Apprentice Program - Round Twenty Nine

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Yeah, Rhykune to win it all. I certainly did not expect his level of creativity and talent. Plus, if he doesn't win it after beating me, then I'll be really angry with him (well, not really.)
Meh, I'm disappointed. My computer crashed and all my teams went bye-bye : ( and I've gotta recreate one to battle >_>
Still no response from HABACHI if he doesn't contact me soon I might not be able to set a time for our match...
If everyone who has been attempting to set up their match to no avail drop me a PM for posterity's sake, that would be great.
I am shocked. 7 hours to go and only one battle has been done.

It looks like I'll be making a lot of coinflips.
Wow. It certainly seems like there is far less demand for this tournament than the previous one.

Well that's not entirely true on my part. I pm'ed my opponent the day the round started I just didn't get a response before the 11th and I've been busy with work and such, but I was wondering if I could get the round done on the 13th, though a little after the deadline, would it be acceptable?
I'm not sure. The deadlines for these Tournaments are very strict.
If you think your opponent is at fault, then just PM Blue Kirby about this dilemma, but I really don't have any authority here, this is merely a suggestion.
Well that's not entirely true on my part. I pm'ed my opponent the day the round started I just didn't get a response before the 11th and I've been busy with work and such, but I was wondering if I could get the round done on the 13th, though a little after the deadline, would it be acceptable?

I can allow you to complete your match during round 2 if you like since it's only a little after the deadline.
I've PMed my opponent multiple times, but he has had no activity on smogon since August 1st. Needless to say he hasn't replied.
Official Batting 101 Tournament (Round 29) - Round 2

Round 1 of this tournament was pretty disappointing in terms of activity, so let's make sure we change that this round! Good luck to all remaining contestants.

Legacy Raider v Rhykune
Ayashi v xat
skyfox500 v dragonites
Volren v Coconut Storm

~ Evasion Clause enabled
~ Freeze Clause enabled
~ OHKO Clause enabled
~ Sleep Clause enabled
~ Species Clause enabled
~ Timed Battle enabled
~ Avoid scouting (scouting on purpose will result in a disqualification from the tournament)
~ No illegal movesets (such as Pursuit & Selfdestruct Snorlax)
~ Any Pokemon defined as "Uber" or "Limbo" by Smogon is banned from the tournament
~ Please PM logs to me after completing your battles to clear up any conflicts should they arise

If you have any queries, please forward them to myself or Aeolus.

Note: In order for everyone to have a shot at playing in this tournament, I have omitted players that played in the last one. I feel having a "break" of at minimum one round is the fairest approach.

The deadline for this round is August 20, 7:00PM (GMT +8).
PMed my opponent.

Edit: Had my battle with dragonites, lost 0-2. So he should take my place in the 2 Round.

If that's what you want, then by all means, I will substitute dragonites in your place.

still waiting for opponent to pm me.

How can you receive contact from your opponent this round at this point? They don't know which one of them is moving on to battle you yet. Hold tight.
My opponent HABACHI never showed up... Even though I pm'ed him about meeting me on the 13th I hav not heard from him since. Therefore I'd like to be Xat's challenger before it's too late to arrange a time.
Legacy Raider v Rhykune; faced him a few times and he was good.
Ayashi v xat; I might have faced Ayashi before, but not xat. Meh, idk. Pretty much just a guess.
Volren v Coconut Storm; such an awesome name

Man, I don't know like any of these people.
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