I have a very different, interesting match that i want to ref. I'm looking for some particpants.
The battle is basically a meelee battle (4-6 players) with many smaller battles in it. The most significant part is that the pokemon people are using and the actions of the pokemon are all a secret. So here is what the order would look like:
1. You PM me the poke you want to use
2. I PM you a map of the arena showing where your spawn point is
3. You PM me a path that you want your pokemon to travel in. While you travel, you can find items and face wild pokemon. You can also see other trainer's pokemon if they cross your path. The situation will then become a 1v1 battle. However, you can always run, but the success will depend on the situation an a little bit of RNG. Once you see another pokemon you know what their pokemon is. This info could be useful.
4. Once everybody has sent me their path, I will PM them back with a description of what happened while they went through the path.
5. The round then ends. When you know what happened in your path, you will either make a new path, or you will battle someone else.
Also, this game has another factor. If you have seen someone's pokemon, the knowledge of their pokemon choice, their health and their energy could be useful to another player. Perhaps you could bribe them to tell you by giving them an item you found. Or maybe you want someone to join a battle you're having with another player. But what if they turn on you? This is all stuff you could consider.
The arena will be a pretty big one. I'm thinking that maybe the FireRed safari zone with the old chateau and the galactic veilstone building inside. Anybody have an idea? Another idea I'm considering is showing the location of pokemon at the end of a round. It could be only a large area in which the pokemon is, or it may only be given every x number of rounds.
Keep in mind this is not a regular battle. It may go one for a month or two or it may not. Do not expect insta updates, that is not possible.
1. IceBug
2. Venser
3. Banryu
4. jas61292
5. kannon
6. reserved for porygon3
Kannon, we're back on.
How about 1v1 singles in an... empty football (americano) arena. yeah.
1v1 singles
No recovery/5 chills
2 day DQ
Arena: A filthy junkyard. Litter, old busted appliances and other various wastes cover the ground, providing potential cover but also dangerous hazards.
Ref would be very much appreciated.I'll battle
Switch: KO
No items
All abilities
1v1 singles
No recovery/5 chills
2 day DQ
Arena: A filthy junkyard. Litter, old busted appliances and other various wastes cover the ground, providing potential cover but also dangerous hazards.
I'll battle
Switch: KO
No items
All abilities
Looking for a good battle! Only basic stages, please!
3v3 Singles
5 day DQ
0 recovers, 5 chills per mon
Arena: Kanto Power Plant
An abandoned power plant in eastern Kanto, where Zapdos is said to reside. Since there is a lot of static electricity in the air, Electric attacks require less energy to cast, meaning all Electric-type moves cost 1 less energy point to use. Zapdos may occasionally (10% chance after each round) appear and use Drill Peck on one of the combatants. (Note to ref: To aid calculations, assume Zapdos' attack is **. Factor in STAB and type advantage/disadvantage as normal.)
So...who's up for it? (Remember, basic stage evos only, please!)
I'll battle you Galladiator, which means the battle I issued last page will be invalid, although no one accepted anyways.
All Abilities
Items Disabled
"We are issuing a challenge to you lowlives!"
"What my sister means is we wish to test the abilities of our newfound Pokemon in a most efficient way, a 6v6 singles match. This battle will be rather long, a test of endurance if you will, and-"
"Yeah, Yeah, they get the point already. This match will be hella' long, so Pokemon are allowed 1 recovery each and 5 chills."
"DQ time is set at 4 days (7 days for refs), and the arena will be The Safari Zone. We welcome anyone to accept this grueling match."
"But don't start crying when we mop up the floor with you!"
6v6 singles
1 recovery/5 chills per Poke
DQ 4 days/7 days ref
Arena: Safari Zone (very large grassland with surrounding plateaus and cliffs, on one side a large body of water <lake?>, rocks large enough for most pokemon to hide behind are scattered throughout the battlefield, possibility of wild pokemon interfering at any time.)
ARENA=A heavy jungle, with loose, earthy soil and a lot of shrubbery and tall, thick trees. There is a large clearing in the middle of the jungle, with a shallow pond bordering the clearing and the jungle (maybe 3-4 feet deep)
/me flex
Switch = KO
All Abilities
No Items