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That doesn't help me too much I went back 12 pages and didn't find it. Did i miss it?? can you just copy+paster it here
Question again.
I jsut can't get a good powered hidden power for my heatran but it's IVs all still battle worthy.

What's a good replacement for hidden power for a heatran with this moves?
-lava plume
-Earth power
What if you hack the Master Ball with AR and catch stuff? Does it affect the legitness of a Pokemon? I'm going to reset for a HP: Fighting Azelf.
Yea i decdided to use Trading Card Avvies and on serebii i found some cool bulbasaur ones. This one if from EX firered/Leaf green, the other one was from 1998.
From what I know it will be back once all the beta testing and the whole main site is fixed. It could be another month or so...
That i know of no. But remember to use Advance AR not DS AR. Search it on gamefaqa/google. This belongs in EverGrande city btw.
That i know of no. But remember to use Advance AR not DS AR. Search it on gamefaqa/google. This belongs in EverGrande city btw.
It refers to breeding stuff that will eventually wind up in D/P and anyways, a good portion of the people here have knowledge about R/S/E anyways.
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