I made a baton pass team today (to get a better idea of the playstyle), and found these things:
1) Espeon isn't really that useful except for Magic Bounce, and Smeargle can defog if you hate hazards that much.
2) The ease at which you can get defense boosts off is ridiculous. I used Mew with barrier, amnesia, roost, and BP (instead of Vaporeon) as a lead if scolipede wasn't going to cut it and it really just turned into me spamming the appropriate defense boosts and then roosting off the 26% damage that M-Pinsir at +4 was doing with Return. Once you have the defense boosts you're golden, and can do pretty much anything after Ingrain (not that hard to get with the defense&speed boosts).
3) Most games were decided around turn 4-6, when I either had the defense boosts or I had forgotten about infiltrator getting behind subs. I would have gone to say it is decided at turn 1, when they either properly predict my lead and can hit the right defenses or they do not which gives me a turn to sub/boost my defenses.
4) Adding Mew to the mix really makes you need essentially 4 pokemon: Scolipede (passive speed boosts, can sub up), Smeargle (whatever you want really), Togekiss (Nasty Plot and a Final Solution of sorts with Stored Power), and Mew (The Defenses) to either get to a PP-Stall fest with your opponent or rip them to shreds with whoever you end the chain with. The fact that Stored Power has no cap is also a problem, since without any sp attack boosts a 4EV togekiss take a decent bite out of supposed counters (granted its got +6 Sp/Defense and speed). If I had ran NP at the time it would've gotten worse since at +2 you take most of Chansey's health.
4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Landorus-T: 382-450 (100 - 117.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Quagsire: 453-534 (114.9 - 135.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Thundurus: 385-453 (128.3 - 151%) -- guaranteed OHKO
4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 283-334 (94.9 - 112%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO (Charizard is doing like 16-19% with a sun-boosted overheat)
4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (380 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Landorus: 385-453 (120.3 - 141.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 4 SpA Togekiss Stored Power (420 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 450-530 (63.9 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I threw pokemon together that I had heard about and had a fairly successful go with a team I had no idea how to play with, nor put much thought into. Baton Pass can easily turn into either PP-Stall or a complete sweep, and unless the opponent comes absolutely prepared with surefire counters (Murkrow) they are getting swept.
So now I think I can answer the questions at the beginning of the thread properly, having played both with and against BP teams.
- Is Baton Pass (with specific reference to full Baton Pass teams) a problem for the development of the metagame?
Full Baton Pass teams are a problem because the opposing player either (1) Rolls over and gives up since Mew can accumulate defensive boosts and Scolipede can get the speed/defense boosts faster than you can say "broken" or (2) Has packed some counter specifically for Baton Pass teams (post-set up) that is nigh useless against other teams, and even that can fail.
- If so, what elements, in particular, do you think are pushing Baton Pass over the edge?
The ease at which BP teams can set up their defenses/unbreakable subs, get out of counters at no cost to the boosts, and Stored Power getting ridiculous amounts of power are what I feel makes Full BP over the edge. Even in shorter chains this can get ridiculous since mew getting to +6 on both defenses adds 240 BP to Stored Power, which isn't very hard to get at all. You can then just pass this to scolipede, protect&sub until you get enough speed, and then just spam Stored Power/Appropriate coverage until you kill everything.
- Do you believe that banning individual Pokémon (such as Espeon/Scolipede) would make Baton Pass manageable?
It isn't really one pokemon throwing BP over the edge either. It is the conjunction of all the team that really makes BP near unbeatable. Mew can't really do much with the Amnesia/Barrier set, and as a stand-alone sweeper Scolipede is too frail to use the +6 speed, but that Togekiss sure benefits from the unbreakable defenses and ridiculous speed (not to mention base 300+ stored power).
- Would you support a blanket ban on the move Baton Pass?
That would completely kill Baton Pass teams, but also kill some pokemon usage outside of BP teams. As has been stated dry passes to evade pursuit and short-passes aren't really that bad since it is generally one SD or something like that, rarely ever are people passing +6 in both defenses AND speed outside of BP. Then again you could probably have similar success running Quiver Dance Smeargle with Baton Pass to a stored power user, but I digress.
- Would you support the introduction of complex bans (like Pokémon X+Pokémon Y on the same team)? Feel free to suggest more forms of complex bans, of course.
I can get behind a few Complex Bans here. (1) Banning Speed Boost+BP, honestly the ability to just accumulate speed without much risk is just painful, especially since your opponent can't do much (only feint) against your protect which pretty much gives you an automatic +1, then the sub once you outspeed most pokemon gets you to +2, and so on until you outspeed the entire tier. (2) Limiting numberof BP users on a team to 1-2 Quite honestly this may seem like overkill to some of you, but just think about it: All you really need is Mew and Scolipede and you can get +6 in Sp/Defense, Attack, and speed within the span of relatively few turns. Only having 2 BP-ers makes them much more valuable, and therefore much more big of a deal if they die. (3) Banning Ingrain+BP since after Smeargle passes ingrain along you can't do much to rid the boosts bar Haze (which I hope has already been established as kind of meh in the majority of the OU environment), and being able to Roar/Whirlwind out a BP chain would make most teams more readily prepared for them since those are reasonable responses to setup and good ways to rack up hazard damage (both useful things). Lastly (4) Banning Speed Boost+BP+Magic Bounce since now people will either have to choose between reliable speed or not having to worry about taunt/hazards.