Final Submission
My take on CAP 35 centers around a couple different concepts: axons and rat kings!
First and foremost, let's talk about axons. Axons are a neural cell that generates an electrical signal when the nervous system reacts to a given stimulus. Given that
Electromorphosis was the victor for our ability, I thought a Pokemon that stylistically centered around an axon functionally and aesthetically would be a really fun and heavily form-fitting approach. What's even better, however, is that the structure of an axon adheres near perfectly with rats, and a rare occurrence in nature known as a rat king. The reason why I feel this way is because axons are comprised of a large nerve ending, sectioned with myelin sheaths that eerily resemble a rat tail, and, most notably, synapses. If you observe the structure of an axon, these nerve endings near perfectly mirror the nature of rat king tails, which feature many rats connected in a very similar way.
I took the idea of a rat king literally (a rat leader figure, which I accentuated with the crown-esque horns and the royal reds) and figuratively, implementing axon anatomy where applicable (for instance, I added Schwann cell-esque patterns on the tail/electrical wiring at the tip/ears). I tried to add some other royal apparrel, such as a king's cloak and royal-adjacent patterns like the chest crest (which also acts like a nucleus). Hopefully the idea of a king is evident here while still being subtle enough to let the axon-like components show.
Electric/Normal sort of blends these two concepts together, taking the Electric- part of axons and the Normal- of everyday, common mammals to make for a natural type combination. I feel pretty good having this sinister energy with the colors and the tyrannical shape language (and also the shrimp-esque tail to make it seem as though it's adjacent to "garbage") and still having this design be Electric/Normal. For precedent: Luxray itself is mono Electric, and Grafaiai (which has a very similar color palette and shape language) is Normal/Poison.
Stats should be fine regardless of what spread we get. This Pokemon is slated to be a wall, and I think this design has a very large and in charge kind of energy going on.
Moves should also favor this design. Super Fang is highly probable (the ultimate rat move in Pokemon), and moves like Ice Beam should be generally justifiable seeing as adjacent Normal-types such those in as the Rattata line are able to get elemental moves just fine.
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