5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Yeah, stationary, and be sure to set the gender ratio to genderless in the main window of Reporter like you said because that affects the PID frames.

Edit: Sprocket, yeah you're right, it slightly shifts the PID frames and changes the syncable frames. Never really noticed that :p I'm pretty sure Lati@s would be stationary.
Hello there, so I've just recently started RNGing for the first time in a few months. I downloaded the newest version onto my new computer, and tried to start the process, but when I went to go to the time finder it has you set up a profile or something now? I was confused, but I just went along with it anyways, gave it a name, and used the ds parameters search button to fill in the rest of the info and hit "Use results in time finder" Then it takes me back to the profiles screen. However, then RNG reporter stops working. If you try clicking on the main window again, it just gives the error noise and the profile window flashes. There's nothing to click on on the profile window and if you try to X it off, it closes the main window as well, and doesn't save the profile I set up. Can someone explain how to make this stupid profile thing cooperate? Any help is appreciated~
Yeah, stationary, and be sure to set the gender ratio to genderless in the main window of Reporter like you said because that affects the PID frames.

Edit: Sprocket, yeah you're right, it slightly shifts the PID frames and changes the syncable frames. Never really noticed that :p I'm pretty sure Lati@s would be stationary.
thx oh and can we verify the seed by looking at the pokemons level(hidden grotto) like when in wild rnging by encounter slots?
OK! Finally got RNGing Kyurem down. And ooh, shiny!


So that confirms that Kyurem is not Shiny-locked in BW2.

Listening to Chatot pitches was the way to go. Made it much easier to verify seeds. Also switched to my DSLite since it was just exponentially easier than using my 3DS. It seems there is PID advancement going on in Kyurem's Cave, but it's not a lot.

Anyone have a good sound to use for Chatot? What I have works, but I'm sure there's better.

That was confirmed on Japanese BW2 months ago.
I was able to do Reshiram in White 2, but had to offset the PID frame by -3 in RNG Reporter. Any reason for this?

Indeed, I ran into this problem as well. Was doing Latios, had to offset by 2.

My IV spread was correct, but kept hitting Hardy. Changed the amount of Chatot from 9 to 7, and I hit my Timid frame.


Linked is the PIDRNG for my Latios, for anyone else who may have had this issue as well.

Yes, confirming that I haven't done Memory Link. It can be ruled out as a possible problem.
Hey, have been RNG'ing and have found out that in Black 2, turning in grass advances the PIDRNG 1 frame (unlike in Black/White 1 where it advances 2 frames).

Is this confirmed by anyone else?
What does "synchronized frames only" mean in reference to Stationary RNG abuse? Just wanna make sure checking it won't mess up my Terrakion (I do have a synch user, just to clarify)

edited to add: I'm also trying to RNG Terrakion on Route 22, there aren't any frame advancing NPCs here, right? I personally only see a backpacker sitting stationary against a wall, but I just want to confirm ahead of time.
What does "synchronized frames only" mean in reference to Stationary RNG abuse? Just wanna make sure checking it won't mess up my Terrakion (I do have a synch user, just to clarify)

edited to add: I'm also trying to RNG Terrakion on Route 22, there aren't any frame advancing NPCs here, right? I personally only see a backpacker sitting stationary against a wall, but I just want to confirm ahead of time.

Ok, "synchronized frames only" is a search feature (much like "shiny frames only" is a search feature).

If a nature appears in bold it will be overwritten by the sychroniser's nature if a synchroniser is in slot 1 of the party. Does this make sense? Having it ticked just limits the frames to only those that can be synchronised.
guys im rnging zekrom for hours and my default timer0 is 167C (in B2/dsi) and i didnt hit my seed even once.....(i used this seed before and i its my shiny seed that i rnged my ID/SID) ......my seconds is 23...so i boot it up at 22 seconds and in the adjacent seed tool i get results of other timer0s but not the seed i want with 167C timer0....rarely i hit 167C(about 4 times so far) but then the second is 24 :( .i and i get 24 only for that timer0 (never happened before...)... anyone know whats wrong...please help...thank you
Indeed, I ran into this problem as well. Was doing Latios, had to offset by 2.

My IV spread was correct, but kept hitting Hardy. Changed the amount of Chatot from 9 to 7, and I hit my Timid frame.


Linked is the PIDRNG for my Latios, for anyone else who may have had this issue as well.

Yes, confirming that I haven't done Memory Link. It can be ruled out as a possible problem.

That's because it has an advancing NPC, not a problem with Reporter.

@musicalbento: Pretty sure Terrakion does, too.
That's because it has an advancing NPC, not a problem with Reporter.

You mean those trainers in the basement? I didn't know they affected other levels, I thought Pokemon worked similarly to Oblivion with their individual cells and whatnot. Thanks for clearing that up!

On a side note, I am having a little trouble understanding hidden grottoes. Trying for the Breloom in Grotto 14 here, from what I gather, open hollows are referring to hollows that have nothing inside them. However, I am unable to key in anything less than 15. Does this mean that I have to clear X+1 hollows before being able to RNG Grotto X? Thanks for the help! :)
You mean those trainers in the basement? I didn't know they affected other levels, I thought Pokemon worked similarly to Oblivion with their individual cells and whatnot. Thanks for clearing that up!

No, I mean above-ground. The trainers in the basement don't count. The trainers in the Dreamyard section you can only get to through the basement, on the other hand, do, and there's a moving trainer in the dark grass over there.
Hello everybody. I am trying to RNG a Shiny, Physical, Inner Focus, Riolu in Flocessy Ranch using PPRNG. The date in my results November 13, 2000 and the time is 11:35:04. Timer0 is 10F3, VCount is 82, and VFrame is 8. Seed is A70D9E01BBCB59E4 and the hold buttons are Dn-rt, L, and X. When I tried this, I was not getting what looked like the right results, but when I used the B2/W2 parameter search, and used the calibration method with Unova Link, I was in fact hitting the right seed and Timer0. I have no idea what, if anything, I am doing wrong.
If I run a virtual machine using Windows Vista on it (and installing .NET framework 4.5), would it be possible that I am able to run the newest version of RNG reporter?
Hello everybody. I am trying to RNG a Shiny, Physical, Inner Focus, Riolu in Flocessy Ranch using PPRNG. The date in my results November 13, 2000 and the time is 11:35:04. Timer0 is 10F3, VCount is 82, and VFrame is 8. Seed is A70D9E01BBCB59E4 and the hold buttons are Dn-rt, L, and X. When I tried this, I was not getting what looked like the right results, but when I used the B2/W2 parameter search, and used the calibration method with Unova Link, I was in fact hitting the right seed and Timer0. I have no idea what, if anything, I am doing wrong.

A few things:

1. Completely exiting the Unova Link menu causes a new seed to generate, so if you had your seed before, you won't after.

2. Following with the above, BW2 have a much larger range of possible timer0s, so it's possible you could be hitting the right one when you check on Unova Link, but a different one(s) if you go straight into your game (just as a coincidence, not that it's a definite thing).

3. There are moving NPCs in the ranch, which advance the PID (nature & shininess). Are you still getting the right IVs, even if the nature is wrong?

4. How are you triggering the encounter? Sweet Scent, or walking in the grass?
If I run a virtual machine using Windows Vista on it (and installing .NET framework 4.5), would it be possible that I am able to run the newest version of RNG reporter?
I can't speak for Vista, but you most definitely can with a VM running Windows 7.
If I run a virtual machine using Windows Vista on it (and installing .NET framework 4.5), would it be possible that I am able to run the newest version of RNG reporter?

On what? Did you ask about a way to use the latest RNG reporter on windows xp? If yes, tell me how.
What does "synchronized frames only" mean in reference to Stationary RNG abuse? Just wanna make sure checking it won't mess up my Terrakion (I do have a synch user, just to clarify)

edited to add: I'm also trying to RNG Terrakion on Route 22, there aren't any frame advancing NPCs here, right? I personally only see a backpacker sitting stationary against a wall, but I just want to confirm ahead of time.
The Backpacker on that route will indeed muck up your frames. However, if you haven't battled him yet, you can battle him when you're planning to capture Terrakion and that will make him stationary until you leave the route, so if you decide to try this, make sure not to leave the route.
On what? Did you ask about a way to use the latest RNG reporter on windows xp? If yes, tell me how.
By using a virtual machine, like VirtualBox, you can simulate another OS. It's most likely for people who want to test programs on other OSs, but in this case, you can also run Windows 7 programs on Windows XP. Though, I am not sure if you can install a new OS to an old computer within the virtual machine, but as I use XP on a computer that normally had Vista, it's fine for me.
Does Shiny Frame in IV (Standard Seed) mean that I need to advance my PID frame?
Yes, that's correct. The PID tells a Pokémon his nature, ability, gender and in combination with ID/SID also the shininess.
I'm trying to receive a Naive Genesect with special flawless IVs from the delivery man. I selected Wondercard Searcher in PPRNG and I got the following:

seed: E53CD2D6E4BE6C48
initial frame: 52
target frame: 72
time: 10/21/2012 03:01:56 (I'm delaying 1 second since I tested and my DS Lite has a 1 second delay)
Buttons: Start+L

So I booted up the game at 03:01:55 holding down Start and L until the star appeared. After, I skipped to the continue screen and started the game without C-Gear. I pressed nothing during the season screen. I then went right to my menu, listened to Chatot 20 times, and spoke to the delivery man whom I was saved in front of. I got a Genesect that was Modest with special flawless IVs (attack was 24 like predicted). So it appears that I hit my seed looking at IVs, but I thought that nature and IVs are tied together in wondercard cases? Did I do something wrong?
Hey, i´ve a problem with the RNG Reporter 9.96.3. I´ve calibrated the reporter and created an account with my white 2, but when I choose 5 th Gen Time Finder there is an errormessage in german oO http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/221/fehermeldung.png/ Do you know what I can do to fix that? I´ve a DS Lite and a german white 2 if it´s important


This is essentially my question from the previous page. Any ideas on how to fix?
Hello Smogon,

Wich type of generation does N's Zorua use ? Do I have to input simple "Standard Seeds" or is it a wondercard-like abuse ?
I'm trying to receive a Naive Genesect with special flawless IVs from the delivery man. I selected Wondercard Searcher in PPRNG and I got the following:

seed: E53CD2D6E4BE6C48
initial frame: 52
target frame: 72
time: 10/21/2012 03:01:56 (I'm delaying 1 second since I tested and my DS Lite has a 1 second delay)
Buttons: Start+L

So I booted up the game at 03:01:55 holding down Start and L until the star appeared. After, I skipped to the continue screen and started the game without C-Gear. I pressed nothing during the season screen. I then went right to my menu, listened to Chatot 20 times, and spoke to the delivery man whom I was saved in front of. I got a Genesect that was Modest with special flawless IVs (attack was 24 like predicted). So it appears that I hit my seed looking at IVs, but I thought that nature and IVs are tied together in wondercard cases? Did I do something wrong?

I think the problem is your initial frame. Try hitting your seed again. In the season screen mash X to open your menu. After that close you menu and mash A to receive your Genesect. Check it's nature and then search in the RNG main window for the nature of the Genesect you received. This will be your actual initial frame. Then hit your seed again and do the advances of your actual inital frame.