DOU WCoP suspended due to Corona

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Here's how the ancients can still win:

Scenario 1
Church beat Squirtles today
Ancients beat Storms and Church (obviously)
Shitposters beat Squirtles and beat or tie Storms
Ghosters beat Squirtles and beat or tie Church

this leaves the final standings at
Shitposters 5+
Ghosters 5+
Ancients 4 (max 16 wins)
Squirtles 4 (min 10 wins)
Storms 3/4 (min 9 wins)
Church 3/4 (min 9 wins)

Scenario 2
Squirtles tie Church today
Ancients beat Storms and Church (obviously)
Shitposters beat or tie Storms
Church beat or tie Ghosters
Squirtles beat or tie Ghosters

this leaves the final standings at:
Shitposters 5+
Squirtles 5+
Ancients 4 (max 16 wins)
Church 3/4 (min 11 wins)
Ghosters 3/4 (min 10 wins)
Storms 3/4 (min 9 wins)
to Croven closing out the week
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I was actually opening this thread to do updated playoff scenarios when I saw Kyle's post lol. For every team this time, since there are fewer variables.

tl;dr: Nobody is out yet!! You can all thank the Church for tying the Ghosters.

First seed:
Win at least three fewer games this week than Squirtles


First seed:
Beat the Ghosters and
  • Win at least four more games this week than Shitposters

Tie or beat the Ghosters.
Lose to the Ghosters and
  • Church lose or tie. Or Squirtles win at least one fewer games than Church this week. Or win two fewer and the tiebreak bo3
  • Storms lose or tie. Or Squirtles win at least three fewer games than the Storms this week.
Beat the Squirtles.
Tie the Squirtles and
  • Church lose or tie. Or Ghosters win at least one fewer games than Church this week. Or win two fewer and the tiebreak bo3
  • Storms lose or tie. Or Ghosters win at least two fewer games than Storms this week. Or win three fewer and the tiebreak bo3
Lose to the Squirtles and
  • Church lose. Or Church tie and Ghosters win at least two games this week, or win one and the tiebreak bo3.
  • Storms lose. Or Storms tie and Ghosters win at least one game, or win zero and the tiebreak bo3.
  • Win at least four fewer games than the Ancients this week.
Beat the Ancients and
  • Ghosters lose. Or Ghosters tie, and Church win all six this week, or win five and the tiebreak bo3. Or Ghosters win, and the Church win at least three more games than the Squirtles this week, or two more and the tiebreak bo3.
  • Storms lose or tie. Or Church win at least as many games as the Storms this week.
Tie the Ancients and
  • Ghosters lose all six this week, or lose 5 and Church win the tiebreak bo3.
  • Storms lose or tie.
Beat the Shitposters and
  • Ghosters lose. Or Ghosters tie and Storms win all six and the tiebreak bo3. Or, Ghosters win, and Storms win at least four more games than the Squirtles this week.
  • Win at least one more game than the Church this week. Or Church lose or tie.
(Storms cannot make it on 4 points because one of Ancients or Church will beat them)

Beat the Church and
  • Win at least five more games this week than the Ghosters do
  • Storms lose or tie

I rewrote this a few times to make it as unconfusing as possible, but it's still not super straightforward so let me know on Discord if you have any questions. I wish you good luck, and happy hunting.
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Long ago, the four tiers lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the SS nation attacked.
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Only the avatar, master of all four gens, could beat them.
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But when the Shitposters needed him most, he vanished.
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Four years passed and my brother and I discovered
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the new Avatar, an XY player named jumpy23.
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And although his XY skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to beat anyone.
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But I believe, jumpy23 can save the Shitposters.
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Long ago, the four tiers lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the SS nation attacked.
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Only the avatar, master of all four gens, could beat them.
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But when the Shitposters needed him most, he vanished.
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Four years passed and my brother and I discovered
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the new Avatar, an XY player named jumpy23.
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And although his XY skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to beat anyone.
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But I believe, jumpy23 can save the Shitposters.
Hello and salutations, friends! It's been a while, hasn't it? I had originally planned on giving a weekly update of life in the Ancients' camp but as I will tell you, things haven't quite gone according to plan. To be fair I suppose our plan in general was somewhat incomplete. You see, we tried to assemble a crack squad of the finest team chefs known across the 7 continents and half of Atlantis. Unfortunately, what we ended up with was a squad of teamsters cooking crack. As you all well know, if the clock ain't running, neither are they. We did manage to re-negotiate their pension to a partially funded 401K though, which should save on long term costs a bit. Anyway, I digress. Let me fill you in on what's been going on!

Each week, it seemed like the same routine. The week would start full of joy and hope, like seeing the first bud on a Rafflesia sprout out of the ground. We would laugh and dance, and attempt to make Pokemon teams out of discarded shells, hemp rope, and sunshine. They would never work, but we still tried, and trying is the important part. I believe an Austrian artist once said: "If you never try, you'll never find out what you're capable of!" Solid advice all around, in my humble opinion.

Like the Rafflesia though, as the flower bloomed, everything started smelling like shit. I tried to warn MajorBowman that just because our team was the Ancients, it wasn't the best of ideas to use various tombs and burial sites as destinations for "team retreats". Things quickly came to a head when Bowman and Tman tried to "Eiffel Tower" a mummy, but they confused the Eiffel Tower with the Sydney Opera House. Paraplegic and I ended up spending a couple hours untangling them; I guess the Erotic Stretching wasn't as effective as we had hoped. The sum of all these endeavors was an absolute fuckton of bad juju, regardless of how many allegedly lucky amulets we stole liberated from their graves. I'm surprised we were only struck by lightning 2 or 3 times, considering my penchant for attaching a kite to my dick and flying it in thunderstorms. It's the only way I can get off and get enlightened at the same time after meeting the world's only Tibetan Monk / Dominatrix; I highly recommend trying it yourself if you get the chance. But I digress, again.

Please don't misunderstand me though; not everything has been bad. Even though we're nearly entirely eliminated, we're still fighting hard to win every match. I mean that literally; we have to fight hard, since a certain someone spiked the Gatorade with Gator semen, powdered generic Viagra shipped from an unlicensed factory in Bangalore, and Cherry Blossom syrup stolen from Shake Shack, in a mildly misguided attempt to boost team morale. Entirely unrelated: if any gator asks, tell them I just ran out for a couple smokes and I'll be back for round 2 shortly. It worked for us last week at least; I won the hardest match I've ever fought, and the rest of the team seemed to respond well too. I even had to call my doctor 8 hours post-game as we were all still diamond hard, but all he did was congratulate me and ask me to come around to his place for a physical late Sunday night.

My time for writing this post is growing ever shorter, unfortunately. Since our season is still barely alive, Bowman has been riding us hard and making sure we fight to the finish. Unfortunately, he made a spelling error when giving us those instructions, and miltankmilk is probably halfway to Helsinki as we speak. Any dissent was swiftly crushed, as I made the mistake of suggesting we just pull the plug on the season and start learning how to golf via Zoom calls (socially distance please!!). For that little outburst, I was put in the reverse chokey, which is like the one in Matilda except the spikes are inexplicably on the outside. In retrospect, it wasn't much of a punishment as I quite like being in small spaces. It gives me time to calm down each of my individual personalities, except for Jimminy Blumpkins, my 4th personality. He's high strung no matter what. Anyway, I digress again. I seem to do that a lot but I have a lot of thoughts, and this is the only place that seems willing to listen to them! We used to have story time with the Ancients, but that was quickly cancelled after I spent an hour detailing my exploits with a convent of Franciscan nuns. I still have 3 scars and a whole bunch of bad habits from the ordeal.

Even though the road has been bumpy and full of twists and turns, the journey is more important than the destination. Unfortunately, Journey broke up a couple decades ago and our season went about as well as their subsequent reunions. However, I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Ancients. Alas, I must end this communication before I drone on long enough to be considered "problematic" by the FAA; I'm already on strike 2 with those fuddy-duddy flyboys thanks to a couple incidents with an out of control laser pointer and the Cincinatti Bengals (fun fact; they aren't actually cats and are only attracted to hand-eggs, not red dots!). Anyway, I digress again. I've had more fun than a barrel of monkeys playing in this DPL, and I didn't even have to roleplay as Bi-Curious George this time! Thank you all for your contributions to this thread, and please read the first letter in each paragraph.
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