5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

If you can, use Chatot pitches to find your frame, then button mash into the encounter before they can do anything else. Otherwise, you have to use trial and error - catch the Pokémon, figure out what frame you landed on, then adjust from there. Sweet Scent is tough either way, though, since they still move during the Sweet Scent animation, and the number of advances they do can vary depending on what frame you SS'd on, so you may even end up with an unhittable frame (though you can fix that by re-saving so they start from different positions).

When you say "use chatot pitches" is there a tool of some sort to help you (I vaguely remember seeing a link to something like that about 20-30 pages back), or are you just gonna have to play it by ear? In short, how does one identify "low" "mid" "high" pitches?
When you say "use chatot pitches" is there a tool of some sort to help you (I vaguely remember seeing a link to something like that about 20-30 pages back), or are you just gonna have to play it by ear? In short, how does one identify "low" "mid" "high" pitches?
Record your voice at a high pitch. You'll be able to identify it easily.
I'm trying to RNG a shiny Terrakion with the IVs 31/31/31/8/31/31. However, I can't seem to hit my frame 1. I end up getting a Terrakion with the nature I want (Jolly), but the IV spread of 22-23/6-7/29/6-9/16-17/4-5. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm using an English White 2 on a DS Lite.

Other useful info:
Timer0: C91
Seed: 78B64E2F55F971B5
VCount: 50
VFrame: 1
GxStat: 6
I found an error in the encounter table. in castelia city (location 1, in the table) it says that jigglypuff appears at level 15 and 16 with encounter slots 2 and 6 respectively, but it's wrong. it should be pidove, not jigglypuff.
I'm trying to RNG a shiny Terrakion with the IVs 31/31/31/8/31/31. However, I can't seem to hit my frame 1. I end up getting a Terrakion with the nature I want (Jolly), but the IV spread of 22-23/6-7/29/6-9/16-17/4-5. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm using an English White 2 on a DS Lite.

Other useful info:
Timer0: C91
Seed: 78B64E2F55F971B5
VCount: 50
VFrame: 1
GxStat: 6

If you aren't getting the right IVs, that means you're missing your standard seed. So, you're either missing your timer0, your target time/date, or your keypresses. I would guess that you're missing your timer0 because in BW2 timer0 is always the main problem... but also make sure that you're entering the game one second before your target time.

If timer0 is the problem, just keep trying to hit your seed and you should eventually hit your target timer0. If you keep getting the same IV spread that isn't your target, find out which timer0 you're hitting using the adjacent seed tool, and use that timer0 in the time finder to find a new seed.
I'm trying to RNG a shiny Terrakion with the IVs 31/31/31/8/31/31. However, I can't seem to hit my frame 1. I end up getting a Terrakion with the nature I want (Jolly), but the IV spread of 22-23/6-7/29/6-9/16-17/4-5. Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm using an English White 2 on a DS Lite.

Other useful info:
Timer0: C91
Seed: 78B64E2F55F971B5
VCount: 50
VFrame: 1
GxStat: 6

Check your parameters.

Your Timer0 is waaaaaaaaaaaay off the range for White 2 Parameters. You are probably using White 1. See figure below and recheck.


As you can see, you have a Timer0 of C91, which is, again, out the range for White 2 Timer0 range of 10E0-1130. To add to what PoJ has said, even if you get the right nature, ability, gender, or even shiny-ness, as long as you do not get the correct IV's, you probably have missed your seed. Other factors why you do not get the IV's correctly is the IV frame, which will never advance unless you walk 128 steps with x number of pokemon in your party. x is equal to the number of IV frame advancements made when you walk 128 steps.


Your Timer0 = C91
W2 Timer0 range = 10E0-1130
In Dreamyard, is Lati@s considered a Stationary Pokemon, or a Wild Pokemon?
As a follow-up to my own question, Lati@s is considered a Stationary Pokemon, near as I can tell anyway.

Seed 5593448499CA4CC4
ID 12752
SID 7748
Stationary Pokemon, PID Frame 222 will result in Shiny.
Wild Pokemon, PID Frame 220 will result in Shiny.

Going off of Chatot pitches, I stopped at frame 222, and got a shiny. If I stopped at PID frame 220, I might have gotten lucky via PID advancement by an NPC, but stopping at frame 222 I eliminate random advancement.
Hi,I'm currently struck in BW2 rng method. I will list down what did i do and hope anyone can help me identify the steps i've done wrong maybe.
Right now i'm now wanted to do wild pokemon rng.

For calibration
1. I brought along a sweet scenter (Foongus)
2. I found a spot in victory road with no npc and items lying around. Save the game there.
3. I restart my DSlite and set to 10/12/2012 05:30:25 and restart my ds
4. I press A when the second reach 25 sec and let it load (without pressing anything) till the game freak screen up
5. Once the screen is up, i press A all the way till the game load my saved game.
6. I sweet scent immediately and catch a pokemon
7. Copy down the nature, habits, stats and calculate the iv

I Repeated step 3-7 for around 20 times to confirm the results -> Here lies one problem, different pokemon i encounter give me different iv values but the same pokemon give me same iv (E.g. 10XPiloswine i encounter all have naughty nature, hp 111, atk 78 and 12X Delibird have rash nature, hp 106, atk 57for example)

Qn 1: Is the calibration on the right track?
Qn 2: For BW2 after press A at the right second i notice that after the game freak logo appear the time taken to press A also affect the pokemon that you will encounter. E.g. When you see Zekrom shadow count 1 sec then enter game you will encounter delibird if 2 second count you will encounter piloswine. I'm getting so confuse, is it i have to wait for all the animation load finish instead of only stopping at game freak screen?

For actual RNG
1. I just take this 3 result and generate a list of seeder and tried them all
2. For example: i gotten Frame 1 01/13/2012 05:30:19 i enter the game at 01/13/2012 05:30:18 <------ is this correct?
3. I sweet scent and caught a pokemon but that pokemon doesnt match the iv stat i wanted to generate.

Sorry for the trouble and thanks in advance if anyone could solved this problem i'm facing =)
The Gift Eevee in Castelia City can never be female. If the PIDRNG lands on a frame that generates a female Eevee, it will skip to the next frame.

@kandayuu, Timer0 is probably fluctuating a lot. It's a known problem in BW2, and something you need to be aware of. Also which DS are you using, a DS Lite, DSi, or 3DS?
The Gift Eevee in Castelia City can never be female. If the PIDRNG lands on a frame that generates a female Eevee, it will skip to the next frame.

@kandayuu, Timer0 is probably fluctuating a lot. It's a known problem in BW2, and something you need to be aware of. Also which DS are you using, a DS Lite, DSi, or 3DS?

I'm using DSLite, So how do i stablize the fluctuation? How to kept the encounter consistent in BW2?
Ok thanks alot! So right now its impossible to rng in BW2 right?
No, you just have to try more. Figure out which Timer0 value is most common, and use that one.

Breeding in BW2 is impossible though, for unrelated reasons (there's a bug in the game's breeding code).
Can the gift Eevee still be shiny? And the gift turtle/archeopteryx too?
And are there NPCs that make getting a shiny really difficult in any of these buildings?