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  • What im saying,if i traded back,and if the nickname ever changed.(AR).it would change the data,which will make it hacked :o
    So the deino has my nicknamed encrypt forever <3
    Hi i don't want to abuse that 5-1 credit for the Heatran , i like this from your thread :
    Shiny Axew Adamant and Jolly in Dusk Ball / Shiny Litwick Timid HP Ice Premier Ball / Kyuremu Modest Shiny and Shiny Deino Timid , just tell if the trade is ok or if you need something else :p
    oh my, i wish you the best of luck thanks for taking this cp on. I figured it wouldnt be a walk in the park >.<
    :x its a modest np ice 70 (or flawless adamant or jolly) one i needed on my wants list sorry, i know its a weird thing to want.
    Sure. How does life orb and focus sash sound for the other two items?

    My FC is 5458 0159 1807
    Hi. I'd be more than willing to give you any 4 items in b/w for your:

    Axew (Shiny) UT Lvl 31
    Dusk Ball OR Luxury Ball
    Adamant OR Jolly [Adamant please]
    Caught on my new favorite seed. You will see this one for catches a lot. Each catch was on a different attempt. Collect 'em all!
    RNG Abuse used.
    Non Redis.
    well if you get a modest hp ice 70 thunderus id deffently be willing to pay three credits for it .. but thats if i get semi rights. two credits for no rights
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