Pet Mod Gen 9 Crossover Chaos (Ver. C)

Should Balatro's jokers be considered valid characters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • No

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is closed! The new slate will be out soon!

In the meantime, the results are Donkey Kong, Wizard Lord Phoenix, and Eox! Kumatora and Eox tied at 7 votes, but Eox did not have a self vote, and thus wins the tiebreaker by default!
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Setup Sweepers

Now we get to the setup sweepers. The most appreciable difference between a setup sweeper and a wallbreaker is that, while wallbreakers are designed to punch holes in teams at crucial times, setup sweepers are meant to take down entire teams that have been successfully weakened. They accomplish this through their access to setup moves, traditionally options like Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, or Tail Glow (be careful with this one!), or speed boosting setup like Dragon Dance, Victory Dance, Shift Gear, Tidy Up, or Quiver Dance. Crucially, setup sweepers should not be strong enough to take out whole teams from the get-go without ample setup, nor should they be incredibly effective without their setup behind them. They're also typically more frail than wallbreakers and walls and slower than fast pivots without setup, so as to require a player to be thoughtful about when is best to come in for the sweep. They may also have other tools to enable their success in boosting their stats, like how Vivillon has Compound Eyes Sleep Powder or how Mimikyu has Disguise, but these should be used sparingly; balance your submission around an option like this if it gets it.

Also, we'll be trying out a 3-2-2-1-1 system for voting this time around, which means greater flexibility in what you want to give your stronger voting support to! If it works out it might be the standard system going forward, so feel free to give your thoughts on this change when the time comes to vote once again.

"If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sitting here, discussin' it with you, now would I?"
Pokémon: Demoman
Franchise/Origin: Team Fortress 2
Weight: 93 kg
Type: Fire/Steel
Ability: Twisted Feet, Sharpness (HA)
Notable moves: Swords Dance, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow, Curse, Spiky Shield, Magnet Bomb, Leaf Blade, Smart Strike, Sacred Sword, Wild Charge, Grenade Launcher, Flame Charge, Extreme Speed, Double-Edge, Hex, Psyshield Bash, Night Slash, Acrobatics, Ominous Wind, Eyelander, Shell Trap, Belch, Shadow Ball, Roar, Sludge Bomb, Uproar, Flash Cannon, Parting Shot, U-Turn, Amnesia, Sleep Talk, Shadow Claw, Explosion,
Signature move 1: Grenade Launcher (100 BP, Fire, Special, 90% Accuracy, breaks Light Screen/Reflect/Aurora Veil)
Signature move 2: Eyelander (65 BP, Steel, Physical, Slicing, 100% Accuracy, 16 PP, heals user for 1/8 max health and gives +1 Spe if KOs)

Stats: 85/100/77/100/85/93 (560 BST)

Explanation: In TF2, Demoman has a highly prevalent subclass, being Demoknight.
Thus, in CC, Demoman would choose between acting as a decent wallbreaker with more immediate power by using his Grenade Launcher (because fuck you and your Engineers in particular), and being able to sacrifice immediate power for better long-term potential by using the Eyelander plus Swords Dance in order to become a potent set-up sweeper.
Of course, you could attempt to establish a middle ground, but then you lose out on the ability to invest into bulk or Speed.


"We are being engaged by multiple Titans. XO-16 armed."
Pokémon: Monarch
Franchise/Origin: Titanfall 2
Weight: 970 kg
Type: Bug
Ability: Upgrade Core, Quark Drive (HA)
Notable moves: U-Turn, Self-Destruct, Teleport, Quick Attack, Electroweb, Smokescreen, Stomp, Parting Shot, Body Slam, Body Press, Thief, Acrobatics, Bug Buzz, Bullet Punch, Heavy Press, X-Scissor, XO16A2 Chaingun, Strength Sap, Pin Missile, Refresh, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Double Kick, Mega Kick, Charge, Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Crush Grip, Attract, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Rest, Return, Round, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic, Shift Gear, Throat Chop
Signature ability: Upgrade Core (Upon KO-ing an opponent, user gains +1 Atk. User is also immune to critical hits.)
Signature Move: XO16A2 Chaingun (90 BP, Bug, Physical, 100% Accuracy, 24 PP, bullet)

Stats: 110/110/90/75/85/60 (530 BST)

Explanation: In Titanfall 2, Monarch promotes staying alive in order to upgrade her abilities, which is replicated by her Ability and sizeable bulk. Monarch was made a Bug-type due to the "queen bee" motif present in the name and like one or two of her nose arts. Quark Drive acts as a reference to the ability for Pilots to Rodeo friendly Titans and buff them using a Battery obtained elsewhere (such as through stealing one from an enemy Titan).

In CC, Monarch is meant to act as a bulky sweeper that can choose between immediate power with Quark Drive or long-term sweeping power with Upgrade Core.
Additionally, Strength Sap (acting as a substitute for Energy Siphon) lets Monarch sustain herself in battle, albeit inconsistently.
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"I must become as strong as I can to ensure that I can keep this and all other good worlds safe. I want everyone to find their happy endings in life. But to do that, there's still much I need to learn."

Franchise/Origin: Fire Emblem - The Binding Blade
Character Name: Roy

Blaze - At 1/3 or less of its max HP, this Pokemon's offensive stat is 1.5x with Fire attacks
Young Lion* - If this Pokemon moves before the opponent, this Pokemon's damaging moves become multi-hit moves that hit twice. The second hit has its damage halved.
Stats: 100 / 95 / 85 / 70 / 85 / 100 [BST: 530]
Based off of the "Moves" and "Usually useless moves" lists in Pokemon Showdown.
Blaze Kick, Facade, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, Low Kick, Return, Sacred Sword, Trailblaze, Wild Charge
Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Defog, Morning Sun, Healing Wish, Protect, Substitute, Swords Dance, Will-o-Wisp, Wish
Aerial Ace, Bide, Bulldoze, Covet, Cut, Double Kick, Flame Wheel, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Reversal, Rock Smash, Slash, Smart Strike, Solar Blade
Ally Switch, Attract, Captivate, Charm, Confide, Endure, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Life Dew, Quick Guard, Mimic, Psych Up, Safeguard, Sunny Day, Wide Guard, Work Up
Signature move:

Category: Physical (does not make contact)
BP: 100
Accuracy: 100%
PP: max 8
Secondary Effect: User recovers 50% of the damage dealt.
Flavor: The user wields a divine blade of light that focuses the wielder's ideals and emotions into its swing. The user's HP is restored by up to half the damage taken by the target.
Weight: 56kg
  • The Fire-type is pretty self-explanatory, as in all of Roy's appearances both in his main game, Fire Emblem 6, and in Smash Brothers, he has always been associated with Fire. He has a Fire affinity in his base game, his personal weapon the Binding Blade is imbued with Fire magic and Fire energy, and Smash Bros has basically given him the ability to manipulate Fire using his sword. His base stats also follow his average stats after getting to level 20, with lower offenses and bulk but with above average HP and Speed.
  • The moves he has are a mix of both flavor and viability. Sword-esque moves like Leaf Blade, Sacred Sword, and Swords Dance because Roy is a sword fighter, and moves like Calm Mind and Wish that exemplify Roy's calm demeanor on the battlefield and his ideals for a world of peace between Humans and Dragons. Then you've got moves like Attract, Captivate, Charm, which refers to the fact that Roy basically has a harem in his main game because he has the potential for six marriage candidates (one of them being his former teacher). He also has moves like Healing Wish, Ally Switch, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Quick Guard, Safeguard, and Wide Guard, which calls to Roy's self-sacrificing nature and how much he cares for his allies as he supports them.
Competitive Reasoning:
  • A potentially potent setup sweeper with both SD and Trailblaze on the same set. Young Lion is what's really important for Roy here and completes his kit which allows him to potentially snowball fairly quickly. The caveat here is that he must first be faster than his opponent to do so. Afterall, in Fire Emblem to "double" an enemy means that at a certain speed difference, you would have enough speed to hit an enemy twice instead of just once. This really incentivizes Roy to set up first instead of attacking right away because without the speed boost, especially against the faster pivots, Roy won't be able to do any additional damage, and his base firepower is pretty low from the get go so he'd really appreciate it.
  • Binding Blade acts as a good way of keeping Roy's longevity up while giving him a very strong, no drawback STAB move. Though you need to be wary, as only 8 PP means you need to pick your battles wisely. You can't expect to come in on the sweep willy nilly and without plan. Roy's overall combination leaves him somewhat walled by Fires, and is also somewhat walled by Wizard Lord Phoenix. Roy's base power is also pretty underwhelming, so he'll need an SD or two to really get the ball rolling. He's also quite weak to hazards and can get chipped over the course of a game especially if Binding Blade continually hits resists. But when he gets that ball going, he can carry a game.
Sample Set(s):
Roy @ Life Orb
Ability: Young Lion
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Binding Blade / Blaze Kick
- Trailblaze
- Knock Off / Sacred Sword
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"Hey, hey, hey. You've got some guts, ignoring me. I hope you've got the determination to match that!"
Franchise/Origin: Touhou

Ability: Swarm / Illuminate / Tinted Lens
Stats: 70 / 105 / 70 / 90 / 70 / 105 | 510 BST
Lunge, X-Scissor, Leech Life, U-Turn, Bug Bite, Fell Stinger, Fury Cutter, Pin Missile, Bug Buzz, SIlver Wind, Struggle Bug, Infestation, String Shot, Quiver Dance, Tail Glow, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Toxic, Poison Powder, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Dark Pulse, Meteor Mash, High Jump Kick, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Rest, Meteor Beam, Dual Wingbeat, Hurricane, Air Slash, Defog, Tailwind, Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Absorb, Synthesis, Stun Spore, Giga Impact, Double-Edge, Return, Frustration, Facade, Hyper Beam, Hidden Power, Substitute, Sleep Talk, Protect, Whirlwind, Pain Split, Flash
  • wriggle controls insects like fireflies (flash, mfire), moths (some poison stuff and flying stuff), and hornets (stinging stuff)
  • other moves borrowed from akira. Lol!
Competitive Reasoning: pretty crazy qd or tg user with wide coverage and tinted lens to cover blind spots, has an awful typing though and frail to boot

Wriggle Nightbug @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance / Tail Glow
- Bug Buzz
- Mystical Fire
- Giga Drain
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"N-not that you'll remember my name anyway, but..."

"To live is to hurt other people."
Genocide Jack

Name: Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
Origin: Danganronpa
Typing: (Toko)
Acupressure - NORMAL

Typing: (Genocide Jack)
Assurance - DARK

Abilities: Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Stats: (Toko) 82/82/102/50/102/100 (518)
Stats: (Genocide Jack) 82/145/42/90/42/117 (518)
Movepool: Cut, Leer, Lick, Eerie Impulse, Fury Cutter, Assurance, Torment, Slash, X-Scissor, Bitter Blade, Psycho Cut, Night Slash, Fake Tears, Thief, Snarl, Foul Play, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Lash Out, Throat Chop, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Charge, Charm, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Brick Break, Drain Punch, Reversal, Focus Blast, Coaching, Acrobatics, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Body Slam, Scary Face, Swords Dance, Helping Hand, Poison Jab, Amnesia, Smart Strike, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Endeavor, Double-Edge, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest*
*Also knows Guillotine, but the move is banned by the OHKO move clause anyway so it is not listed here.
Custom Elements: Ultimate Murderous Fiend: This Pokémon enters battle as Toko. When one of these events happen, this Pokémon switches to Genocide Jack for the rest of the battle:
✂️Toko takes Poison damage (Sneezing)
✂️A Pokémon faints (Seeing blood)
✂️Toko uses an Electric-type status move (Using her stun gun)
The switch always occurs after the event happens. In the case of the third event, it will happen after the Electric-type move has been used.
Weight: 47 kg.
Toko Fukuwa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy, suffers from Persecutory delusion and is very paranoid, hense why her attacking stats are below average. But her split personality, Genocide Jack, is the Ultimate Murderous Fiend, with her ability in Crossover Chaos having the same triggers as what triggers it in the Danganronpa series. Genocide Jack uses scissors as weapons, hense the cutting moves, especially Guillotine and X-Scissor, and for Ultra Despair Girls she not only gains a Stun Gun, which explains the Electric-type attacks, but also the Slash Lusts, represented as Shadow Ball and Focus Blast. Finally, she gets Lick because...well, because of that tongue.
Role: Unpredictable Swords Dance based setup sweeper designed for experts to use. Normally, she's a cutting move based sweeper who has good defences and a way to heal with Bitter Blade. But under the right conditions, Toko turns into a Glass Cannon with high attack and speed but low defences, who focuses on killing one enemy at a time. (Because she changes back into Toko after killing an enemy)

"I will face the truth...for everyone."
Shuichi Saihara
Name: Shuichi Saihara
Origin: Danganronpa
Typing: PsychicDark
Abilities: Frisk / Forewarn / Speed Boost
Stats: 92/71/78/90/85/110 (526)
Movepool: Pound, Leer, Foresight, Mind Reader, Psycho Cut, Torment, Hypnosis, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, Fling, Taunt, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Throat Chop, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Wild Charge, Thunder Wave, Charge, Electric Terrain, Acrobatics, Shadow Ball, Spite, Hex, Poltergeist, Confuse Ray, Toxic, Helping Hand, Psych Up, Swift, Endure, Psybeam, Psychic, Calm Mind, Expanding Force, Imprison, Skill Swap, Future Sight, Zen Headbutt, Amnesia, Psychic Noise, Psyshock, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Endeavor, Double-Edge, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest
Custom Elements: None
Weight: 58 kg.
Shuichi Saihara is the Ultimate Detective, which is why he has Frisk and Forewarn, and he does some crazy things in his mind during Class Trials, so he is part Psychic-type. However, he's really a normal person set up for a killing game show, which explains the Dark typing. Miu's Electrohammer represents the Electric-type moves he can learn, while the Ghost-type moves, most notably Perish Song, represent the Caged Child song during Chapter 3. The rest of Shuichi's flavor stems from the Ultimate Talent Development Plan: Speed Boost represents the dice, while in the mode, he can learn the ability to Poison and Confuse enemies, as well as putting them to sleep, as in Toxic, Confuse Ray, and Hypnosis.
Role: Fast Special Sweeper who uses Calm Mind to set up an onslaught of Psychic-type moves that can also double as a scout. He does not have any reliable way to hit the three walls super effectively, and Hina walls out his Psychic-type moves. Capable of draining Health with Parabolic Charge, and using Charge Beam as an alternative setup move.

"Come on in, the acid's fine!"
Acid Man

Name: Acid Man
Origin: Mega Man
Typing: PoisonWater
Abilities: Corrosion / Sturdy / Acid Barrier
Stats: 82/71/89/93/100/75 (510)
Movepool: Speed Gear, Shift Gear, Acid, Acid Armor, Sludge, Poison Gas, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Flame Wheel, Incinerate, Gear Grind, Gear Up, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Burning Jealousy, Flare Blitz, Psych Up, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Acid Spray, Toxic Spikes, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot, Imprison, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Metal Sound, Gyro Ball, Water Pulse, Chilling Water, Rain Dance, Surf, Liquidation, Waterfall, Hydro Pump, Muddy Water, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Endeavor, Double-Edge, Take Down, Facade, Substitute, Tera Blast, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest
Custom Elements: Acid Barrier: If this Pokémon would be Poisoned under any circumstance, it instead clears all of it's Defence and Special Defence reductions, before it activates. While activated, Acid Man's Poison and Water-type attacks gain +20% power. Subsquent uses will not boost his power any further For example, a Toxic Orb's trigger will activate Acid Barrier. This ability also disables the Poison-type's immunity to poison on this Pokémon (Not that it matters, but it allows poison checks to trigger on him)
It is the end of turn.
Acid Man's Toxic Orb triggers. Normally, it wouldn't because Acid Man is a Poison-type, but his Acid Barrier ability gets rid of that immunity (Like a self-corrosion)
This activates Acid Man's Acid Barrier instead of poisoning him, clearing out his defence reductions.
Speed Gear: An Electric-type status move with 16 PP. Increases the user's Special Attack by 1, and their Speed 2. (This is basically Shift Gear, but it raises Special Attack instead of Attack to correspond to Acid Man being a Special Attacker)
Weight: 12.4 kg.
DWN-084 Acid Man is obviously a master of Poison, but his stage is Mega Man 11's water stage, and he's capable of swimming through acid easily, giving him the title "The Acid Merman" by some, which gives him a Water typing. As a robot, he can also learn some Steel and Electric-type moves, including his signature Speed Gear. He used to be a chemist before he was kidnapped by Dr. Wily, which would have given him some slight mastery over Fire-type moves.
Role: Specially Defensive setup sweeper who uses his Speed Gear to set up a sweep of Water and Poison, moves not commonly seen on sweepers. Shift Gear allows him to serve as a makeshift physical attacker as well, able to shock opponents by being a Water-type that can use Fire! He can also use Acid Spray to lower the defence of his enemies. His unique ability also serves as a handy clearance of defence reductions. All three walls have high enough Special Defense to tank his blows, though.
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"Hiiiyyaaaaaa!"- Link Probably
Character Name: Link
Franchise: The Legend of Zelda
Type: Fighting
Abilities: Hero of Hyrule (Sharpeness + Justified)
Stats: 80 / 115 / 70 / 70 / 90 / 115 (540 BST)
Full Moveset: Swords Dance, Knock Off, Agility, Sacred Sword, Leaf Blade, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Acrobatics, Slash, Fury Cutter, Tera Blast, Taunt, Amnesia, Substitute, Protect, Endure, Sleep Talk, Rest, Bulk Up, Trailblaze, Facade, Rock Throw, Rapid Spin, Magical Leaf, Ancient Power, King's Shield, Iron Defense, Surf
Weight: 71.2 Kg
Height: 5'7

Z-Crystal Name: MasterSwordium Z
Z-Move Name: Sword That Seals the Darkness
Z-Move Classification: Fighting
Z-Move Power: 190
Z-Move Effects: (include what move it powers up from) If the target is a Poison-Type, damage is doubled. Original move must be Sacred Sword.

Overview/Justification: It was pretty easy to determine the setup move of choice for Link, Swords Dance. Since boosting Speed conveniently was not an option, I determined to give Link quite a nice bit of Speed and counterbalanced that by making him pretty weak bulk-wise. The decent SpDef bulk gives a sort of Roaring Moon stat spread. This makes sense since he's known to be small. I decided to be cautious on the Attack, and the Power of his main STAB option was lacking. This was a good thing, since in order to boost Link I provided him that extremely strong but thematically correct ability of Sharpness, with Justified combined to get a flavor ability name. I wanted to provide some serious power so I went with a Z-Move that doubles in power against Poison types, thematically appropriate since Malice and Gloom is sort of a poison. To balance out this serious firepower, I consciously kept a Dark coverage option such as Night Slash from Link to allow Ghost types to remain a solid switch-in. I think he's a great setup sweeper that's balanced by being priority vulnerability and walled by a bulky Ghost type.


"Leave Them Shellshocked."
Character Name: Clancy
Franchise: Brawl Stars
Type: Water
Abilities: Mega Launcher, Moxie, Torrent
Stats: 100 / 55 / 60 / 105 / 90 / 85 (495 BST)
Full Moveset:
71.2 Kg
Height: 5'7
Signature Move: Power Wash
- Type: Water
- Classification: Special
- Power: 20
- Accuracy: 90%
- PP: 20 (Max 32)
- Effects: The user attacks two to five times in a row. This move boosts the user’s Speed stat but lowers its Defense stat. Effected by Mega Launcher.
- Flavor: (Optional) Clancy launches paintballs, shooting two to five times in a row. In the process, Clancy gains Speed, but lowers his Defense stat.
Full Moveset: Power Wash, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Waterfall, Water Pulse, Surf, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Dive, Tail Slap, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Taunt, Torment, Rest, Tera Blast, Substitute, Return, Frustration, Sleep Talk, Gyro Ball, Weather Ball, Leer, Bubble, Chilling Water, Covet, Crush Claw, Metal Claw, Flash Cannon, Harden, Explosion

Overview/Justification: Uhhhhh.... I know this looks bad but let me explain. Mega Launcher + kinda strong signature does look a bit broken, but I liked the concept so I tried to make it as balanced as possible. Clancy was one of the most broken brawlers ever upon release. Over the course of the game, he gets stronger until he does absurd amounts of damage. So the Pokemon sub for this would be Last Respects a setup sweeper. Clancy is decently tanky in Brawl Stars, so I gave him 100 HP. Moxie is just there for flavor since his Attack is garbage and Mega Launcher is far more valuable. A low Defensive Stat means he's easier to revenge kill and a below average starting Speed makes the Nasty Plot turn extremely hard to get, and Clancy needs that turn because I made his Special Attack garbage for a reason. The main part that could be problamatic is Power Wash's Speed boost + Mega Launcher, but this forces Clancy to run Loaded Dice for consistency, meaning entry hazards (especially Toxic Spikes) can easily disrupt him. This paired with a bad BST overall makes Clancy pretty balanced in my opinion.

EDIT: Gave Link Knock Off. I think Fighting + Dark coverage is all Link really needs due to the sheer power of the Z-Move. Didn’t give Night Slash since that’s OP.
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Character Name: Jade
Franchise/Origin: Warframe
Type: Psychic/Flying
Abilities: Healer/Illuminate/Punk Rock
Stats: 80/80/85/105/100/100 BST 550)
Full Moveset: Power of the Seven, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Alluring Voice, Attract, Bestow, Burning Jealousy, Calm Mind, Charge Beam, Charm, Confusion, Cut, Dazzling Gleam, Defog, Disarming Voice, Dual Wingbeat, Echoed Voice, Endure, Expanding Force, Extrasensory, Facade, Fairy Wind, Feather Dance, Flamethrower, Flash, Fly, Freezing Glare, Glare, Gravity, Guard Split, Guard Swap, Gust, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Hurricane, Hyper Voice, Iron Defense, Kinesis, Life Dew, Light of Ruin, Light Screen, Mean Look, Miracle Eye, Moonblast, Moonlight, Ominous Wind, Play Rough, Power Split, Protect, Psybeam, Psychic, Psychic Noise, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Razor Wind, Reflect, Rest, Roost, Round, Sky Attack, Sleep Talk, Snore, Steel Wing, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Uproar, Wing Attack, Wish, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt

Status Move- Raises Atk and Sp. Atk one stage each. Affects allies in double/triple battles. Sound-Based. 48 max PP.
Weight: 50 kg
Overview/Justification: Was originally going to be a Fairy/Flying type until I remembered a. Light of Ruin exists and b. I wanted that on her but it might be overkill as STAB. But Psychic is also a "light-y" enough type. Mon with lots of coverage, and also Defog and healing capabilities.

Edit: +10 speed

Character Name: Dampé
Franchise/Origin: The Legend of Zelda (Specifically his Ocarina of Time Variant)
Type: Steel/Ghost
Abilities: Quick Feet/Levitate
Stats: 74/104/94/74/88/90 (BST 524)
Full Moveset: Anchor Shot, Astonish, Attract, Bestow, Body Slam, Brutal Swing, Bulldoze, Confide, Curse, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond, Dig, Disable, Double Team, Earth Power, Earthquake, Ember, Endure, Facade, Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Flash Cannon, Fling, Follow Me, Foul Play, Frustration, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Helping Hand, Hex, Hidden Power, Infernal Parade, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Knock Off, Memento, Metal Sound, Mud Shot, Mud Slap, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Pound, Protect, Quash, Quick Attack, Rest, Return, Round, Sand Tomb, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Sleep Talk, Smart Strike, Snore, Spite, Stomping Tantrum, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Taunt, Tera Blast, Thief, Tidy Up, Torment

Weight: 40.5 kg
Overview/Justification: Tidy Up Sweeper in a nod to having to beat him in a race in order to recieve the Hookshot in OoT.
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"May your woes be many, and your days few.”
Pokemon: Gabriel
Weight: 68.2 kg (150.4 lbs.)
Franchise/Origin: ULTRAKILL
Type: Fairy / Flying
Ability: Anger Point / Technician / Defiant
  • Alluring Voice, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Spirit Break, Charm, Fairy Wind, Misty Explosion, Moonlight, Air Slash, Defog, Dual Wingbeat, Roost, Tailwind, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Fly, Sky Attack, Bounce, Sky Drop, Wing Attack, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Coaching, Final Gambit, Revenge, Reversal, Sacred Sword, Destiny Bond, Shadow Claw, Grudge, Spite, Fling, Knock Off, Nasty Plot, Taunt, Feint Attack, Throat Chop, Brutal Swing, Feint Attack, Lash Out, Payback, Sucker Punch, Torment, Light Screen, Calm Mind, Psycho Cut, Reflect, Agility, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Smart Strike, Steel Wing, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Leer, Psych Up, False Swipe, Cut, Scratch, Block, Confide, Quick Attack, Slash, Strength, Encore, Focus Energy, Flash, Perish Song, Sharpen, Feint, Hyper Voice, Echoed Voice, Screech, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Stats: 88 / 120 / 93 / 69 / 74 / 111 [BST: 555]
  • He’s an angel (Fairy) that flies with wings (Fairy)
  • Goes against God’s will (Defiant), can create light weaponry + dual wields (Technician) and enrages in his fights (Anger Point)
  • Movepool based on his in-game attacks and voicelines.
  • SD Sweeper, can also run Agility with it if wanted. Has access to priority with Sucker Punch and Technician Quick Attack
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Enter fishman
Pokemon: Homo Fios
Franchise/Origin: Metaphor Refantazio
Type: Water / Dark
Stats: 90/80/75/100/85/111
Ability: Speed Boost
Movepool: Hydro Pump, Knock Off, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Flip Turn, Work Up, Protect, Surf, Water Gun, Dark Pulse, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Taunt, Agility, Liquidation, Wave Crash,

Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Leer, Snarl, Bite, Facade, Double Edge, Screech, Brine, Feint Attack, Take Down, Pound, Tackle, Quash, Follow Me, Swallow, Stockpile, Spit Up, Aqua Ring, Haze, Mist, Lucky Chant, Aqua Cutter, Waterfall, Confide, Attract, Thief

Reasoning: one of the funniest bosses that atlus has come up with, being a setup accuracy spammer. Now this isn’t the first time atlus has done this but it’s funny that they put this as a semi optional boss in a timed area.
Notably - Water typing comes from it being a fish, and dark is to emulate dark resistance. I get that ice flavor is very high on this but this is mostly due to metaphor not having a water typing
This mon is designed to self setup with speed boost and work up power trip to clean through teams. Notably only having work up agility and speed boost to work with limits the potential of this set, so you are more inclined to work with its coverage on the special side
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"Well, if you're dead-set on proving your inferiority... Allow me to assist you!!"
Character Name: Berdly
Franchise/Origin: Deltarune
Type: Flying/Electric
Abilities: Early Bird / Big Pecks / (Tinted Lens)
Stats: 83/77/72/102/92/88 (Total: 514)
Weight: 40.0 kg (he's in high school but i figured he'd be pretty light since he's a bird)
Signature Move: Halbird
- Type: Electric
- Classification: Special
- Power: 90
- Accuracy: 100%
- PP: 10/16
- Effects: Targets the opponent's Defense stat, rather than Sp.Def.
- Flavor: The user demonstrates their genius by firing a blast of energy from their axe.
Physical: Thunder Punch, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Dual Wingbeat, Wing Attack, Feint, Natural Gift, Slash, Quick Attack, Pin Missile, Foul Play, Psyblade, Psycho Cut, Spin Out
Special: Air Cutter, Air Slash, Chatter, Gust, Hurricane, Charge Beam, Halbird, Overheat, Mirror Coat, Psybeam
Status: Defog, Roost, Mirror Move, Tailwind, Charge, Electric Terrain, Electrify, Thunder Wave, Psych Up, Whirlwind, Agility, Calm Mind, Instruct, Flatter, Nasty Plot, Shift Gear
Flavor Reasoning: I decided to go back to what I do best, Deltarune subs. Falco Lombardi Berdly is one of the Lightners who enters the Dark World in Deltarune Chapter 2. However, he joins up with the evil robot Queen, and opposes Kris's team until the finale of the chapter. Flying/Electric was a no brainer, considering he's a bird who uses futuristic technology in combat. While in the Dark World, his abilities include firing projectiles with his axe, called the Halbird, and launching tornadoes. These attacks grant him moves like Slash, Air Slash, Hurricane, Tailwind, and of course his signature move. Early Bird and Big Pecks are bird-related abilities that fit Berdly's personality, and Tinted Lens represents his... uh... tinted lens (called the Smart Scouter) he wears in the Dark World. Shift Gear, Spin Out, and Overheat represent the bumper car he rides in during his first fight. Lastly, he's known to be the smartest in his class, so I looked at the list of moves that are categorized as Clever in Pokemon Contests, and gave Berdly each one that seemed to fit.
Competitive Reasoning: Berdly functions as a Nasty Plot sweeper with good STAB, a respectable Speed, utility in Thunder Wave and Defog. Roost keeps him alive for longer, and Whirlwind can be useful when fighting opposing setup sweepers. Notably, he can outspeed Luigi. Tinted Lens ensures that Berdly can still be useful when faced with mons that resist his attacks, such as Narwa. He can benefit from The Defect's Electric Surge, with moves like Halbird and Psyblade getting significantly stronger. Finally, I don't see Overheat getting much use, but it's great for fighting Steels.
Positive Matchups: Luigi, DK
Negative Matchups: V1, The Defect, Eox


*Whispy Woods has been mechanized and modified to run around freely using drills as legs. It's also been outfitted with a giant, powerful screw.*
Character Name: Clanky Woods
Franchise/Origin: Kirby: Planet Robobot
Type: Grass/Steel
Abilities: Steam Engine / Galvanize / (Quark Drive)
Stats: 98/96/110/56/71/89 (Total: 520)
Weight: 760.0 kg
Physical: Branch Poke, Bullet Seed, Grassy Glide, Grav Apple, Petal Blizzard, Seed Bomb, Trailblaze, Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Hard Press, Heavy Slam, Magnet Bomb, Metal Burst, Crush Claw, Explosion, Horn Attack, Rock Climb, Self Destruct, Stomp, Spark, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Drill Run, Stomping Tantrum, Lunge, Body Press, Crunch, Jaw Lock, Pursuit
Special: Apple Acid, Energy Ball, Frenzy Plant, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Solar Beam, Flash Cannon, Weather Ball, Parabolic Charge, Volt Switch, Earth Power
Status: Ingrain, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Iron Defense, Metal Sound, Shift Gear, Growth, Lock-On, Mean Look, Roar, Sunny Day
Flavor Reasoning: Clanky Woods is the result of Whispy Woods being turned part machine. Grass/Steel is due to the fact that is a robot tree. Its abilities also make sense simply because it's a robot. When Kirby first encounters Clanky Woods, it chases the pink ball through a level (Pursuit). During its boss fight, its attacks include using its drills to lunge at Kirby (Drill Run, Lunge), as well as to shake the ground and send rocks flying everywhere (Rock Slide, Bulldoze, etc.). It also fires missiles (Magnet Bomb, Explosion), and drops pieces of its canopy onto Kirby, similar to how Whispy Woods drops its apples (Grav Apple, Apple Acid).
Competitive Reasoning: There are two great setup sweeper options Clanky Woods has access to. The first to use Growth while Sun is active, then proceed to destroy the enemy team, while healing with Synthesis. The other is to set up Iron Defense and sweep with Body Press. (You could also go with Shift Gear but its more fun to do the other 2) All 3 of Clanky's abilities are useful, with Steam Engine allowing for useful Speed increases, Galvanize offering the chance to nuke opponents with a boosted Electric-type Explosion, and Quark Drive allowing for Clanky's Defense to be boosted further, allowing Body Press to hit that much harder. However, it isn't invincible, as it dies to any Fire attack, and struggles to deal damage to walls like Hina. Overall, Clanky is a mon with lots of versatility and unpredictability.
Positive Matchups: Suwako Moriya
Negative Matchups: Narwa, Wizard Lord Phoenix
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Name: Bedman
Franchise: Guilty Gear

Comatose | Bad Dreams | [HA] Error 6E (When the user uses a Physical attack, the opponent will lose 10% HP at the end of the next turn.)
Stats: 118 HP/107 Atk/98 Def/77 SpA/60 SpD/82 Spe (542 BST)

Moves: Smart Strike, Iron Head, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Metal Claw, Magnet Bomb, Steel Roller, Hard Press, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, Dream Eater, Body Press, Pin Missile, Lunge, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Power Whip, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Mind Blown, Overheat, Flame Burst, Self-Destruct, Slash, Spike Cannon, Rapid Spin, Shift Gear, Autotomize, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Teleport, Imprison, Nightmare, Spikes, Mind Reader
Attract, Confide, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Weight: 666 kg

Flavor Justification: Bedman has immense power over dreams and the ability to create an Absolute World. His power is so great that he's forced to be in a coma, so he's strapped to a bed that fights for him. The bed can wheel, attack with its buzzsaw, fire spikes, spin like a tornado, and drop on somebody. In Strive, the bed has Error 6E, which makes it do follow-up attacks to its special moves. The spike attack is fired by an electric blast, the spin attack is followed by an explosion, and the buzzsaw attack is followed by the ball popping off and exploding.
Competitive Role: Bedman can use Shift Gear a couple times to outspeed the opponents and double his Attack. He can then use STAB attacks, and can carry Body Press for the opponents that resist them. Error 6E can be used for chip damage, or Comatose can be used to prevent pesky status effects.


Name: Narmaya
Franchise: Granblue Fantasy

Butterfly Effect (When attacking, the user switches to Freeflutter form. When using a status move, the user switches to Dawnfly form.) | Tinted Lens | [HA] Inner Focus

Narmaya starts in Dawnfly.

Stats (Dawnfly): 79 HP/79 Atk/100 Def/85 SpA/100 SpD/60 Spe (503 BST)
Stats (Freeflutter): 79 HP/99 Atk/75 Def/65 SpA/75 SpD/130 Spe (503 BST)

Moves: X-Scissor, Lunge, Fury Cutter, Signal Beam, Bug Buzz, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, Smart Strike, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Air Slash, Aerial Ace, Fly, Air Cutter, Aqua Cutter, Slash, Horn Attack, Quiver Dance, Meditate, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Yawn, Focus Energy
Attract, Confide, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rest, Return, Round, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Toxic

Weight: 77 kg

Flavor Justification: Narmaya is a swordsman who fights in two stances: Dawnfly and Freeflutter. In the fighting game, Dawnfly is known to be more defensive and Freeflutter is known to be more offensive. She is heavily associated with butterflies and can even turn into one with magic. She practices meditation, though it causes her to fall asleep. She has the dark element in the original game.
Competitive Role: In Dawnfly stance, Narmaya has decent bulk to set up with Swords Dance. After which, she can switch to Freeflutter and use X-Scissor, Sacred Sword or Close Combat, and a third attack to sweep.


Name: Karlach
Franchise: Baldur's Gate

Flame Body
Stats: 95 HP/100 Atk/90 Def/47 SpA/80 SpD/72 Spe (484 BST)

Moves: Barbarian Rage, Searing Smite (Avernus), Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Temper Flare, Overheat, Smart Strike, Night Slash, Fling, Lash Out, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Hammer Arm, Storm Throw, Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Fury Cutter, Lunge, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Stone Axe, Play Rough, Horn Attack, Quick Attack, Slash, Rage, Fury Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Shift Gear, Autotomize, Roar, Noble Roar, Growl, Growth, Swords Dance
Endure, Facade, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hyper Beam, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast

Barbarian Rage |
| 8 PP | The user's Attack is increased by 2 stages, and Physical moves do half damage against them. This doesn't stack.
Searing Smite (Avernus) |
| 105 BP | 8 PP | 90% | Slicing. 10% chance to burn.

Weight: 90 kg

Flavor Justification: Karlach is a Zariel tiefling, giving her access to the Searing Smite spell. She has an engine that gets her hot when she fights. It also prevents her from touching others. She's a barbarian, which gives her access to rage. She has animalistic moves to represent the Wildheart subclass, and Growth to represent the Giant subclass, and throwing moves to represent the Berserker subclass. Strength and Constitution are her highest stats. She has proficiency with virtually every type of weapon.
Competitive Role: Karlach can use her signature move to make herself more defensive, or Shift Gear to make herself faster, allowing her to get sweeps with increased Attack. She has multiple good Fighting-type moves to use and strong STAB.

EDIT: Changed the name of one of Karlach's signature moves. Gave 15 Attack to Bedman, and Power Whip and Wild Charge.
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Name: Sly Cooper
Sly Cooper Series

Sharpness / Limber
Stats: 95 HP/120 Atk/80 Def/45 SpA/80 SpD/115 Spe (535 BST)

Moves: Knock Off, Close Combat, Fire Punch, Flame Charge, Smart Strike, Night Slash, Fling, Fury Cutter, Lunge, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Play Rough, Quick Attack, Slash, Rage, Fury Attack, Toxic, Agility, Growl, Growth, Swords Dance, Endure, Facade, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, U-turn, Ceaseless Edge, X-Scissor, Sacred Sword, Vaccum Wave

Weight: 30 KG

Flavor Justification: I like him; he is cool
Competitive Role: You click Knock Off or SD. Guys, it's a setup sweeper. But you can also click Ceaseless Edge lol.
Noelle Holiday | Deltarune Wiki | Fandom

Pokémon: Noelle
Franchise/Origin: Deltarune
Type: Ice
Abilities: Rattled, Healer
Notable moves: Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Avalanche, Icicle Spear, Ice Spinner, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Play Rough, Agility, Double Edge, Tackle, Hyper Voice, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Solar Beam, Calm Mind, Shadow Ball, Hex, Shadow Sneak, Psychic, Confusion, Alluring Voice, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Tera Blast, Frost Breath, Icy Wind, Earth Power
Signature Move: Snowgrave (120 BP Special Ice Move, requires two turns and boosts special attack on the first turn. 16pp)
Stats: 90/60/80/110/85/115
Reasoning: Noelle in Deltarune is very largely themed around Ice and Christmas, hence the typing and large ice movepool. Noelle's access to Healer is based off of her having Healing Spells while Rattled is based off of her being generally skiddish and afraid, especially before the events of Chapter 2. Her thorn ring in the Weird Route is referenced by her glass movepool while she learns Ghost moves due to her theming around glitches and secrets, especially in the sweepstakes.

Competitive Use: Can use Snowgrave to boost up and make progress lategame, can run a double dance set if the team can accoutn for her lacking coverage with Agility. Struggles against Narwa and Hina but can make better work of Luigi.

Jimmy T - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

Pokémon: Jimmy T.
Franchise/Origin: Warioware
Type: Fighting
Abilities: Groovy (Moves affected by Dancer have 1.3x power), Tangling Hair
Notable moves: Quiver Dance, Revelation Dance, Fiery Dance, Petal Dance, Surf, Flip Turn, Close Combat, Brick Break, High Jump Kick, Thunder Wave, Volt Switch, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Charge, Teeter Dance, Rapid Spin, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Tera Blast, Double-Edge, Trailblaze, Fake-Out, Encore,
Stats: 90/72/70/89/75/93
Reasoning: Jimmy's general thing across the multiple games is dancing at clubs, so his ability and access to several dance moves should reflect this. His fighting type reference his propensity for Sports themed microgames, Surf and Flip-Turn are based off of his roles in the newest game where he surfs on a shark, and his access to Electric Coverage is based off his constant theming around Phones and other Portable Devices, notably in Gold and Touched.

Competitive Use: Weaker stats balanced around his access to Quiver Dance and an Ability which grants him powerful STABs and other strong boosted coverage moves, however lacks something like Sleep Powder to help him get his boosts up.
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Yo-kai Watch Snartle

Character Name: Snartle
Series of Origin: Yo-kai Watch

Abilities: Intimidate, Unnerve [HA: Moxie]
Stats: 80/115/80/65/75/110 [BST=525]
Full Moveset: Lightning Slash, Ice Spinner, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Sacred Sword, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak, Will-o-Wisp, Temper Flare, Outrage, Taunt, Torment, Encore, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Agility, Kowtow Cleave, Frost Breath, Powder Snow, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Astonish, Cut, Slash, Scary Face, Hyper Voice, Hex, Spite, Grudge, Stealth Rock, Trailblaze, Tackle, Flash Cannon, Smart Strike, Dual Chop, Rage, Aerial Ace, Fury Cutter, Night Slash, Teleport, Curse, Bitter Malice, Snowscape, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Signature Move: Lightning Slash
- Type: Ghost
- Classification: Physical
- Power: 30 BP
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 16
- Effects: Hits 3 times. Tags: Slicing
Weight: 59.6 kg
Overview/Justification: Snartle is an Ice Attribute Yo-kai, explaining both of his types. His ability in the games, Sword Hunting, is very similar to moxie, and he scares people into following the rules, hence Intimidate and Unnerve. His signature move is his basic attack in the games, hitting 3 times.

With Moxie, Swords Dance, and an excellent stab combination, alongside solid speed, Snartle is a terrifying late game cleaner. He may struggle to break bulkier walls, however, due to his STABs not having great base power. He is also difficult to switch in normally, with his awful defensive typing and below average bulk.

Jack Frost | Megami Tensei Wiki

Character Name: Jack Frost
Series of Origin: Shin Megami Tensei/Megami Tensei

Abilities: Ice Body, Pickpocket [HA: Vital Spirit]
Stats: 65/50/70/120/90/115 [BST=510]
Full Moveset: Nasty Plot, Freeze Dry, Ice Beam, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Trick, Parting Shot, Foul Play, Fairy Wind, Nature's Madness, Icy Wind, Frost Breath, Powder Snow, Double Slap, Tackle, Aurora Beam, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Snowscape, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Aurora Veil, Weather Ball, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast, Flash, Flash Cannon, Sheer Cold, Hurricane, Air Slash, Bleakwind Storm, Blizzard, Light Screen, Moonlight
Weight: 0.9 kg
Overview/Justification: Jack Frost is a demon of the Fairy race who is often associated with and uses Ice attacks, hence both types. Ice Body is self-explanatory, Pickpocket as well as the move Parting Shot are a good way to describe of the demons in SMT when you try to recruit them (give my life stone back) and Vital Spirit references his personality, how he's always hyperactive.

With NP, Solid STABs, a great SpA and Speed, and okay coverage, Jack Frost is quite dangerous. However, he is walled by Wizard Lord Phoenix very hard, but he can maintain momentum with sets using Parting Shot. His defensive utility is also nil.
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Veto time once again, so here's the submissions that need to be altered:

Pokémon: Monarch
This Pokemon seems to be undertuned as far as being a sweeper goes. It generally lacks coverage and seems to have the tools to make it much more suited to being a pivot. You should ideally shift the balance of the set it wants to run towards the sweeping side, and away from the pivoting side. Perhaps some stat adjustments, better coverage, and different tools to aid in sweeping could help with that.

Name: Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
Name: Acid Man
For starters, Toko is very awkward as a sweeper, if the ability works how it seems to be written. It seems like you would want to be clicking Thunder Wave and then attacking whatever's in front of you until it's KOed, at which point you turn back into the base form, after which the cycle repeats. However, this really isn't how a sweeper generally operates, as, once a sweeper gets an opportunity to set itself up, you'll be winning the game off of that. Maybe balancing her around "get a KO, stay in the fully offensive form for the rest of the battle" like Gen 7 Ash-Greninja could be good to reduce how clunky it seems at the moment. This would require some stat adjustments, to make getting your first KO a bit easier but making it less blatantly overwhelming after the fact.

Secondly, does Acid Barrier have any applications for Acid Man? He seems fine otherwise, but Acid Barrier genuinely doesn't seem to have a practical purpose here. There aren't very many scenarios where you'd need to have your negative defenses to be reset, unless you're running Close Combat or Headlong Rush or something. This is less of a strict veto and more of a suggestion to make adjustments, but generally speaking a custom element should serve some purpose.

Character Name: Link
Link has basically no coverage, which is problematic, and his movepool is just generally quite paltry. He's in need of some actual coverage options so he doesn't wind up easily outclassed down the line.

Clancy's movepool is kind of barren as well but nothing is actually wrong, he gets Mega Launcher boosted coverage so he's in a much better place. Feel free to add some extra flavor if you'd like, though.

Character Name: Jade
Punk Rock Psychic Noise is neat and all, but this doesn't exactly have the stat spread (principally Speed) or other tools to run through teams. Some extra base speed would be a good way to improve your odds with pulling off a successful sweep, considering your best setup option is Calm Mind.

Character Name: Berdly
Character Name: Clanky Woods
Berdly is very much overtuned as a sweeper. Tinted Lens is very powerful, and Nasty Plot makes Berdly very much an unstoppable force. I would suggest dropping his Special Attack significantly. Also, Tinted Lens Bolt Beak is stupid, and you gave him Shift Gear. Remove Bolt Beak, it's not flavorful to begin with, and he's already going to function well as a special attacker.

Clanky Woods, by contrast, is just a bit undertuned. Shift Gear Grav Apple makes it solid at breaking, but as far as sweeping goes you're going to find it challenging with such a meager Attack stat. I would raise the Attack a fair bit, but not too much. If you'd like, I could do some calcs against the meta's walls to see what power level would work for it.

Name: Bedman
Name: Karlach
Bedman is much akin to Clanky Woods, and he also has a coverage problem. Therefore, raising his Attack and providing him with some useful coverage could serve to make him better as a sweeper.

Karlach is generally fine but that custom has a particularly long name and it really should be shortened.

Name: Sly Cooper
I get the cane is a sharp weapon but you're definitely underestimating just how much Sharpness does to make something very strong, and considering how fast he is compared to vanilla Sharpness users... Removing Sharpness would be the most straightforward way to balance him.

Pokémon: Noelle
She has no coverage for Steels, which is decidedly not good for an Ice type that wants to sweep. Giving her at least something to hit them with would help significantly for her.

You have three days to adjust your submissions. If you'd like to make adjustments not listed here, whether your submission was mentioned or not, please contact the council and get their approval before doing so.
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The veto period has ended!

Sly Cooper was not altered and is thus not eligible for voting.
Toko Fukawa will be eligible but may be subject to balance changes if added to the metagame.

ImaginaryNeon's Demoman
ImaginaryNeon's Monarch
Deviation395's Roy
anaconja's Wriggle Nightbug
Ubertrainer2000's Toko Fukawa
Ubertrainer2000's Shuichu Saihara
Ubertrainer2000's Acid Man
Anchor9's Link
Anchor9's Clancy
flareth13's Jade
flareth13's Dampe
APaidActor's Gabriel
Orangesodapop's Homo Fios
SpyderMarz' Berdly
SpyderMarz' Clanky Woods
Ninetales Dragons' Bedman
Ninetales Dragons' Narmaya
Ninetales Dragons' Karlach
Errormon's Noelle
Errormon's Jimmy T.
master oden's Snartle
master oden's Jack Frost

Remember, voting will be in a 3-2-2-1-1 format this time around. Make sure to consider this when voting (and be sure not to put your self vote in the middle slot); the voting will last for three days.