Creative (and good) Movesets (READ THE OP FIRST)

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Dont know if this has been mentioned but it helps against 4 hp variants of sand rush excadrill/swift swimmers/chlorophyl users:

252hp/252 speed@choice Scarf
Final Gambit
QUick Attack

This accelgor outspeeds the threats mentioned and kills them if there hp is 367 or less. I know victini does better with 404 hp, but Accelgor outruns alot more and can be a check against speed weather abusers.
Dont know if this has been mentioned but it helps against 4 hp variants of sand rush excadrill/swift swimmers/chlorophyl users:

252hp/252 speed@choice Scarf
Final Gambit
QUick Attack

This accelgor outspeeds the threats mentioned and kills them if there hp is 367 or less. I know victini does better with 404 hp, but Accelgor outruns alot more and can be a check against speed weather abusers.

Why do you have Quick Attack when you have ~630 Speed?
Ursaring @ Flame Orb
252 Attack/252 HP/4 Defense
0 Speed IV
Brave Nature
~Swords Dance
~Thrash/Double Edge/Return
~Hammer Arm
~Shadow Claw

This set is to be used in Trick Room ONLY. After it's set up, come in and use Hammer Arm for a speed "boost" or Swords Dance to make your attack skyrocket. a 130 Base Attack, plus a Guts boost, plus a swords dance leaves you at 1371 Attack. If on the first turn, you use Hammer Arm instead of SD, you have an Attack stat of 686 and a speed advantage.

Your STAB is your move of choice. Thrash is immensely powerful after the boost in Gen 5 and is the recommended move, despite its confusion. When you finish using it, (2 or 3 turns later), Trick Room will be almost over. At that time, switch out, and set it up with another mon. So, since you will probably be switching out after a few turns anyway, Thrash is recommended. However, Double Edge is there for no confusion, but the recoil (plus burn damage) will cause Ursaring to die very quickly. Return is there for less power, but no drawbacks.

Hammer Arm gives a speed "boost" in Trick Room, and covers Steel-types that resist your STAB. Finally, Shadow Claw hits Ghosts that are immune to both of your other moves.
DraggonKnight: you should be using none of those stab moves for ursaring as facade is going to be more powerful thean all after burn/poison
This lead Accelgor set is fantastic in UU, and can come in later in the match if need be. It can also be used in OU, but you'd only really want to if you were using Swift Swimmers. The below all refers to the UU metagame.

Accelgor @ Damp Rock
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 Spe
Jolly / Timid Nature
- Rain Dance
- Rest
- Final Gambit
- U-Turn / Spikes

It's fast enough to outspeed Alakazam and Weavile (has no business going against Crobat and Aerodactyl anyways) yet has enough defensive bulk to not require a sash. It's 60% more physically bulky than the default set, and that means that it can stall out stuff like LO Arcanine if it gets a Rain Dance up. And that's pretty impressive. Rest gives you instant recovery although it requires good timing if you're close to the end of Rain. Final Gambit lets you (probably) take out an opponent and helps to conserve precious rain turns by giving you an instant way out. U-Turn lets you get to safety without having to kill yourself, whilst Spikes lets you do something whilst it's raining and you don't need to heal.

Bug Buzz can be used in the 3rd or 4th slot if you want to deal some decent damage.
Accelgor doesn't need more speed imo, it dies to Crobat and Aero regardless of what it does, and Scarfers are easy to deal with using the rest of your team. The extra bulk in general is much more handy since you can use Damp Rock instead of Focus Sash for an extra three turns of rain.
Dragonknight, try using Facade. Ursaring's my favorite pokemon, so I particularly know about it. Facade wrecks shit, and Shadow Claw can be replaced with Crunch. Also, Close Combat offers more power, but it doesn't give you that speed "boost". You might want Protect over Swords Dance for more reliability, because the +2 boost can be overkill.
+Speed Accelgor has 359 speed without investment. With 56 EVs he reaches 373 speed, enough to outspeed +speed 120's. The only mons that outspeed him are Swellow, Crobat and Aerodactyl, which can all OHKO him regardless of his bulk and aren't very good match ups in the first place, for a supporter that plans to set up rain and come back later for a Final Gambit. I suppose missing out on Jolteon is annoying, but it's not like he's that common anyways. Electrode is LU I'm sure, and Ninjask outspeeds Accelgor no matter what so there's not much I can do about him.

Thanks Virizion, I thought I forgot someone. :P
+Speed Accelgor has 359 speed without investment. With 56 EVs he reaches 373 speed, enough to outspeed +speed 120's. The only mons that outspeed him are Swellow, Crobat and Aerodactyl, which can all OHKO him regardless of his bulk and aren't very good match ups in the first place, for a supporter that plans to set up rain and come back later for a Final Gambit.

Jolteon, Ninjask and Electrode can outspeed also.

@ Min Min
I didn't say Deoxys-S because he'll never be in UU.

Also, I have a Latios with that exact same set on my Platinum, but with Recover over Draco Meteor. It works well on PBR.
and Deoxys -S.

Another set:
Latios @Life Orb
252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spe
Hasty nature
~Dragon Dance
~Draco Meteor

Works like a Mixmence with cool factor. Adamant or Hasty should both work fine.
I've seen DD Latios a lot recently, I don't know why though.
Anyway, you could use HP Fire in the 4th slot to deal with Scizor who can take a +1 Earthquake.
Why can't you just use MixMence then?
252 Adamant +1 Atk Life Orb Latios Earthquake vs 252 HP/0 Def Tyranitar: 82.67% - 97.52%
Which OHKOes 66.66% of the time with Stealth Rock.

So this is actually a pretty great Tyranitar lure.
I suppose if you really need to get rid of TTar...

Otherwise I'd go for Hydreigon and Surf + Focus Blast the darn thing.
Plus Hydreigon can Fire Blast Ferrothorn into oblivion.
New idea! Instead of running a conventional Trick Room Reuniclus, why not go a step further to outspeed the competition?

@ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Recover / Shadow Ball

With minimal speed investment, the abysmally slow Reuniclus is able to outspeed even Scarf Heatran after it hits it with Thunder Wave, a move that I wasn't even aware Reuniclus could learn. An advantage over Trick Room is that the paralysis it provides is much more permenant than the effects of Trick Room, and doesn't necessitate the use of other slow attackers to be effective. Whilst the opponent can get a hit in before you paralyse them, and whilst Ground types are immune to Thunder Wave, Reuniclus has enough bulk to take a strong neutral hit and I can't think of a single Ground type that likes taking one of Reuniclus' attacks.
New idea! Instead of running a conventional Trick Room Reuniclus, why not go a step further to outspeed the competition?

@ Life Orb / Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 220 HP / 252 SpA / 36 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- Recover / Shadow Ball

With minimal speed investment, the abysmally slow Reuniclus is able to outspeed even Scarf Heatran after it hits it with Thunder Wave, a move that I wasn't even aware Reuniclus could learn. An advantage over Trick Room is that the paralysis it provides is much more permenant than the effects of Trick Room, and doesn't necessitate the use of other slow attackers to be effective. Whilst the opponent can get a hit in before you paralyse them, and whilst Ground types are immune to Thunder Wave, Reuniclus has enough bulk to take a strong neutral hit and I can't think of a single Ground type that likes taking one of Reuniclus' attacks.
Love the idea - I want to try that. Also, it seems to me that, as Reuniclus isn't going to be sweeping even with Thunder Wave, you should make this a full-out lure set. Since the two most common switchins to Reuniclus are TTar and Scizor, and you already have TTar covered with Focus Blast, why not switch out Recover/Shadow Ball and run HP Fire? It's not as if you care that much about the speed drop. :P
On the subject of Reuniclus, I tried the ridiculous combo of Calm Mind AND Trick Room, with Psyshock and Focus Blast making up offense. The result was actually pretty nice, killing quite a lot of things and then getting countered by a few select pokemon, but being able to hit both sides of the defensive spectrum and fooling your opponent into being just one of the two possible varients was quite nice. Psyshock lacks the power of OHKO that Psychic did, but with a Calm Mind, it hurt quite a lot of things.
Ive been running this Cofagrigus set and love it to death

Cofagrigus @ Left Overs
Nature: Calm/Careful (I use Careful :V)
Ability: Mummy
252 HP/ 252 SpD/ 6 Def

Power Split
Shadow Ball

You wont believe how Crippling this set is. and the Utility behind Embargo... Omg. It allowed me to murder a hell of a lot of scarfers, and Sash users.

I pair it with weavile.

Tanks BP and Cripples Scizor by killing Technician, forcing a switch or getting burned and becoming useless , and of course Burned Conkeldurr without guts is fodder :D
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