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The Hitman
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  • Hello. We are matched up in the RUII. My time is GMT-5 and I'm usually available.
    Are you on tommorow and when are you connected. Maybe is possible to play today ?
    Hey we have to play for the RU GS R1 tournament so conctact me for schedule that. I'm gmt +1
    Sorry for the late response.

    I might be up for it today, I've just gotta make some finishing touches on a few of my teams.
    I'm also free everyday at pretty much any time of the day. If you don't mind using IRC, you'll always find me there on #pokemon, just leave me a PM and i'll answer asap !
    Hello. GMT+2 for my timezone, should be available on monday all the day, otherwise everyday from 9:00 to 11:00 PM, same timezone
    Hey, I'm you're opponent for UU open. Let's get together soon and figure out a time to do it. If you wanna talk on irc, tell me to which channel I should go. Hope to talk soon...and don't worry, I'm in your timezone.
    haha aite sounds good. I think I have you on skype? If not, add me:
    Skype name: MikeDecIsHere
    Yeah man, it was a joke haha. You should have tried out for metro though for WCOP on here :[
    When do you think you're going to be online? I suppose we live in very different time zones, so it's hard to catch each other online. Also with the deadline only a day and a few hours away, time is running out. How are we going to solve this?
    Sorry, I completely forgot I was going to a show at my sisters' school, which overran incredibly.

    I'm 100% sure I'll be available at 7pm (GMT+1) tomorrow though.
    Tomorrow I can battle between 5pm and 8pm my time. Friday I can battle between 4pm and 8pm.

    However, I think you are 5 hours behind me, so it would probably be more convenient for us to battle over the weekend. Also I can very rarely battle later than 8pm my time on any day.
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