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'Twas the night before Draftmas, when all through the forum
Not a player was stirring, in a rare show of decorum;

The spreadsheets were finished by the managers with care,
In hopes that a trophy soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of hex-nuts danced in their heads;

And Mizu in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap;

When over on Discord there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the laptop I flew like a flash,
Tore open the screen and threw up the dash.

The pings on the desk set my chair aglow ,
Giving a lustre of midday to objects below,

When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature chatbot and eight tiny volunteers,

With a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment he must be St. N10sit.

More rapid than deagles his chatters they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:

"Now, Kaori! now, Kyle! now talkingtree and memo!
On, Stratos! on, Arcticblast! on, Dawoblefet and Bowman!

To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

So up to the housetop the chatters they flew
With the sleigh full of draft picks, and St. N10sit too—

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on my roof
The playing and chatting of each little goof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. N10sit came with a bound.

A bundle of picks he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a ghoster just opening his chat.

His eyes—how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a berry!

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the rosters; then turned to the jerk,

And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all scattered like some ballistic missiles.

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight—
“Happy Draftmas to all, and to all a good fight!”
My name is N1n1. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of ladder, where all the fangame10's are, and I am not married. I work as a staunch advocate of anti-illuminati rights, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally use torkoal. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of SunSandRain and doing about twenty minutes of APM practice before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a kanga's little baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last teambuilding submission. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with the Illuminati, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone... especially pwnemon.
I was not quite as active at collecting quotes this year. If a player had a low number of quotes supplemented with some old ones. Not everybody has quotes :I
bund bund
[11:44 AM] qsns: mish
[11:44 AM] qsns: MISH
[11:45 AM] qsns: my brain cells are slowly dying

[7:40 PM] qsns: my nom is at
[7:40 PM] qsns: 0 likes rn
[7:40 PM] qsns: pwnd cancels out all of it
[7:40 PM] qsns: fuck this
[7:40 PM] qsns: it genuinely made me feel worse

[10:11 PM] qsns: can we get a no mish rule when talking about sexual identities

[6:45 PM] qsns: did i really miss some spicy drama while i was playing fucking roblox
[6:45 PM] qsns: god
[6:45 PM] qsns: why
[6:45 PM] qsns: do i do this
[6:45 PM] qsns: to myself

[6:47 PM] qsns: they banned uwu on roblox
[6:47 PM] qsns: im fucking livid

[6:57 PM] is mish mish: nut does not have zero cals
[6:57 PM] qsns: horse ejaculate has as many calories as a whopper!

[11:56 AM] qsns: snip snip always the best approach
[11:56 AM] qsns: get rid of these thots

[5:45 PM] qsns: wait where do u go
[5:45 PM] qsns: to school
[5:45 PM] (poolparty): U of m
[5:45 PM] qsns: .
[5:45 PM] (poolparty): University or Michigan
[5:45 PM] qsns: wait youre at u of m too.
[5:46 PM] qsns: bruh
[5:46 PM] (poolparty): Bruh
[10:40 AM] spaceman spiff: im actually stupid
[10:40 AM] spaceman spiff: please ignore me and my existence and everything i ever have done

[10:08 PM] Daddy1: mish mish made a penis on the keyboard
[10:09 PM] is mish mish: but
10:09 PM] is mish mish: i am mish mish
[10:09 PM] is mish mish: am i a double penis
[10:10 PM] is mish mish: asking life's real questions rn

[5:05 PM] is mish mish: Zuko is like my fave character in anything ever
[5:05 PM] is mish mish: what a fucking guy
[5:06 PM] is mish mish: honestly he’s a sex icon

[6:48 PM] is mish mish: I love legs
[6:48 PM] is mish mish: especially if they’re thick legs

[12:41 AM] spaceman spiff: no shame in fucking with sample teams for a bit
[12:41 AM] spaceman spiff: or for a few years

[11:18 PM] Croven: like cmon dude
[11:18 PM] Croven: the fucking holy grail of cum amount

[7:04 PM] is mish mish: yeah im a racist
[7:04 PM] is mish mish: whatre u gonna do about it

[9:45 PM] spaceman spiff: also laurel helped me build my very first doubles team back in 2014 so I’m kinda partial to the guy
[9:45 PM] spaceman spiff: is that the reason I don’t build anymore

[8:31 PM] spaceman spiff: i love lax
[8:31 PM] spaceman spiff: and lavos
[8:32 PM] spaceman spiff: i want to suck their dicks

[12:14 PM] is mish mish: yo Daddy Anthony do u ever just
[12:14 PM] is mish mish: feel ur titties
[12:14 PM] is mish mish: i do it a little too often


[5:25 PM] is mish mish: yall is it gay to pop a boner while thinking abt sucking dick

[9:25 PM] Croven: well only recently did i start having these breasts which are this big

[12:22 AM] bunny: actually the
[12:22 AM] bunny: danmachi minotaur one is real good
[12:22 AM] bunny: until it gets weird
[12:22 AM] Anime Sans: better than a lot of other artists
[12:22 AM] bunny: but it gets weird only late so its ok
[12:23 AM] is mish mish : minotaur one?
[12:23 AM] is mish mish : can u link im curious now
[12:24 AM] bunny: ...
[12:24 AM] is mish mish : im like morbidly curious
[12:24 AM] bunny: #nsfw-dont-make-us-fgo-nephew
[12:24 AM] is mish mish : oh ive read that one
[12:24 AM] bunny: even if it makes me go nephew
[12:24 AM] is mish mish : it actually was good until the last few pages
[12:24 AM] bunny: yeah
[12:25 AM] Charlotte~: so, you'd already read a minotaur doujin and where excited to have possibly found another?

[12:33 AM] iggy: we can suck together

[11:11 PM] stax: if u move the p in lileep two places back it becomes lil pee
[11:12 PM] stax: I'm gonna log out now

[2:40 AM] stax: my ethnicity is anim

[23:55:18] lady lumps: who gonna get
[23:55:19] lady lumps: drunk
[23:55:21] lady lumps: tomoz
[23:55:25] lady lumps: :|

[19:00:22] lady lumps: commence sucking my weanus

[12:08 AM] stax: tbf my series vs dawg
[12:08 AM] stax: was probably my best series
[12:08 AM] stax: even tho I was drunk
[12:08 AM] stax: I:

[8:48 PM] stax: dick is good
[8:52 PM] stax: lots of dicks
[8:52 PM] stax: not enough mouths

[8:52 PM] stax: ik demantoid is stalking my ever letter
[8:53 PM] stax: waiting for the opportune time
[8:53 PM] stax: to say
[8:53 PM] stax: get mished.

[2:52 PM] stax: wait
[2:52 PM] stax: 80 plus 20 is 100

[7:32 PM] stax: dam
[7:32 PM] stax: watching o.j doc
[7:32 PM] stax: man was hot af

[10:21 PM] stax: anyone else like looking at their legs

[5:45 PM] stacks: I’m a women and I find this offensive

[1:22 AM] 21 stackage: who do i play
[1:22 AM] 21 stackage: o
[1:23 AM] 21 stackage: o no my anus

[3:28 PM] Les Thots sont géniales: Imagine predicting dubs week 1
[3:30 PM] Les Thots sont géniales: Pool is almost entirely unproven
[3:31 PM] Les Thots sont géniales: There are good players but it's unknown how they'll preform
[3:33 PM] stax: who are u lol
[17:26:56] Frania: we should just ban stupid people
[17:26:59] Frania: from voting

☆Frania: i hope i didnt offend you
☆papai noel: nah you didn't
☆papai noel: just hope you die in a car crash lol

★Frania: wonder how your team pairs up
★Frania: vs regular teams
★Guantonomo Gucci: same
★Frania: like
★Frania: why would you ever run that
★Frania: sigh
★Guantonomo Gucci: LOL
★Frania: but i gues it worked out for you once
★Guantonomo Gucci: guess so buddy
★Frania: good fucking job
Frania forfeited.
★Guantonomo Gucci: thanks man

[12:49 PM] yuicchii: camel is too mainstream i want something kinky
[12:49 PM] frania snowflake: mega maw is sex

i wanna give a big s/o to all the mgengar ladder users. i think its inspiring how you manage oi keep your ladder score so low that when you one time manage to snipe a standard kangascan your whole little team is made to beat (hence why such low ladder score) you get all the pointers back
[10:20 PM] Yoda2798: Also Demantoid I've realised I spend more time with 2d people than 3d

[14:30:30] +Yoda2798: I seen a spider last night while on the toilet
[14:30:36] +Yoda2798: but I didn't kill it
[14:30:41] +Yoda2798: I just screamed and ran out

[18:27:07] Yoda2798: well mishi's mom went downhill a lot once she got into S&M then

[19:32:01] Yoda2798: chocolate is like race
[19:32:03] Yoda2798: dark is the worst

%Yoda2798: did you know marshadow is african-american
%Yoda2798: it's black, steals, and got unfairly locked away

[15:53:17] mishiimono: auraray
[15:53:20] mishiimono: is wrong
[15:53:29] Yoda2798: big true
[15:53:37] Yoda2798: one of the few ultimate truths of the universe

[15:27:25] +Yoda2798: when you have your christmas dinner you should think of all the starving children in africa
[15:27:31] +Yoda2798: and how you could have ate them instead

[19:16] Lunar: how the mish is mish so good :mished:
[19:57] Yoda2798: Every time someone says mish he grows in power

[10:38 AM] Yodegenerate: dad1 went to china to complete an act of missionary
[10:38 AM] Yodegenerate: not the kind involving god though

[17:13:30] yoDa2798: if I ever come to america
[17:13:35] yoDa2798: I want you to be waiting at the airport
[17:13:38] yoDa2798: with a sign saying "mish"
[17:13:46] yoDa2798: then we only say mish to each other
[17:13:59] DaWoblefet: mish
[17:14:02] yoDa2798: mish
[7:32 PM] Memoric17: guns really such a controversial metagame element in the US metagame
[7:33 PM] Memoric17: they really should just run a suspect test at this point

[12:25 AM] MajorBowman: one of my friends called me kim kardashian
[12:25 AM] Memoric17: would you describe that nickname as quite
[12:25 AM] Memoric17: ass.
[12:25 AM] MajorBowman: i expect better from you memoric
[12:27 AM] Memoric17: i guess that nickname was something you easily got behind then.

[22:16:39] #memoric: only time will tell when aura will want inciniroar banned

[6:01 PM] Memoric17: I AM A LOLI

[11:25 AM] Memoric17: mtar's actually sogood
[11:26 AM] Memoric17: that's a fetish i can respect
[5:26 PM] Hatsune Miku: all of you heathens too busy talking about anime girl thighs when you could be talking about variants of mish
[5:26 PM] [bdf] Yodepressed: what if you want to lick anime girl thighs in the shape of "mish"
[5:27 PM] Hatsune Miku: how would you even do that
[5:27 PM] [bdf] Yodepressed: use your tongue like you're drawing the letters
[5:28 PM] Hatsune Miku: I'm imagining myself doing that

[14:26:32] @ DaWoblefet: the only drug you need in life
[14:26:41] @ DaWoblefet: is the natural high that comes from saying mish
[14:27:19] @ DaWoblefet: a single word, "mish", elicits substantial joy that goes beyond any illegal drug
[14:28:15] DLTS1 nuag: mish mish
[14:29:59] @ DaWoblefet: the fine user Demantoid doubly increases his joy with two parallel, subsequent utterances of mish

[7:42 PM]DaWoblefet:I just read the history of TF
[7:42 PM]DaWoblefet:before, I thought I was an intellectual
[7:42 PM]DaWoblefet:now, I understand it all
[7:42 PM]DaWoblefet:a new, deeper meaning of mish has been uncovered

[01:43:26] @ DaWoblefet: the "ultimate oxymoron" is a "rich nigga"
context: dawoblefet quoting the "worst showdown users"

[10:07 PM] DaWoblefet: @ n10sit I will never let mish die, because I continue to laugh at it every time I say it
[10:07 PM] DaWoblefet: mish is too iconic
[10:08 PM] DaWoblefet: I said it so much that I had to ban it myself from the VGC room
[10:08 PM] DaWoblefet: mish
[10:08 PM] DaWoblefet: I have Twitch partnership or whatever and the only emote I have is mish
[10:09 PM] DaWoblefet: And I spam it in every VGC stream I'm in
[10:09 PM] DaWoblefet: There's so many fun ways to say mish irl
[10:09 PM] DaWoblefet: You can do like an elated mish
[10:10 PM] DaWoblefet: A more nuanced mish
[10:10 PM] DaWoblefet: A mish of neutrality
[10:10 PM] DaWoblefet: A mish that's equivalent to a sigh
[10:10 PM] DaWoblefet: So much potential
[10:11 PM] DaWoblefet: I would record audio samples but it's too late atm
[10:12 PM] DaWoblefet: Low key
[10:13 PM] DaWoblefet: I wanted to make a skit for my YouTube following one of @ nuag nuag's Princess Mishiimono copypastas

[7:24 PM] DaWoblefet: if there's one thing better than sex, it's saying mish

[6:17 PM] DaWoblefet: why derive happiness from anything else but saying the word "mish" continuously?

[4:17 PM] DaWoblefet: after the set I went outside the venue and screamed at the sky
[4:17 PM] DaWoblefet: then I felt better
[4:18 PM] DaWoblefet: this was prior to my enlightenment; I did not yet know mish

[9:22 PM] DaWoblefet: I have a question
[9:22 PM] DaWoblefet: why do we not spread the love of mish more
[9:23 PM] DaWoblefet: every day I mish
[9:23 PM] DaWoblefet: I think about mish and say mish
[9:23 PM] DaWoblefet: then I type in on pokemonshowdown dot com
[9:23 PM] DaWoblefet: where do you all spread mish?

[17:06:39] +DaWoblefet: what's yellow and smells like blue paint
[17:06:41] +DaWoblefet: Yellow Paint
[17:07:05] %Yellow Paint: hi

[13:20:18] @ DaWoblefet: .mish
[13:20:19] *BoTTT III: mish mish

[4:23 PM] DaWoblefet: wait
[4:23 PM] DaWoblefet: I think I found the best mon in DOU
[4:23 PM] DaWoblefet: DOUblade

[13:49:26] Matame: Yoda2798 wanna date
[13:49:36] %Paraplegic: n yoda is mine
[13:49:50] %Paraplegic: his accent makes my heart melt
[13:49:59] %Paraplegic: and my balls swell

[18:17:31] N1n1:dont speak of articblast in negative ways. i'll fuck ur ass
[18:31:39] Paraplegic★:n1n1 is my idol, Id be honored to get fucked in the ass by him tbh

[20:31:16] Rozas: what if there were lowercase numbers
[20:40:08] Papaplegic: What if people didnt ask the dumbest shit

[21:07:04] lilly kuro: i LOVE folrist
[21:07:11] lilly kuro: florist
[21:07:15] %Paraplegic★: Isn't he from new Zealand?
[21:07:16] lilly kuro: no
[21:07:30] %Paraplegic★: oh he is Australian
[21:07:38] %Paraplegic★: Explains why he's so handsome

[7:14 PM] Paraplegic: There is no such thing as a cute asian :/

[6:03 PM] Meechy Darko: Yeah jhon when I refer to Asians being not attractive I'm referring to the squinty ones

[8:36 PM] Meechy Darko: Ive sold pot before
[8:36 PM] Meechy Darko: I feel like I could sell heroine just fine

[9:56 AM] DaWoblefet: Christmish
[10:15 AM] Meechy Darko: I actually lol'd at that
[10:15 AM] Meechy Darko: I might have issues

[7:44 PM] Paraplegic: hugging is the wackest thing of all time
[7:44 PM] is mish mish: ,
[7:44 PM] is mish mish: are you saying that hugging is bad?
[7:44 PM] Paraplegic: Yes
[12:41 AM] kamikaze: who is user IttyBityKittyTitty
[12:41 AM] Biosci: that sounds like a marilli alt yea

[8:16 PM] Biosci: quilladin is definitely a biblethumping virgin
[11:20 AM] Level 51: speaking of which, we were playing burning bridges and the question i asked was "if you cooked and ate the people in this room, whose flesh would taste the best?"
[11:21 AM] Level 51: i wonder if i should have asked a more normal question
[11:21 AM] Level 51: idk what the correct questions to ask here are
[11:22 AM] Level 51: like u want it to be interesting and put the answerer on the spot
[11:22 AM] Level 51: but then you ask one question about flesh eating and everyone thinks ur weird
[11:22 AM] Level 51: gosh!

[6:51 PM] is mish mish: on behalf of the fucking weebs I reject
[6:52 PM] Level 51: shut up croven u fucking horse fleshlight
[6:52 PM] Daddy1: man orientation rly took a toll on you

[7:59 AM] Level 51: if u cum into paper that's an issue tissue

[9:14 AM] Level 51: i make fun of dad1 and all but deep down im just extremely insecure about the fact that dad1 leads a more normal social life than i ever will
[9:17 AM] Level 51: well on the outside i mean he probably seems normal
[9:17 AM] Level 51: like im sure hes managed to make friends and not let on that hes a closet pedo

[8:16 PM] Level 51: THE FUCKIHBG
[8:17 PM] Level 51: FUCKCBSKSKS
[8:17 PM] Level 51: AND I SAID
[8:17 PM] Level 51: "NO? OK THEN"

[9:32 PM] Level 51 [toxic presence]: my asshole is so tight that something has to come out the bottom

[9:14 PM] Level 51: im a sushi
[9:14 PM] Level 51: =w=
[9:15 PM] Level 51: /rolls in seaweed
[10:38 AM] Yellow Paint: what's rin doing with those crystals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[21:34:20] %Yellow Paint: hey kamikaze, I was nervous to do this :3 but you're really sweet and kawaii and nice, would you go out w/ me? please? XD

☆london13: i don't want to win like this
☆Yellow Paint: you're not going to win


[9:03 PM] Yellow Paint: shay caramel with ketchup
[9:16 PM] Level 51: now u can waltz in with TOP 10 GRASS TYPES THAT EAT ASS and get a badge
[9:20 PM] [ground resists] miltankmilk: @ Level 51 is that a documentary about arcticblasts teambuilding

[8:03 PM] [unfree marsh] miltankmilk: us, the unread masses: buzzwole does not get u turn
pwndxthx, an intellectual: buzzwole does get u turn

[8:54 AM] miltankmilk: Alabama and Mississippi are one state and its racist to give them 4 senators

[2:02 PM] marilli: Ken Sugimori invented Snorlax
[2:02 PM] Kaori: i invented ken sugimori
[2:02 PM] miltankmilk: is that the guy who roomed with us sam

[6:33 PM] tf slayer miltankmilk: i just dont get muddy water turn 1
[6:33 PM] tf slayer miltankmilk: other than just fishing for a miss
[6:54 PM] marilli: :fish:
[6:54 PM] tf slayer miltankmilk: yeah thats about the level of thought i expected

[7:43 PM] miltankmilk: imagine being as lucky as marilli
[7:47 PM] miltankmilk: just able to mindlessly click moves
[7:47 PM] miltankmilk: crazy

[5:18 PM] miltankmilk: we need a new shadow realm
[5:18 PM] miltankmilk: just for aray
[5:18 PM] miltankmilk: when he says things like this
[5:18 PM] miltankmilk: we just need to put him in timeout

[5:43 PM] laptops: ablast drafted fespy and quiznos for less than croven and more wins
[5:44 PM] laptops: ez pz
[5:44 PM] miltankmilk: counterpoint
[5:44 PM] miltankmilk: arctic spent 13k on himself

[12:09 PM] miltankmilk: u ever build a team
[12:10 PM] miltankmilk: and then scrap it because if it wins, aray had a decent meta call
[19:16] Lunar: how the mish is mish so good :mished:

[12:20 PM] Lunar: sdaf;sadj [12:20 PM] Lunar: i missed matches because i thought it was just kyle @ ing me saying gaming

[2:00 PM] Fukua: Hi everyone
[2:00 PM] Fukua: How is tourney going
[2:26 PM] [epic gamers]MlNT: gaming
[2:28 PM] lil sam: epic
[2:55 PM] Fukua: Awesome
[4:56 PM] Lunar: That was the worst conversation ive ever seen
[15:19:34] mishiimono: is it 1:19 gmt-7
[15:19:42] mishiimono: cant read 24 hour clock

View attachment 236881
☆mishiimono: im doing a third round of the character quiz
☆mishiimono: fuck dobby again
☆mishiimono: fuck this stupid list

[11:18:46] mishiimono: fuck
[11:18:54] mishiimono: dobby #1 again

[11:26:46] mishiimono: ok one more time
[11:26:50] mishiimono: im gonna hardcore mode
[11:26:51] mishiimono: dobby
[11:26:55] mishiimono: gonna atleast be #5
[11:32:26] mishiimono: ASS
[11:32:29] mishiimono: FUCK THIS LIST
[11:32:34] mishiimono: ITS RIGGED

[20:50:29] mishiimono: i gotta nut on kids that day
[20:50:34] mishiimono: like get the dick out
[20:50:37] mishiimono: and beat that shit up

[21:17:57] mishiimono: im scared af
[21:17:59] mishiimono: shaking
[21:18:12] mishiimono: havent even nutted today didnt even think about it
[21:19:05] mishiimono: dont plan on it either
[21:19:12] mishiimono: mish officially a nofapper

[00:07] dlts1 dewgong: man this break was not good for my nofap streak
[00:07] dlts1 dewgong: busting nuts left and right these days

[22:46:19] dlts1 dewgong: andre degrasse marry some olympic hurdler
[22:46:27] dlts1 dewgong: their kids gonna be quick
[22:49:16] zaaya .‿.: who?
[22:49:28] dlts1 dewgong: fastest man in canada
[22:49:43] dlts1 dewgong: the canadian bolt who is shorter and less black
[22:49:49] dlts1 dewgong: and a bit slower
[22:52:33] dlts1 dewgong: was gonna win gold this year

[10:23 PM] Princess Mishiimono: i hate wet dreams
[10:24 PM] Princess Mishiimono: but maybe a wet dream to checkmater would be good

[8:10 PM]Princess Mishiimono:anyone wanna see if their dong can fit in a gatorade bottle
[8:10 PM]Princess Mishiimono:crovens story intrigued me

[19:59:24] mishiimono: ever leave pros and cons of masturbation and porn open on your parents computer?
[20:01:31] mishiimono: it was a website
[20:01:33] mishiimono: and i left it open

[20:36:24] mishiimono: ive hit 20 friends on my chad facebook account
[20:36:45] mishiimono: can these guys like hack computer and steal my personal information likem y pokemon teams?

[15:19:05] mishiimono: is this a result of watching too much pornographic anime?

[00:27:11] mishiimono: i just made a heat af team
[00:27:20] mishiimono: diancie greninja bulu mew volcarona lando
[00:27:24] mishiimono: it loses to fucking everything
[00:27:27] mishiimono: but its good
[00:27:31] mishiimono: it actually really isnt
[00:27:38] mishiimono: im just thinking about how it loses to everything
[00:27:40] mishiimono: fuck
[00:27:42] mishiimono: needs revising

[15:40:09] mishiimono: did you guys here
[15:40:14] mishiimono: that lil nas x is gay
[15:40:16] Yoda2798: >did you guys here
[15:40:18] chemcoop: english mishiimono
[15:40:29] Yoda2798: I forgot mishiimono's first language is idiot
[15:40:30] chemcoop: I know your canadian ass speaks french but
[15:40:36] chemcoop: come on man
[15:40:51] mishiimono: your a mishiot

[23:06:50] mishiimono: i might have broken my phone
[23:06:59] mishiimono: that was already a piece of shit
[23:16:23] zaaya .‿.: ._.
[23:16:26] zaaya .‿.: might lol
[23:16:31] zaaya .‿.: how do you not know
[23:21:45] mishiimono: i do know
[23:21:46] mishiimono: :I
[23:21:53] mishiimono: i tried to use it one day
[23:21:57] mishiimono: and the screen was all blurry
[23:22:08] mishiimono: like half the screen was
[23:22:13] mishiimono: then i pressed the screen
[23:22:17] mishiimono: and the whole thing went blurry
[23:22:30] mishiimono: and then i tossed it in the air and smashed it
☆Fespy: I just got called out HARD for playing Pokémon instead of listening to the flight attendants safety speech
☆Fespy: Yikes that’s a mish
[4:21 PM] Not Nido-Rus: Mish mish bells, mish mish bells, mish mish all the way Oh, what fun it is to mish in a one mish open sleigh Mishing through the snow On a one mish open sleigh O'er the fields we go Mishing all the way

[4:44 PM] Nido-Rus: Yeah the climax was SOGOOD

[22:19:16] Nido-Rus: YO
[22:19:17] Nido-Rus: fight y/n
[22:19:19] Demantoid: n
[22:19:24] Nido-Rus: O
[9:40 AM] marilli: its honestly impressive how demantoid comes up with all his teams
[9:40 AM] marilli: he takes like 10 retarded sounding ideas and makes them seem good

[2:39 PM] marilli: imagine just turning into a meme
[2:39 PM] marilli: and not for what you did
[2:39 PM] marilli: but because someone just spammed ur name until it did

[6:03 PM] watashi wa meron✘: what happens if some1 with brown hair bleaches their hair
[6:03 PM] marilli: they get a bleached hair
[6:03 PM] marilli: XDDDDDD

[9:59 PM] marilli: [9:59 PM] Checkmater: smogtours went insane
[9:59 PM] marilli: this doesnt mean shit
[9:59 PM] marilli: u might accidentally breathe a bit too loud
[10:00 PM] marilli: and smogtours would go insane
[10:02 PM] marilli: what does smogtours not go wild over
[10:03 PM] marilli: u can t bolt rhydon and make smogtours go wild

[2:14 PM] marilli: tar!!!
[2:14 PM] marilli: im going primal now!
[2:14 PM] marilli: everyone who gets near me gets buffeted by sandstorm !

[17:43:13] @ toxigen734: also idk if anyone cares
[17:43:25] @ toxigen734: but i have a new little cousin! :3
[17:43:39] pound my dedenne: is she hot
[8:12 AM] AuraRayquaza: Mega metagross isnt good
[8:12 AM] AuraRayquaza: Dont let people trick you
[8:13 AM] Oldamar999: kek
[8:13 AM] MajorBowman: it's good aray is just crazy
[8:13 AM] Oldamar999: it's ok, I don't listen to people with default Pfps

[8:30 PM] AuraRayquaza: I dont have flavours of the month
[8:30 PM] AuraRayquaza: Only pristine meta calls

[7:35 PM] AuraRayquaza: one day
[7:36 PM] AuraRayquaza: people will realise
[7:36 PM] AuraRayquaza: aray was right about everything

[7:48 PM] AuraRayquaza: i use light discord
[7:48 PM] AuraRayquaza: its perfectly fine

[6:09 PM] AuraRayquaza: I wouldnt wish being friends with zikam
[6:09 PM] AuraRayquaza: On my worst enemy

[20:47:58] %AuraRayquaza: yeah i lost vs gx in dlt
[20:48:05] %AuraRayquaza: i was mad for the next 2 days
[20:48:13] %AuraRayquaza: because he tagged me a mew mewd me
[8:11 PM] mimi: he, like your typical member of the stark sharks
[8:11 PM] mimi: can't be trusted
[8:11 PM] MajorBowman: Thoughts @ Demantoid ?
[8:11 PM] mimi: deman is not your typical member
[8:11 PM] spaceman spiff: demantoid is weird enough
[8:11 PM] mimi: deman mishes people too much to be trusted in general
[8:12 PM] marilli: mished
[8:12 PM] mimi: not because he cheats at pokemon

[20:13:30] +Mizuhime: how long
[20:13:44] vyvan le: 19cm
[20:13:48] Jahim(⊙﹏⊙): 6 inches
[20:13:55] +Mizuhime: 2 virgins
[20:13:58] +Mizuhime: hyperlul

[15:06:37] minalinski: u can introduce urself to mizzuhime shes a girl
[15:06:49] Laser29: Ok
+Mizuhime left

[1:45 AM] mimi: nido-rus the trash bag
[1:51 AM] mimi: i mean chansey sucks dick when you telegraph your plays and put it in position to die like nido does
[9:12 AM] mimi: needed to hax me in a tier he plays regularly
[9:12 AM] mimi: wonder what he'll have to pull in bw

[12:35 PM] mimi: mishi is a girl?
[12:35 PM] mimi: nice
finally: you guys ever see a loli and be like finally: :3
[1:29 PM] Checkmater: [9:05 AM] jumpy23: in other words, i'm not allowed to commit homicide
[1:29 PM] Checkmater: but you are
[1:29 PM] Checkmater: like just don't get caught hello

[3:32 PM] Checkmater: violinists slay more than cellists
[3:32 PM] Checkmater: prove me wrong
[3:32 PM] Checkmater: I would let paginini do anything to me

[2:37 PM] Checkmater: anytime after Thursday I'm gmt -5
[2:37 PM] Stax: SATURDAY
[2:38 PM] Checkmater: Yes
[2:39 PM] Checkmater: Wait
[2:39 PM] Checkmater: I took a shit yesterday
[2:39 PM] Checkmater: Which means I'll take one tomorrow
[2:39 PM] Checkmater: Which means it won't line up for Saturday

[9:26 PM] Checkmater: anyone else ever fap to how delicious cauliflower is

[9:30 PM] Daddy1: is it gay to give yourself a blowjob if you can
[9:31 PM] Daddy1: it's the same as masturbation
[9:31 PM] Daddy1: only with your mouth
[9:32 PM] Checkmater: why would you touch ur dick with your hands
[9:32 PM] Checkmater: because it fucking feels good [
9:33 PM] Checkmater: i was saying
[9:34 PM] Checkmater: that sucking your own dick wouldn't be that weird
[21:57:27] %EpicUmbreon29:Oh hey I just remembered the Oricorio / Volcarona lead I was using in DOU last night lol
[21:57:55] Z Strats:did you remember how bad it is

[20:32:47] • @ Demantoid kicks z strats in the face
An evading prooo joined
[20:33:15] • An evading prooo kicks demantoid in the face
An evading prooo left
[20:33:43] • @ Demantoid kicks z strats in the face again
An evading prooo joined [20:34:06]
• An evading prooo kicks demantoid in the face again

[15:50:51] M Strats: M
[15:50:52] I Strats: I
[15:50:54] S Strats: S
[15:50:56] H Strats: H

[3:41 PM] n1n1: I am going over the stuff. and would like to say that Sam, you shouldnt be disrespecting me. You finished 1 win in last year DPL, 1 win in SPL, and got kicked off council this year. I am more involved in the forum, ps, tours, everything except Illuminati collusion than you. My credentials are superior.

[5:42 PM] Baddy Bad: id love to get played rough with diancie
[5:42 PM] n1n1: I'd love to play rough with you ;)

[20:31:36] %DaWoblefet: we need a volunteer for mechanics trivia
[20:31:40] %DaWoblefet: if you want a room tour
[20:33:28] n1n1: heres a trivia. why is hitmonlee hung?
[20:33:48] %DaWoblefet: that's Hitmonchan
[20:33:53] %DaWoblefet: and it's not trivia
[20:34:03] n1n1: nope. because he hates himself for not being viable in dou. so killed himself

[16:39:27] n1n1: niggas outside really be doing fireworks while I'm trying to watch pokemon

[6:24 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: @ Arctic my friend Pwnkthx cannot access this discord. can you please help
[6:25 PM] AuraRayquaza: i think he was banned
[6:26 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: can we please give him a second chance. I think he will be better from now on. I said to him "be nice"
[6:26 PM] Arctic: the number of people I've punished on Showdown after telling them to be nice is too high for me to count
[6:27 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: but this came from me. he will listen
[6:27 PM] Arctic: dude I don't think he has any respect for any individual besides himself
[6:28 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: nah, he respects me and pichachuvincient

[17:31:55] n1n1: word on the street is that a Ho-Oh suspect is coming soon
[17:33:58] n1n1 was warned by Yoda2798. (ho_oh isn't being suspected)
[17:34:17] n1n1: yoda2798 you shouldnt even be hear. its 4th of July and you are british. you should be hiding in shame for what your people did

[19:46:14] n1n1: love you nigga
[19:46:41] n1n1: fuck the rest
[19:46:59] n1n1: i've been drinking. sorry if I;m retarted
n1n1: nigga
n1n1: fuck him up
☆emforbes: stfu
marilli: u cant just say that to people

[7:05 PM] GenOne: what specifically do you like about her? just curious
[7:05 PM] n1n1: did you not see the picture?
[7:05 PM] n1n1: I said she is a MILF
[7:05 PM] GenOne: i was hoping there was more to it
[7:05 PM] GenOne: The fact she's sueing Google is interesting.
[7:06 PM] n1n1: idc

[12:35:14] +n1n1: anyone here for snake tryouts?
[12:36:36] +Pohjis: pm user obii
[12:37:52] +n1n1: why? hes manager? [12:38:31] +Pohjis: nah rozes is [12:38:36] +Pohjis: contact him when you get the chance
[12:38:58] +n1n1: he can contact me

[5:05 PM] n1n1: I like Gandolf from zelda bc he so powerful. but too slow. pikachu #1 then Luigi then Gandolf

[7:16 PM]n1n1:being team locked sucks. he knew exactly what I was bringing
[7:17 PM]SJW (skymin justice warrior):why are you team locked
[7:17 PM]n1n1:idk
[7:17 PM]n1n1:it just happened that way

[9:23 AM]n1n1:Who is ABR?
[9:23 AM]n1n1:And why is it playing dou?

[19:44:46] n1n1: can we start a new poll? I have a question that I am curious to see how people on smogon doubles would answer
[19:45:07] n1n1: would you bang a Black Girl Yes or No?

[6:05 PM] n1n1: if you draft me I will demand you draft Red Pill
[6:05 PM] MajorBowman: as if we needed another reason not to draft you
[6:07 PM] n1n1: do you not realize I am a better value player than you according to the kylecole model?
[6:09 PM] MajorBowman: do you not realize the kylecole model doesn't take being a headass into account
[6:12 PM] n1n1: headass? is that what you call having a temper tantrum after every loss to "hax"?
[18:47:39] +Akaru Kokuyo.: PrincessMishiimono and Mishiimono at the same time
[18:47:41] +Akaru Kokuyo.: ?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?1
[18:47:52] #Mishiimono: im the real
[18:47:53] #Mishiimono: Mishiimono
[18:48:02] +Akaru Kokuyo.: you can't be the real one
[18:48:05] +Akaru Kokuyo.: the real one's a princess
[18:48:13] +Akaru Kokuyo.: so PrincessMishiimono should be the real
[18:48:20] #Mishiimono: :IIIIIIII
[9:58 PM] Daddy1: it's time for a dad1 romantic life update
[9:59 PM] Daddy1: we were hanging out today and i decided to watch the thunder game on my phone instead
[10:00 PM] Daddy1: and she goes you should teach me some stuff about basketball sometime
[10:00 PM] Daddy1: that is all the end
[10:06 PM] kaori: wait so when u were hanging out
[10:06 PM] kaori: instead of talking to her
[10:06 PM] kaori: u watched basketball on ur phone.
[10:09 PM] Daddy1: well i talked to her
[10:09 PM] Daddy1: but i was mostly focused on my phone

[9:50 PM] Daddy1: i wish i can achieve this peak white male aesthetic
[9:51 PM] Daddy1: alas i am asian so this will never happen

[7:01 PM] Daddy1: do they know you like lolis
[7:02 PM] is mish mish: I like lolis? this is a shocking development
[7:02 PM] Daddy1: everyone likes lolis
[7:02 PM] Daddy1: to an extent

[1:06 PM] n10sit: Dad1 only likes feet that are size 6 and below
[1:06 PM] Daddy1: is that big or
[1:06 PM] n10sit: it’s small.
[1:07 PM] Daddy1: oh yeah dainty feet is p heat
[1:07 PM] Daddy1: oh wait
[1:07 PM] Daddy1: you're saying i'm a pedo

[8:44 PM] Daddy1: Having little sisters is so epic

[12:17 PM] Daddy Anthony: i can't nut to fate stuff
[12:17 PM] Daddy Anthony: i see them everyday when i grind bro i can't look at my servants the same way
[12:17 PM] Daddy Anthony: if i see them nutting and shit

[9:07 AM] Daddy1: Smh if I can go on PS right now I will convert this nonbeliever real quick
[9:08 AM] Daddy1: If church camp has taught me anything it’s how to preach the words of the lord
[9:08 AM] Level 51: what
[9:09 AM] Daddy1: Jesus loves you and so do I

[7:33 PM] Daddy1: do people actually jerk to their own imagination
[7:34 PM] violet city: yes
[7:34 PM] Daddy1: i can't imagine the brain power and iq necessary to perform such a tactic
[7:34 PM] Yodegenerate: dad1 would have to think it out loud

[7:50 PM] Daddy1: consent condom :l
[7:51 PM] Daddy1: i feel like if you're making such an effort to use a consent condom, you'd probably be a good guy to begin with
[7:51 PM] Daddy1: to not need such a product
[7:51 PM] jumpy23: dad1 is NOT a fan of the ideals represented by the consent condom

[3:35 PM] Daddy1: ok that post was made when i was 14
[3:35 PM] Daddy1: we've all said regrettable things then, some just get logged by demantoid so they're immortalized forever

[3:34 PM] bunny✘: dad1s gonna marry his bike
[3:34 PM] bunny✘: he even named it and shit
[3:36 PM] Daddy1: and i spend every day with anne so of course i would name it

[7:31 PM] Daddy1: Dad1 comes to this guy with a good attitude and homeboy goes “I don’t want you taking my order you get stuff wrong”
[7:32 PM] Daddy1: I’m about to go toxic dad1 irl
[7:32 PM] Daddy1: I haven’t even worked here for three years this fucker can eat my cock

[9:08 PM] Daddy1: yeah i want like my head to be stepped on
[9:08 PM] Daddy1: not my dick
[9:08 PM] Daddy1: or like my thighs or something

[6:33 PM] Daddy1: yeah i remember watching it and my will to nut was instantly shattered

[4:52 PM] Daddy1: i ride anne all the time and my thighs are huge

[6:59 PM] is mish mish: unironically tho weed over alc for many reasons
[7:00 PM] is mish mish: imagine getting drunk and ingesting 500+ cals just to not be sober
[7:00 PM] is mish mish: miss me w that shit
[7:00 PM] Daddy1: how about instead of smoking weed u go read a verse from the holy bible u sinner

[7:02 PM] Daddy1: i'm scared of getting drunk bc then i might mix my irl and online persona and start talking about nutting to hentai

[7:09 PM] Daddy1: goth girls are overrated
[7:09 PM] violet city: stupid
[7:09 PM] bunny: ????????
[7:09 PM] bunny: idiot
[7:09 PM] violet city: UR overrated dad1
[7:09 PM] is mish mish: dad1 is insane
[7:09 PM] violet city: stfui
[7:09 PM] bunny: Fucking bumbling idiot
[7:09 PM] bunny: Motherfucking piece of shit
[7:09 PM] Daddy1: hehehe

[3:49 PM] Daddy1: ok fuck sorry i have a dilemma rn
[3:50 PM] Daddy1: so i got a high ranking position in this breast cancer society thing on campus cause i was there when it first got started and i thought it would be good experience for med school
[3:50 PM] Daddy1: turns out the president has changed this breast cancer society to just women's health in general
[3:50 PM] Daddy1: so now i have to be trained as a sexpert

[6:12 PM] Daddy1: Every time I see an Asian at the gym I make sure that my weights are bigger than his just to show him that I am the dominant Asian in this vicinity

[9:11 AM] Daddy1: I just got out of class and this girl asked where I was going so I said the library and she was like I’m going there too, we can walk together and I said nah I’m good

[8:15 PM] Daddy1: I turned on the dad1 sex appeal today for my hot supervisor and we’re going on a date soon hehehe

[11:21 PM]Daddy1:i fucking left my brand new expensive pencil at the place i tutor
[11:21 PM]Daddy1:this blows man i love that pencil
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:i just filled it with new lead too what the fuck
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:i'm unnecessarily upset about this right now holy shit what the fuck
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:got a sick ass grip built into the pencil too
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:brand new
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:now some fucker just got a new pencil that costed dad1 $4
[11:22 PM]Daddy1:hope ur happy whoever you are you fucker
[11:23 PM]Daddy1:there are only a handful of times where i wish i can go back in time and reverse my decision
[11:23 PM]Daddy1:going back and finding my pencil is definitely one of them
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:man fuck me my handwriting was so good with that pencil too
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:it was brand new
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:felt so good in my hands
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:the anne of pencils
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:and now it's gone
[11:30 PM]Daddy1:fucking shit man
[11:31 PM]Daddy1:fuck me nerofest ends tomorrow night but i haven't finished all the cqs either this is some bullshit
[11:31 PM]Daddy1:first i lose my pencil and now this
[11:31 PM]Daddy1:man if only i had my pencil
[11:33 PM]Daddy1:i better be blessed with a merlin tomorrow night for this
[11:33 PM]Daddy1:i would trade rolling for merlin for my FUCKING PENCIL RIGHT NOW
[11:33 PM]Daddy1:i'm so upset
[11:33 PM]Daddy1:i wish expensive pencils came with those find my iphone apps
[11:34 PM]Daddy1:so i can just play it and i can find its location
[11:34 PM]Daddy1:hunt down the person who took it

[4:42 PM]PikachuDaddy1:all the characters are ass and gameplay is ass lmao
[4:42 PM]SJW (skymin justice warrior):just
[4:42 PM]SJW (skymin justice warrior):uninstall it
[4:42 PM]PikachuDaddy1:i tried to do that and got withdrawal symptoms
[4:42 PM]Arctic:have you considered therapy dad1
[4:42 PM]PikachuDaddy1:but if i don't play for a day i'll miss my login streak...

[8:48 PM]PikachuDaddy1:There is no better word to convey what I am feeling whenever someone gets owned other than mish

[9:58 AM]is mish mish :ya I’m in a girl appreciating mood haven’t seen gf in like 4 days and about to in a few hours
[9:58 AM]Daddy1:wait HUH
[9:58 AM]Daddy1:GIRLFRIEND
[9:59 AM]Daddy1:is she indian

[9:28 AM]Daddy1:Man I’m tryna fucking study right now
[9:28 AM]Daddy1:There’s a ton of space in this area I’m in
[9:28 AM]Daddy1:And these loud ass duckers sit AT MY DESK
[9:28 AM]Daddy1:And start chatting with their NOT INSIDE VOICES
[9:29 AM]Daddy1:You fuckers the first thing you learn in elementary school is how to talk with your inside voices
[9:29 AM]Daddy1:And this is clearly not their inside voices
[9:29 AM]Daddy1:I would move but I was here first
[9:29 AM]Daddy1:No way I’m moving from my seat but those fuckers can eat a cock
[9:32 AM]Daddy1:Ok they left
[9:32 AM]Daddy1:They really fucking sat down and annoyed dad1 for 15 minutes and then left
[9:33 AM]Daddy1:I’m gonna hunt them down and accidentally spill my coffee on them

[2:31 AM]Daddy1:trees = paper
[2:31 AM]Daddy1:paper = jobs = a good life
[2:31 AM]Daddy1:treees = a good life
[2:31 AM]Daddy1:protect the environment kids

[9:46 AM]Daddy1:why the fuck are you being loud as fuck in the library
[9:47 AM]Daddy1:i'm rly about to use my enhanced physical abilities and punch these people

[11:17 AM] is mish mish: do yall have a professor feedback thing dad1
[11:17 AM] is mish mish: how can she keep getting away w this
[11:17 AM] is mish mish: lmao
[11:17 AM] Daddy1: yeah i roasted the fuck out of her
[11:17 AM] is mish mish: good
[11:17 AM] is mish mish: as one should
[11:18 AM] Daddy1: i even made sure that the first letters in each new line
[11:18 AM] Daddy1: spelled out FUCK YOU

[11:01 PM]Daddy1:happy new years from the great state of oklahoma
[11:03 PM]Daddy1:waiting two hours before liking any insta pics so people think im partying
[11:03 PM]is mish mish :.
[11:03 PM]is mish mish :do u actually do this
[11:05 PM]is mish mish :anthony......
[11:06 PM]Daddy1:u gotta do what u gotta do

[12:36 PM]Daddy1:I was like Nani
[12:38 PM]Daddy1:Why don’t you change your ass cause I’ll be beating it

[12:50 PM] Daddy1: I literally look like 8th grade dad1 rn
[12:54 PM] Daddy1: Holy shit I’m filled with so much RAGE right now
[12:55 PM] Daddy1: It’s just a haircut dad1
[10:26 AM] lord death man: i went to college which makes me an expert on all things adult

[7:11 PM] lord death man: i used to get nervous during matches
[7:11 PM] lord death man: but then i realized if you hold your breath for the whole match
[7:11 PM] lord death man: you can't think about that

[11:28 PM] MajorBowman: Filter evasion is a pretty hard and fast lock
[11:28 PM] lord death man: i didnt know words were filtered
[11:30 PM] lord death man: i just kind of assumed pokemon players were above that
[11:30 PM] MajorBowman: You are far too generous
[11:31 PM] MajorBowman: If you've ever seen someone say meanie or poopyhead you've seen the filter in action
[11:31 PM] lord death man: oh i just thought that was a meme i didnt get
[7:42 PM] arctic: I was working at the grocery store earlier
[7:43 PM] arctic: and someone in my line was wearing a shirt that said "Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?"
[7:43 PM] arctic: but I didn't see "be quiet"
[7:43 PM] arctic: until a little after the rest
[7:43 PM] arctic: and my mind automatically autocompleted to "say mish instead"

[2:43 PM] arctic: I'm not talking error like "a gene got messed up a little bit" I'm talking error like "a collection of cataclysmically bad events spontaneously culminated in the creation of this person"
[10:15 AM] MajorBowman: The opposing Metagross used Rock Slide!
[10:16 AM] MajorBowman: not to be dramatic but i hope ldm never wins another game

[10:25 AM] [epic gamers] MINT: gamer girls have to game
[10:25 AM] [epic gamers] MINT: like 18 hours a day on weekeends bro
[10:25 AM] [epic gamers] MINT: as do gamer boys like me..
[10:25 AM] [epic gamers] MINT: so I need to get back to gaming,
[10:26 AM] MajorBowman: i'm going to throw up

[7:25 PM] quiznos: what kind of fantasy land are we living in
[7:25 PM] MajorBowman: no this is not a "we"
[7:25 PM] MajorBowman: this is an "aray"

[8:04 PM] MajorBowman: i said this in a different server earlier but
[8:04 PM] MajorBowman: i'm really scared because mish is starting to come around on me
[8:04 PM] MajorBowman: and i don't like what that means
[8:04 PM] MajorBowman: please help
[8:05 PM] MajorBowman: i even said mished in dou earlier
[8:05 PM] MajorBowman: unironically

[3:29 PM] lord death man:
The opposing Chansey used Ally Switch!
The opposing Chansey and the opposing Dhelmise switched places!
The opposing Dhelmise used Ally Switch!
The opposing Dhelmise and the opposing Chansey switched places!
[3:29 PM] MajorBowman: self mished
[3:30 PM] MajorBowman: GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME

[11:18 AM]MajorBowman:GX's nicknames never fail to give me hemorrhoids

[4:24 PM]MajorBowman:i was grading a lab earlier
[4:24 PM]MajorBowman:and i wrote hemisphere
[4:24 PM]MajorBowman:as hemishphere
[4:24 PM]MajorBowman:i think i need to kill myself

[3:19 PM] tennisace: What if I want to feel like Hitmontop
[3:19 PM] tennisace: the real play is to use Rapid Spin.
[3:19 PM] MajorBowman: you strike me more as a hitmonbottom
[9:29 PM] n10siT: Just told my gf and her friends about pregnant latias
[9:29 PM] n10siT: They were not as amused as i am

[4:34 PM] n10siT: dad1 wanted to do best of 3 bc he thought it was best of 3 year olds

[7:51 AM] n10sit: i missed sacred fire 3 times in a row in the first duu game ive played in a month
[7:51 AM] n10sit: ps managed to worsen my depression in one game

[9:37 PM] n10siT: I literally hurt my back gaming today
[9:40 PM] n10siT: i got frustrated with runecape and arched my back/looked up at the ceiling quickly and pulled something
[9:40 PM] n10siT: im an embarrassment
[5:35 PM] kaori: Please post sudowoodo porn

[7:26 AM] [13G3ND4RY gamers] Watchog: Sam why are you crying btw
[7:27 AM] [13G3ND4RY gamers] Watchog: ;_;
[7:27 AM] (´°̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥`): existence

[5:40 PM] ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ: Leles bottom half looks like a fleshlight

[5:41 PM] ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ: Fini is wife material [5:41 PM] ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ: Lele is a slut [5:41 PM] ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ: One night stand only [5:42 PM] ʕ♡ᴥ♡ʔ: Koko attends white supremacist rallies

[6:49 PM] Level 51: @ Daddy1 wait til you learn arrayformulas lmao that shit is like a drug
[6:54 PM] kaori: just wait until you learn aray formulas
[6:54 PM] kaori: Like scrafty = broken

[7:41 AM] Charlotte~: literal spike for a heel, imagine the stepping
[7:45 AM] kaori: Omfl
[7:45 AM] kaori: Ive never wanted anything more...
[10:51 PM] talkingtree: jake and I do what we want that's what TL stands for right? Tyrant Leaders?
kerd kerd
[22:59:15] chemcoop: hey mishiimono is your gf's favorite pokemon rhydon
[22:59:46] chemcoop: because she likes to rhydon deez nuts
[22:59:50] chemcoop: xd

[22:02:29] +chemcoop: princess mishiimono mates with azumarills
[22:02:37] +chemcoop: because she prefers the thicc fat
[22:02:57] +chemcoop: dad bod azu = princess mishi's preference it seems
[22:03:19] %daawesomedude1 (: i wish princess mishiimono mated with me
[22:03:45] +chemcoop: princess mishiimono kills all those she mates with

[10:29:40] chemcoop: luckily, I, chemcoop, have 4000 iq and predicted this game immaculately

[6:41 PM] Bannie Sanders: every day is international men's day in this male dominated society you misogynistic pig
[5:10 PM] bunny✘: elliot rogers was fucking hot
[5:10 PM] bunny✘: he could be a god emperor of my asshole

[9:03 AM] bunny✘: i cant believe you did a photoshoot with your van @ Daddy1
[9:03 AM] bunny✘: i also can't believe you called it vanthony

[6:36 PM] Daddy1: man i think i'm anime girl poisoned
[6:36 PM] Daddy1: i looked through all of these and i thought man why are these in the nsfw chat
[6:37 PM] bunny: because people will complain when i post them in #anime-girls like
[6:37 PM] bunny: "Oh boy im at work and u can see a sideboob!!!! motherfucker post it in nsfw!!!!" and im like
[6:37 PM] bunny: why u opening anime girls chan in public motherfucker
[6:37 PM] bunny: but ok
[6:38 PM] Daddy1: sometimes the work gets too hard and you need to see anime girls to remind yourself why ur putting urself through this hell
[6:38 PM] bunny: bro u just sell sunglasses

[5:38 PM] bunny: mish mish is boomerposting
[5:38 PM] Daddy1: i can't even imagine typing mish mish anymore
[5:38 PM] bunny: mish is millennial post
[5:38 PM] bunny: nuag is zoomer
[6:24 PM] Charlotte~: if you're not playing waifu emblem, then I don't understand how you fe
[6:24 PM] chemcoop: waifus are what FEH is for
[6:24 PM] chemcoop: y/n
[6:24 PM] Charlotte~: if they cute, they get the exp. Otherwise bench
[4:10 AM] MrGX: Meow!!
[4:11 AM] MrGX: I'm going feral now
[4:11 AM] MrGX: everyone who gets near me gets scratched!

[9:15 AM] bobochan: GX
[9:15 AM] bobochan: come in call
[9:20 AM] MrGX: hides inside a blanket
[9:23 AM] MrGX: pokes my head out of the blanket
[9:23 AM] bobochan: GX
[9:23 AM] bobochan: come on in n say hi
[9:23 AM] MrGX: goes back in
[9:27 AM] MrGX: purrs loudly inside the blanket

[1:05 AM] Meultima: I'll bleed all over you until you drown then
[1:06 AM] MrGX: I'll do my secret strike at your solar plexus :3
[1:06 AM] MrGX: Followed by my super secret throat strike
[1:07 AM] MrGX: uses throat strike on meu
[1:08 AM] MrGX: vanishes silently like a ghost
[1:09 AM] MrGX: One of my super super secret technique, I call it: Silent Terror
[1:09 AM] MrGX: I can appear behind anyone unnoticed, and scare em!

[3:03 AM] MrGX: and I often grow some nails, you know, in case someone tries to mug be, so I can scratch them to death
[3:08 AM] MrGX: I once got into a tiny fight in school, vs the tallest guy in my classh
[3:08 AM] MrGX: I can't punch him, cus it could really hurt him lol
[3:08 AM] MrGX: so, I scratches him when he grabbed me
[3:14 AM] MrGX: I hate needles and injections
[3:14 AM] MrGX: havent let any needle pass through my body in the last 5 years
[3:17 AM] MrGX: whenever a doc says they need to test my blood, I say "you can have my blood, after you knock me unconcious"

[23:56:41] MisterGX: I call him bow bow
[23:56:51] #MajorBowman: you have never called me that
[23:56:59] MisterGX: not to your face obviously

[12:00 AM] Kudasai: Is it inappropriate to do kinky things to yourself while you read messages of your own between your ex?

[03:17:39] +Kudakek: Bless
[03:17:52] +Kudakek: I see greengoat
[03:18:02] +Kudakek: Sorry couldnt type properly cuz i was driving.
[03:18:06] +Kudakek: I see, greengoat.*

[10:29 AM] Not Kudasai: I have an inherent ability to attract girls but am extremely inadequate at taming them for long.
[10:29 AM] Not Kudasai: sighs softly

[10:05 PM] Kudasai: I cant remember who said it (wasnt me) but someone said pumpkaboo is lewder than jigglypuff because pumpkaboo sounds like pumpkaboobies

☆Kudakek: Nido rus lets fuck
☆Kudakek: Sadly ur not a girl

[3:10 AM] Kudasai: Cats dont have external genitilia
[3:10 AM] Kudasai: They keep it in a pocket
[3:10 AM] Kudasai: Then when they r horny and ready to fk,
[3:10 AM] Kudasai: It extends and goes out of the pocket. Also its spiky.
[3:10 AM] Kudasai: Thats why the female cat always moans out loud

[21:49:39] LT4A Kudasai: Battling stax in 10 minutes
[21:49:42] LT4A Kudasai: Im scared
[21:49:47] LT4A Kudasai: And a little horny
[21:49:52] LT4A Kudasai: Should i fap or no..

[8:27 AM] Kudasai: Do you remember the hot friendly girl that hitted on me some weeks ago
[8:27 AM] Kudasai: Well idk what i was thinking but i texted her that i fapped to her
[8:28 AM] Kudasai: And she isnt talking to me the same way anymore.
[8:26 PM] River: If you could have had any username
[8:27 PM] River: What would you have picked
[8:28 PM] Pwn: Furry God 666.

[11:55 PM] Level 51: how about the time i took to type out that lengthy pm to try to help you integrate into the community better
[11:55 PM] Pwn: That is true.
[11:55 PM] Level 51: and the time i spent trying to get other people to stop bullying you
[11:56 PM] Level 51: but nvm it's all wasted bc i'm "just like the rest of them"
[11:56 PM] Pwn: I didn’t realize you were a tourney bro.
[11:56 PM] Pwn: xD
[11:56 PM] Level 51: T O U R N E Y B R O
[11:56 PM] Level 51: bye

[6:24 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: @ Arctic my friend Pwnkthx cannot access this discord. can you please help
[6:25 PM] AuraRayquaza: i think he was banned
[6:26 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: can we please give him a second chance. I think he will be better from now on. I said to him "be nice"
[6:26 PM] Arctic: the number of people I've punished on Showdown after telling them to be nice is too high for me to count
[6:27 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: but this came from me. he will listen
[6:27 PM] Arctic: dude I don't think he has any respect for any individual besides himself
[6:28 PM] [Free Ho-Oh] n1n1: nah, he respects me and pichachuvincient

[09:44:57] Pwndkthnx: It's crazy. Every time somebody try to burn me, they burn themselves. xD

[8:32 PM] Pwn: I want an Asian boyfriend that looks 13.
[8:32 PM] Pwn: Perfect.
[8:32 PM] Pwn: But nah. I like 20 year olds, too. But 18 is preferred.
[8:33 PM] Pwn: Anyways, anybody play LC here?

[21:22:04] Pwndkthnx: My child is gonna be cool. OML.
[21:50:41] Emilia Percival: I've arrived friends. 1500
[21:50:51] Emilia Percival: All thanks to Leavanny
[21:54:07] +Ezrael: why are you using leavanny though
[21:54:31] Emilia Percival: I'm allowed. High skill cap. Plus it's a dope mon and I love her. Reason enough.
[21:55:08] +Ezrael: what's the high skill cap
[21:55:12] Emilia Percival: leavanny wrecks bulu also.
[21:55:27] Emilia Percival: Leavanny is.
[21:55:38] Emilia Percival: Dadada tch dadada. -puts on shades-

%Pigeons: you got m worded

[14:56:32] PikachuVincent: EMBC29
[14:56:36] PikachuVincent: today is the day
[14:57:27] PikachuVincent: That you teach me how to get a female Pokémon to love me and I see you have a shiny female Mega Gardevior as your girl next to you
[14:57:39] PikachuVincent: ok? EmbC29

[12:34 PM] Feesh Squad: lets get nuag banned now
[12:35 PM] Feesh Squad: the superior n-word

[2:37 PM] Hulavuta: pump me daddy
[2:48 PM] Moose And Goose: sorry hula, but "daddy" will only be able to "pump you" 60% of the time

[18:35:19] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): Are you transexual?
[18:35:22] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): :v
[18:35:25] Anime≧◡≦Trans: yes
[18:35:28] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): :3
[18:35:40] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): so, you are a girl or a boy?
[18:35:45] Anime≧◡≦Trans: girl
[18:35:56] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): you many years you have?
[18:36:05] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): *how
[18:36:10] Anime≧◡≦Trans: yes
[18:37:05] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): how old are you?
[18:37:16] Anime≧◡≦Trans: why does it matter
[18:38:10] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): cuz' i want your facebook profile to talk with u
[18:38:11] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): xD
[18:38:17] Anime≧◡≦Trans: no
[18:38:28] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): u.u
[18:39:37] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): im 15 years old
[18:39:45] soy flan (◕ヮ◕): im from mexico

[5:01 PM] I am Snoob.: that logic is so deaded
[5:01 PM] bunnygirl✘: its an increidble show
[5:01 PM] bunnygirl✘: deaded isnt even a word
[5:01 PM] I am Snoob.: neither is increidble
[5:01 PM] bunnygirl✘: its a typo u monkey
[5:01 PM] I am Snoob.: you*
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