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  • ok, so we're planning on about this time tomorrow (12:30 am EST) on the Pokemon Mexico server. Ill be on as laxbro
    hi, I'm your opponent for round 1 of grand slam. Im hoping to get a little more testing in, but could probably play Sunday or after that. Totally free on weekends, weekday after 8:30 or so EST because thats when I can use my computer that can run simulators. I'm on IRC frequently if you want to schedule
    I am nearly done with that check, I apologize, things have just come up during the course of me doing that check and I wanted to be as thorough as possible. It should be done by tonight. Again I apologize for the long wait >.>
    I would like to host a mixed tier tournament (3 OU and 3 UU). Do I need to specify rules in the thread, or can I just say standard rules apply?? I'm not planning on using a special ruleset or anything in this tournament. Just half OU and half UU.
    Water Gun: 116-140 (35.8 - 43.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (v. Choice Scarf Terrakion)

    obviously you come in on something like Close Combat and the opponent laughs at you for three turns

    except oh wait

    Close Combat: 146-172 (45.06 - 53.08%) -- 30.86% chance to 2HKO

    no I don't care about sp. def drops from CC you're facing Pelipper
    Alright go make my stuff better Pocket I know you have all the time in two worlds and love it... (in reference to the Smog)
    Smogon PO and PS down as well, are they not?

    All of that stuff is on the same server.
    like for the lists it seems as though people are just picking random pokemon and making a qc list for them (which seems disorganized!). maybe an index that assigns qc members specific mons or something could help? idk though maybe it isn't hectic haha
    yea that's a smart idea haha. is there an assignment list or are you guys just taking things as you go? because lol it still seems hectic XD
    is the goal of all of those threads to end up with one final list of revamps / updates with conclusions? I've been wondering that lol
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