Data Battle Tower (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!)

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Open Challenge:

3 vs 3 singles
0 Recover/5 Chill
DQ Time: 2 Days (fast fast)
Arena: Lavender Tower, the second floor. The floor is covered with tombstones and the place is empty, just for the battle. Pokemon afraid of ghost (read: weak to it) will focus mostly on not crapping their pants instead of battling, resulting in a one star reduction on both Atk and SpAtk. Everytime a Tombstone is in any way broken, a ghost from the gastly family will appear to join the fun (60% a Gastly appears, 30% for a Haunter and 10% for a Gengar). They will have low hp and the ability to use any move they can normally learn.

Switch = stoopid lol
No items
All abilities
Open challenge:
4v4 doubles
0 Recover/ 5 Chills
Arena: the Colosseum. Yes, the one in Rome. If the emperor (ref) deems the battle too uneventful, wild pokemon may be released from their cages in order to add some oomph to the fight.
Open challenge:
4v4 doubles
0 Recover/ 5 Chills
Arena: the Colosseum. Yes, the one in Rome. If the emperor (ref) deems the battle too uneventful, wild pokemon may be released from their cages in order to add some oomph to the fight.

Switch = OK, one per pokemon
DQ Time is 3 days
No items
One ability
The original guy I am, I'm going with this arena again. BUT WAIT, IT'S SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT!

2v2 Singles
3 Day DQ
Switch = KO
2 Recovers, 5 Chills
Unevolved mons only


Mt. Moon Cave said:
In the very centre of Mt. Moon, and at its peak, there is a cave. The diggable floor is well-lit by the full moon, which shines through a circular opening in the roof. The edges of the arena are slightly darker, but still impossible to hide in. The ceiling is high enough for Flying-type Pokémon to move freely, but unfortunately there is no water to be had. At the end of every round, there is a 25% chance of a Pokémon appearing. This 25% is made up of:

Geodude (M)
Nature: Adamant (Adds * to Attack, subtracts * from Special Attack)

[Rock]: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm, Earth Power, Earthquake and Magnitude have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
[Ground]: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 45
Atk: **** (+)
Def: ****
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 20

Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.
Sturdy: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing damage from an opponents attacks by one (1) damage. The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) damage.

Defense Curl
Mud Sport
Rock Polish
Rock Throw


Onix (M)
Nature: Adamant (Adds * to Attack, subtracts * from Special Attack)

[Rock]: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm, Earth Power, Earthquake and Magnitude have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
[Ground]: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 45
Atk: *** (+)
Def: *****(+1)
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 70

Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon’s hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.
Sturdy: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is solidly constructed, reducing damage from an opponents attacks by one (1) damage. The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) damage.

Mud Sport
Rock Throw
Rock Tomb
Smack Down


Zubat (M)
Nature: Adamant (Adds * to Attack, subtracts * from Special Attack)

[Poison]: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breath through smog/smokescreens uninhibited. Dasutodasu, Muk, and Weezing inflict Toxic Poisoning with Solid/Liquid/Gaseous Poison attacks (respectively), Wrap, Haze, and Glare have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
[Flying]: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Silver Wind, Twister, Whirlwind have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 45
Atk: *** (+)
Def: **
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 55

Inner Focus:
(Innate) When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.

Leech Life
Wing Attack
Confuse Ray

The ref controls the Pokémon that appears, and must always post their actions first (that is, at the end of every reffing). The Pokémon must act only in an attempt to save its own skin, and should not recklessly attack either player. There may only be one wild Pokémon on the field at any time.

Let's get it.
Let's do this!

2v2 Singles
DQ 3 days
0 recovers/5 chills per mon
Arena: Grassy field in the center, with a forest to the east and a large body of water to the west. Too much time spent in either the forest or water may cause wild pokemon to attack trespassers (opponent or ref, feel free to expand on this as you wish). There are no berries to be found nearby for the battlers to use.

It's my first battle, so unevolved mons only please!
Hey, LupusAter and I would like a subref for this 4v4 doubles match.

Our ref, doominic77, despite reassurances he would complete the second round, has gone 300% past his DQ time. Normally I'm pretty patient, but...yeah.
I like this arena. I want to use it in a longer battle against Nightmare jigglypuff, but I'm making a couple of adjustments.

2v2 Singles
3-day DQ time
2 Recovery moves/5 Chills/2 Taunts/1 Teleport/No evolving mid-battle/Unevolved mons only

Arena: Tilt Panic
  • A 100-foot-wide circle made of ice balanced precariously on a 5-foot-wide pillar in the middle of a large ocean.
  • The arena will tilt based on where the pokemon are. Heavier pokemon will influence the tilt more than lighter ones.
  • NEW: Flying pokemon and Levitating pokemon will not affect the tilt unless they are on the ground.
  • NEW: The exception to this is if the weather conditions are heavy rain (such as when Rain Dance is used). In such conditions, the tilt will be completely random. The default conditions are clear weather.
  • Pokemon can try to push each other around and knock each other off the arena with their attacks. A pokemon that gets knocked off is considered KO'd. Stronger attacks have more pushing power and are more likely to knock a pokemon off. Heavier pokemon are harder to push and pokemon further from the edge are harder to knock off. The angle of the arena also affects the chance of a pokemon being knocked off.
  • NOTE: Although it is easier for Flying pokemon and Levitating pokemon to dodge attacks, they can still be knocked off the arena.
  • Every round there is a 50% chance of a Walrein jumping up from the water below and landing somewhere on the edge of the arena. It will not attack but its weight will affect the tilt of the arena for the duration of the round and then it will slide back into the water at the end of the round. A Walrein cannot appear on two consecutive rounds.
  • NEW: Surf, Dig, Earthquake and Magnitude cannot be used in this arena.

Also, a suggestion to whoever refs this: end-of-round diagrams will be helpful.


PM teams.

Aussi, tous les mises à jour seront en français.
Open Battle:

3Vs3 Singles
DQ Time 3 Days
Two uses of Recover/Rest type moves and 5 chills.
Arena: Field with Short Grass, Calm Weather. Fences enclose the arena (50m by 50m), any pokemon going outside the fences are counted as knocked out.

My First Battle, so a simple arena. Anyone?
challenging venser!

3 vs 3 singles
DQ = 4 days
1 Recovery, 3 chills

Arena: Luigi's mansion! The mansion has 3 stories, a really creepy basement and some other freaky stuff. The battle will take place in the dining hall, but Pokemon can move to other rooms. The lights have a 10% chance to go out for one action. Ghosts can pop out too as well (5% chance each round), scaring one Pokemon and preventing it from using any moves for one action.

gee i think i'll run away like a pussy

I mean, challenge accepted!
All abilities
no items

reffing this

pm me your teams
Open Battle:

3Vs3 Singles
DQ Time 3 Days
Two uses of Recover/Rest type moves and 5 chills.
Arena: Field with Short Grass, Calm Weather. Fences enclose the arena (50m by 50m), any pokemon going outside the fences are counted as knocked out.

My First Battle, so a simple arena. Anyone?

I'm up for the challenge.

Switch = KO
One Ability
No items
-Charmander- I challenge you!!!!

3v3 Doubles
3 Day DQ
2 Recovers/5 chills
Arena: A giant with a ton of large walls. Walls are really high, can't be flown or jumped over.

ignore the thing in the center, and imagine that the exit is blocked off. pokemon start on opposite sides of the maze.

accepting Fire Blast
one ability
no items
switch = KO

we need a ref
Woo 1k mini-post time.

I joined Smogon a little less than two years ago, and it's been my most-checked website ever since. When I first joined, I tried helping out in the SQSA thread and posting some in Stark. Unlike most others, I didn't touch the RMT forum until much later (my first RMT was a 5th gen one). After a couple of infractions for things that I consider trivial even today, I took a short hiatus from Smogon because I felt bad (oversensitive me, I know). When I came back, I did pretty much the same things as before. One day, I saw a thread the Deck had posted called something along the lines of "Thoughts on another CAP Spin-off: CAP Anime Style Battling". After reading the thread, I was hooked and sought to help. Though I took forever on my assigned movelist portion, I eventually finished it, and CAP ASB began shortly afterwards. ASB has been one of the best parts of Smogon I have ever been a part of (Circus Mafia comes close), and I'm glad that my 1k (or more like 1.001k) post could be in here. I'm not going to drop names because I doubt some people that I name would even look in this thread. Just know that is you are in one of the following groups, you would probably be named: a) 4th Gen Little Cup Players, b) ASB Development Crew, c) Mafia Players. <3

Anyway, I'm looking for a sub-in for Midou into this battle. PM me with your three Pokemon if you're interested. You only have 24 hours.

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