2012/2013 Soccer/Football thread


He was on TV as well (perfect English by the tv speaker, I know):

And there goes our only chance to sign an established world class player. I understand that turkey is a tax heaven for footballers but why did he go there at this stage of his career. Still 28. He must be regretting his decision to ask for ridiculous wages when fergie wanted him at man utd.
And there goes our only chance to sign an established world class player. I understand that turkey is a tax heaven for footballers but why did he go there at this stage of his career. Still 28. He must be regretting his decision to ask for ridiculous wages when fergie wanted him at man utd.

dunno how true it is but
bbc article said:
Sneijder had been keen on a move to the Premier League, according to his agent Soren Lerby, but a serious offer from England never materialised.
I fucking love that pic.It just made my day.That and the news of Cole being set to sign a contract extension(which will make him the highest paid defender in the world at 200,000 a week if rumours are to be believed)
^Villa is apparently back on

and Liverpool missed out on Sneijder but are very close to signing another Inter milan attacking midfielder (Coutinho). He's one of the best dribblers in the game but I'm not sure if he will deliver the end product :/. And I have a feeling rodgers is going to play him out of position on the wing.

Also, Cole is worth 200k a week imo.
i heard some shit about villa not moving until summer but then i heard he put in a transfer request so i dont know whats going on really
isnt terry on about 200k? and rooney is on 250k. it's a ridiculous sum of money but i can 't say i'm astonished
Wenger usually plays his cards close to his chest, I'm sure Arsenal will sign some guy from somewhere who does good for like 2 months then turns bad.

Or he signs a nobody who turns about to be a world class player and helps Arsenal finish in a champions league spot in an impressive debut season-but you don't win anything.The next two-three seasons play out in the same manner but this player continues to dazzle everyone.And then -Insert Big Club name here- bids for him and he leaves coz he wants to win something :P

And I thought Torres was out highest paid player
He's our second highest paid player... I think. not sure though, if that's the case then its 165k-ish mata is apparently 67k. Should be the other way round.