CAP 35 - Art Submissions

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CAP 35 Kitty v2.png

The cat is (not) dead!
CAP 35 Kitty v2 HD.png
Final Submission


It's a scientifically en-light-ened sheep!

(I'm still making some small tweaks to the design, but this design should be 95% finalized by now!)

Supporting Material

Primary inspirations:
  • woolly animals (sheep and alpacas)
  • fluorescent light bulbs
  • science tropes:
Connections between these inspirations:
  • woolly animals + science:
    • white hair/fur + white coat
    • animals as test subjects (Dolly the sheep comes to mind)
  • woolly animals + light bulbs: spiral shapes (e.g. fluorescent bulb shell, incandescent bulb wire)
  • fluorescent light bulbs + science: "Eureka!"/"lightbulb = flash of inspiration"

  • Electric typing: The Electric type in Pokemon is often associated with light (e.g. Ampharos, Regieleki, Xurkitree). This design integrates light into the concept through horns resembling fluorescent light bulbs.
  • Normal typing: A significant portion of Normal-types are ordinary mammals. Being based on domesticated animals like sheep and alpacas, this design more than fits this theme.
  • Electromorphosis ability: By name, Electromorphosis suggests the conversion of other forms of energy into electricity. This design follows this ability through two principles:
    • Fluorescence is the phenomenon in which radiation hitting an object causes that object to glow. Likewise, this design incorporates fluorescent bulbs into its design, suggesting similar behavior.
    • More literally, the conversion of kinetic energy into light is a well-known method of producing light (e.g. mechnically-powered flashlights). This is another way this design can fulfill Electromorphosis flavor. You might've tried this out in your science classes, too!
  • Defining moves:
    • Required moves: All of the required moves are fairly generic.
    • Glare: See the terrible supporting sketch below. More realistically, you could interpret "Glare" as the literal glare it gives off its horns.
    • Ice Beam: The llama and vicuña, close relatives of alpacas, live high up in the Andes mountains where it often snows perpetually. With that thick woolly coat, you can imagine this design having no problems working in Ice-type conditions.
    • Super Fang: Fun fact! You know how a lot of Pokemon that get Super Fang are based on animals with prominent front teeth (e.g. rats, squirrels, rabbits)? Inside their cute cleft mouth, alpacas have quite the set of chompers.
  • Stat spread (136 HP / 73 Atk / 81 Def / 90 SpA / 98 SpD / 56 Spe): This design is a visual match against Pokemon associated with specific stat distributions. In detail:
    • CAP 35 has high HP (136 HP) and somewhat slow speed (56 Speed). To see how this value matches this design, compare the design to those of Pokemon like Gogoat (123 HP, 68 Spe), Aurorus (123 HP, 58 Spe), or Lanturn (125 HP, 67 Spe).
    • CAP 35 is defensive-oriented and somewhat slow. Soft, fluffy Pokemon fit the bill perfectly (see Altaria, Dubwool, or Eldegoss). Furfrou also counts, though it's somewhat fast instead.
    • CAP 35 has a slight skew towards special defense. You can see how this design matches this skew by comparing it to other designs associated with intelligence (see Orbeetle, Oranguru, or Slowking.)
    • CAP 35 has a skew towards special attack. Light-themed Pokemon are often special attackers (see Ampharos, Lanturn, or Xurkitree). Likewise, Pokemon associated with intelligence are special attackers (see Alakazam, Oranguru).

(From the CAP art guide:)
  • I know the identity of my design. In a few words, my design is a science sheep.
  • My design matches each requirement for CAP 35. Justification: See above section.
  • My design has a "wow factor". What makes my unique among conceptually-similar designs is its fluorescent light horns.
  • I can identify my design's color distribution and scheme.
    • Color distribution: tmp1.png
    • Color scheme: if we include the horn gradient, analogous
Visual tests:

My design looks distinctive as a silhouette​
My design looks crisp in grayscale
My design looks convincing on the boxart of a Pokemon game (template by Unsee)​
My design fits in well with previous winning CAP entries​

  • Head:
    • Face:
      • Eyes: Shaped like rectangular sheep eyes
      • Eyes: Shaped like glasses
      • Nose: Complements geometric shape of eyes
      • Mouth: Designed to be cute
    • Head fluff:
      • Size, spikiness, and swoosh contrast soft shapes used in rest of design
      • Resembles messy hair associated with scientists (e.g. Albert Einstein, Doc Brown)
    • Horns:
  • Body:
    • Bowties:
      • A staple of fun science guys
      • Looks cute
      • Serendipitously, blue ribbons are used to mark award-winning livestock
    • Fur "seams": Resembles Howie-style lab coats
    • Neck fluff: Resembles high-collared coats
    • Front legs: Has fur resembling lab coat sleeves
    • Back legs: Has fur resembling lab coat pockets
    • Hooves: Resembles electrical prongs
  • Shape language:
    • Body uses neutral shapes + soft/fluffy shading
    • Head accents the body using an outcrop of spiky shapes
    • Details converge towards the head -> horns
  • Coloring/lighting/shading:
    • Gradient on horns reflects the visible light spectrum
    • Gradient on horns helps break up busy shape
    • Color distribution on body is restrained to draw attention towards head
    • Luminous lighting reflects lighting effects of horns (e.g. Lanturn, Xurkitree)
    • Soft shading reflects woolly body (e.g. Altaria, Dubwool, Eldegoss)

Previous color distribution​

Thanks to Bloopyghost, Explosion Badger, Felis Licht, Golurk, and Mos-Quitoxe for feedback!
Full-resolution image​
Bowtie buddies​
A terrible realization lol​
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Final Submission

porcupine-bear mon inspired by fiber optics and ethernet cables!

Supporting Material

Full-res (2200x1600) artwork​
Glowing stripes​

  • Normal/Electric typing: At its foundation this mon is based on a regular porcupine with bear-y elements, with the proportions and fur colorings heavily reflecting that, fitting squarely in Normal type territory. The glowing optic fibers are easily recognizable as being Electric elements, and acting as its quills meshes the two types together neatly.
  • Electromorphosis ability: The quills on this design are the clear vector for electricity output. As a porcupine's main defensive feature, the quills act both as a means of sponging incoming attacks, charging up its power and circulating it within its body, and then channeling the stored energy through those same quills to discharge it.
  • Statline: The large, thick frame lends well to a very bulky spread, particularly in HP. The proportions do not evoke the idea of a very fast creature, though still relatively mobile, which is befitting of a fairly low Speed stat. Physical features such as the claws or thick tail w/ tassel-like quills allow for some level of physical offense but not as a priority (73 ATK), with the quill electricity being a greater focal point (90 SPA).
  • The quills are similar to optic fibers, though here with the end exaggerated.
  • The quills are glowing at most times, but become brighter when attacking or becoming charged.
  • The stripes on the tail and body are reminiscent of those found on the ends of ethernet cables.
  • When absorbing an impact through the quills or discharging electricity, the stripes between and around the base of the quills light up.
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Made a good deal of changes, I am doubling down on Space Chimp, they are no longer toy (sad). This isn't quite where I want them yet but I'm getting close so I figured I should post this before I get a bit more feedback and start hunkering down. I'm frankly not super confident in myself, but hopefully this will end up being smth.
One of the first pieces of feedback I got was from nbstellarbh who suggested changing out the bright blue and boy am I glad I did that cause it encouraged me to reference plasma globes further and I ended up with a magenta + lavender combo that I rlly liked.

The previous claws were merely there to justify Super Fang but with Quany's and ausma's advice I removed them in favor of regular ol' monkey mitts and decided to make the tail much more interesting.

Pip gave some great advice on making the body look less mechanical so I have ensmoothened them, removing the segments and lines that would imply individual parts. It's now more of a spandex + rubber suit. To replace the lines I went with a Flash Gordon type of lightning bolt pattern, a bit obvious but very thematically appropriate. Went with this V-style look with the advice of HealthGage but I'm still considering different but similar avenues.

I also did a round of feedback with Ama and Sun where I tried out different symbols on the chest, like lightning bolts and stars, but ultimately I liked the heart. It may be on the nose but I like that it repeats the shape of the teeth.

Finally the overall color palette. The previous iteration here was quite frankly an eye-burning mess and it's taken me a few tries to get here. As much as I liked bright saturated colors when they're not ugly, Sun suggested going with less intense colors to make it feel more like a believable mon. I haven't gotten any feedback on this yet however so I'm curious to see how this is received. Also the people have spoken in the red vs. green debate (thank ya to everyone who voted in that poll).
Special thanks to Amamama, ausma, FaelisongTalim, HealthGage, Mintly, nbstellarbh, Pipotchi, Quanyails, and Sunfished for this round of feedback <3

Mod edit: Changed oversized image to link
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Final Submission

CAP 35 FD Small.png
Sound Off!
It's a "Wall of Sound" Ceratopsian! With its nose horn microphone, headphone horns and speaker frill, this Dino DJ brings the party wherever it goes!

Supporting Material

Design Notes
Central Idea
The premise of this design was the saying "A wall of sound", an idea graciously given to me by IronTemplar on Discord.
Ceratopsian Dinosaurs
  • Ceratopsian Dinosaurs like Triceratops and Styracosaurus were the animal inspiration for this design. Namely, this design takes inspiration from Chasmosaurus and Pentaceratops, Ceratopsians with more rectangular frills compared to the rest.
  • The placement for the speakers on the crest is a reference to the holes found in many Ceratopsian skulls, as well as being eyespots. The concave shape of the speakers means that the face on the frill looks like its always looking at you, perfect for dissuading predators from attacking it.
  • The antennae on its hind quarters is a reference to how many early Ceratopsians, such as Psittacosaurus, had quills on their backs and tails.
DJ's/Musical Equipment
  • The shape of the speakers and frill is meant to resemble boomboxes or bookshelf speakers, with the patterns underneath resembling dials that one might find on these devices.
  • The nose horn is based on a microphone.
  • The ear horns are based on headphones, with their placement on the sides of the head and the band connecting them. Additionally, the energy at the tips of the horns and antennae is meant to resemble sound waves.
  • The face on the frill is a reference to the masks and mascots that many DJ's will use to hide their face and promote their brand (think Deadmau5).
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Final Submission
CAP 35 1 but resized for smogon 1984 rules.png
We've gone Full Circle!
Going back in time for a Stem-Mammal inspired design: Lightbulb Bulbasaurus! Not Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaurus, an extinct dicynodont who's name is coincidentally aligned with the starter. Here, we're interpreting their namesake bulbs as lightning bulbs, with added lightning within for a touch of cool factor.

Supporting Material
CAP 35 1.png
Full-Resolution Image

Special thanks to all the fellow artists that helped me through every step of the design process!
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Been working on this design for a few weeks over on Discord but this is my first art post on the forum proper. Still a few little tweaks I want to make on top of a proper rendering but I think is mostly done. Posting here so I have something to show as we race to the finish line.
The main design inspiration started back when it looked like another typing may win and it's morphed to fit as more details were settled. It's an alpaca/llama electrician. It's thick wool helps to insulate it from electricity. Hopefully the wool shapes evoke a hoodie and hard hat without looking too much like clothes on their own. The blue lines should also resemble reflective safety vests; I imagine the blue glowing when it attacks.
Final Submission



Supporting Material

Ring-tailed lemur- Plain-looking animal (prosimian to be exact) with a very unique and recognizable tail that had loads of potential for a distinct Pokemon design.​
Compact fluorescent light bulb- Lemur tail is a pair of tails that conjoin at the top to form the appearance of a CFL lightbulb, it's the main source of this design's power and where Electromorphosis comes into play the most (hit it, charges up the energy in its tail). When attacking the tail releases electricity and shines a blinding light.​
Striations- Fluorescent lamps and light bulbs can sometimes produce a phenomenon where strands of light/dark bands flow through the lamp. They're called striations and they serve as the "rings" of this ring-tailed lemur. Animations would have these striations slowly moving through the tail.​
Full resolution
w/ transparent background​
Supporting art​
Design progression
(October 14 - October 31 2024)​

Each process feels different from the last, but I think this is the most difficult one for me yet. The expectations I set for myself were sky high, as CAP 34 still loomed over my head. I felt like I wanted to make "another Chuggalong" but in reality Chuggalong is a one of one and it's hard to capture that same lightning in a bottle especially with a Normal type design. Coming up with an idea was tumultuous to say the least, but once I settled on a ring-tailed lemur things slowly fell into place. Even then, designing a primate is hard (hands and feet are still the bane of my existence ;-;) so I'm glad it all came together really well by the end! Of course I have many MANY people to thank for the end product, I'm always so grateful to be surrounded by so many talented artists and people and it's an honor to be a part of such a massive undertaking.

Explosion Badger
Thing Maker
SwiftlyNerd <3
Man o' war and clock designs, may you rest in peace for now maybe I'll use one of you again someday o7

Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau 13 :heart: 21 forever

Time to make a run at the impossible, let's make lightning strike twice. :]
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Final Submission

A ping-pong tree sponge mon with a spark-like head that uses light orbs for electric attacks
So I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to submit out of the 3 ideas I had (hamster ball, this dude, and radiated tortoise), struggling to decide what'd fit the best or what to fix to make it 'pop' out. In the end, I felt like this one sparks joy the most to me :boi:

My design is based on the ping-pong tree sponge, a weird kind of carnivorous sponge that looks exactly as it's named. It uses its inflatable orbs to catch and eat prey, with the orbs forming around prey similar to an amoeba once it latches onto them.

Its inspiration looked similar to a spark, so I worked from there. Original sketches were very simple, just a spark with long, thunderbolt shaped legs and kinda bunny-like ears, but after a kind suggestion from someone on Discord, I moved it away from its "Oddish look" to make it more beastly. I looked to Cradily for inspiration on the body so it'd look more fully evolved and slow (if stats go in that direction.) Instead of Cradily's nubs, I opted for slightly more detailed limbs. I was gonna give the "ears" orbs as well, but I felt it'd be too complicated and left them be; as much as I wanted to get rid of them and replace them with something else, I came to like how unique it makes it look (plus I felt making another set of single orbs as ears/horns would look really plain...)

Also struggled with the face a bit, bouncing from Chinchou-like eyes, simplistic ones, and Ditto eyes all with a smile (and sometimes a single tooth!) before I decided to remove the mouth entirely and make the entire face friendlier and simple.

Doing the orbs was the best part of this design and surprisingly easy to color+detail :bloblul:

Supporting Material
Doodles featuring the side and back views where a hidden spike orb is, it using an electric attack by inflating the orbs (which also protects it from other attacks hitting it), and its prey Joltik, using electricity to attract them to it and they get stuck on the orbs and eaten lol sorry to any Joltik fans out there
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Final Submission

A roomba hermit crab that eats all trash it sees to charge up it's electric attacks
CAP 35.png

For my first time ever taking part in the cap contest I tried thinking of ideas that stood out. I ended up blanking after an hour of mindless searching until I went back to the living room and saw the roomba on the floor. A lightbulb lit up and I sketched the idea immediately. The shell in particular was really hard to get into perspective but on the whole I think I did a solid job.
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Final Submission


Hi everyone, sorry I didn't do any WIPs here and jumped straight to final sub.
Decided to try and evoke "Normalness" by basing my design off of the idea that a 'flightless bird' is Normal since it isn't "flying" (ignore Doduo), and that 'stupid' creatures can also be Normal (see: bibarel), so here we have a Dodo. Additional design elements (namely the yellow breast and the crimson "bullseye" in the center) come from doves in the genus Gallicolumba, namely the Cinnamon ground dove and the Luzon bleeding-heart (so it's pigeons all the way down)
I decided to try and evoke the mechanics of Electromorphosis (as in, you hit something and an event happens) by incorporating the values (if not necessarily actual design elements) of a carnival High Striker - the idea being, you hit this bird in the belly and its collapsible neck extends based on how hard you hit it. If you hit it hard enough to make the lightbulb turn on, congratulations, you win... Though I don't know what kind of prize is on offer! ''=3

Will attempt to get a smattering of support work done before deadline. Good luck, everyone!

Supporting Material

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Final Submission


A fun piñata friend! Not a big fan of being attacked, but loves to celebrate and be the life of the party!

Supporting Material

This concept was initially inspired by a yellow llama plush doll I won at an arcade several years ago. The distinctive silhouette and the yellow coloration I thought was a great avenue to explore CAP35. However, shortly after drawing the initial idea for the llama, someone from a CAP Draft League, Crescent Cup, joked that it resembled the Fortnite piñata. I was initially baffled, but then thought about the idea more and thought it was more fun to dive into that route.

Going forward, the bulk of my research revolved around traditional piñata designs. This design incorporates the prototypical equine depiction of a piñata, but also involves some elements of star-shaped piñata designs from Mexican culture. This is also the first time I also drew a equine character, not just for CAP, so I did have to do some anatomy research despite the simplified shape design.

Typing: For the most part, a grand majority of Normal-type Pokémon are generally animal-like in nature with some significant exceptions. There is generally some wiggle room with what a pure-typed Normal Pokémon and what a dual-typed Normal Pokémon is -- Pokémon like Girafarig is a Normal/Psychic as an animal with psionic features, but Gogoat is a pure Grass-type. In terms of coloration, a vast majority of Electric-type Pokémon are yellow but also some well-known ones such as Pachirisu and Thundurus have blue coloration as well. The design features pink coloration, but subtle enough to where it's not suggesting a Psychic or Fairy-type like pokemon such as Bruxish. The general Electric-theming is communicated through the lightning bolt designs coming from the horns.

Ability: Electromorphosis is the Ability used by Bellibolt. The Ability actives whenever the user is damaged by a direct attack. With this in mind, a piñata was a natural choice given the tradition of attacking a piñata with some sort of weapon to extract candies from it. This takes the tradition of whacking the piñata in a fun angle.

Stat Distribution: At the time of writing, the Stat Stage Polls are concluding. With this in mind however, the design does generally evoke a bulky, defensive pokemon with offensive potential. The equine shape is generally applied to either fast offensive Pokémon such as Rapidash or Zebstrika but also for bulkier defensive Pokémon such as Mudsdale and Glastrier. With this in mind, I decided to adopt some elements from the latter pokemon, notably the bulkier hooves and tankier frame. The horns on the head as well as the rear of the design are electric conductors for both Physical and Special attacking purposes. The body itself is armored by the paper-like fur indicating a high Defensive and Special Defensive stat while still being large enough to suggest high HP.

Head: The head is designed similar to a traditional piñata shape, with outlet-shaped nostrils for ejecting electrical charge. The forehead contains electric-shaped streamers.
Eyes: The eyes are designed to be similar to lightbulbs, with W-shaped pupils similar to the tungsten filament of lightbulbs.
Horns: The horns are modeled after traditional mexican star-shaped piñata, with ejections of energy designed like the electricity of Rotom and Toxtricity.
Body: The body is modeled similar to traditional piñata shapes. It is generally very bulky and thick compared to other equine pokemon. The horns are at the back to give it additional shape language and act as a rear defensive measure. The heart piece in the center of the body is also designed after traditional Mexican star-shaped piñatas.
Legs: The legs are design as simple cylindrical shapes with flat stubs to give the impression of both great stabilization as well as slow speed, communicating the slowness of the stat spreads on offer. It also happens to still communicate the fact that it is modeled after a basic equine piñata.
Additional Details: The frills on the head, neck and tail are designed to add flair to the design, making it look more distinctive. It also gives the impression of sparks coming out of the head while still remaining a generally consistent design with tradtional piñata design.
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Here's the latest version of my Electric Rescue Dog design! It's come a long way from the basic color sketch I posted a while back, and it's now pretty much ready for final sub.

My design is a fun twist on the idea of a rescue dog. Instead of helping in mountain snow emergencies, this canine mon helps in cases of electrical power emergencies! It has an organic battery in place of the traditional rescue dog barrel around its neck. It also has an exoskeleton and long cables inspired by the harnesses and straps worn by working sled dogs. These organic "jumper cables" can be used to deliver powerful jolts of electricity amongst other things. The look of the cables is based heavily around the lightning surge arresters seen on high-voltage power lines. The overall canine look is based on a mix of dog breeds, including St. Bernard, Bulldog, and Chow.

I'll be making a full final submission post soon with more explanations and a design progression animation that contains more than 50 in-progress versions of this design as I refined it over the past few weeks. Hope you like it!
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Final Submission

Your friendly neighborhood alpaca electrician returns! If I have time over the next couple of days, I'm working on a reference sheet so check back. Thanks so much to the fine people of the CAP Discord for helping me along in my first official submission. Here's to many more!

As previously stated, this design is a combination of alpacas/llamas and electricians. Many Normal-types are mammalian and this is no different. And unlike most Electric-types, this design is incapable of directly generating electricity; instead, all that wool generates a lot of static electricity that it can store and harness for attacks. That should further explain why its part Normal-type. The reasoning for Electromorphosis is much the same; as the design takes hits, that contact with its thick wool generates a lot of electrical potential.
The design itself takes the wool and shapes it to resemble a yellow hardhat and hoodie often worn by tradesmen. It also has a blue-ish strip of wool that runs along it torso that is reminiscent of the reflective strips of safety vests. When discharging electricity, this blue-ish wool glows like those reflective strips when exposed to light.
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