CAP 22 CAP 22 - Art Submissions

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pink fairy armadillo: neapolitan edition​

I kind of overhauled the concept of my design a bit... Rather than being a satyr, he's now more of an imp, with some of the Greek god Hermes (associated with sandals with wings on the ankles) thrown in there, as I like the idea of Greek mythological beings as fairies, like a satyr or centaur. The idea is that being Fairy/Fighting, he channels "fairy magic" through these magic veins and/or muscles that encircle his limbs. By focusing the magic into his extremities, he becomes a capable fighter. In doing so, his fists swell up and glow with power. My thinking is that this works for both physical and special attacks, as he COULD use his fist to strike, or he could simply release the magic for a special attack. I also like to think that it works with Natural Cure as his life force is constantly flowing and filtering through these veins, the idea being he can purify himself through filtration.

Golurkyourself the fairy armadillo is now among my favorites. It reminds me of the fairies from Thumbelina with the head shape. Simple and nice to look at. Fighting is less represented in its appearance, but it has all the necessary parts. I don't think Fighting is necessarily a type that has to be represented visually as much as say, Grass, as something can't be made of Fighting as it can be made of Grass.


Ignus and FriesforNapkins SO I definitely took your advice and fixed up the face (slash arms a bit tho I'll probs do more with that) and I gotta say the monkey looks a lot better :D Speaking of the eyes, they were actually wayyyyyyyy scarier in earlier iterations haha
thebangzats I may try a different pose next! I do like the idea you suggest :)

Also just wanna say keep up the good work guys all your designs look great!

This is a WIP for now since there's some things about the design that...bother me for some reason that I can't pinpoint.
What I wanted to do with this design was combine tropes used in Fairy and Fighting type designs. Fairy type designs use a lot of round edges and light pastel colors, while Fighting types use harder edges and more fleshy colors. Part of me feels like I should make the colors more vibrant.
This design doesn't really have a singular inspiration, although I really liked Mienfoo's design and kinda based parts of it off of that.

EDIT #1: Wow, not even 5 minutes after posting and I think I fixed what was bothering me. Maybe.
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Thanks for the feedback, you guys are awesome <3

FriesforNapkins hey nice update! I'd suggest making the sword / needle thing look less menacing cause kids toys don't tend to have sharp objects like that. For the posing I think it'll look cooler if the sword is facing up, to me facing down is like he's about to stab something :P Maybe also make the scissors on his back look more like a key?
Magistrum seems like you're pretty much settled on your design, so I don't have anything significant to add other than it looks great~ :D
Mos-Quitoxe I love your idea but maybe dress him up with stuff other than teeth? I mean the hat can obviously stay, but the rest of the teeth things kinda make it look rock type ish so instead if you can use fairy stuff like ribbons it might be more convincing. Also I think it looks a bit violent right now, might actually be a combination of the color scheme, expression and the sharp teeth roots he's wearing idk... so I think maybe try some variations of that :P.
thebangzats wooaah such a badass design *-* Can't stop staring at those puny legs ahahah it looks like something you get to tickle just to annoy him for the sake of it XD I think the wings are a bit random though, not sure what they're for but he looks quite fairy already (assuming that's the reason for it?) and I think the design might look better without them. Or maybe instead of bug like wings have some fluffy styled ones instead? Anyway, it's nearly flawless to me so there's not much else I can say. Respect!
ThePsychoBear yeah I think you should settle with that design, it's your strongest one. IMO you should outline the yellow booger thing on the nose to make it more obvious, it took me a while to spot that! And also try not to use the fill tool on the smooth lines if you don't wanna end up with those nasty pixel glitters, either that or I suggest going over the lines again (with a thicker brush) to cover them up!
Yilx ooh much better, I like your color scheme :) Very solid work as usual. Umm one nitpick I got is it looks like he's dislocated his right ankle, maybe move the shoe across a bit so it's more in line with the leg? :P

Quick comments on some designs I really like but didn't get to yet.

aXl your design is very memorable and I love it, but also finding it hard to tell between the arms / legs and tail, I think you should try a slightly less action oriented pose o.o
Calad very cute and I like the idea, it's a fighting type though maybe have it standing instead of sitting?
Falchion I would touch up the perspective around his mouth a bit it looks kinda off, but overall very unique design!
FellFromtheSky beautiful and cute~ But the tummy looks a bit flat maybe add some shading on it?
Golurkyourself woah Kia Soul Hamster sooo adorable I wanna hug :D *sees update* gonna hug your second one too it's cute! (but I prefer the first one cause it looks more equipped to fight) Can't really critique them without getting to details though
Harle great design but I'd say use something other than green so it looks less like a grass type *sees update* ahh great improvement! But I think the ankle wings look a bit cluttered idk...maybe retract them a bit?
kbrph imo there's more dark than fairy feel to it maybe try out different color schemes? Looks awesome otherwise :)
Modeling Clay gotta say, it looks great and everything in the design fits together so well. Another entry I can't critique in just a few words XD
PixelMoniac_ oh cool I love it! Personally I'd use different fur color than white cause it looks a bit pale next to the other colors.
Sgt.Moose I like how your design slowly progressed into a unicorn (!!) feels a lot more fairy now but still a bit dark, maybe lower the contrast a bit?
Ssensenh hoping you'll finish this it looks promising so far, just needs some distinct facial features and I think it's ready to go :D
The Steam Punk that's cute I like your idea! Not sure if it's just me though but I think the colors can be slightly less saturated :9
willow616 loving your design, maybe too much detail at the top compared to the bottom so see if you can balance it out more!


Felis Licht I also agree with Heal, the zigzag lines aren't very clear right now so maybe play around with the colors a bit. But overall a very solid entry!
HeaLnDeaL wow I really like your new idea, that banana tail is genius :D But I think repeating that same design on the hands is a bit excessive / overkill, it kinda clutters the whole thing up a bit. Umm how about closing the skin up a bit? (just on the hands, the banana skin on the tail can stay open as it is)
Morghulis yeah I'd say give him a hat as well :P
ThePsychoBear you should outline the effect on his hands to conform with the submission rules. :)
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Final Submission
(the image is already the full sized version)

Supporting Art Links:

[Artwork of Parting Shot]
[Artwork of it using Various Moves]
[Silly Artwork of it using Power Gem]

About the Design:
The design is meant to take inspiration from Kirby, Steven Universe, and a bit of Paper Mario. I tried to give it a round and smooth shape, then adding sharp points to compliment it, such as the crystals (that act as his floating devices) and the ribbons. Round yet streamlined. The ribbons I originally removed but it was put back due to advice, making him look like a superhero without the cliche cape along with his super punchy fists.

The personality I wanted to give it was more of a mischievous kind, giving him an always smiling face, but can still move his mouth. The floating whimsical aspect can justify it being a Special Attacker, while the round human-like arms can justify its Physical Attacking side. Speed-wise I think he can fit a quick since he floats around instead of moving on the ground and teleports. (gracefully unlike your smashbros main probably)

Took awhile due to RL and also my tablet mouse is apparently broken =.= But I managed to get this done at last~
I followed QxC4eva's critique and redrew my hare into a more battle-ready pose. And I added the beauty mark/black eye again because I started to miss it :'D
Also colored the pupils orange to attempt to give my hare a more fairy feel.
If there's no more critique, the next one will be my final. So I'm still open for more.
For those of you who have not kept up with the stats polls, the current stats are

84 HP / 78 Atk / 86 Def / 115 SpA / 88 SpD / 119 Spe

As general feedback on all of them, I think some of them are now running on being a bit too physical-looking, and can be a problem with many of them,(mine included ;-;)
While justifications through descriptions may be a way to solve it, such as lucario's relying on mana or something, it's good to start thinking now for alternatives in design elements since those are easier picked up rather than through description justifications. Good luck to everyone!
Final Submission


I drawn a new outline to get rid of the pixel glitter, and I added some energy to give it some special attacking flare.

Supporting Art
Here have some supporting art with this dog wrecking noobz.

Dogs are very fast, and the energy makes it look like a special attacker.

Natural Cure: Dogs tend to lick their wounds, so when my design switches out it will lick it's wounds to cure itself.

Aroma Veils: Dogs tend to be smelly.
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So I made a second WIP design in case the secondary ability doesn't match my first design, and this new design in particular is attempting to target aroma veil and sticky hold.

Behold the Banana Cream Knight. It's inspired by small primates in general, though certain species of lemurs such as the mouse lemur, the dwarf lemur, and the aye aye were probably the largest influences (I figured that smaller ones would lend themselves to the Fairy typing more easily; I also looked at some pictures of kinkajou, but those aren't primates at all). Primates in general are easy targets for a fighting type, whereas I wanted to go the "sweet-tasting" route for a Fairy that Swirlix and Slurpuff provided. Playing around with sketches, the banana armor started reminding me of knights. While knights are probably associated with a Steel-typing, I don't think there's anything steel about banana armor, so I hope the idea of being knight-like then aids the fighting type instead... In terms of parting shot, I wanted to make a mischievous little mon that one could imagine hurling out cute little insults before switching out, and I hope the playful concept adds to the mon's perceived mischief. Basically I just tried to have fun with this design, and having a monkey or lemur literally be a banana was something I found amusing, and I hope you guys do too. I'm definitely worried though that it does not make an obvious portrayal of Fairy/Fighting.

--- --- ---
Here's some select few comments for people that I haven't had to chance to talk to on PS. I want to preface this by saying all of the designs I'm commenting on here are ones that I think have great potential, and there are plenty more that I really like but can't comment on at this moment due to time constraints.

Golurkyourself - Your new design is great and super cute. However, you completely lost the fighting type from your previous design, and so I think your previous one is much better for our typing. Nice color scheme though :)

aXl - I think I prefer your kangaroo rat over your satyr, and I especially like how you have a tail-hand that still is very different from Aipom. It's a great fun little design, I hope to see more of it.

Blue Frog - I think your design lacks a Fairy-type vibe because the humanshape aspect is so strong that not even the colors can make it read as anything other than Fighting-type. Your render is clean, simply, and elegant as always though :)

QxC4eva - I think your design has been slowly progressing in a positive direction. As I think others have said, I think below the neck your bunny's proportions are rather human-like without as much interesting things to look at compared to the head and arms. I can guess that the ribbon on the leg was added to try to create interest throughout the whole body, but I feel as if the ribbon looks unnatural and suffers from the general "clothing effect." Your color scheme makes the Fairy-type believable after-the-fact, and certainly some of GameFreak's designs don't scream out the mon's typing, but I don't get a huge Fairy read on it and would guess that it's Fighting/Normal if I didn't know it's typing already. Of course, this (the issue of the Fairy-type) has been a challenge for pretty much every artist here, including myself. Overall, the basic concept is great, it's all about what things you want to add or subtract or edit at this point.

Felis Licht - The other bunny! I think the choice of animal works great for the Fairy-type, and unlike QxC your mon's body is less human-like, and so I think the Fairy-type shows through a little bit better. I think the wraps on the ears and arms feed well into your story of a rough and tumble fighter with injuries, but the wrap around the waste looks very clothing-like and doesn't fit in nearly as naturally as the others. Your rendering keeps getting better and better, but I would at least consider changing some of your design aspects as well (such as the clothing). Also, this is a very small nitpick, but the black zig zags on your latest render are very very hard to see because the dark gray behind them is almost just as dark. Overall, it's a great design and I like the routes that you're taking.
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Aight, so I put my lil monkey in a better pose so he's ready to smash those cymbals and hopefully use them for lots of special attacks. I may also give him like a little hat since I'm getting a bellhop vibe? Also made him a little bit more gorilla-ish


sooo here's my colored mock-up design. my design has room for improvement but i just wanted to get down the overall feel and charisma of it all. not really based on anything except BOWS. originally i was going to do something i little different but it had me realize that it looked all too similar to sylveon's concept, so i went for a more tux look. typing wise, i think it fits due to having a fighter look but having it toned down by a warm, fairy-ish palette along with a more pixie physique. ill probably mess with the colors a bit more and edit some of the basic qualities but overall im happy with the turnout :) more soon!
HeaLnDeaL That nanner lemur looks amazing! It really fits well with Natural Cure now, unlike the tanuki.

Magistrum Your satyrical goat elf looks amazing, and I really prefer the more saturated colors, since the pink was not saturated enough before. I can see the kid healing its statuses upon switching out due to its magical snark.
Seems like the deadline is inching closer, yeah? Looking at the ability and stat spread they've decided on. Thankfully I think mine still makes sense as a Special user as well as Physical. Speed? Some have said that his cartoonish-ness and the fact that he's levitating can make a bulky king like him get away with being called "speedy".

One last question before final submission though, it's the last point of contention in my design. Some have said it's good with wings, some have said without. What do you think?

Since I'm not allowed to post 2 full sized images, please click the images to go to an external website, or look at my previous posts.


So... wing or no wing?
I like the one with wings myself, because I want to imagine looking at a 3D model of his back as a Trainer, seeing him bob and weave, with teeny tiny fairy wings constantly fluttering. It also drives home the point of him being the king of the fairies, not just a plain old king.
Illegal-Final Submission
MOD EDIT: Image has a border on the bottom and right side


Support art of Parting Shot

When I heard that CAP was going to be a Fairy/Fighting-type, I imagined two different ways of pulling off the concept: a giant monstrous humanoid like an ogre or a cyclops, and something invoking an elegant dancer a la Aromatisse. In a moment of silliness I decided to combine both into one ridiculous concept. It was well-received despite its tongue-in-cheek nature, so I decided to roll with this ballerina cyclops as an actual entry and give it a stronger design.

To this end, I then modified the concept to incorporate elements of proboscis monkeys, since primates seem to be a theme with the entries I've seen so far, and proboscis monkeys look weird enough to qualify as little gremlins. This led to me changing the skin color from the original green to various shades of brown, and giving it a tail. Finally, to justify Parting Shot, I gave the design a winged Viking-style helmet, as a nod to the fact that trolls come from Scandinavian lore and also Brunhildyr-style opera singers (it ain't over 'till the fat lady sings, after all :P).

Although I meant the design for a physical or mixed attacker, given the special effects of many opera and dance performances I can see this thing also working as a special attacker as suggested by the stat spread, "conducting" special attacks with its elegant dances. Parting Shot (the "fat lady sings" bit seen above) works well for this design, too, given that trolls were malicious and often ill-tempered creatures, and many monkeys can be really vocal even at the best of times. Given how agile ballerinas can be I can also see it being surprisingly quick on its hoof-feet despite its bulk.

Ability-wise, both of the decided abilities could work pretty well with this design. Natural Cure users tend to be associated with nature, and sometimes trolls are regarded as nature spirits; during the day they even turn to stone. Natural Cure users also tend to be bulky-looking, and this design does a good job looking that way. As for Aroma Veil, Vikings were thought to have used flower-scented salves to mask or wash away the scent of grime they accumulated during their daily lives, so it only made sense for a Viking-inspired creature to do the same. Conversely, trolls are said to have a tremendously overpowering body odor, so there's that, too. (And hey, I do imagine all that dancing would make this guy pretty sweaty.)

EDIT: Added justification of abilities and Parting Shot.


Morghulis Much better than the previous version! Though giving your design a silly hat like a fez or something would be nice, too. I'm getting Donkey Kong vibes from the face, haha.

thebangzats Wings, please! Without them I think the top as well as the back would look too plain.
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feedback time (It is not a parody of adventure time)

Morghulis : a good concept, would be better if you reduce a little realism but is just my opinion
Falchion : I think that pink does not fit with skin
f(x) : one of my favorites, the suit it looks great, it shows the relationship with the guys, I really hope you win
HeaLnDeaL : I understand why the change, but I prefer the old design ...
QxC4eva : I love your design, but I think a ninja appearance could provide better results
Felis Licht :I like your design, but could put more white in the torzo ?
Golurkyourself easily one of my favourite designs wow! Would definately try make it taller and a little less, well, NFE looking, but your design is literally breathtaking!

HeaLnDeaL perfect, but maybe make the whipped cream-like stuff on its arms more pink to better convey fairy, and it's fists a bit thicker like clubs, overall tho your design is stunning
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Final Submission


I added in some shading for the final touch. Hopefully it isn't an issue for anybody, but as far as my shading skills go, I'm pleased with how it came out.

Supporting Material (includes alternate poses, Parting Shot, etc.)

And some reasons for abilities:

Natural Cure: This Pokemon is skilled in meditation, which can cure its ailments, as well as pump it up for battle and keep itself balanced on its ball.

Mold Breaker: This Pokemon is quite unique and confusing to those who see it for the first time.

Sticky Hold: He's got big ol' grabby hands.

I'm still open to feedback. Good luck to everyone!
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So, I've updated my design a bit (see below), but looking at the secondary ability discussion, I'm getting nervous as to whether or not my design will still be appropriate given some of the popular abilities being discussed. Mainly, this is due to the popularity of Aroma Veil and Sticky Hold (some others I've seen discussed, like Frisk and Mold Breaker, are not problematic, flavor-wise, for my design). I've tried to come up with explanations for their unorthodox nature and their relation to my design, so I'd like feedback to see if the make sense.

Link to Updated Design

Aroma Veil (See Supporting Art here):
So, for Aroma Veil, I though it might make sense for my design if we reinterpret what it means. Instead of casting an aroma that acts as a protective veil, my entry has some awesome fairy magic (it's a wolf, which are known for their powerful olfactory sensors) that gives it an olfactory shield from offensive disabling, taunting, alluring, or infatuation-inducing environmental pests (other Pokemon). Tell me if it makes sense.

Sticky Hold:
My thoughts for this one are twofold. First, the Japanese name for Sticky Hold is ねんちゃく(Nenchaku), which translates to "Adhesion." Perhaps, little red riding wolf has her paws all sticky from those swirl-er... that fairyland candy she's been eating (in a Tediursa-esque way)? Would I need to express this design-wise? Perhaps I could add some detail to it's palms? Alternatively, perhaps Adhesion could refer to that fact that many canids (pit breeds, hyenas, etc.) have incredibly powerful bites and once that have gripped something, it's nearly impossible to get it away from them if they don't want to let go.

Okay... Now Feedback! (Note that I've only commented on a few, but there are plenty I love but just haven't had time to comment on)

GoLurkYourself: Your final submission is utterly fantastic! You've combined the fighting-ness of your early designs with the sheer adorable-ness of the more recent WIP! Super fantastic!

thebangzats: Super creative and cool design! Definitely keep the wings. I particularly love the "royal" feel the spotted fur-coat gives. Shape-wise its flawless, but perhaps you could try other colour schemes? I could see something more fairy-esque working as well.

HeaLnDeaL: I like your more recent idea, but I personally find your originally design more pleasing overall. You certainly have a point about abilites though. Perhaps there's a way to combine the two concepts. Tanuki are often drunkards in legends and alcohol has a potent scent so... Aroma Veil? Or perhaps you could bring the superhero aspect of your original design to this one? Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do?

Felis Licht: I really like your design, but I preferred the old pose. It gave it that cheeky, mischievous, fairy vibe. Aside from that, perhaps consider removing the belt around its middle? I actually quite like it, but I've noticed a lot of people commented it might be better without it. Either way, it might be valuable to see how it looks.

QxC4eva: I really love how your design has been coming along. I must agree however, with those who have said the ribbon feels a little tacked on. Otherwise, I love the moon rabbit concept (moon=fairy!?) and the colour scheme.

Magistrum: Still LOVE this design. Saturating the colours only improved it. My only complaint is that something seems a bit off about the eyes. I just can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's lost a bit of that innocent fairy vibe that the eyes gave prior to colouring? I don't know. Still is definitely one of my favorite designs though.
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Final Submission

When I thought about an offensive fairy/fighting pokemon with parting shot I thought a very 'bitchy' cheerleader pokémon would be fitting ^^

This pokémon is very protective of her loved ones. When her trainer is sad, she often sheers her up by sheerfull acrobatic stunts. On the other hand, this pokémon is often very mean and cold-hearted to others. It often attacks it, both physically and mentally. This pokémon is also very insecure about her hands, since they are big and hairy! When surrounded by others, she will always make fists, to make her hands look like pom-poms to hide her hands.

Currently I'm working a bit more on the design. I like the idea of the hands, but I don't think it looks very good. Personally I'm fond of simple designs, but mostly more complex designs do better. So maybe I'll add some kind of extra pattern (on the hands, dress or bow). I don't know... I'll see ^^ Hopefully I'll magically obtain some Yilx-skills!
Help is always welcome! I feel like the concept is good, but the design could be improved.

If I got some extra time, Ill add in some comments on the other designs because some of them are amazing!

EDIT: some supporting material:
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Supporting Material

I didn't get any feedback for my last post, so I just decided to wing it with this update.

I changed the white chest fluff into a fur cloak so provide a more seamless combination of the gnome and owlbear features. I removed the spores on his fur, since they looked too much like a skin disease, and didn't fit with the CAP's primary ability (Natural Cure). I made the forearm fur a separate color from the rest of the arm, giving his body a more overall... overall look. :P I envision this design to be a sort of crazed fungalmancer battle-mage, channeling his special attacks through the mushroom stalk he wields like a staff.
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Ok, here's a pretty big update (still a WIP):

Thanks a lot FriesforNapkins and HeaLnDeaL for your guys' feedback; I tried to incorporate both of your responses into this new design. I really liked the idea of adjusting opacity and I agreed that the fairy typing wasn't particularly pronounced in the original concept, so I made my ribbon ninja into a lollipop ninja. The body, hands, head, and shoes are all made out of strawberry candy, while its skeleton is made of lollipop sticks. Again, any more feedback would be great!
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