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  • Hey dude, do you think max Speed in specs toed is worth it? I'm thinking of going 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD, how does that sound?
    Not to mention i would have run out pf PP with Hydro Pump. Also, I'm using Specs Toed again ^_^
    haha i actually do a mean asian accent irl

    too much russell peters rofl ;P
    Hi Pocket, just letting you know that you're link in your signature "How to Deal with Rain" doesn't lead anywhere. So uh, yeah. That's all.
    Thanks :D It's exclusively for the backbone part of teams but I have thought about what it would look like for the entire spectrum of playstyles.
    I was saying in general I wish we had suspect testing, that is it. And no, I am done arguing with you, nothing I say will ever change your opinion and nothing you say will ever change mine. Arguing again and again over the same shit is pointless. I respect your opinion completely, but I have my own opinion on the matter and it will not likely change.
    What I can do, however, is make the judgement call that the benefits of banning sand heavily outweigh the negatives, because I have actually played in both types of metagames. I voted to achieve the best metagame possible--something you seem to fail to understand.

    Also, like I said. I have something in mind to test a sand UU with the new stuff, so stop bringing that up. It's like you're arguing for the sake of arguing.

    And with that... I'm done with argument.
    It's a trade-off. We eliminate those effects, yes, but in return we get more diversity in the form of the viabilty of Cresselia, defensive Arcanine, more liberty in the use of LO, etc.

    Perhaps if you played UU as much as we do, you'd see it the same way as we do, but alas, you do not.
    Except it doesn't. There's no reason to use sand without Sand Rush abusers...

    So under your scenario you're effectively removing Sand as an actual playstyle, creating more bans, elongating the process for no particular reason, and aren't even getting rid of the entire problem because people might use Sand Stream Hippowdon instead of Sand Force (cutting down the effectiveness of a lot of things, further cutting into precious diversity).
    You do realize going your route would actually cause more bans, right? Sand Veil, Stoutland, and Sandslash as opposed to just Sand Stream...
    In that case, thanks.

    Also as for the "fewer bans = more diversity" argument, consider the fact that Sand Stream being banned allows us to bring back Hippowdon. So that's not always true.
    Hey can I get you to periodically look through the entries here and post whether they're good or not? You don't have to GP them, I'll do that. Thank you!
    heh, yeah I'm taking it over for BTzz, though I'll probably start writing in about 4 or 5 days to get some work done on my articles :P
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