Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE https://www.smogon.com/forums/ps-bug-report-form/

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Red Card effects is not working on Ice Spinner. I have a replay, Chien Pao uses Ice Spinner on my Indeedee that's holding Red Card and does not get KO'd. The terrain goes away. That should not be happening. If you do this same play on the switch the terrain stays on the field. On Bulbapedia this checks out

Here is my replay


my understanding is that in gen 3 turns spent rest talking are recorded on a seperate sleep counter that is supposed to reset if the pokemon swiches out. on turn 37 my opponent's zapdos uses rest, before switching out the following turn without having burned any turns of sleep. on t44, having switched in the previous turn, it uses sleep talk and burns its first turn of sleep. on t45 it burns another turn of sleep, this time without sleep talking. on t46 zapdos switches out and, by my understanding, should be counted as having only burned 1 sleep turn. however, on turn 58, after having switched in the turn prior, zapdos immediately wakes up, instead of sleeping another turn, as though its sleep counter for turns spent rest talking had not reset. thanks.
Raichu-Alola doesn't have access to its egg moves in Showdown despite being able to learn them ingame thanks to the Mirror Herb (And HOME shouldn't delete them anyway).
Proof, I just taught Fake Out (Sorpresa in spanish) to mine:
raichu alola move legality.png
There is bug with showdown rooms tournament bot Lady monita where it only records scores on the leaderboard for the first 100 players and doesn't update to reflect changes in positions after more players are accumulated. We are making do right now by telling players to dm the bot to find out their rank.
I've been playing some gen 6 pure hackmons, there's an issue where arceus with wonder guard is detected as being a normal type despite the type change when considering which moves will pass through wonder guard, will do super effective/normal/resist damage, etc. Here's a replay of a game where (near the end) I fail to hit an opponent's wonder guard ghost arceus with shadow sneak, but I can land a mach punch.


I'm pretty sure this problem occurs regardless of the fact that I'm using a transformed blissey, but I'm not 100% sure, I haven't done thorough testing on this. In the past I've remembered this bug occurring regardless of the fact that I am using priority moves as well, though I have probably misremembered how many times this has occurred simply by not noticing mold breaker/turboblaze/teravolt being up.
prior to gen 8, arceus must have multitype and hold a plate to be any type other than normal. in gens prior to 8, if arceus-x is clicked in the builder (where x is any type) and doesn't have multi + plate, it will appear as arceus-x in-game but will actually be base arceus (normal). notice that, in the replay, both arceus have non-plate items, and both are unaffected by a ghost-type move at some point (arc-fairy on turn 37/40, arc-ghost on turn 50; notice "it doesn't affect arceus" appearing without the wonder guard proc in all cases).
My opponent was down to two pokémon, an azumarill at half health and one more that hadn't been revealed. They sent out their last pokémon, which appeared as a full health azumarill. Their team display showed that it was a zoroark (unovan, dark type), so I was able to safely use extremespeed, but technically it could have still been a hisuian-zoroark! Maybe there should be a different icon to show that "yep, it's a zoroark, but not sure which type"


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When you put the cursor over Urshifu before you sent it to the field it will tell you that it is single strike even if it is banned from OU, once it is revealed it is rapid strike it shows properly the form. Assume it works like that on cart but thought it could be worth to mention it here.

BUG STATUS: Not a bug, that's the sprite on preview on cart. Notice how it says -* as it hasn't been disclosed which Shifu is yet.
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When you put the cursor over Urshifu before you sent it to the field it will tell you that it is single strike even if it is banned from OU, once it is revealed it is rapid strike it shows properly the form. Assume it works like that on cart but thought it could be worth to mention it here.

BUG STATUS: Not a bug, that's the sprite on preview on cart. Notice how it says -* as it hasn't been disclosed which Shifu is yet.
Sorry for the double post, will delete if it isn't allowed. What I wanted to point is the typing "reveal" since it shows fight-dark. Cart doesn't tell you the typing of multi-form Pokemon on preview so I would suggest a small change to it say Fight-??? before the form is revealed just like it does with the name. Hope I explained it properly, it is a small thing anyway.
Sorry for the double post, will delete if it isn't allowed. What I wanted to point is the typing "reveal" since it shows fight-dark. Cart doesn't tell you the typing of multi-form Pokemon on preview so I would suggest a small change to it say Fight-??? before the form is revealed just like it does with the name. Hope I explained it properly, it is a small thing anyway.

There is a policy review thread on the subject, but here's a TLDR and a slight explanation to why showdown defaults to showing Urshifu-Single-Strike:

This is currently how Urshifu is displayed on Team Preview in S/V:

This is in fact the same sprite for both the Single-Strike and Rapid-Strike forms.

Up until generation 8, every pokemon that has multiple forms had one of two behaviours in team preview:

a) Has a unique minisprite for every form, such as the rotoms (which in turn, allows ps to demonstrate their battle sprite for team preview)


b) Defaults to their "base form", such cases include Arceus defaulting to normal form, silvally defaulting to normal form.
(This defaults to showing their normal type battle sprite)

Urshifu is an anomaly to how showdown currently displays their pokemon, because currently we simply display the battle animation that corresponds to the team preview sprite. However, Urshifu's base form for it's Team Preview sprite is neither it's Single-Strike, or Rapid-Strike form, but rather some "Urshifu-Neutral" form, which has no correlated battle animation.

To rectify this problem, Showdown simply decided to display it's Single-Strike form as it's "base" form, since it is considered the first of the two forms. While this is technically inaccurate, it's considered better than showing a blank battle animation at team preview, as well as avoiding the need to make custom cursor view descriptions of "This could either be Urshifu-S or Urshifu-R,".

The idea of making the second typing a question mark on cursor view is a good idea in my opinion, however it would be more suited for the Suggestions forum.
A user in Help came across an odd interaction with Mimic and Substitute in Gen 2. According to /dt, mimic should bypass substitute and copy Butterfree's sleep powder, it did not activate correctly (as seen by the user using mimic twice on turns 4 and 5). From what we're expecting, the correct order of operations should be butterfree uses sleep powder > wobb uses mimic > wobb gains sleep powder in its moveset instead of mimic.

Turns 4 and 5

can someone tell me what's going on with Urshifu Rapid Strike? Apparently it's banned from OU but is still in there?


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First of all: this is a very specific 'issue' and will only happen in hacked mons/rand bat mayhem etc. The issue is an interaction between protean/libero and curse and might very well be intended. Due to the overall weirdness of the issue I still decided to post it here. When using Curse as a non ghost type while having libero/protean your pokemon will change type to ghost and thus lose half it's hp. However since the target of the move is the pokemon itself it will lose half it's hp and curse itself thus losing further hp at the end of each turn. Here is the replay where this occured: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/...-1884616608-0gddhphjlgibmew7n06gr78nknyg0x0pw
First of all: this is a very specific 'issue' and will only happen in hacked mons/rand bat mayhem etc. The issue is an interaction between protean/libero and curse and might very well be intended. Due to the overall weirdness of the issue I still decided to post it here. When using Curse as a non ghost type while having libero/protean your pokemon will change type to ghost and thus lose half it's hp. However since the target of the move is the pokemon itself it will lose half it's hp and curse itself thus losing further hp at the end of each turn. Here is the replay where this occured: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/...-1884616608-0gddhphjlgibmew7n06gr78nknyg0x0pw

This is how the interaction works in game, since Curse targets yourself while you aren't ghost type, the target remains the same once protean activates.

According to Bulbapedia:
For some reason doing !randpoke psychic will give non-psychic mons. Doesn't happen with any other types that I've checked


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I don't know how it happened or what I did. But while I am in battles I can't see what moves and items my pokemon have and what moves the opposing mon used previously I tried restarting and opening showdown in a new tab but to no awail.
Greninja with Battle Bond is currently listed as illegal under gen 9 formats, due to Greninja-Ash not existing.

However the ability works entirely differently in gen 9 (and is coded correctly to my knowledge), but seems to still associate the Battle Bond ability to the Ash-Greninja form which is no longer possible.
Verified with Mechanic Research and Battle Bond Greninja is indeed transferable.

This is a fairly important legality bug, and would love if we could get an update on this.
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