Pet Mod Gen 9 Crossover Chaos (Ver. C)

Should Balatro's jokers be considered valid characters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wriggle Nightbug
Jack Frost
Clanky Woods


Wild Card

Every fifth slate is currently slated to be a wild card slate, where there are no hard restrictions on what you have to submit. Feel free to submit any Pokemon that you feel will fit in the metagame! You should still be cognizant of what is already in the metagame (the sheet will be updated shortly, don't worry) so you don't overlap with or outclass something by mistake. That being said, you have room to focus on increasing the metagame's type diversity, or just submit a character that hasn't fit in any of the prior slates!

Voting will work as it did in the previous slate. If you'd like to give feedback on how you feel about the voting system, please do; this is still a relatively new direction for Crossover Chaos, so your help in determining what feels right is absolutely encouraged.

Finally, there will be a one week hiatus period for playtesting and potential metagame balancing after this slate ends. Crossover Chaos is in fact coded up to Slate 3 and playable on Dragon Heaven; even if it's rather small at the moment it's still nice to see. If anyone would like to help with playtesting when the time comes, it would very much appreciated.

With all that out of the way, you have one week to submit your characters!
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"If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!"
Pokémon: Soldier
Franchise/Origin: Team Fortress 2
Weight: 76 kg
Type: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Reckless, Steelworker (HA)
Notable moves: Curse, Bullet Punch, Bullet Seed, Smart Strike, Flame Charge, Extreme Speed, Double-Edge, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Magnet Rise, Parting Shot, Trailblaze, U-Turn, Amnesia, Sleep Talk, Roost, Rocket Jump, Market Garden, Throat Chop, Headbutt, Self-Destruct, Taunt, Rock Climb, Low Kick, Cross Chop, Smack Down, Close Combat, Iron Head, Attract, Captivate, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
Signature move 1: Blast Jump (60 BP, Flying, Special, 100% Accuracy, adds Flying to user's types, 25% recoil)
Signature move 2: Market Garden (85 BP, Flying, Physical, 100% Accuracy, Flying-type Burn Up clone, guaranteed crit, contact)
    rocketjump: {
        num: 999,
        accuracy: 100,
        basePower: 60,
        category: "Special",
        name: "Blast Jump",
        desc: "Causes the Flying type to be added to the user, effectively making it have two or three types, unless the user is already a Flying type. If Forest's Curse or Trick-or-Treat adds a type to the user, it replaces the type added by this move and vice versa.",
        shortDesc: "Adds Flying to user's type(s).",
        pp: 20,
        priority: 0,
        flags: {protect: 1, mirror: 1, allyanim: 1, metronome: 1},
        onHit(pokemon) {
            if (pokemon.hasType('Flying')) return false;
            if (!pokemon.addType('Flying')) return false;
            this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typeadd', 'Flying', '[from] move: Blast Jump');
        secondary: null,
        target: "normal",
        type: "Flying",
        contestType: "Tough",
    marketgarden: {
        num: 999,
        accuracy: 95,
        basePower: 80,
        category: "Physical",
        name: "Market Garden",
        desc: "Fails unless the user is a Flying type. If this move is successful and the user is not Terastallized, the user's Flying type becomes typeless as long as it remains active. This move is always a critical hit unless the target is under the effect of Lucky Chant or has the Battle Armor or Shell Armor Abilities.",
        shortDesc: "User's Flying type becomes typeless; must be Flying. Always results in a critical hit.",
        pp: 10,
        priority: 0,
        flags: {contact: 1, protect: 1, mirror: 1, metronome: 1},
        onTryMove(pokemon, target, move) {
            if (pokemon.hasType('Flying')) return;
            this.add('-fail', pokemon, 'move: Market Garden');
            return null;
        self: {
            onHit(pokemon) {
                pokemon.setType(pokemon.getTypes(true).map(type => type === "Flying" ? "???" : type));
                this.add('-start', pokemon, 'typechange', pokemon.getTypes().join('/'), '[from] move: Market Garden');
        willCrit: true,
        secondary: null,
        target: "normal",
        type: "Flying",
        contestType: "Cool",
Stats: 100/105/90/95/55/75 (520 BST)

Overview/Justification: In the CC metagame, I intend for Soldier to be a decently strong wallbreaker (due to Market Garden guaranteeing a crit) with idfk man.


"You're gonna have to try a little harder than THAT!"
Pokemon: Undyne
Series: Undertale
Weight: 79 kg (Undying: 86 kg)
Type: Water/Fighting
Ability: Torrent, Battle Armor
Base Stats: 80/110/80/50/75/98 (BST: 493)

Signature Move: Spear of Justice
Move Base Power: 90
Move Type: Water
Move PP: 16
Move Accuracy: 95%
Move Category/Tags: Physical, Slicing
'Spear of Justice' Effect: Traps the foe for 3 turns. Targets the foe's Special Defense instead of Defense.
'Spear of Justice' Flavor: The user hurls a spear of energy at the target.

Known moves: Surf, Smart Strike, Spear of Justice, Lock-On, Soak, Waterfall, Iron Defense, Bulk Up, Headbutt, Wake-Up Slap, Seismic Toss, Close Combat, Iron Head, Mean Look, Scary Face, Overheat, Triple Arrows, Sharpen, Splash, Rock Throw, Dragon Cheer, Pin Missile, Jump Kick, Body Press, Metal Sound, Mach Punch, Aqua Tail, Reflect, Flip Turn, Rain Dance, Uproar, Body Slam, Fling, Laser Focus, Submission,
Attract, Bide, Captivate, Curse, Double Team, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Mega Evolution: Undyne the Undying
Mega Stone: Undynite
Mega Typing: Water/Steel
Mega Ability: Defiant
Mega Stats: 80/125(+15)/110(+30)/105(+55)/100(+25)/73(-25) (+100)

Explanation: We need a water type, Undyne is a fish-based monster first encountered in Waterfall, seems pretty simple.
On a more formal note, Undyne is meant to act as a decently fast and decently bulky physical attacker in her base form, with Undying trading Speed for further bulk and strength. Additionally, with her Water/Fighting typing, Undyne can (probably) check a fair amount of the meta's mons.


"If he tries to pull something like that again, we'll be ready!"
Pokémon: Toadette
Franchise/Origin: Super Mario
Weight: 49 kg
Type: Grass
Ability: Effect Spore, Technician, Mycelium Might (HA)
Notable moves: Synthesis, Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, Grass Pledge, Poison Powder, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Seed Bomb, Solar Beam, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Sunny Day, Reflect, Light Screen, Brick Break, Gigaton Hammer, Present, Tail Slap, Strength, Wonder Room, Drill Run, Hyper Voice, Bubble Beam, Pay Day, Scratch, Ember, Spin Out, Growth, Tackle, Magnet Bomb, Fly, Grassy Glide, Stomp, Trick, Rollout, Fling, Flash, Petal Dance, Venoshock, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Trailblaze, Follow Me, Attract, Captivate, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic
Stats: 85/60/85/107/90/103 (530 BST)

Explanation: Toadette is meant to act as a representative of the various Mario spinoffs, namely the likes of Maker, Kart, some of the Sports games, etc.

In CC, Toadette is meant to act as a fast special attacker, while sharing some amount of DNA with fellow fungus Amoongus, while also giving the meta a few more options, for Grass-type stab.
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Pokémon: Meta Knight
Origin: Kirby
Intended Tier: OU
Typing: Fighting/Flying
Abilities: Unburden / Galaxia / Emergency Exit (Hidden)
Moves: Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Upper Hand, Vacuum Wave, Mach Tornado, Acrobatics, Hurricane, Air Slash, Night Slash, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Swords Dance, Tailwind, Psycho Cut, Aqua Cutter | Counter, Cut, Fury Cutter, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Gust, Slash, Drill Peck, Twister, Teleport, Fly, Dual Wingbeat, Universal moves
Signature Ability: Galaxia (Boosts the power of slicing moves by 1.3x and they also ignore defensive stat boosts.)
Signature Move: Mach Tornado (90 BP, Physical, Flying-type, - Accuracy, 24 PP, Wind-based, Ignores the target's stat boosts.)
Stats: 85/105/75/90/75/120 [550]

Flavor Reasoning: Meta Knight is the titular sword-fighting masked man of the Kirby series. In battle, he fights with swift and noble, yet relentless swordsmanship, and other than the obvious bat wings, he can summon tornados as one of his most powerful options including being the tornado, hence the typing and why he has a decent Special Attack. Mach Tornado is his signature move, and its stat-ignoring effects do reference its inability to be guarded without being broken. Galaxia is also his special sword so its an ability here. Unburden references how you can actually dearm him in his Forgotten Land fight and Emergency Exit due to him running away after every boss fight. Average sword-based moveset and some aerial attacks themed after his boss attacks, and some Rock-type coverage due to him having the ability to throw rocks with wind now. Night Slash does reference Galaxia Darkness vaguely, too.
Competitive Niche: Meta Knight is effectively just Hawlucha but with a sword so he'll just do what Hawlucha will do: Take a Knock Off, set up a sub, use SD, and then sweep with Acrobatics and Close Combat. Can murder Luigi easily, and V1 and The Defect can be dealt with some sweat, but has times struggling against other walls like Hina, which he can't break through easily. He can also run a few other sets with the tools he got, like a Choice Band sweeper or a gimmicky Galaxia set. Mach Tornado does give him an solid alternative option for such sets so go figure.
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Character Name: Springtrap
Type: Steel / Ghost
Abilities: Fluffy / Steadfast / Moxie (H)

55/120/100/94/73/93 (535)

Full Moveset: Jumpscare*, Shadow Ball, Hex, Night Shade, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Mirror Shot, Dark Pulse, Snarl, Dream Eater, Extrasensory, Hyper Voice, Round, Poltergeist, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Steel Roller, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Hard Press, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Bite, Pursuit, Thunder Fang, Giga Impact, Crush Grip, Crush Claw, Metal Sound, Autotomize, Nasty Plot, Hone Claws, Parting Shot, Torment, Nightmare, Curse, Hypnosis, Rest, Substitute, Sleep Talk, Protect

*Signature Move: Jumpscare
Ghost | Status | - BP | - Acc | 1 PP | +3 priority
The target is forced to switch out and is replaced by a random teammate.
Flags: same as Roar
Weight: 120

Flavor Justification: Fluffy because of the padded animatronic suit, but also Springtrap's weakness to fire. Moxie because Afton is a serial killer, Steadfast because he always comes back lol. Moves should all be pretty obvious.

Competitive Role: Meant to be very flexible to compensate for overall mediocre stats. Can set up with Autotomize + Moxie or Nasty Plot, can pivot with Parting Shot, and can act as a get out of jail free card for more offensive teams against opposing set up thanks to Jumpscare. Typing is good but Fluffy won't protect him from Earthquake and even very weak Fire coverage can take him out given the low Spdef.

Will edit with more subs later
Ohhhh, you won't believe how long I've waited for this....this metagame is currently lacking A: Pokémon with support roles, B: Girls that aren't Touhou characters, and C: Certian popular franchises, so let's give them what they want!

"M-my name is Mikan Tsumiki. From the bottom of my heart, I hope we can get along."

Mikan Tsumiki
Name: Mikan Tsumiki
Origin: Danganronpa
Abilities: Ultimate Nurse/Rattled/Klutz
Stats: 112/64/80/63/93/100 (512)
Movepool: Embarrassing Pose, Pound, Growl, Bind, Safeguard, Defog, Clear Smog, Attract, Purify, Recover, Strength Sap, Aromatherapy, Taunt, Fake Tears, Snarl, Foul Play, Fling, Knock Off, Torment, Pounce, Lunge, Skitter Smack, U-Turn, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Eerie Impulse, Charm, Disarming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Alluring Voice, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Spite, Curse, Trailblaze, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Grassy Terrain, Haze, Helping Hand, Heal Pulse, Psych Up, Pain Split, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Endeavor, Double-Edge, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Toxic, Sludge Wave, Water Pulse, Surf, Waterfall, Liquidation, Flip Turn, Chilling Water, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest
Custom Elements:
Ultimate Nurse: Whenever this Pokémon switches out, the new Pokémon heals by 10% of their maximum health.
Embarrassing Pose: A Poison-type status move with 16 PP, -6 priority, and 100% accuracy. Mikan tries to attack the target but instead falls over into an embarrassing pose. The target is so disgusted that their Defence and Special Defence lower by 1. Then Mikan becomes so embarrassed that she switches out.
Weight: 56 kg.
Mikan Tsumiki is the Ultimate Nurse, and has been seen using syringes and other medical equipment, which would explain her Poison-typing and use of Poison-type moves. She's very fragile and skittish, like a Rattled Klutz(y) Fairy, hence her low attacking stats and pivoting moves, and comes from the beach-themed Danganronpa 2, which would explain the Water-type moves. She only really commits to murder because the Despair Disease made her remember that she was a member of the Remnants of Despair, hense the Dark and Ghost-type moves. There is nothing that references her execution, Bye Bye Ouchies, because that's Monokuma's skill, not her's.
Role: Pivot Cleric. Mikan has plenty of ways to clear out enemy buffs and hazards, as well as healing her teammate's wounds.

"I wrote this song for all of my fans who are always cheering me on... And for my very special and most dear friends who always support me through all the good and bad times! This song is called... "Shooting Star"."
Sonia Strumm
Name: Harp Note
Origin: Mega Man
Typing: ==
Abilities: Punk Rock/Forewarn/Frisk
Stats: 98/77/80/98/96/90 (539)
Movepool: Pound, Growl, Attract, Cosmic Power, Teleport, Sparkling Aria, Water Shuriken, Meteor Beam, Overdrive, Sing, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Volt Switch, Thunder Punch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Electric Terrain, Electro Ball, Charm, Disarming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Alluring Voice, Energy Ball, Confuse Ray, Swift, Metronome, Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Endeavor, Double-Edge, Psychic Noise, Psybeam, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Trick, Skill Swap, Trick Room, Expanding Force, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Ancient Power, Power Gem, Surf, Liquidation, Hydro Pump, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest
Custom Elements: None
Weight: 53.4 kg.
Harp Note is the EM Wave Change between Sonia Strumm (A popular singer, hence the sound-based moves and Punk Rock) and Lyra (An EM Wave being from outer space, which explains her typing and space related moves: The rock-type moves compliment Meteor Beam) Her signature moves include the Shock Note (Explaining the Electric-type further) the Machine Gun String (This explains Water Shuriken: Sonia has dressed up as a ninja once in the anime, and the Water-type moves in general compliment both that and Sparkling Aria) and the Pulse Song (Which can inflict various status conditions) She can also can hear and translate waves too high or too low for the normal human or even EM Being to hear, which would provide a reasoning for Frisk and Forewarn.
Role: Sound-based Special Supporter Scout. Harp Note has plenty of ways to whittle down the enemy team by trapping them, putting them to sleep, or paralyzing them, and can also deal heavy damage with Overdrive, Alluring Voice, and Hyper Voice. Additionally, she can scout out threatening information about enemies with her abilities, then switch out with Volt Switch.

"I wonder if Claycia and I will be friends again. I have my doubts... But when I'm with Kirby, I can do anything!"
Name: Elline
Origin: Kirby
Typing: =
Abilities: Protean/Color Change/Levitate
Stats: 57/87/97/87/97/77 (502)
Movepool: Fairy Wind, Reflect Type, Disable, Attract, Doodle, Teeter Dance, Agility, Soak, Forest's Curse, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Wild Charge, Thunder Wave, Supercell Slam, Charm, Draining Kiss Disarming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Alluring Voice, Play Rough, Flame Charge, Sunny Day, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse, Giga Drain, Trailblaze, Energy Ball, Bulldoze, Earthquake, Earth Power, Sand Tomb, Body Slam, Encore, Hyper Voice, Uproar, Helping Hand, Psych Up, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Reflect, Trick, Imprison, Trick Room, Flash Cannon, Water Pulse, Rain Dance, Surf, Liquidation, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest
Custom Elements: None
Weight: 0.4 kg.
Elline is a Levitating Fairy who resembles a Paintbrush. She can create rainbow lines, which represents both her color related moves and abilities (Especially type-changing moves) and her wide diversity of moves available (Representing the seven colors of the rainbow: Fire for red, Electric for yellow, Fairy for pink, Water for blue, Fighting for ground, Poison for purple, and Grass for green: The fire, grass, and ground-type moves also play a fact in that she helped her sister, Claycia, craft worlds) All of her stats also end in a 7 to represent this. She uses Kirby himself for some of her attacks, representing the transformations she can paint upon Kirby. (Flash Cannon for Kirby Tank, Water moves in general for Kirby Submarine, and Body Slam for Kirby Rocket)
Role: Balanced Protector Support. Elline has a wide variety of moves to use and good support moves, but no way to set up reliably beyond Calm Mind and Charge Beam. She can, however, heal with Draining Kiss and Giga Drain. R.I.P Sketchmon....
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Never again will I wield my power only to hide my own sense of inferiority. My convictions shall lead me, and I shall fight by their strength.
Name: Eiselin Burchelli Meijal Hulkenberg (Hulkenberg)
Gender: Female
Origin: Metaphor Refantazio
Typing: Fighting/Fairy
: Stamina / Pixilate
Stats: 90/105/105/90/70/65 (525)
Movepool: Thunderous Kick, Body Press, Jungle Healing, Spirit Break, Play Rough, Iron Defense, Moonblast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Hammer Arm, Superpower, Dazzing Gleam, Hyper Drill, Body Slam, Circle Throw, Bulk Up, Taunt.

Arm Thrust, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Double Edge, Take Down, Facade, Confide, Attract, Double Team, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Pound, Slash, Slam, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Work Up, Tackle, Quash, Follow Me, Torment.
Custom Elements: n/a
Justification: Due to how archetypes work, you can basically put whatever move and it would somewhat work, but for this sub I will be focusing on the knight, brawler, mage and healer, archetypes, four that work particularly well with hulkenbergs endurance > attack statline. Fighting pairs well with the physical flavor of her usual attacks, and fairy to shore up the mystical nature of the archetypes. Lore accurate fire lash btw
Role: we need a physically defensive monster to help shore up the defensive shortcomings of the meta. Stamina + a rest / jungle healing only recovery profile helps make hulkenberg balanced

Sample Sets:
Bpress Defensive
Hulkeberg @ Leftovers
Ability: Stamina
Bold Nature
EVS: 252 Hp / 252 Def / 4 Spa
- Body Press
- Moonblast / Thunderbolt / Flamethrower
- Iron Defense
- Jungle Healing
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Dampe resub because we're still short a Ghost-type

Character Name: Dampé
Franchise/Origin: The Legend of Zelda (Specifically his Ocarina of Time Variant)
Type: Steel/Ghost
Abilities: Quick Feet/Levitate
Stats: 74/104/94/74/88/90 (BST 524)
Full Moveset: Anchor Shot, Astonish, Attract, Bestow, Body Slam, Brutal Swing, Bulldoze, Confide, Curse, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond, Dig, Disable, Double Team, Earth Power, Earthquake, Ember, Endure, Facade, Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Flash Cannon, Fling, Follow Me, Foul Play, Frustration, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Helping Hand, Hex, Hidden Power, Infernal Parade, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Knock Off, Memento, Metal Sound, Mud Shot, Mud Slap, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Pound, Protect, Quash, Quick Attack, Rest, Return, Round, Sand Tomb, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Sleep Talk, Smart Strike, Snore, Spite, Stomping Tantrum, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Taunt, Tera Blast, Thief, Tidy Up, Torment

Weight: 40.5 kg
Overview/Justification: Tidy Up Sweeper in a nod to having to beat him in a race in order to recieve the Hookshot in OoT.


Character Name: Ice Climbers (Popo & Nana)
Franchise/Origin: Ice Climber
Type: Ice
Abilities: Thick Fat/Skill Link/Hammer Time
This Pokemon's Hammer Moves (Crabhammer, Dragon Hammer, Gigaton Hammer, Ice Hammer, and Wood Hammer) have their power multiplied by 1.2.
Stats: 70/110/100/80/80/90 (BST 530)
Full Moveset: Ally Switch, Attract, Aurora Beam, Aurora Veil, Avalanche, Baby-Doll Eyes, Beat Up, Blizzard, Body Slam, Bounce, Brick Break, Brutal Swing, Bulk Up, Chip Away, Circle Throw, Confide, Double Hit, Double Slap, Double Team, Echoed Voice, Encore, Endure, Facade, Flail, Flatter, Fling, Follow Me, Freeze Dry, Frustration, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hold Hands, Ice Beam, Ice Hammer. Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Icy Wind, Knock Off, Low Sweep, Mist, Payback, Play Rough, Pound, Protect, Quick Guard, Rest, Retaliate, Return, Round, Slam, Sleep Talk, Smack Down, Snore, Snowscape, Stomping Tantrum, Strength, Substitute, Take Down, Taunt, Tera Blast, Triple Axel, Vital Throw, Wake-Up Slap, Wood Hammer

Weight: 40 kg
Overview/Justification: We need an Ice-type. Can get off some strong Ice and Wood Hammers, though the speed drop and recoil respectively is punishing.


Character Name: Dahlia Hawthorne
Franchise/Origin: Ace Attorney
Type: Poison/Fairy
Abilities: Sweet Veil/Merciless/Toxic Chain
Stats: 75/84/74/110/104/93 (BST 540)
Full Moveset: Acid, Acid Spray, Alluring Voice, Assurance, Astonish, Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Beat Up, Bitter Malice, Captivate, Charm, Comeuppance, Confide, Corrosive Gas, Cross Poison, Curse, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Double Team, Double Team, Draining Kiss, Echoed Voice, Encore, Endure, Facade, Fairy Wind, Fake Out, Fake Tears, False Surrender, Feint, Feint Attack, Flatter, Follow Me, Foul Play, Frustration, Gunk Shot, Hex, Hidden Power, Knock Off, Memento, Misty Explosion, Misty Terrain, Moonblast, Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Play Nice, Play Rough, Poison Jab, Poltergeist, Protect, Pursuit, Rest, Return, Role Play, Round, Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Sleep Talk, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Snatch, Snore, Spirit Break, Spite, Substitute, Swagger, Sweet Kiss, Take Down, Taunt, Tearful Look, Tera Blast, Thief, Toxic, Trick, Venom Drench, Venoshock
Weight: 48.5 kg
Overview/Justification: I subbed her in the earlier Crossover Chaos but people rightfully pointed out my design had a bunch of issues. Since then, both the SV DLCs have come out and given her a great ability in Toxic Chain so I figured why not rewrite her since we need a Fairy-type.
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Mermaid | Megami Tensei Wiki | Fandom

Pokémon: Mermaid
Franchise/Origin: Shin Megami Tensei
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Rain Dish, Pandemonic Feast (Multi-Hit moves hit the max amount of times and from the stronger attack stat.)
Notable moves: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icy Wind, Surf, Waterfall, Scald, Flip Turn, Calm Mind, Rock Blast, Icicle Spear, Sing, Hyper Voice, Psychic Noise, Perish Song, Power Gem, Stone Edge, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Snarl, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Moonblast, Agility, Hydro Pump, Alluring Voice, Shadow Ball, Sparkling Aria, Aqua Ring, Splash, Draining Kiss, Spirit Break
Signature Move: Stormcaller Song (25 BP Special Water Move, hits 3-5 times, 48pp)
Stats: 103*/80/85*/100*/83*/81
Reasoning: Contains two types which the metagame is currently lacking and acts as a counterpick against Eox, excluding the more self explanatory parts the sound moves are based off of Mermaid's compendium entry describing it as luring Sailors to their doom with their songs, and the Ability is directly inspired from her innate trait in SMT V, which allows multi-hit moves to hit extra times during an Omogatoki Effect. Reworked from SMT V as a multihit move which could hit for 8 times would be horribly unbalanced on a Pokemon with actual stats and typing.

Competitive Use: Low speed for a set-up sweeper and lack of set up moves which can act as immediate pressure is made up for good bulk and typing and ability which allow it to use powerful multi-hit moves at their utmost with it's stronger attack stat.

Happy Chaos screenshots, images and pictures - Giant Bomb

Pokémon: Happy Chaos
Franchise/Origin: Guilty Gear
Type: Ghost/Dark
Abilities: Sniper/Cursed Body
Notable moves: Parting Shot, Toxic, Foul Play, Knock Off, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Hex, Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, Throat Chop, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, U-Turn, Curse, Calm Mind, Snipe Shot, Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Brick Break, Psychic, Psychic Noise, Confusion, Zen Headbutt, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Substitute, Night Slash, Shadow Claw,
Signature Moves:
Take Aim ( +2 to crit ratio, +1 to speed, 32 PP)
Deus Ex. Machina (130 BP Special Dark Move which decreases SPA by 2, 8 pp)

Stats: 85/97/97/97/97/105
Reasoning: Happy Chaos in Guilty Gear is the progenitor of all magic, hence his array of special and physical coverage, with Fighting Moves notably referencing his genre of origin and Flash Cannon/Steel Beam referencing his gun. He is an erratic psychopath with little regard for morality that makes use of hexes and spectral adjacent abilities, hence his typing, while his versatility is a general reference to to the Chaos part of both his name and his personality, with him often going back on his own plans in the name of entertainment.

Competitive Use: Versatile Mon' which can be used as a utility pivot with Magic Guard or a mixed/special sweeper with Take Aim and Sniper but is held back by weak stats and weak offensive STAB combo.
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I will not leave a broken world behind.
Character Name: Ana

Abilities: Regenerator / Tangling Hair / Sniper [HA]
Stats: 75 / 70 / 85 / 80 / 115 / 65 [490 BST]
Full Moveset: Biotic Grenade, Acid Spray, After You, Assurance, Beat Up, Bestow, Chip Away, Clear Smog, Cross Poison, Double-Edge, Entrainment, Fake Out, Fling, Focus Energy, Foresight, Foul Play, Gunk Shot, Happy Hour, Heal Bell, Hold Back, Infestation, Laser Focus, Last Resort, Lock-On, Mega Punch, Mortal Spin, Night Slash, Payback, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Punishment, Rapid Spin, Slash, Sleep Powder, Sludge Bomb, Smelling Salts, Snipe Shot, Sunny Day, Taunt, Torment, Tri Attack, U-Turn, Venoshock, Wish, Attract, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic


Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 [16 Max]
Effects: For 2 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active. If the target is an ally, this move restores 1/2 of its maximum HP, rounded down, instead of dealing damage.
Z-Crystal Name: Ananium Z
Z-Move Required Move: Biotic Grenade
Z-Move Name: Nano Boost
Z-Move Type:

Z-Move Classification:

Z-Move Power: --
Z-Move Effects: Switches out user & incoming ally gets Def & SpD +2, Atk & SpA +1, alongside a volatile status that expires upon 2 turns, which upon expiration resets any stat boosts to Atk, SpA, Def, and SpD. If user fails to switch out (ie. they are the only remaining Pokemon on the team), then instead applies the stat boost & volatile status to user.
Weight: 52.6 kg
For Ana's typing, went with Normal and Poison. Ana is very much on the more normal side of overwatch's cast, and her main form of attacks consist of shooting nanomachines that exhibit several poison-like properties.
For abilities, Regenerator acts as a reference to the game's support Passive, where when out of combat support heroes regenerate their health faster, however I mostly included here to provide Ana a more consistent way of keeping healthy given her desired playstyle. The remaining two abilities reference the newly added Perk system in OW. One of Ana's perks can slow down enemies after hitting them with a sleep dart, so I wanted to give her an ability that can reduce speed. Given there's no good way to replicate this 1 for 1, I looked at the context closer, where Sleep Dart is far easier to hit when enemies are close quarters. That could justify any of the Gooey-like abilities, that reduce other's speed on contact, which between Gooey, Tangling Hair, and Cotton Down, Tangling Hair seemed to fit Ana the closest. While Ana is a Sniper, she cannot actually land crits originally, however upon the introduction of Perks, one of her Major perks is called Headhunter, which actually now allows her to land crits, making Sniper fit her better as an ability.
For stats, Ana's typically a longer range character, who struggles more in close combat. Given this, her special stats are generally better than her physical, although the gap is much smaller between the two offenses, given Ana's lower damage output overall in Overwatch. Her hp is middling (250), hence I gave her a middling hp stat, and Ana lacks much mobility, hence a lower speed stat.
For signature moves, Ana's Biotic Grenade is a reflection of its counterpart is Overwatch. It heals allies, but gives enemies anti-healing, which negates the afflicted hero's ability to heal for a few seconds. Her Z-Move reflects her Ultimate, Nano Boost. In Overwatch, this makes it so the target reduces incoming damage by 50%, and boosts their own damage by 50% for a short duration. Given how stat boosts work, this means defenses would need to be doubled (ie 2 stat stages) and offenses would need to be 1.5x (ie. 1 stat stage). The secondary mechanic of Ana being able to apply the boost to herself is a reference to FFA mode, as no one has any allies, Ana can instead target herself with the Nano Boost.
As for other moves, the most notable references includes Infestation, which mimics the mechanics of Ana's Biotic Rifle, and Fake Out and Sleep Powder, which both can resemble mechanics of her sleep dart, and U-Turn resembles how Ana can use said sleep dart as a means of escaping battle. She also gets some dark moves, given how some of her techniques can resemble more underhanded tactics. Spinning moves I thought would be a funny inclusion given how her dance emote just has her spinning around in a circle.
Competitive Overview: Cleric w/ Stallbreaking Capabilities. Infestation / Toxic can weather down foes, Biotic Grenade removes healing capabilities. For support angle, Ana gets hazard removal via spins, status healing via heal bell, and the potential for wish passing with Wish & U-Turn. Also has regenerator as a means of sustainability.
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"Let's melt your hopes and freeze your dreams."
Character Name: Berry
Roles: Cleric and Utility / Bulky Setup Sweeper
Franchise: Brawl Stars
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Making a Mess / Misty Surge
Stats: 75 / 70 / 85 / 90 / 115 / 90 (515 BST)
Full Moveset: Sparkly Swirl, Calm Mind, Meltdown, Tail Whip, Tail Slap, Dazzling Gleam, High Horsepower, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Ice Spinner, Rapid Spin, Rest, Sleep Talk, Milk Drink, Wish, Fairy Wind, Taunt, Tera Blast, Substitute, Protect, Haze, Chilly Water, Low Kick, Return, Frustration, Icicle Spear, Lash Out, Play Rough, Spirit Break, Bulk Up, Ice Punch
Weight: 79.7 Kg
Height: 6'1
Sets Ice Cream Terrain, Ice Cream Terrain heals Fairy types by 1/16 HP at the end of each turn.
Signature Move: Meltdown
- Type: Fairy
- Classification: Status
- PP: 20 (Max 32)
- Effects: Traps and grounds user and heals 1/16 HP each turn. 1/8 HP if Ice Cream Terrain is up.
- Flavor: (Optional) Berry places a puddle of healing ice cream directly beneath him and stands his ground.
Overview/Justification: Berry is a fragile brawler in Brawl Stars. However, his healing ice cream can make him and his teammates nigh unkillable if played well. Currently the tier needs a cleric, so here is Gliscor without the annoying utility moves. Berry keeps teammates alive with Sparkly Swirl and Wish support, while having excellent longevity with Making a Mess and Milk Drink. Meltdown allows Berry to serve as a bulky setup sweeper if needed, with the ability to go physical or special with Bulk Up and Calm Mind. Yes, Berry is hard to kill, but pretty bad HP + Def stats been most physical wallbreakers can probably OHKO him.


"Do not look away. You witness a king's revival...and the birth of his new world."


Character Name: Ganondorf
Roles: Bulky Mixed Wallbreaker / Stallbreaker
Franchise: Legend of Zelda
Type: Dark
Abilities: Gloom Touch (Poison Touch + offensive stat is multiplied by 1.5 while using a Poison-type attack) / Intimidate
Stats: 110 / 105 / 80 / 95 / 80 / 60 (530 BST)
Full Moveset: Swords Dance, Gloom Sword, Night Shade, Dark Pulse, Poison Jab, Taunt, Slash, Night Slash, Foul Play, Knock Off, Fiery Wrath, Brutal Swing, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, Fire Blast, Blood Moon, Knock Off, Fling, Beat Up, Rest, Sleep Talk, Tera Blast, Return, Frustration, Substitute, Scary Face, Rock Slide, Absorb, Shadow Ball, Hex, Smart Strike, Destiny Bond, Protect, Torment
Weight: 132 Kg
Height: 7'6

Signature Move: Gloom Sword
- Type: Poison
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 10 (Max 16)
- Effects: For 2 turns, the target is prevented from restoring any HP as long as it remains active.
- Flavor: (Optional) Ganondorf strikes his foe with a Gloom Sword. The Gloom prevents the target from healing.

Custom Item: Secret Stone
(Mega Stone)


Character Name: Demon King Ganondorf
Type: Dark
Abilities: Gloom Touch
110 / 135 / 90 / 155 / 100 / 40 (630 BST)
Full Moveset:
Weight: 264 Kg
Height: 9'11

Overview/Justification: Ganondorf provides some brutal breaking power for the tier, which it could use. In-game, he is a powerful sword-wielder and magic user, so his insane Attack stats showcase this. He's decently bulky, but pretty slow, especially in Mega form. I made sure he doesn't have much sweeping potential, as damage will stack up fast against him. and he's pretty useless against HO. He'll shine vs. bulkier and especially stall structures, and maybe we'll see Trick Room. I think the Speed and mid defense make him pretty balanced, plus, his offensive typing is mid too.


"**^*'*^ (Looks in your eyes) GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH"
Character Name: Enderman
Roles: Suicide Lead / Fast Pivot
Franchise: Minecraft
Type: Ghost / Dark
Abilities: Telepathy / Anger Point / Aggravated (HA)
Stats: 90 / 90 / 70 / 50 / 70 / 130 (500 BST)
Full Moveset: Teleport, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Astonish, Shadow Ball, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Spite, Taunt, Scary Face, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Curse, Destiny Bond, Protect, Rest, Return, Frustration, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Crunch, Bite, False Surrender, Fling, Foul Play, Parting Shot, Bug Buzz, U-turn, Smog, Smokescreen, Play Rough, Brutal Swing, Double Hit, Night Daze, Night Shade
Weight: 54.4 Kg
Height: 10

When hit, user's Attack and Speed raise by one stage

Overview/Justification: I don't believe the tier has a suicide lead, so here it is. Enderman are kinda obnoxious when it comes to randomly placing Dirt Blocks around, so I gave it Stealth Rock and Spikes. It has lots of tools and excellent typing to effectively lay hazards down and keep them down early game. Aggravated mechanic's are the same in-game, where the Enderman gets increased movement Speed when angered, and Attack so the ability isn't completely useless. Honest and funny mob.

Edit: Made Ganondorf Mono Dark but changed ability so that it is Poison Touch + Steelworker for Poison-moves.
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Character Name: Ori
Series of Origin: Ori
Type: Fairy
Abilities: Regenerator/Limber
Stats: 75/95/60/110/70/105
Signature Move: Bash
- Type: Fairy
- Classification: Special
- Power: 55
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 20 (max 32)
- Effect: The user switches out after dealing damage.
Full Movepool: Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Fairy Wind, Spirit Break, Play Rough, Mystical Fire, Flame Burst, Fire Pledge, Ember, Energy Ball, Wood Hammer, Leaf Blade, Drill Run, Dig, Secret Sword, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Sacred Sword, Hammer Arm, Meteor Assault, Psyshock, Expanding Force, Twin Beam, Psycho Cut, Lash Out, Sucker Punch, Hex, Signal Beam, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Aqua Jet, Extreme Speed, Fake Out, Body Slam, Stomp, Last Resort, Quick Attack, Misty Terrain, Will-O-Wisp, Forest’s Curse, Ingrain, Calm Mind, Healing Wish, Rest, Teleport, Feather Dance, Recover, Swords Dance, Wish, Helping Hand, Substitute, Sleep Talk, Protect, Double Team, Growth, Nature Power, Psych Up, Splash
Overview: Ori serves as a fast special Regenerator pivot, though there is the option to use Calm Mind or Swords Dance, similar to Mienshao. Regardless, Ori's general frailty is the biggest obstacle in staying on the field for too long. Ori has a variety of coverage options, as well as a bit of utility with Wisp, but generally speaking can't make much progress against Fire types unless running a mixed set.
Pokémon: Amingo
Weight: 90.0 kg (198.4 lbs.)
Franchise/Origin: Marvel vs. Capcom
Type: Grass / Fighting
Ability: Overgrow / Rough Skin
  • Frenzy Plant, Grass Pledge, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Power Whip, Seed Bomb, Spiky Shield, Synthesis, Trailblaze, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Grassy Glide, Ingrain, Magical Leaf, Trailblaze, Needle Arm, Solar Beam, Worry Seed, Leafage, Razor Leaf, Stun Spore, Body Press, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Low Kick, Power-Up Punch, Superpower, Coaching, Low Sweep, Reversal, Rock Smash, Circle Throw, Double Kick, Dynamic Punch, Karate Chop, Mach Punch, Revenge, Submission, Gyro Ball, Iron Defense, Thunder Punch, Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Drill Run, Spikes, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Rollout, Smack Down, Wide Guard, Knock Off, Crunch, Bite, Brutal Swing, Fling, Assurance, Throat Chop, Pin Missile, Lunge, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Swords Dance, Rapid Spin, Block, Cut, Defense Curl, Feint, Nature Power, Growth, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Scary Face, Strength, Swift, Tackle, Work Up, Celebrate, Bind, Wrap, Fake Out, Flail, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Stats: 80 / 110 / 120 / 70 / 95 / 60 {BST: 535}
  • Original character by Capcom created for Marvel vs. Capcom 2
  • Cactus that fights, explaining his typings
  • Rough Skin because he’s a cactus
  • Movepool largely based off his in game moveset and the fact that he’s a cactus
  • Grass-type wall with great utility, notably takes on Eox very well

"I am ready to put on a show!"

Pokémon: Luna Snow
Weight: 54.5 kg (120.2 lbs.)
Franchise/Origin: Marvel Future Fight
Type: Ice / Dark
Ability: Healer / Competitive / Ice Over (When switching in, this Pokemon is unaffected by hazards on its side of the field.)
  • Avalanche, Blizzard, Chilly Reception, Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Triple Axel, Aurora Beam, Frost Breath, Ice Ball, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Powder Snow, Snowscape, Alluring Voice, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Throat Chop, Fake Tears, Fling, Night Slash, Calm Mind, Light Screen, Psychic Noise, Lunar Dance, Luster Purge, Reflect, Barrier, Imprison, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Heart Swap, Mirror Coat, Psycho Cut, Stored Power, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Chilling Water, Rain Dance, Aura Sphere, After You, Assist, Bind, Boomburst, Captivate, Celebrate, Confide, Disable, Double Hit, Echoed Voice, Encore, Endeavor, Entrainment, Fake Out, Flash, Lucky Chant, Nature Power, Perish Song, Pound, Recover, Sing, Teeter Dance, Uproar, Wish, Weather Ball, Round, Psych Up, Hyper Voice, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Stats: 75 / 70 / 67 / 124 / 87 / 112 {BST: 535}
  • Yes, she counts -- she originates from a video game and was then adapted into the comics
  • She has cryokenesis and deals damage with dark ice, explaining her typings
  • She can heal with light ice, competitive fits her personality, and she creates ice to skate on, explaining her abilities
  • Movepool largely based on her prowess as a singer, ice manipulation, and access to both darkness and light with her ice
  • Ice-type wallbreaker and pivot


Pokemon: SV Snaggerjag
Weight: 220.0 kg. (485.0 lbs.)
Franchise/Origin: Yo-kai Watch
Type: Water / Ghost
Ability: Torrent / Intimidate
  • A Fisher’s Life (Water-type Oblivion Wing clone), Chilling Water, Flip Turn, Hydro Pump, Liquidation, Scald, Surf, Waterfall, Wave Crash, Aqua Ring, Brine, Bubble Beam, Dive, Life Dew, Muddy Water, Rain Dance, Soak, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Whirlpool, Curse, Destiny Bond, Hex, Night Shade, Poltergeist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Ominous Wind, Phantom Force, Spite, Avalanche, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Agility, Calm Mind, Extrasensory, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Signal Beam, Iron Defense, Flash Cannon, Body Press, Rock Smash, Aura Sphere, Coaching, Focus Blast, Outrage, Power Whip, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Refresh, Roar, Weather Ball, Yawn, Bide, Confide, Defense Curl, Echoed Voice, Hyper Beam, Foresight, Giga Impact, Growl, Natural Gift, Pound, Scary Face, Screech, Strength, Uproar, Work Up, Block, Flail, Focus Energy, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Stats: 100 / 69 / 70 / 115 / 80 / 100 {BST: 534}
  • Fisherman (Water-attribute) yo-kai
  • Signature move based around the original implementation of its ability Waterworks
  • Intimidates people to stay away from Catfish Pond
  • Moveset largely based on his movepool as a boss and recruitable yo-kai
  • CM + A Fisher's Life sweeper / pivot
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resubbing because we still have no ices or fairies
Jack Frost | Megami Tensei Wiki

Character Name: Jack Frost
Series of Origin: Shin Megami Tensei/Megami Tensei

Abilities: Ice Body, Pickpocket [HA: Vital Spirit]
Stats: 65/50/70/120/90/115 [BST=510]
Full Moveset: Nasty Plot, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Trick, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Fairy Wind, Nature's Madness, Icy Wind, Frost Breath, Powder Snow, Double Slap, Tackle, Aurora Beam, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Snowscape, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Aurora Veil, Weather Ball, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Flash, Flash Cannon, Sheer Cold, Hurricane, Air Slash, Bleakwind Storm, Blizzard, Light Screen, Moonlight
Weight: 0.9 kg
Overview/Justification: Jack Frost is a demon of the Fairy race who is often associated with and uses Ice attacks, hence both types. Ice Body is self-explanatory, Pickpocket as well as the move Parting Shot are a good way to describe of the demons in SMT when you try to recruit them (give my life stone back) and Vital Spirit references his personality, how he's always hyperactive.

With NP, Solid STABs, a great SpA and Speed, and okay coverage, Jack Frost is quite dangerous. However, he is walled by Wizard Lord Phoenix very hard, but he can maintain momentum with sets using Parting Shot. His defensive utility is also nil.

"I wouldn't mess with my scarf if I were you. It might try to bite you."
Character Name: Venoct
Series of Origin: Yo-kai Watch

Abilities: Transistor, Keen Eye, [HA=Static]
Stats: 80/115/70/100/90/115 [BST=570]
Signature Move: Dragon Bite
- Type:

- Classification: Physical
- Power: 95
- Accuracy: 100%
- PP: 16
- Effects: No additional effects. Tags: Bite
Full Moveset: Dragon Bite, Shadow Ball, Draco Meteor, Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Thunderbolt, Discharge, U-Turn, Trick, Calm Mind, Thunder Wave, Shadow Sneak, Wild Charge, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Teleport, Dragon Rush, Wrap, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Bite, Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Temper Flare, Acrobatics, Phantom Force, Dragon Rage, Dragon Dance, Tackle, Astonish, Shadow Claw
Weight: 82.2 kg
Overview/Justification: Dragon type because he has a scarf made of dragons, Ghost type because he is a yo-kai. Transistor because he uses Electric Attacks, Keen Eye because he watches over the player, and Static for the same reason as Transistor.

A versatile offensive ghost and dragon, Venoct is an excellent offensive pivot and versatile threat. Ghost/Dragon is very scary in this metagame, so I kept his special attack stat modest whilst limiting his physical movepool. He can go Physical in many ways, with Choice Band or DD, Special with CM or Specs, and physical with DD, Pivot sets, or CB. He operates similarly to dragapult, but he lacks two things that Dragapult has: the speed, and the Fire coverage, making him stopped by faster Pokemon like V1, and notably means he lacks a good way to hit Steels outside of Electric and Ghost attacks.
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Name: Sophia
Franchise: Fire Emblem

Forewarn | [HA] Dragon Bouquet (Doubles the user's Special Attack.)
Stats: 85 HP/55 Atk/90 Def/52 SpA/95 SpD/45 Spe (422 BST)

Moves: Extrasensory, Future Sight, Psyshock, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Hex, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Giga Drain, Leaf Tornado, Petal Dance, Mystical Fire, Miracle Eye, Amnesia, Light Screen, Reflect, Dragon Cheer, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Sticky Web, Spider Web
Attract, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Weight: 51 kg

Flavor Justification: Sophia sees the future and also happens to be half-dragon. She fights with dark tomes, including Nosferatu, a life drain, Fenrir+, which resembles fire, and Apocalypse, a big attack. In Fire Emblem Heroes, she has very low speed but good defenses. She has two variants in the form of Prescient Bride and Cobweb Prophet, with the former having Dragon Bouquet, which boosts her Attack, and the latter having Thunder and Elthunder.
Competitive Role: Sophia hits hard when using her Hidden Ability. She can put out Future Sights to aid her team, and meanwhile, she can attack with good Special coverage like Mystical Fire, Dark Pulse, and Thunderbolt. She can use Sticky Web to provide support to her team.

Sophia @ Assault Vest
Ability: Dragon Bouquet
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Future Sight
- Extrasensory / Psyshock
- Thunderbolt / Charge Beam
- Mystical Fire

Sophia @ Light Clay
Ability: Dragon Bouquet
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Future Sight / Sticky Web
- Mystical Fire

Name: Athena Asamiya
Franchise: Psycho Soldier

Punk Rock | Forewarn
Stats: 83 HP/88 Atk/74 Def/92 SpA/98 SpD/100 Spe (535 BST)

Moves: Super Psychic Throw, Psychic Noise, Extrasensory, Future Sight, Psyshock, Psychic, Expanding Force, Psybeam, Psycho Cut, Mirror Coat, Brick Break, Karate Chop, Close Combat, Sacred Sword, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Power Gem, Alluring Voice, Disarming Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Signal Beam, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Peck, Drill Peck, Brave Bird, Hyper Voice, Teleport, Barrier, Reflect, Light Screen, Telekinesis, Trick, Kinesis, Healing Wish, Heal Pulse, Bulk Up, Decorate, Recover, Mind Reader, Sing, Flash, Wish, Swords Dance
Attract, Bide, Captivate, Confide, Curse, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Natural Gift, Protect, Rage, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Super Psychic Throw |
| 60 BP | 16 PP | 90% | Works like Dragon Tail.

Weight: 49 kg

Flavor Justification: Athena was born with psychic powers that allow her to teleport, read minds, heal herself or others, reflect projectiles, and move things with her mind. Her signature attack is an orb called the Psycho Ball. She can also summon orbs with Shining Crystal Bit. Other than her psychic powers, she can use kung fu to fight at close range. Her original game has her attacking with lightning and swords, and breathing fire after transforming. Athena's also a popular idol, and has experience in divination.
Competitive Role: Athena is a jack-of-all trades. She has decent offensive stats, and great Special coverage. Punk Rock can be used alongside Psychic Noise and Alluring Voice to strengthen them, with Throat Spray for a damage boost. Athena can also choose to be a supporter with moves like Healing Wish, Future Sight and the screens.

Athena can Mega Evolve if holding a Green Egg.


Name: Mega Athena Asamiya

Stats: 83 HP/115 Atk/116 Def/104 SpA/110 SpD/107 Spe (635 BST)

Weight: 98 kg

Flavor Justification: With a Green Egg power-up, Athena can transform into a phoenix.
Competitive Role: Athena is best as a Physical attacker when Mega Evolved.

Athena Asamiya @ Throat Spray
Ability: Punk Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD or 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Psychic Noise
- Alluring Voice
- Flamethrower / Aura Sphere
- Recover

Athena Asamiya @ Light Clay
Ability: Forewarn
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Recover / Wish
- Psychic

Athena Asamiya @ Green Egg
Ability: Forewarn
EVs: 56 Def / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
Adamant or Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Close Combat
- Psycho Cut
- Recover / Bulk Up

Name: G
Franchise: Club Penguin

Abilities: Technician | Magnet Pull | [HA] Slush Rush
Stats: 57 HP/78 Atk/67 Def/110 SpA/115 SpD/75 Spe (502 BST)

Moves: Flare Flinger 3000, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Volt Switch, Avalanche, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Blizzard, Ice Shard, Icicle Spear, Dive, Chilling Water, Waterfall, Surf, Clamp, Anchor Shot, Metal Claw, Magnet Bomb, Drill Run, Dig, Bulldoze, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Signal Beam, Fly, Gust, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Voice, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Rock Climb, Tri Attack, Thunder Wave, Charge, Ion Deluge, Electrify, Magnetic Flux, Electric Terrain, Snowscape, Aurora Veil, Haze, Mist, Shift Gear, Tailwind, Defog, Soak, Light Screen, Teleport, Whirlwind, Lock-On, Tidy Up, Recycle
Attract, Captivate, Confide, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Natural Gift, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Flare Flinger 3000 |
| 25 BP | 48 PP | 90% | Hits 2-5 times.

Weight: 23.13 kg

Flavor Justification: Gary is a penguin who lives in Club Penguin and is responsible for inventing much of the island's technology, with a lot of it being electrical.
  • Electromagnet 1000: Magnet Pull, Magnet Bomb, Magnetic Flux
  • Manual Climbing Mechanism: Rock Climb
  • Test Chamber: Flamethrower, Chilling Water
  • Binoculars 3000: Lock-On
  • Spy Gadget: Teleport, Tidy Up
  • Snow Trekker: Slush Rush, Bulldoze, Surf, Steel Roller
  • Grappling Hook: Anchor Shot
  • Plasma Laser: Signal Beam
  • Wind Generator 3000: Defog, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Gust
  • Jet Pack: Fly, Flame Charge
  • Aqua Grabber 3000: Dive, Metal Claw, Clamp
  • DJ3K: Hyper Voice
  • Hydra: Dragon Pulse, Tri Attack
  • Relaxtron 3000: Soak
  • Laser Shield 3000: Light Screen
  • Go-Kart: Shift Gear
  • Jackhammer 3000: Dig, Drill Run
  • Recycletron 3000: Recycle
The Flare Flinger 3000 flings fireworks.
Competitive Role: G has many support moves that can be mixed and matched, so he can add multiple different things to your team. Alternatively, he can be a Special Attacker, that focuses on Fire-Ice-Electric coverage. All of his Abilities can be considered, with Technician boosting several of his attacks, Magnet Pull being good in conjunction with Flamethrower or his signature move, and Slush Rush allowing him to be a fast attacker or supporter on a snow team.

G @ Assault Vest
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
- Charge Beam
- Icy Wind
- Flare Flinger 3000
- Chilling Water

G @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 200 HP / 56 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Defog / Tidy Up
- Thunder Wave
- Flamethrower
- Haze / Teleport / Volt Switch

G @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shift Gear
- Charge Beam
- Flare Flinger 3000
- Icy Wind
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Character Name: Doomfist
Series: Overwatch
Type: Fighting / Electric
Abilities: Iron Fist, Intimidate, Meteor Strike! (After falling to 25% HP, switch out and heal for 50% of max HP. Once per match.)
Stats:80 / 110 / 90 / 50 / 109 / 111 (550)
Signature Move: Power Block
- Type: Fighting
- Classification: Status
- Power:
- Accuracy:100%
- PP:16
- Effects: The user protects from damage-dealing moves. If successful, temporarily power up Punching moves by 30%.
- Flavor: Doomfist blocks incoming damage in order to charge up his gauntlet
Full Moveset: Sky Uppercut, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Supercell Slam, Wild Charge, Fire and Thunder Punch, U-turn, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bounce, Fly, , Aerial Ace, Knock Off, Counter, Bulk Up, Taunt, Double Edge, Fake Out, Upper Hand, Heavy Slam, Trailblaze, Defog, Whirlwind
Weight: 200kg

I fucking love Doomfist and I fucking love iron fist drain punch and I fucking love bulk up users with high spdef. Where I think doom sets himself apart from like them is his speed, he isn't the fastest in the game but he's faster than most walls, and most things faster than him can't one shot him. I think Fighting/Steel is pretty easy, you could argue Electric or Dark but I think those fall more in the camp of coverage. I played around with the stats quite a bit and they still might not be ideal but I tried to capture his power, speed, and tankiness without it being overwhelming. Without intimidate he's not very good physically and is weak to fighting and ground. Iron Fist is the most obvious thing in the world but I added intimidate because he has an emote of the same name. The Best Defense is as close to a translation as the real passive he has, and I added the Earthquake interaction because that's obviously him using seismic slam. As for some other standout moves, I gave him U-Turn because of how he dives and disengages from enemies extremely quickly. Rock Slide because he has emote where he picks a giant fucking boulder out of the ground. Bounce and Fly for Meteor Strike representation. Knock Off because they tend to give that to mons with large limbs. I thought about Wicked Blow as a dark type Iron Fist option but idk. Fake Out because rocket punch stuns and can be done fast if you don't charge it. Trailblaze for his only ground coverage and because it seems like this move has nothing to do with having actual grass powers and just being able to clear a path for yourself. Defog and Whirlwind cuz like Yama and Conk get it and I feel like Doom could do the same thing by just punching the ground really hard. No ice punch cuz like I could imagine him punching so fast his shit sets on fire but idk how you'd do that with ice. However outside of 50bp trailblaze ground types just emasculate him rn so maybe he should just have it and say Mei let him borrow her cryo technology. Or he stole it.

Now as for Power Block. I really struggled with this and I still don't know if I got it right. I thought about combining the block and punch into like a Beak Blast type move but instead of priority burn, it's a +3 priority 50% damage reduction that doubles the power of the -3 priority punch if he is struck during it. But idk, it kinda takes a shit on his great speed stat (though you could argue the real power block doesn't synergize with his speed either). I also thought about adding some sort of condition like the damage it blocks has to be equal to some percentage of his health to actually trigger the crit effect like how you have to block enough damage in game. But getting the percentage just right felt gimmicky and I think being able to use the move to punish fake outs, rapid spins, priority and other weak moves could be cool. Sorry for the rant I'm normal and there is nothing wrong with me.

Character Name: Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
Series: Elden Ring
Type: Rock/Dark
Abilities: Strong Jaw, Unnerve, Armor Tail
Stats: 77 / 111 / 77 / 111 / 127 / 77 (580)
Signature Move: Waves of Darkness
- Type: Dark
- Classification: Special
- Power:20, 30, 50
- Accuracy: 90%
- PP: 8
- Effects: Hits 3 times. Each hit can miss, but power rises. Targets the foe's physical defense stat.
- Flavor: Astel creates 3 orbs of darkness and slams them down, exploding in pulses on.
Full Moveset: Quiver Dance, Rock Polish, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Meteor Beam, ELemental Fangs, Psychic, Psyshock, Future Sight, Psychic Fangs, Bug Buzz, Power Gem, Rock Slide, Head Smash, Earthquake, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, X-Scissor, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Dazzling Gleam, Air Slash, Glare, Roost, Teleport, Stealth Rock
Weight: 1000kg
Overview/Justification: Dope ass boss I don't think gets lotta luv cuz of where they are in the game. I struggled with typing for a while, any combo of rock/dark/bug/psychic/flying I think could've worked. It's stats reflect it's vulnerabilities in game, I was thinking about giving it some sleep and freeze immune ability but that just felt too literal.


Character Name: Ghast
Series: Minecraft
Type: Ghost/Flying
Abilities: Regenerator, Nether Core (Increases the power of Fire-type moves used by this Pokemon by 50%. Immunity to water.)
Stats: 55 / 55 / 66 / 120 / 111 / 73 (480)
Signature Move: Ghast Fireball
- Type: Fire
- Classification: Special
- Power:110
- Accuracy: 85%
- PP: 8
- Effects: Destroys screens, unless the target is immune. 20% chance to burn.
- Flavor: The Ghast launches a flame charge from it's mouth, which explodes on impact with any blocks in the way.
Full Moveset: Shadow Ball, Air Slash, Hurricane, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rapid Spin, Hyper Voice, Lava Plume, Draining Kiss, Curse, Parting Shot, Memento, Roar, Tailwind, Destiny Bond, Explosion, Defog, Foul Play, Magic Coat, Perish Song, Will-o-Wisp, Yawn, Taunt, Encore, Disable, Clear Smog, Roost, Pain Split
Weight: 30kg
Overview/Justification: I know the only actual thing the Ghast does is fly around and shoot bombs at you, but I feel like if it were a Pokemon you could imagine it getting those kinds of moves. Regenerator because Ghast tear in a potion makes it Regeneration. I know the stats are fucking dog but I couldn't realistically make them higher, 73 speed is already pushing it them mfs slow. So I tried designing him around using his many immunities, especially with water absorb, to get entry points and click funny status moves, maybe live a special attack here and there, but have a strong SpA, Nether Core, and Tailwind if you want it. The signature move is of course him breaking ur fucking lil cobble wall when you just walk out the portal and he bombing ur shit.
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