Bug Reports v4 -- POST BUGS HERE https://www.smogon.com/forums/ps-bug-report-form/

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despite pompom being RUBL, it appears as RU on the builder

/dt seems to be updated
Zoroark comes out as the wrong mon. It supposed to come out as the last one(dragonite) but comes out a a kingambit.

https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ou-1868401682-ymurkqcoru7c52ktabjwedz1c83j4ihpw same thing please disable this shit it doesn't work right. At first I thought it might be backwards and copy the first mon but bax is literally in the middle. NEEDS DISABLED GAME BREAKING.

The opponent is allowed to pick the order of their pokemon during team preview. There is no way for you to know what their order is.
You can use dark type urshifu in a team of water monotype, pls fix this as soon as posible. (I lost btw)

BUG STATUS: NOT ENOUGH INFO Urshifu is always that forme on team preview. Without a proper replay with it entering the battle, we can't confirm it was the Dark type forme.


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PS currently does not handle Trace + activate-on-switchin abilities (like Intimidate or Dauntless Shield) very well. The ability activation happens before the Trace user actually copies the target's ability. In addition, hovering over the Trace user will say that they have the first of these abilities they traced (in the above replay, Intimidate), even after tracing new ones / said new abilities activating.
If a Prankster Pokemon uses a status-inducing move on a Pokemon which is immune to the status effect thanks to its typing (eg. Toxic onto Kingambit or Will-O-Wisp onto Houndoom), Showdown will give the "Prankster vs Dark-type" message. This is an issue as it reveals Prankster when it would otherwise be ambiguous (eg. If I Toxic into Kingambit, Polteageist may or may not be Prankster, but the server just says whether I am or not). Only gives this message if the target is immune to the status effect (if they are immune to the move but not the effect, like Krook and TWave/Para, the message doesn't appear).
Also this still exists.
It seems like there's an issue with the PS Userstats page, it isn't loading all-time user charts like it was a couple of months ago.

For reference, here's what it used to look like (internet archive). Not sure if this just stopped being supported or there is some other issue.
was requested to report this bug from showdown staff as they couldn't see it listed as a known bug.

Made a new account to do a challenge run of randbats ladder - an opponent sent me a friend request I didn't notice until I refreshed the webpage. When I did, the request popped up. Upon trying to reject the request, the message "You must be autoconfirmed to use the friends feature." would appear.

I closed the popup, then refreshed the page - same thing again.

I tried logging off, then logging back on - this time it appeared to work - clicking deny closed the window. However after another refresh, the window reappeared.

was asked to run a few commands, all of them gave a similar error

Perhaps this is simply because the account is less than a day old? or some other intended feature giving unintended consequences?

EDIT: same popup appearing 2 days later. If I realise its no longer there I'll post another edit
EDIT2: was able to deny the request today, refresh had it pop up no longer - presumably account is old enough to have been "autoconfirmed"
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turn 24

Is this a calculator problem or a showdown problem? Rather unfortunate in any case....we should be able to rely on them matching up in a tournament game.
On the calc Vullaby's attack flips over on 240 instead of 236 evs, so probably a calc bug

It flips at 240 instead of 236 because HP grass iv put it at 30atk iv, needing 4 more evs than perfect

Edit: You get HP grass even with 31 atk, so while it still isnt a bug, it should probably be changed so it goes to 31iv as default
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Hello, minor bug report here for Gen 7

I've noticed something odd, Poliwhirl and Politoed seems to be able to use Mind Reader + Fissure for some reason despite being impossible, only Poliwrath should be able to.
**(Also about Horn Drill + Extreme Speed Dragonite being incompatible in gen 2 VC but legal in gen 7)**

My theoretical guess was that since you can't relearn any moves in gen 2, the data of egg moves forgotten and stored when traded into gen 1 to learn Fissure/Horn Drill, then back to gen 2 and transferred to gen 7 would possibly mean that they could relearn the egg move from there

But since I was told by those who had physically playtested (since I do not own a 3ds myself), they said that the egg moves are not able to be relearned and are completely lost, so is this a bug?
Poliwhirl can also learn the Fissure TM in gen 1, so it and Politoed having it is normal.

On turn 21, what I assume is an illusion pokémon disguised as a Carkol mega evolves, keeping its typing (Note turn 23, where it takes neutral damage from fire blast), but doesn't lose the illusion, even when hit.
Illusions don't disappear when hit after mega evolving because you don't have the Illusion ability anymore. This mechanic was traditionally used in Gen 7 BH to block Imposters.

Poliwhirl can also learn the Fissure TM in gen 1, so it and Politoed having it is normal.
The point is that you can't bring Poliwhirl to learn Fissure in Gen 1 without first deleting the Gen 2 move Mind Reader which Poliwhirl only gets by egg move and can't be relearned, which is an issue for Gen 1 TMs and Gen 2 egg moves combined with any Gen 1/2 exclusive moves being transferred up in general that require a Gen 1/2 origin. I noted some similar examples a few years ago like Pursuit/Reflect Aerodactyl and Counter/Mirror Coat/Curse Blastoise.
So for whatever reason, Multiscale didn't activate here, despite the move used on it not being a direct damage move. and yes, I did check and Dragonite was multiscale, item was Heavy boots, the Weaville was choice band pickpocket

edit: tested it again, same thing happened
Multiscale doesn't have an activation message, and Ice Spinner from a Banded Weavile is just that strong.

Lvl 83 84 Atk Choice Band Weavile Ice Spinner vs. Lvl 74 84 HP / 84 Def Multiscale Dragonite: 288-342 (112 - 133%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Multiscale doesn't have an activation message, and Ice Spinner from a Banded Weavile is just that strong.

Lvl 83 84 Atk Choice Band Weavile Ice Spinner vs. Lvl 74 84 HP / 84 Def Multiscale Dragonite: 288-342 (112 - 133%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Thank you for explaining this, me and my friend were misunderstanding how the ability worked
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