar since with destiny bond that's kinda his job than to lose the whole battle. You don't obviously need your whole team to survive to actually win.
Better to sacrifice gengar since with destiny bond that's kinda his job than to lose the whole battle. You don't obviously need your whole team to survive to actually win.

Exactly my point. If I can KO that one Poke preventing me from setting up it's Game Over. As I said before,ussually end games 4-0
Woo for starmie! At last the cruel starfish is back. Gotta admit the blizzard threw me a little until I remembered what we did for my tentacruel so I think it's awesome!