Concept Name: Special Nuke
Description: A Pokémon who’s primary means of attacking is Special, but can explode. Gengar currently serves as bait for special walls so it can explode on them. This makes it a lot more threatening
Justification: Blissey is still extremely threatening to special attackers. This would help special offense
Concept Name: Limber Baton Pass Recipient
Description: A Pokemon who receives a stat boost that can't be paralyzed
Justification: Baton Passing can be choreographed to the point where the pass can be predicted and the recipient is the target of a twave. Marowak is currently the only Pokémon that doesn’t have to worry about this, but it struggles with Skarm/Flygon. Another typing on a Baton Pass team immune to para would improve teambuilding
Concept Name: Galvanize/Refrigerate/Aerilate Explosion User
Description: A mon who can explode on ghosts
Justification: Currently the amount of viable ghost types in the metagame is making boom less viable. Jellicent would be hurt by Galvanize and Golurk by Refrigrate, and both by Aerilate. Bring back the boom
Concept Name: Vital Spirit Sleep Spam Counter

Description: A counter to sleep spam (Breloom/Venusaur/Exeggutor)
Justification: Basically, sleep is something that some higher level players find unhealthy because it introduces an element of rng that isn’t welcomed. A Vital Spirit Flying or Fire type would help remedy this
Concept Name: Physical Chlorophyll Abuser
Description: A mon that can sweep Physically with the Chlorophyll boost
Justification: Sun is an unusable playstyle thanks to the only Chlorophyll mons being the same underwhelming typing (besides Exeggutor, but running Sun strictly for it is unwise). Introducing a Chlorophyll physical attacker to complement exeggutor would allow teambuilding sun to be a lot more viable as they could take care of each other's checks and counters when they are walled
Concept Name: Bug Type Arena Trapper
Description: Can trap and eliminate Celebi
Justification: Celebi is one of the most viable pokemon rn due to giga drain being buffed to 75 bp. Being able to threaten it with a strong physical attacker with trapping would surely balance it out
Concept Name: Offensive Fire type
Description: A Fire type that can use Fire STAB without being that guy that's weak to ttar
Justification: All of the offensive Fire types currently get beat hard by ttar. Having one that can threaten it and still be threatening with Fire type moves would make a good addition to both sun teams and teams that hate toxic stall/toxic absorbers/metagross
Concept Name: Slow Extremespeed User
Description: A mon without access to agility/dd that can abuse extremespeed to finish off weakened opponents
Justification: Dragonite was always interesting to me in that it can simultaneously have a weak speed tier and a perfect one at the same time (without dragon dance). Having Extremespeed but being slow means your strategy is predictable, but it makes you a lot more threatening when the opponent is weakened
Concept Name: Dragon type Serene Grace Dragonbreath Paralyzer
Description: One that can spread status through dragonbreath with decent spa
Justification: Jirachi spreads status through Thunder. The same could be done with Dragonbreath on a dragon type. But no headbutt or rock slide to go with it, of course. don't want later gen jirachi