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  • I can clone, and I can get the japanese game since I have a flashcart. Also Im going to be busy today, but let me know what is the plan and maybe tomorrow we can do this since Im interested.
    HP ice is better.since flamethrower can also cover grass for you :)
    Ans steel bugs ><
    i remember,i asked for a hasty deino for workup ><
    I don't care for balls, and yes I can clone for you np let me know when you want to trade.
    Okay, but in 10 minutes I've got anime so I'll only be on during the commercials. You might have to wait a bit. :) Good luck w/ your ice cream.
    Finished Pokeshifting, now looking for a pokecenter in White Forest (first visit) ;/

    What're you catching? Just give me a VM when you're ready!
    alrighty,if you wanna really push forward with the game,try turning the Battle Scenes off.

    I tried it,and the game was beaten in 4 hrs ><
    Saw your reply. Looks good. I'll pokeshift them real fast - are you free to trade in ~ 15 minutes?
    5 Credits to use on my thread,means that you can pick out any 5 pokes you want,whenever you want. And can you make it shiny like the Litwick?
    That's awesome,I wanted a Dusk ball Hasty Ice HP Deino, and you should get the Axew in a Luxury or Ultra ball.

    What are you looking for in return?
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