Concept Name: Devamped Mega Evolution
Pokemon Name: Lopunny
Typing: Normal/Fighting
Stats: 65 / 96 / 94 / 54 / 96 / 125 (530)
Abilities: Limber / Natural Cure
Notable Moves: High Jump Kick, Trick, Low Kick, Baton Pass, Return, Encore, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Substitute, Heal Bell
How It Fulfills the Concept: While we can't go for Scrappy to have perfect coverage, we can still capture Mega Lopunny's fantastic speed tier in this meta. Normal/Fighting, as we know, covers everything except Ghosts, and it gets enough other tools to deal with them (such as Toxic, or just Baton Passing out). As a breaker, it isn't the best as it lacks a boosting move, which is a good thing given the speed. That said, it could have a mean CB set with Trick to screw over Skarmory, or it can Encore a wall and Baton Pass into a counter.
Concept Name: Rock-resistant Spiker
Pokemon Name: Chesnaught
Typing: Grass/Fighting
Stats: 88/107/122/74/75/68 (530)
Abilities: Overgrow / Rough Skin
Notable Moves: Spikes, Spiky Shield, Low Kick, Leech Seed, Taunt, Toxic
How It Fulfills the Concept: Rock resists are kind of awkward right now because most of them are also weak to Earthquake, and given that every Rock type runs Earthquake, things get strange for the role. Chesnaught fortunately resists both Earthquake and Rock Slide, making it a pretty good counter for both. Spikes allows it to have an incredible niche when compared to out other bulky Grasses. It could also be a decent lead, scaring out Tyranitar with 100 BP Low Kick, Taunting Skarmory to prevent Spikes, getting chip damage on Meta through Shield or Seed, and Toxicing Zapdos, or setting a Spike versus any of them because it scares them into switching.
Concept Name: BL Knight
Pokemon Name: Steelix
Typing: Steel/Ground
Stats: 75/105/200/55/75/30 (540 BST)
Abilities: Clear Body / Sand Veil
Notable Moves: Earthquake, Toxic, Roar, Rest, Sleep Talk
How It Fulfills the Concept: Steelix is a dope Rock resist due resisting Rock 4x over, while also having obscene physical bulk so it doesn't care about Earthquake or Explosion. Steelix is, however, highly passive and relies on Roar + Spikes for most of its damage. A bit of an attack raise makes Earthquake more threatening, and it becomes nigh unkillable in sand with Sand Veil boost, so it also can be a bit of a universal Tyranitar check (losing only to Modest Fire Blast).

Concept Name: SpDef Phazer
Pokemon Name: Cramorant
Typing: Water/Flying
Stats: 80 / 55 / 75 / 85 / 135 / 85 (515 BST)
Abilities: Gulp Missile
Notable Moves: Whirlwind, Recover, Toxic, Surf, Protect, Taunt, Ice Beam, Baton Pass, Encore, Knock Off, Hidden Power
How It Fulfills the Concept: Obviously it's pretty specially defensive with 80/135 bulk, and it can shut things down with Whirlwind. It also has fun with Encore to force greedy BP users to manually switch out, stopping them from using it as set up fodder. Alternatively, it can Taunt them to prevent them from boosting. However, due to Gulp Missile, this thing is pretty sweet against physical attackers as well. Gulp Missile providing 25% chip adds up fast in a meta with Spikes and Sand, and the Defense drop or paralysis synergizes well with its own Baton Pass to support an attacker. Additionally, this would be our only bulky Water with a spikes immunity, which would give it a very cool role in teambuilding as normally the bulky water archetype despises spikes damage.
Concept Name: Hail Abuser
Pokemon Name: Delibird
Typing: Ice/Flying
Stats: 77 / 107 / 66 / 106 / 66 / 103 (525 BST)
Abilities: Snow Warning / Magic Guard
Notable Moves: Spikes, Rapid Spin, Focus Punch/Brick Break/Low Kick, Drill Peck, Ice Beam, Taunt, Baton Pass (in addition to everything else it got last time)
How It Fulfills the Concept: So Hail has a bad matchup against a lot of things, the buffed Delibird restores this once god among men to its former glory at the top of the meta. It has an amazing lead matchup: Zapdos is KOed by Ice Beam 50% of the time so it is forced out, Skarmory is Taunted to prevent hazards, Tyranitar is KOed through Fighting move of choice (Low Kick always KOs with no investment), and it can Baton Pass to a bulky Water against Metagross. This also gets the Hail going turn one against anything other than Tyranitar, but either way you still create chip damage. The switches this causes makes Focus Punch hilarious here, absolutely annihilating Blissey (always KOing after weather). As a lead, it can also set its own Spikes, putting more chip damage on the field. Furthermore, Drill Peck operates as a cool emergency move against Celebi. Of course, I've described a million moves here and you only get 4 and that's going to be what holds Delibird back. Because it can do virtually everything, it will take requiring the set to figure out what you need to do to beat it.