Aragornbird's Art Gallery (UPDATED 12/04)

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Hey argonbird,

I was roaming the web looking at sprites, and I found one of yours from psypokes:

Can i use it as my avvy?

Edit: nevermind, read on your website I can as long as i give you credit. Thanks in advance!
Aragornbird's Art Gallery (UPDATE: 3/17)

Welcome to my art thread! I decided to start a new one since my old thread was way out of date. Here you will find a sample of my art, both Pokemon and non-Pokemon.


Pokémon Factory
Pokémon Factory massive art project where my goal is to draw every Pokémon created. It started back in 2005 and so far I've drawn 300+ Pokemon. I've taken long breaks in the project over the years, but I'm determined to see it through to the end (at least until Generation 5 comes).




The rest of the Pokemon can be viewed here


I put a lot of work into Pokemon Factory, but not nearly as much as my actual illustrations. These are part of my portfolio and range from storybook illustrations to character designs and concept art.

Portfolio Section

Featured Image:

Latest Image:


Thumbnails (goes to my deviantART):

It's good to see your thread back on the front page, Aragornbird. I've always been a fan of yours ever since I first joined smogon. I have to say, I enjoy your non-pokemon related artwork a considerable deal.
Beautiful work, Aragorn. You're a very talented painter and it's been great to see how you've grown the past couple of years. Great technique and colours, so much so it makes one a little envious.

I'm particularly convinced by your Seaserpent and Dracomeleon pieces. Both are beautifully composed with great lighting and mood. I very much look forward to further updates.
ohhh so this is where people are getting there sprites for (lol telemarketers) there rmts. Anyways very nice aragornbird.
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