Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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Idk if this set is common knowledge but today was the first time K ran into it on PO.
EV (this is a guess) Timid 252spAtk 252Speed
Shadow ball
I didn't see the last move but I'm guessing focus blast or pain split.

It basically worked like faster torment tran disableing the move that breaks it's sub. At the time my volcrona only had bug buzz and fireblast for attacking moves and since fire blast was disabled I couldn't break it. I'm not sure how effective this set would be overall but it seems like it has a niche.
SubDisable Gengar; not super creative, nor original, but it's not a bad set.
something ive been using a lot lately is this cradily.
storm drain 252hp 252def 4spA
giga drain
ancient power
hidden power (fire)
I'm not that great with ev spreads but that works and i use him in sandstorm but he functions well even without. I switch him in to the ever common water attacks getting a boost then i sub up(usually against some bulky water) then proceed to either giga drain the water(and heal) or if they switch get them with ancient power/hidden power. sometimes im lucky and get the +1 in every stat with it which is great. hidden power fire is for all the steel pokemon that love switching into him(scizor, ferrothorn, skarmory) sometimes they even leave their water pokemon in and use multiple water attacks getting me even more boosts. I actually sweep with him quite a lot.
Dunno if this Sigilyph set has been posted before

Gave me a run for my money

Sigilyph @ Flame Orb
252 Def/ 252 Spe (Dunno his exact spread, guessing)

Psycho Shift
Calm Mind
Stored Power

Caused alot of Mischief for my Physical attackers, my Cofagrigus walled it though
Dunno if this Sigilyph set has been posted before

Gave me a run for my money

Sigilyph @ Flame Orb
252 Def/ 252 Spe (Dunno his exact spread, guessing)

Psycho Shift
Calm Mind
Stored Power

Caused alot of Mischief for my Physical attackers, my Cofagrigus walled it though

Definitely an old set, and pretty much one of the few sets people tend to run on Sigilyph. But still fun.
SubDisable Gengar; not super creative, nor original, but it's not a bad set.
It also was posted on this thread before :/
something ive been using a lot lately is this cradily.
storm drain 252hp 252def 4spA
giga drain
ancient power
hidden power (fire)
I'm not that great with ev spreads but that works and i use him in sandstorm but he functions well even without. I switch him in to the ever common water attacks getting a boost then i sub up(usually against some bulky water) then proceed to either giga drain the water(and heal) or if they switch get them with ancient power/hidden power. sometimes im lucky and get the +1 in every stat with it which is great. hidden power fire is for all the steel pokemon that love switching into him(scizor, ferrothorn, skarmory) sometimes they even leave their water pokemon in and use multiple water attacks getting me even more boosts. I actually sweep with him quite a lot.
This is an interesting idea, but it doesn't look like Cradily is going to be hitting that hard considering you're investing nothing into Special Attack and have no reliable way of boosting it other than Storm Drain. I'd be surprised if this thing sweeps at all.
Still, Storm Drain Cradily could be an interesting thing to abuse.
Sun Team Victreebel?

Victreebel @ Cheri Berry/Watmel
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk/ 252 Spe

Sleep Powder/Encore
Swords Dance
Natural Gift
Power Whip
Sun Team Victreebel?

Victreebel @ Cheri Berry/Watmel
Ability: Chlorophyll
Nature: Adamant
252 Atk/ 252 Spe

Sleep Powder/Encore
Swords Dance
Natural Gift
Power Whip

Was going to say that there's probably a better grass type that can run this build... but the only thing close to it is Levanny (who doesn't get Power Whip!).

I could see this working if you've got the sun out, though the fact you're relying on two moves for coverage (one that only has one use) means you won't see much use for Victreebel even if you get lucky and can set up.

I feel like Exegguctor could run this kind of thing better, with Harvest or Chlorophyll. Though his typing is pretty much worse than Victreebel's (and he doesn't get Swords Dance).
Victreebel should run Growth so it can take advantage of 100 BP Fire-type Weather Ball.
This doesn't honestly seem any better than Special Victreebel -- more than one Steel type on the enemy team and your sweep is stopped, and it can't touch Fire-types at all.
Vic's base 70 spe really hurts its viability in terms of competing with venusaur, who its very similar to. Its major niche is hitting harder with stronger bp moves and stats, but it gets outsped by a ton of scarfers unless it sacs power to go for a +spe nature. And if you want sucker punch shiftry is a better choice.

Imo one of its main niches is weather ball, giving it a better fire move as well as freeing it up to use a different hidden power, so I'd be sure to use that if I ran him.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Thunder
- Water Pulse
- Iron Head

Yeah, this is a real asshole. It’s meant to be used in the rain. With confusion, paralysis and flinch, your opponent will only have a 15% chance of attacking. Rain gives Jirachi STAB on Water Pulse meaning Gliscor can’t wall you. Heatran won’t like getting paralyzed from Thunder either. Substitute for overkill.

I must say that I absolutely adore this set. However, Body Slam should definitely be slashed in. Also, I don't agree with the Nature and a bit with the EVs. The thing is that you have 2 Special Attack moves, but you run a Nature that is negative to Special Attack. Now, granted, you wont be using those moves as much as Iron Head, but you can use a Nature that increases Attack and lowers Special Defense, since the only Special Attack move that hits you super effectively is Fire and that is negated in Rain. Just a thought is all.
Aside from that, how about tentacruel's storm drain + aqua ring abuse?

You mean Rain Dish?
Yeah, that's pretty effective, although I doubt Aqua Ring is worth a moveset though.
Tentacruel with Rain Dish actually does pretty good in Ubers, where Toxic stalling is effective. Coupled with Kyogre obviously.
Porygon2 @Red Card
252 HP / (whatever you want it to resist) @defensive boosting nature
Download / Analytic

Recover / Substitute
Tri-Attack / Thunderbolt
Ice Beam / PsyShock / Psychic

With a recyclable red card, you can take advantage of the entry hazards you've placed, recover/substitute more safely, and prevent set-up switch-ins.

It sucks you can't use eviolite, but the ability to deal whittle down opposing teams with SR/spikes and attack at the same time? I haven't tried it yet but it seems good.

I could possibly see this as useful on a Snorlax as well, though less so.

Anyone have any good ideas for recycle? None of the new items seem worth using it.
Rain Dish, btw. :)

I suppose you could run...

Calm @ Black Sludge / Leftovers (Black Sludge to screw Trick users)
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
~Aqua Ring
~Ice Beam
~Barrier / Surf / Rapid Spin

Thanks for correcting that! Although common sense would tell me to swap ice beam and surf, that was what I was going for. although something I should mention about BS is that it can be used when leftovers is used for something else when battling in-game. you still get recovery while not breaking the item clause.
Also, if you have hazards up, acid spray might be worth a consideration, as it can force switches pretty decently.
Porygon2 @Red Card
252 HP / (whatever you want it to resist) @defensive boosting nature
Download / Analytic

Recover / Substitute
Tri-Attack / Thunderbolt
Ice Beam / PsyShock / Psychic

With a recyclable red card, you can take advantage of the entry hazards you've placed, recover/substitute more safely, and prevent set-up switch-ins.

It sucks you can't use eviolite, but the ability to deal whittle down opposing teams with SR/spikes and attack at the same time? I haven't tried it yet but it seems good.

I could possibly see this as useful on a Snorlax as well, though less so.

Anyone have any good ideas for recycle? None of the new items seem worth using it.
actually, if you have 4th gen, some pokemon like clefable and bronzor work well too with this strategy. Clefable might give up unaware, but magic guard still isn't half bad, and gets somewhat decent healing options.
(a little off topic, but I misspelled "strategy" and "stratagem" actually came up as an option. XD)
I like the Recycle+Red Card idea, I've been trying to figure something out to do with red card for a while.

Ive got a couple sets I've been doing well with.

Alpha&Omega Dragonite
Dragonite @ Leftovers
Ability: Multi Scale
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
~ Roost
~ Thunderwave
~ Extremespeed
~ Dragon Tail

The whole point is to control the timing of the matchup. T-wave on an attack you will survive (pretty much everything at full health) Roost back the damage and wait for parahax to switch out or dragon tail to gain momentum. Extremespeed+Dragon Tail make really good use of roost/thunderwave. Extremespeed makes this bulky d-nite and unlikely revenger that needs absolutely 0 speed investment. The reason I think Extremespeed is necessary even with T-wave is because Dragonite rarely comes in on someone that is already paralyzed. With rocks potentially negating your free turn, D-Nite can still revenge sweepers that would otherwise 1 shot him after rocks. And even if you are at full health, maintaining full health after a revenge is really important. Dragon tail is mainly for phazing and taking control away from your opponent.

This set doesn't like steals, but doesn't mind them either as dragontail puts a small dent in them and forces the switch. Like all Multi Scale Dragonites, this one HATES burn and poison, so avoid them like the plague. The other thing you need to watch out for is substitute/set up sweepers because sub negates t-wave AND dragontail. You can lose momentum VERY quickly if you aren't paying attention.

I have had a ton of success with this set, If you are paying attention and avoid the things i mentioned above, you will find this particular dragon a huge asset to any team.

Acid Spray Tentacruel
Tentacruel @ Black Sludge/Leftovers
Ability: Rain Dish/Clear Body
Nature: Modest
EVs: 204 HP / 52 Sp.Atk / 252 spe

~ Acid Spray
~ Hydro Pump/Surf/Scald
~ Sludge Wave/Ice Beam/Giga Drain
~ Confuse Ray/Toxic Spikes

I definitely need help on the EVs/Nature, I want some survivability and 204 in HP gives an exact multiple of 16 in health to maximize black sludge/lefties recovery. Speed is important but some sp.atk investment is definitely needed because this is an attacking set.

Tentacruel is the only real viable user of Acid Spray IMO, mainly because of his ability to live long enough to use it and his propensity to draw out CMers. Tenta is Suicune and Celebii bait, who love to CM up. Most don't even notice the first Acid spray or don't realize how much more damage they will take when you switch to Sludge Wave.

Hydro Pump/Sludge Wave has the highest damage potential with actually pretty decent coverage considering Acid Spray makes otherwise resited attacks still viable. Confuse Ray is great for causing/punishing switches or covering your Acid Spray. Ice Beam, Giga Drain (only with Clear Body), and Toxic Spikes are all situation based and should be picked to match your teams needs.
I've used the tentacruel set before with a different EV spread. For the record, giga drain is LEGAL with acid spray. I acquired a giga drain rain dish tentacool from the shining ocean a few days ago and even posted a picture in the dreamworld thread.
By the way, Attract + Rivalry would only work on a stupid opponent. Anyone who is remotely smart would implement female Pokémon on their team to render Attract useless
By the way, Attract + Rivalry would only work on a stupid opponent. Anyone who is remotely smart would implement female Pokémon on their team to render Attract useless
However, then you get the Rivalry boost :/
I'm not a big fan of Attract in any case, but Haxorus doesn't really have much of a 4-moveslot syndrome considering its lack of viable moves, and this is a somewhat-less-gimmicky set that I still wouldn't run.
Here's a crazy one:

Conkeldurr @ Life Orb
176 Atk/192 HP/84 SpAtk/56 SpDef
Brave / Sheer Force

Work Up
Drain Punch/Focus Blast
HP Ice
Payback/Mach Punch

This set exists for one reason only: Luring and eliminating Gliscor. It's highly specialized, but considering how dumb Gliscor's walling potential is in the metagame right now, it is a threat worth specializing to remove.

Drain Punch is standard and gives nice HP Recovery, though Focus Blast has the crazy ability of 1hko'ing 252 HP/64 SpDef Ferrothorn at +1 and easily 2hko'ing Skarm, with Sheer Force removing its LO recoil as an added bonus. +1 HP Ice 1hko'es max HP Gliscor and can also actually 1hko Chomp after 1 layer of Spikes, paving the way for another offensive fighting-type to sweep through their team (I'm looking at you, Scarf Heracross and Unburden Hitmonlee!). Payback lets you still hit ghosts, and Mach Punch lets you get priority hits in on things like Hydregion. Running Guts with Drain Punch/Payback is better and running Sheer Force is better with Focus Blast/Mach Punch.
We need Pinch berries :c

Crustle @ Salac Berry
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Sturdy
252 Atk/ 252 Spe

Shell Smash
Rock Wrecker

Easy to figure out what this set does.

Crustle is slow, and His Typing has many weaknesses. He's pretty much always hitting last starting out so lets use that fact to his advantage.

With nothing invested into his defenses, many pokes should put you in pinch range.

Shell Smash + Salac offer a 75% Speed boost allowing crustle to out run many things without scarf.

X-Scissor is your stab. Earthquake is for type coverage, and Rock Wrecker is for those moments where you want shit dead, and im sure that what you want dead, will die, without shell smash boost, unless it has sturdy, like Carracosta.

This set checks many things, including Tyranitar. Its obvious counters are those with priority
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