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The Hitman
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  • when do you wanna play for lc open?
    im gmt+1 and will mostly be free during evenings
    Well I couldn't find you on smogtours or PS main server and wont be able to stay on much later.
    I can still make tomorrow, pick a server and I'll find you there at 10pm my time (If that works).
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    I was on, sorry I was on an alt lmao my bad. yeah that works fine, I'll be on the main server as Hitmanthe
    alright np
    ru tour, wen fite?
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    busy this weekend, what works best for you next week?
    play right now? if not, next tuesday before 3pm works
    first, nice avi lmao. 2nd, we're up for NULT Playoffs r2 when are you available? i'm gmt -5 and am available after 6 pm my time most days
    Hi! We're paired for RU Pride tourney. When are you free to play?
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    hey, does Sunday work for you? I'm free almost all day on Sunday. I'm GMT -5 btw
    yeah that works, I'm also free the whole day pretty much. I'll be on #rarelyused as makeup, I guess we can meet there or you can PM me whenever you're ready
    oh we have to fight for ru minitour, when will you be available this week? I'm probably available on wednesday from 2:30 PM till 11 PM, GMT+1. If you can't manage then we can try friday I suppose, I'll be available whenever then, but I'd prefer to get it done asap hehe. If you can play today that's perf too
    2 PM till whenever my time, honestly don't really mind. You can find me then on IRC as Fagtron and in a couple of PS rooms (PU/NU/RU/Doubles) under my smogon name
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    can you play sat/sun?
    I can play anytime, just hit me up whenever you are online, you know where to find me
    les fite minitour
    yeah i can play now (although i might have to play both this and smogtour at the same time, but that's w/e, OU is fast)
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    just let me know whenever you're ready, we can wait until after smogtour if it's better for you
    im on smogtours as purrl, lgi
    Hello, we have to play for RU minitour. I'm GMT+2, and can play next week on the nights. Tell me when you can do this
    So dude, it's been 40 min since the time of my 'last post in this' from yesterday, and I can't stay any longer.
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    yeah I fucked up, had a class run late, sorry man. you pick a time, i'm flexible friday and saturday
    Problem is, I can't play today (or tomorrow) and as far as I know deadline is today
    Hi there when are you willing to play for the RU Open? GMT -5 here.
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    also GMT -5, what day works best for you?
    Schedule is pretty open. Are you doing Smogon Tour this weekend? We could schedule the match before that tour starts.
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    yeah i'm going to try and play on saturday, if not then sunday for sure. in either case i'll be on showdow like 30 minutes before the tourney, hitmanthe. just shoot me a vm
    We fight OUtside the Box tourney, i'm est time, GMT -5, we u wanna go
    The Hitman
    The Hitman
    also EST conveniently enough, what time works for you this weekend?
    We can fight Saturday 10pm or l8r, or sunday, i have family over so i most likely be on @ night
    Today's the deadline, we need to play before 7... I'll be on smogtours from 5 until 7
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