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Never have I thought from the beginning that no one else would really get the 200 winstreaks before me ?
I honestly don't think of myself as a huge expert in Pokémon. I'm definitely not the best team builder nor the best pilot but I gotta tell you, I had the patience and patience was key indeed.
I remember when Lifecoach (A professional HearthStone player) was being made fun of for playing his games veeeeery slooooowly all the time. And one time I was watching him play, he ended up becoming the first player in the season to reach legend rank, thus he was rank 1 in Europe despite his slow games and time consumed on each turn. The lesson ?
Slow and steady won me the race in the end. For almost every game, I was checking the database of battle tower sets and trainers so thank you so much for the people who made them and the calculator. I wouldn't have won a fraction of 200 without these tools.
THE WORLD ★ @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 124 Def / 132 SpD
IVs: 22 SpA / 0 Spe
- Gravity
- Trick Room
- Brick Break
- Night Shade
Fixalas @ Berry Juice
Level 1
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 Atk
- Attract
- Rock Slide
- Endeavor
- Protect
Brdenoos B6a @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 12 HP / 252 Atk / 244 Def
IVs: 18 SpA / 0 Spe
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
- Self-Destruct
- Crunch
D'3yyyyyyj ! @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 116 Def / 112 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
- Knock Off
- Facade
- Close Combat
- Fake Out
Ideal game:
Turn 1: Trick Room & Protect
Turn 2: Endeavor & Night Shade (Aron lives from Sturdy and heals from Berry Juice)
Turn 3: Endeavor & Night Shade the same side (Aron lives from Sturdy)
And now the 3rd Pokémon will not be summoned because it belongs to the other trainer, so it's always a 2v1 on the field.
I did not make the EVs for anything specific. First I wanted just full HP and euqal Def/Sp.Def but I think I moved some for Def later to maintain a higher sum. I could be mistaken but Frisk is theoretically useless because it will not help discover anything the database can't show. Se, Pressure is better but Frisk is for lazy people who don't wanna check the database sometimes. I was using Rock Slide instead of Brick Break earlier, but having an assuring attack vs Normal types is better and also doing AOE dmg is pretty useless because the main goal is to kill 2 pokémons from 1 side. Often times against (Brighter Power / Double Team) I would take a turn to use Gravity & Protect which boosts accuracy, and then do the Endeavor Night Shade combo again.
I thought of having Rock Slide for a chance to flinch or finish 1 HP enemies, which doesn't come often of course. Maybe a 100% accuracy move would be better. Attract is not that great either, but it came in handy vs Garchomp's Rough Skin. I was thinking of Rain Dance to kill the snow vs Abomasnow-2&4 teams, but I can imagine it would lead to the same outcome if you just Protect turn 1. Endeavor turn 1 works in hail only when Aron tanks 1 hit and heals. Also I had the though of having Gluttony with Belly Drum, but then I figured Snorlax's main job is to be a quick solution to when things go wrong early, so I just wanna hit with him right away.
Hariyama: (Thanks to Zero for recommending this to me)
Before this, I was using Cresselia CM Moonlight Psychic Moonblast and she was doing great almost all the times. Later, I was thinking of Machamp, haven't tried him yet but I liked Hariayama's numbers more. Hariyama solves some problems in panic situations instead of being something that is just slow setup like Cresselia. What I mean by that is I aim to kill stuff fast on one side to get to the 2v1 and then everything is at ease.
EVs: Max Atk and ½ Def & ½ Sp.Def. @ 223 HP to have maximum HP/Def bulk with minimum Burn dmg taken since Burn does 1/16 max HP (rounding down).
HP to get maximum (1/3) heal from Wiki Berry, rest is Atk & Def. I spent alot of time trying to catch a Munchlax in underground with Self-Destruct, yet I was always too afraid to use it xD.
I have also thought alot about having another Trick Room user, but I wonder "Fights eaither finish quickly or things can go bad early" early enough that Dimensions are still twisted, and that's when I'm in desperate need for my buddies Brdenoos/D'3yj. Alot of the times I lose a pokémon and the dimensions return to normal, but at that time the battle is pretty much already won and there's no need really for Trick Room to help the Bulky boys finish the game.
I have been in a situation once where both Hariyama and Snorlax were in love with a female, so I was gonna swap one of their genders for sure but they both have a low % chance to breed a female >.<
I humbly accept any criticism / suggestions to proving this team, so please feel free to share your ideas.
The streak is #ONGOING at 200 wins, but I'll definitely be slowing down / taking a break and getting back to my life as a student/musician. *sigh* I can finally rest now zzzzzzzz
Thank you Zero for providing me with pokémons
Thanks to the guy who traded me a Hariyama and the other who evolved my Dusclops (RIP Eviolite)
Discord: Altaria#0150
Thank you so much <3
This team is legit. Used it to get to my own rank 10 in Masters Doubles. Literally almost impossible to lose after one trainer is depleted of two Pokemon. I did have trouble using this team to rank up normal mode, solely because of Abomasnow Hail, and the stupid Scizor with technical Bullet Punches.
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