CAP 35 - Art Submissions

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leeeemurrrrr, getting close to final version, still needs more fine tuning, gotta figure out the facial expression and other stuff but I'm finally happy with a direction let's gooo :'D we are so back bois.



Did some cleanup. The design is still in progress, so don't get too attached just yet!

  • Make front legs less human-like.
  • Make hooves more unique.
  • Make "pockets" more unique.
  • Tweak shape of collar.
  • Adjusted perspective work.
  • Cleaned up linework.
  • Added shading.

Bonus WIP:



  • Shifted design to a quadrupedal stance.
  • Fixed chirality of horns.
  • Made face less cartoony.
Additional resources used:
  • Various Google search results for "goat fakemon" (link 1, link 2)

Thanks to the following users for feedback! Bloopyghost EnderTrenton Golurkyourself Pipotchi Yokaiju Yu_IOTJ

Bonus WIP:



Oh dear, it seems someone cast Ovinize on my previous design!

To do:
  • Additional details/fine-tuning
  • Community feedback
  • Lighting/shading
Bonus WIPs:

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Ring-tailed lemur is nearing completion! Thanks to some suggestions, the tail is now a fluorescent CFL lightbulb with striations acting as the rings of the tail. Likely last version before final sub, was a journey to get here but I'm excited for this home stretch.

He likes to move it move it :^)
Final Submission


Its a jerboa. Based on pikaclones, jerboas, some chinchilla elements, wallsockets and batteries.

Typing is simple. A lot of normal types are just any 'ol mammals, and, well, a Jerboa is in fact a mammal. Crazy, right? It's also electric type due to the pikaclone aspect, on top of it literally being a battery. It changes itself up via hits on it's belly (hence electromorphosis)

Supporting Material

Higher quality pic and "uncharged" version:
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I've scrapped my hamster since this CAP's stats are going for lower speed, so I'm focusing on a new idea: a radiated tortoise. Thinking of giving it star/spark-like patterns on its shell. Trying to get that right balance of normal and electric without making it look too plain.
Previous sketches below (one done traditionally and digitally cleaned up, mouse has been acting up lately making it hard to sketch):
Was originally thinking of either giving it a fluffy cloud-like trim and tail for the normal type, but had difficulty justifying it. Another sketch had its shell as a generator, but I felt that'd be more steel than normal type. My traditional version was originally gonna be my final's pose, but I didn't like it all that much (looked more like a dinosaur than a tortoise), so I redrew and reposed it into the current WIP.
Final Submission
cap33 uppaaaaaaa.png

Supporting Material
Profile + expressions(animated) Producing electricityEarlier designs
turntable.pngtippy tap.gifpubby.pngdog 2.pngpuppy.png
hi puppy!! this is a balloon dog based on the trope of using balloons to generate static electricity, as well as activewear from the 90's and those instructional tapes you dance along to. this goober grooves to produce its electricity as it lacks the Magic Electricity Organ and also every other organ. the ends of its ears and tails create a flow of electricity through its body, and is where its attacks are discharged.
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Final Submission

cap35 finale.png

My take on CAP 35 centers around a couple different concepts: axons and rat kings!

First and foremost, let's talk about axons. Axons are a neural cell that generates an electrical signal when the nervous system reacts to a given stimulus. Given that Electromorphosis was the victor for our ability, I thought a Pokemon that stylistically centered around an axon functionally and aesthetically would be a really fun and heavily form-fitting approach. What's even better, however, is that the structure of an axon adheres near perfectly with rats, and a rare occurrence in nature known as a rat king. The reason why I feel this way is because axons are comprised of a large nerve ending, sectioned with myelin sheaths that eerily resemble a rat tail, and, most notably, synapses. If you observe the structure of an axon, these nerve endings near perfectly mirror the nature of rat king tails, which feature many rats connected in a very similar way.

I took the idea of a rat king literally (a rat leader figure, which I accentuated with the crown-esque horns and the royal reds) and figuratively, implementing axon anatomy where applicable (for instance, I added Schwann cell-esque patterns on the tail/electrical wiring at the tip/ears). I tried to add some other royal apparrel, such as a king's cloak and royal-adjacent patterns like the chest crest (which also acts like a nucleus). Hopefully the idea of a king is evident here while still being subtle enough to let the axon-like components show.

Electric/Normal sort of blends these two concepts together, taking the Electric- part of axons and the Normal- of everyday, common mammals to make for a natural type combination. I feel pretty good having this sinister energy with the colors and the tyrannical shape language (and also the shrimp-esque tail to make it seem as though it's adjacent to "garbage") and still having this design be Electric/Normal. For precedent: Luxray itself is mono Electric, and Grafaiai (which has a very similar color palette and shape language) is Normal/Poison.

Stats should be fine regardless of what spread we get. This Pokemon is slated to be a wall, and I think this design has a very large and in charge kind of energy going on.

Moves should also favor this design. Super Fang is highly probable (the ultimate rat move in Pokemon), and moves like Ice Beam should be generally justifiable seeing as adjacent Normal-types such those in as the Rattata line are able to get elemental moves just fine.

Supporting Material


Aite fellas, let's see if I can make a comprehensible design in a week. Pushing the button on this guy's chest charges them up
So initially I wanted to work with the action figure concept I sketched out weeks ago, largely for the "press button" gimmick. As Grav, drif and Quans rightfully pointed out however, any sort of robot-themed design would strongly suggest Steel and I just didn't have the chops to make it work. When Quans suggested adding other concepts to give myself a proper direction, I hyperfocused on my initial Buzz Lightyear inspo and one ADHD thought train later I ended up with a space monkey action figure. The plasma globe helmet just seemed like an obvious way to add visual interest and differentiate it from the other simian designs so far. I wasn't sure if this was an actual good direction or not but after talking with Explosion Badger, uppa and Pip, I felt that this could at least be doable.

I'm in a weird mental position however where I'm not sure whether this should still be a toy-based concept and if I should double down on the space monkey deal cause I feel both sides are fairly weak rn. Defo would like input on that.
While I think the primary color palette works, it also feels a little busy to me, at least on this attempt. I tried a less garish green palette that kinda feels more 50's sci-fi pulp which seems neat. Lemmee know which palette works better or maybe if there are better alternatives.

Special thanks to drifbloomCF, Gravity Monkey, Kiwi, Pipotchi, Quanyails and uppa for the feedback so far <3

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I'm not going to make the mistake of procrastinating too much this time. So here we go - I felt keyboard armadillo was the strongest and most unique of all the concepts, but trying to make the pose look evolved and dynamic enough while also keeping the keyboard armour was something I couldn't quite nail. Shifted the mouse click and scroll wheel to the upper back/neck, replacing the head armour with an alert symbol. Keys line its back and arms, marked with the Paldean/Galarian alphabet. Toes vaguely look like cursor arrows. Its underside is lined with a circuit board pattern that looks oddly familiar... Lining, colouring, shading and supporting art to hopefully come this week.

Did a HEAVY overhaul of the hamster ball, I like it way more now and may go with this one in the end. Can any mods out there lemme know if this whole color-within-design thing isn't overstepping any rules?

It generates energy bolts to make its protective shield also look like a big scary monster. BIG Palpatine energy, just imagine this little guy going "UNLIMITED POWER!!!"

Mod edit: Removed oversized image


  • CAP WIP 3.png
    CAP WIP 3.png
    117.3 KB · Views: 301
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Final Submission


An alien jellyfish A Perfectly Normal Man!

My concept is based around jellyfish as well as the idea of aliens disgusing themselves as humans. The false face resembles a grey alien, and the jellyfish frills resemble a false hat and coat. The jellyfish's true face is the electrical expression inside the transparent bell. The coat also resembles an alien tractor beam, and the general silhouette resembles a UFO using its tractor beam.

Electric/Normal - Jellyfish are known to sting and create shocks similar to electricity. The head also contains electricity being created by the jellyfish's brain, an organ than produces electric signals. Normal stems from the idea of aliens disguising themselves to resemble humans. Pokemon like Drampa and Arboliva derive their normal typing from their humanoid traits, and the humanlike figure combined with the grey and brown color scheme portray that "normality" the Pokemon is trying to mimic.
Electromorphosis - The ability's name is a pun on metamorphosis, a process that frogs like Bellibolt go through. Jellyfish also go through intense metamorphosis, so I imagined they fit the pun just as well.
136 HP / 73 Atk / 81 Def / 90 SpA / 98 SpD / 56 Spe - Every existing jellyfish pokemon (Jellicent, Tentacruel, Nihilego) has high HP and/or high SpDef, and size explains a relatively high defense. The alien nature of the design justifies a special attacking spread. Jellyfish are slow drifting animals, which makes sense for 56 Speed. Attack is low but not unusable as the design still has tentacles.
Moves - Electric attacking moves like Discharge and Volt Switch are obvious from the design's electric aspects. Glare makes sense as the pokemon's true eyes are electrical organs and can shine to use Glare. Ice Beam barely requires justification considering its distribution but aliens are know to release beams.

Supporting Material

Front View + Reference Sheet​
Size + Moves​
Untitled_Artwork 1.PNG
Untitled_Artwork (2).PNG
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