Apprentice Program - Round Twenty Nine

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Official Battling 101 Tournament (Round 29) - Finals

Volren v skyfox500

~ Evasion Clause enabled
~ Freeze Clause enabled
~ OHKO Clause enabled
~ Sleep Clause enabled
~ Species Clause enabled
~ Timed Battle enabled
~ Avoid scouting (scouting on purpose will result in a disqualification from the tournament)
~ No illegal movesets (such as Pursuit & Selfdestruct Snorlax)
~ Any Pokemon defined as "Uber" or "Limbo" by Smogon is banned from the tournament
~ Please PM logs to me after completing your battles to clear up any conflicts should they arise

If you have any queries, please forward them to myself or Aeolus.

The deadline for this round is September 7, 7:00PM (GMT +8).
Uh, just out of curiosity, have I met either of you by another nick?

Or are you just picking at random?

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problems with it, I was just wondering if we'd actually met online >.>
With that, another Official Batting 101 Tournament is concluded. Congratulations to Volren, our winner, and skyfox500 for making it as far as you did.

Thanks to everyone who took part.
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